The Trayvon hoax: The perfect example of what happens wh

Bullshit. No good reason? You aren't even trying to be honest.
Have you noticed how here on U.S. Message Board when a black person posts a story about someone alleging racial discrimination there are a core group of people who show up on the thread trolling it with every reason under the sun why the act allegedly was not racially motivated and that there is no proof that it was racially motivated (see as an example A black man in Michigan tried to deposit checks at his bank. The manager called police)

By the same token (no pun intended) I have observed all of the stated reasons why this same core group believes that Zimmerman had any valid legal reason to follow Martin which does not involve profiling, particularly of a racial nature. I've also seen the various attempts to reinterpret both the Florida stalking statutes as well as the statute which indicates that a person can not claim self-defense if they are the aggressor in an altercation.

On top of all of this, Zimmerman was not in compliance with the Neighborhood Watch regulations which didn't allow their members to carry weapons while engaging in Neighborhood Watch duties, that their role is to report what they deem suspicious activity but not to engage the "suspect" nor was in compliance with the admonishment presented on the Florida Department of Agriculture reminding people who have obtained a concealed carry permit that it is ONLY a permit to conceal carry a weapon and that the holder needs to be knowledgeable of the circumstances in which they can use deadly force for self-defense.

Lastly, if anyone watched the video where the police detective had Zimmerman walk them through what happened that night, it was clear that they were coaching him and pointing out the weaknesses in his "narrative" presumably so that he could correct them before having to defend himself in a court of law.

I've encountered plenty of individuals who for whatever reason don't have a criminal record, but once you start looking into their contact with law enforcement, what their ex significant others have to say about them in divorce proceedings, etc. a pattern often begins to emerge. Zimmerman has had multiple instances of violence against others including a law enforcement officer, but all of his crap always seems to get cleaned up.

People make mistakes, they often misinterpret situations, do the wrong thing or just totally screw up, but the thing about Zimmerman that cements my feelings for him is the fact that he stated that if he had the opportunity to do everything over again knowing now what he didn't know then - that Martin was a teen, that he was not "high" (not that that is any of his damn business) and that he was not armed - he still would have killed hiim.

Major asshole and hopefully one day he'll reap what he has sown.
Racial profiling does not make physical assault legal.
That’s like blaming provocative clothing for rape.
Self-defense is not a crime.

Exactly, Martin confronted Zimmerman in self-defense. He thought Zimmerman was out to kill him. And he was right.
That’s a champion in stupid responses.

Name-calling is always a clear indication one is losing a debate. Be specific--why I am I wrong?

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him while h screamed for help.

Your siding with the criminal thug, based on race, makes you the racist.

Martin witnessed that slimy Zimmerman stalking him. He didn't know him from a hole in the wall. He was probably thinking "I'm gonna kill this fucker before he kills me."

It all come down to one simple truth: But for the fact that Zimmerman followed Martin for no good reason, Martin would not be dead right now.

1. Zimmerman followed Martin, because he was a stranger in a gated community that matched the description of a suspected burglar. That is a good reason to follow someone.

2. Martin probably was provoked by the act of following. That his reaction to a provocation was a vicious physical attack, shows what type of person he was, ie a vicious thug.

3. Your ignoring all of this, because of race, makes you the racist.
Leftists want to make assaulting and killing whites and police officers legal for blacks, is all. Also burglary, armed robbery, rape, shoplifting, drugs produced by violent homicidal cartels and gangs, all the good stuff in black sub-human Hood culture and glorified by scumbag rappers and hip hop vermin.
Exactly, Martin confronted Zimmerman in self-defense. He thought Zimmerman was out to kill him. And he was right.
That’s a champion in stupid responses.

Name-calling is always a clear indication one is losing a debate. Be specific--why I am I wrong?

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him while h screamed for help.

Your siding with the criminal thug, based on race, makes you the racist.

Martin witnessed that slimy Zimmerman stalking him. He didn't know him from a hole in the wall. He was probably thinking "I'm gonna kill this fucker before he kills me."

It all come down to one simple truth: But for the fact that Zimmerman followed Martin for no good reason, Martin would not be dead right now.
That’s all conjecture. You can’t attack someone based on what you think they might do. That’s just stupid.

Sure you can. If you are a violent thug, with a hair trigger.

Which foreveryoung believes that Martin was.

Yet he still sides with him, based on race.
Self-defense is not a crime.

Exactly, Martin confronted Zimmerman in self-defense. He thought Zimmerman was out to kill him. And he was right.
That’s a champion in stupid responses.

Name-calling is always a clear indication one is losing a debate. Be specific--why I am I wrong?

Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him while h screamed for help.

Your siding with the criminal thug, based on race, makes you the racist.

Martin witnessed that slimy Zimmerman stalking him. He didn't know him from a hole in the wall. He was probably thinking "I'm gonna kill this fucker before he kills me."

It all come down to one simple truth: But for the fact that Zimmerman followed Martin for no good reason, Martin would not be dead right now.

Martin witnessed that slimy Zimmerman stalking him.

Should have called 911 and walked home.

He was probably thinking "I'm gonna kill this fucker before he kills me."

Last stupid mistake Trayvon ever made.
But for the fact that Zimmerman followed Martin for no good reason, Martin would not be dead right now.

Stupid punk would have been shot by someone else by now.
You can't fix stupid.

Time and again we see the msm demonstrate that it is not about the truth which they avoid like the is not even about the news....what they are all about is propaganda ....spewing propaganda 24-7

(Natural News) An investigative journalist is supposed to be someone who digs deep, sometimes working for years to expose the truth about a single crime that’s been committed, corruption that has gone undiscovered, fraud that has left people destitute, and so on.

Also known as watchdog journalism, the investigative journalist shines a light on what others have gone to great lengths to hide. The goal of this type of journalism? To trigger change, reveal what has been hidden, and get to the truth of what really happened in any given situation.

While the mainstream media focuses on simply reporting the news, investigative journalists work hard to get to the truth behind some of those stories – or at least that’s what they’re supposed to do.

In recent years, however, it seems as though investigative journalists – like many in the mainstream media – have either become incredibly lazy or are actively working to spread misinformation. Either way, the real truth about many of the stories we are fed on the news just never gets exposed anymore.

A perfect example of this is the tragic death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, an unarmed African American high school student who was shot to death by neighborhood watch coordinator, George Zimmerman. The media portrayed the incident as a racially motivated killing, never stopping to check the true facts of the case. Everybody took sides, and racial strife on a scale not seen in decades resulted.

The Trayvon hoax: The perfect example of what happens when investigative journalists don't do their jobs

Zimmerman's life SHOULD have been destroyed. In fact, he rightfully should be in prison for life. (He's had several unrelated brushes with the law since this case.) He executed a young man for going out on a drizzly night to buy a drink and a snack to eat while watching an NBA game on TV. The dispatcher told him it was unnecessary for him to follow the lad. And now he has the gall to sue the parents of the victim of his crime for 100 million dollars, adding insult to injury!

He was attacked, and shot in self defense.
Nothing else that happened to Zimmerman before or since, matters.
Doesn't matter what the dispatcher said. Me following you, doesn't give you a right to attack me.

Exactly.....what a lot of the libbies do not know is that Trayvon had took off running....had completely eluded George on that dark and rainy night....had in fact run home ....but.....he did not stay home. In fact he went back to confront George...and sucker punched George whilst George was trying to call 911 again to report that Trayvon had returned.

Yeah, and he was smashing head against the pavement.

Trayvon was a thug. Trayvon was a criminal. Zimmerman was a guy tired of good people being abused by the criminals.

As far as I'm concerned, and ever even semi-decent human being is concerned, Trayvon got what he rightfully and morally deserved, and society is better off for it. We need hundreds of Trayvons. Thousand even.

I think you meant to say we need thousands of Zimmermans. G-d forbid. He's not exactly a model citizen. Do you know he's had a couple of brushes with the law since then, completely unrelated to Martin? I've never had a brush with the law, and neither have most law-abiding citizens.

As for Martin, he was a teen. People's brains don't even develop fully until they're 25. If I see someone seemingly following me at night, and that's happened, I immediately get scared for my life. Martin probably felt scared for his, and if he saw the gun that Zimmerman was carrying, then in his mind he was fighting for his life against an armed man.

If I see someone seemingly following me at night, and that's happened, I immediately get scared for my life.

I hope you'd call 911, instead of doing something stupid.
Bullshit. No good reason? You aren't even trying to be honest.
Have you noticed how here on U.S. Message Board when a black person posts a story about someone alleging racial discrimination there are a core group of people who show up on the thread trolling it with every reason under the sun why the act allegedly was not racially motivated and that there is no proof that it was racially motivated (see as an example A black man in Michigan tried to deposit checks at his bank. The manager called police)

By the same token (no pun intended) I have observed all of the stated reasons why this same core group believes that Zimmerman had any valid legal reason to follow Martin which does not involve profiling, particularly of a racial nature. I've also seen the various attempts to reinterpret both the Florida stalking statutes as well as the statute which indicates that a person can not claim self-defense if they are the aggressor in an altercation.

On top of all of this, Zimmerman was not in compliance with the Neighborhood Watch regulations which didn't allow their members to carry weapons while engaging in Neighborhood Watch duties, that their role is to report what they deem suspicious activity but not to engage the "suspect" nor was in compliance with the admonishment presented on the Florida Department of Agriculture reminding people who have obtained a concealed carry permit that it is ONLY a permit to conceal carry a weapon and that the holder needs to be knowledgeable of the circumstances in which they can use deadly force for self-defense.

Lastly, if anyone watched the video where the police detective had Zimmerman walk them through what happened that night, it was clear that they were coaching him and pointing out the weaknesses in his "narrative" presumably so that he could correct them before having to defend himself in a court of law.

I've encountered plenty of individuals who for whatever reason don't have a criminal record, but once you start looking into their contact with law enforcement, what their ex significant others have to say about them in divorce proceedings, etc. a pattern often begins to emerge. Zimmerman has had multiple instances of violence against others including a law enforcement officer, but all of his crap always seems to get cleaned up.

People make mistakes, they often misinterpret situations, do the wrong thing or just totally screw up, but the thing about Zimmerman that cements my feelings for him is the fact that he stated that if he had the opportunity to do everything over again knowing now what he didn't know then - that Martin was a teen, that he was not "high" (not that that is any of his damn business) and that he was not armed - he still would have killed hiim.

Major asshole and hopefully one day he'll reap what he has sown.

1. I think if you paid more attention, and were less focused on race, you would see that the group you describe do not pounce on BLACKS that post stories accusing racism, but on LIBERALS, regardless of race that accuse racism.

2. The reasons are, imo, twofold. Number one, false accusations of racism is a real issue that is tearing this nation apart, and secondly, you guys are low hanging fruit. YOu generally can't back up your accusations with anything more than, "are you serious" and thus we get the pleasure of crushing you, with little effort, very quickly.

3. Martin was a stranger is a gated community, that matched the description of a reported local burglar. Zimmerman was a neighbor hood watch commander. That is a valid and legal reason to follow Martin.

4. Not following the regulations does not validate Martin's attack.

5. The testimony of ex's is not credible. Citing divorce records, is not credible.

6. Your lust for vengeance based on race, makes you a racist.
Leftists want to make assaulting and killing whites and police officers legal for blacks, is all. Also burglary, armed robbery, rape, shoplifting, drugs produced by violent homicidal cartels and gangs, all the good stuff in black sub-human Hood culture and glorified by scumbag rappers and hip ho
p vermin.

Of course, I don't want white OR black police officers to be killed by criminals.

In this particular case, and I judge each case individually, Zimmerman was not only NOT a police officer, but he didn't even follow his neighborhood watchman protocol. And Martin committed no crime in this instance until the confrontation happened.
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I was among the many people who were astonished by the decision.

I had expected a guilty verdict because of all the media publicity in favor of the young man.

I admired the jury for returning what they considered to be a correct verdict based on the facts.

I was very disappointed when the then president went on national TV and discussed the case in a very emotional manner.
Obama used several incidents between police and Blacks to inflame American Black people. He began with a minor confrontation between Professor Gates and the Cambridge Police and continued with Trayvon and Michael Brown, etc. Denigrating the Police and inflaming Black people was one part of Obama's plan to "Transform America".
Have you noticed how here on U.S. Message Board when a black person posts a story about someone alleging racial discrimination there are a core group of people who show up on the thread trolling it with every reason under the sun why the act allegedly was not racially motivated and that there is no proof that it was racially motivated


Yes, as a matter of fact, I HAVE noticed a core group of racist black posters who blame white people for their own deficiencies, and who initiate endless postings that act as flame bait rather than discussion due to the finger-pointing nature of their hateful screed.

People showing up to call them on their bull shit are simply reacting to the flame bait.

At the end of the day, you do not have the right to beat an Hispanic man's head into the pavement simply because you think that is your privilege by nature of your skin color. Was he following Martin? Yes. Did he have a reason for doing so? Yes. Did Martin fit the description of a person responsible for crimes? Yes. Did Martin live in the neighborhood? No. When Martin confronted Zimmerman, did he merely ask why he was being followed? No. Did Martin beat Zimmerman's head into the pavement until it was a bloody? yes. Does he have the right to do that? No. Was Zimmerman right to fear for his life? Very likely.

The problem with black racists such as yourself is that race infuses EVERYTHING with you and so you are unable to ask these simple questions. You are too busy playing the victim card to the hilt to do so. Yeah, we get it -- you hate non blacks. You vomit forth your hatred on a daily basis. That doesn't give you the right to assault anybody who looks at you the wrong way, and the very fact that so many black people are like you and DO feel the privilege to assault anybody you want due to your racial hatred is the very reason people like Zimmerman act suspiciously.

It's a two way street, lady. Start dealing with all your own fucking racism and maybe less of it will be reflected back on you.
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

Kudos for you for admitting that you did not know everything, and for going and reviewing the actual data.
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then.

Trayvon's mistake trying to kill such a shady character, eh?
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?

I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?

I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."

This is something that was reported from the beginning. I'm surprised you never heard of it.
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?

I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."

Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?

I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."

This is something that was reported from the beginning. I'm surprised you never heard of it.

The dispatcher is not his superior.
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?

I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."

Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?

I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."

Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

THe dispatcher was not his boss. The dispatcher was right to tell Zimmerman not to follow a potentially dangerous person in the dark.

It is completely understandable that Zimmerman wanted to follow Martin so that he could direct the cops to find and question him.

It is not understandable that Martin was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman and beating him while he screamed for help.

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