The Trayvon hoax: The perfect example of what happens wh

Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?

I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."

Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman.

And they both had a lot more sense than Trayvon.
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?

I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."

Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.
Having read an account of the case on the Internet just now, I would say both parties behaved badly. It wasn't such a clear-cut case of right and wrong. Zimmerman was somewhat of a shady character in his own right, having had a couple of brushes with law since then. He was not on active neighborhood watch at the time of the incident, and had been told by his "superiors" not to continue to follow Martin. Clearly, he was overzealous. The article said he did not identify himself to Martin. If this is true, it would increase Martin's defenses about this stranger. Perhaps Martin saw the gun. Incidentally (although Zimmerman could not have known this), Martin had a perfect right to be there, since he was staying with his dad's fiancee at the time. Although Martin clearly overreacted, his age and inexperience should also be taken into account. To repeat, the case is not so black-and-white.

What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?

I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."

Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.
What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?

I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."

Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

Neighborhood watch are not subordinate to the cops. His "superiors" would have been the people in charge of the neighborhood watch.
What superiors? Where did you dig up or make up that bullshit?

I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."

Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

If you don't know, STFU moron!
I didn't make it up. The dispatcher asked him, "What are you doing now?" Slimy Zimmerman responded, "I'm following him." The dispatcher then said, "OK, we don't need you to do that."

Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

If you don't know, STFU moron!

You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.
Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

If you don't know, STFU moron!

You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.

Plus, he was not even on active watch duty that night.
Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

If you don't know, STFU moron!

You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.

The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin.

Zimmermann had a committee?
Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

If you don't know, STFU moron!

You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.

He did not want the suspect to get away, without being questioned by the police as to what he was doing in the gated community.

That is a completely valid reason, even though he was being overzealous.
...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

If you don't know, STFU moron!

You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.

The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin.

Zimmermann had a committee?

Whatever kind of amateur, vigilante, cop-wannabe organization that he belonged to.
Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

If you don't know, STFU moron!

You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.

The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin.

Zimmermann had a committee?

Whatever kind of amateur, vigilante, cop-wannabe organization that he belonged to.

He was talking to the community watch? Are you sure he wasn't talking to 911 instead?
The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

If you don't know, STFU moron!

You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.

The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin.

Zimmermann had a committee?

Whatever kind of amateur, vigilante, cop-wannabe organization that he belonged to.

He was talking to the community watch? Are you sure he wasn't talking to 911 instead?

As I understand it, he was talking to the community watch. If he was talking to 911, that would be an even bigger reason for him to listen to them.
Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

If you don't know, STFU moron!

You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.

The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin.

Zimmermann had a committee?

Whatever kind of amateur, vigilante, cop-wannabe organization that he belonged to.

Neighborhood watch. Completely normal and healthy.
If you don't know, STFU moron!

You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.

The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin.

Zimmermann had a committee?

Whatever kind of amateur, vigilante, cop-wannabe organization that he belonged to.

He was talking to the community watch? Are you sure he wasn't talking to 911 instead?

As I understand it, he was talking to the community watch. If he was talking to 911, that would be an even bigger reason for him to listen to them.

As I understand it, he was talking to the community watch.

Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police

Looks like you're mistaken.
You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.

The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin.

Zimmermann had a committee?

Whatever kind of amateur, vigilante, cop-wannabe organization that he belonged to.

He was talking to the community watch? Are you sure he wasn't talking to 911 instead?

As I understand it, he was talking to the community watch. If he was talking to 911, that would be an even bigger reason for him to listen to them.

As I understand it, he was talking to the community watch.

Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police

Looks like you're mistaken.

OK, but that just strengthens my case even more. The police trumps the community watch, and they told him not to follow Martin. Thanx!
The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin.

Zimmermann had a committee?

Whatever kind of amateur, vigilante, cop-wannabe organization that he belonged to.

He was talking to the community watch? Are you sure he wasn't talking to 911 instead?

As I understand it, he was talking to the community watch. If he was talking to 911, that would be an even bigger reason for him to listen to them.

As I understand it, he was talking to the community watch.

Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police

Looks like you're mistaken.

OK, but that just strengthens my case even more. The police trumps the community watch, and they told him not to follow Martin. Thanx!

OK, but that just strengthens my case even more.

Why? An operator at the 911 switchboard isn't a cop or Zimmermann's commanding officer.

The police trumps the community watch, and they told him not to follow Martin.

You're still confused. Operator not a cop. He's under no obligation to follow his suggestion.
Besides, after the operator said that, Zimmermann said he would meet the cops by the mailboxes.
Trayvon is the moron who escaped and then came back to get "the creepy ass cracka".


You're welcome. I'm always happy to clear up your confusion.
Whatever kind of amateur, vigilante, cop-wannabe organization that he belonged to.

He was talking to the community watch? Are you sure he wasn't talking to 911 instead?

As I understand it, he was talking to the community watch. If he was talking to 911, that would be an even bigger reason for him to listen to them.

As I understand it, he was talking to the community watch.

Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police

Looks like you're mistaken.

OK, but that just strengthens my case even more. The police trumps the community watch, and they told him not to follow Martin. Thanx!

OK, but that just strengthens my case even more.

Why? An operator at the 911 switchboard isn't a cop or Zimmermann's commanding officer.

The police trumps the community watch, and they told him not to follow Martin.

You're still confused. Operator not a cop. He's under no obligation to follow his suggestion.
Besides, after the operator said that, Zimmermann said he would meet the cops by the mailboxes.
Trayvon is the moron who escaped and then came back to get "the creepy ass cracka".


You're welcome. I'm always happy to clear up your confusion.

So let's get this timeline straight. After the operator told him not to follow Martin, and slimy Zimmerman said, "I'm going to follow him cuz these assholes always get away"...when was this meeting at the mailbox supposed to happen? And what was Martin escaping from? He did nothing wrong. Are you saying Martin went home and then came back? Looks like Zimmerman and Martin should've auditioned for the parts in "Dumb and Dumber."
He was talking to the community watch? Are you sure he wasn't talking to 911 instead?

As I understand it, he was talking to the community watch. If he was talking to 911, that would be an even bigger reason for him to listen to them.

As I understand it, he was talking to the community watch.

Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police

Looks like you're mistaken.

OK, but that just strengthens my case even more. The police trumps the community watch, and they told him not to follow Martin. Thanx!

OK, but that just strengthens my case even more.

Why? An operator at the 911 switchboard isn't a cop or Zimmermann's commanding officer.

The police trumps the community watch, and they told him not to follow Martin.

You're still confused. Operator not a cop. He's under no obligation to follow his suggestion.
Besides, after the operator said that, Zimmermann said he would meet the cops by the mailboxes.
Trayvon is the moron who escaped and then came back to get "the creepy ass cracka".


You're welcome. I'm always happy to clear up your confusion.

So let's get this timeline straight. After the operator told him not to follow Martin, and slimy Zimmerman said, "I'm going to follow him cuz these assholes always get away"...when was this meeting at the mailbox supposed to happen? And what was Martin escaping from? He did nothing wrong. Are you saying Martin went home and then came back? Looks like Zimmerman and Martin should've auditioned for the parts in "Dumb and Dumber."

After the operator told him not to follow Martin, and slimy Zimmerman said, "I'm going to follow him cuz these assholes always get away"..



See, after the operator said, "we don't need you to do that"
Trayvon ran away. See, George said, "He ran".


Seconds later, Zimmermann said, "I don't know where this kid is".

If the thug had walked home, or called 911, instead of going back, he'd have survived the night.

Are you saying Martin went home and then came back?

Yup, came back and hit Zimmermann from behind.
Hey dumbass! That was the 911 dispatcher.

...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

If you don't know, STFU moron!

You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.

He was not told by any fucking committee, you ignorant dipshit! He was talking to a 911 dispatcher who is NOT a police officer!
...who had alot more sense than Zimmerman. And if you support Zimmerman, then more sense than you too.

Apparently everyone has more sense than you because we knew the dispatcher has no right to decide one way or the other, and the fact that you thought the dispatcher was the neighborhood watch coordinator.

The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." I don't have a transcript or recording of the call. The "we" could be the use of a popular expression, OR he could have been talking to other ppl in the room, including those in superior positions. As I said, I don't know.

If you don't know, STFU moron!

You're just an idiot. No use talking to you. The point is that he told by his committee not to follow Martin. There was no reason to be so overzealous when the youth was not committing any crime at all.

He was not told by any fucking committee, you ignorant dipshit! He was talking to a 911 dispatcher who is NOT a police officer!

I'm not impressed by your tough guy attitude. You should know that you only come off sounding like a freaking lunatic, so calm down and act like a normal human being. The committee refers to his watchmen organization. 911 trumps that. It's the police dept. 911 dispatchers are trained by the police dept. That trumps vigilante justice, especially when no crime had been committed. Who is Zimmerman to you anyway, your hero? The guy has been in trouble with the law himself, in cases unrelated to this one.

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