The true goal of NWO servants like Merkel, Macron, Putin & Co: The 'Vaccine' which kill you within one year


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
It coming more and more information, the entirely Covid-19 'pandemic' is a tremendous lie targeting as goal the depopulation of humanity by 99%.
Nothing is interesting for devil servants like aforementioned criminals and their 'colleagues' in other countries. In the Name of Covid Lie they abolished constitutions and numerous laws.
There are more and more information coming out, so -called Corona virus is no more harmless as flu.
But nothing is interesting for NWO. Nothing.

look for example here how Merkel and her gang prohibit protests against murderous vaccine, muzzles and schizophrenic lock-downs.
Unfortunately NWO presstitute like YOUTUBE deletes such videos immediately, therefor you can see videos only on this page.

The translation is below.

Protest against Corona measures in Berlin: Look at this harassment against a participant!
The Berlin police is working hard on bio-Germans. They prefer to steer clear of migrants . But dumb German is satisfied with Merkel and the restriction of basic rights. Therefore everything is ok.
Here is another video from Berlin that shows how the basic rights of citizens are being violated:

The entirely independent internet is full of warnings regarding NWO 'vaccine' which injects to you the TRUE VIRUS and you will die.

The reason: There are too much humans, Merkel, Bill Gates, NWO, Putin & Co wants to have not more as 100m on the planet due to the Clime protection

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Source Links:
Judge Says Microsoft Wields Monopoly Power Over Rivals

Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India

Centre shuts health mission gate on Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Calls in India for legal action against US charity

Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?

Anti-Fertility Vaccines

HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World

(Great article linking to sources, very shareable-->)Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination

Mutant Strains Of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio

More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus Microsoft Govt Partners

Microsoft Deals With Government:

Accountability of International NGOs: Human Rights Violations in Healthcare Provision in Developing Countries and the Effectiveness of Current Measures

Bill and Melinda Gates pledge biggest-ever charitable donation - $10 billion - in call for 'Decade of Vaccines'

First Results of Phase 3 Trial of RTS,S/AS01 Malaria Vaccine in African Children

The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment

Why is the Gates Foundation Investing in GM Giant Monsanto?

Opening Ceremony of 2019 Military World Games

Bill Gates My Father Headed Planned Parenthood

The people pushing this are relentless. They will never stop and use anything or any event to promote their vision. And it is slowly working. Less and less people are aware of this. Or do not care much.
It coming more and more information, the entirely Covid-19 'pandemic' is a tremendous lie targeting as goal the depopulation of humanity by 99%.
Nothing is interesting for devil servants like aforementioned criminals and their 'colleagues' in other countries. In the Name of Covid Lie they abolished constitutions and numerous laws.
There are more and more information coming out, so -called Corona virus is no more harmless as flu.
But nothing is interesting for NWO. Nothing.

look for example here how Merkel and her gang prohibit protests against murderous vaccine, muzzles and schizophrenic lock-downs.
Unfortunately NWO presstitute like YOUTUBE deletes such videos immediately, therefor you can see videos only on this page.

The translation is below.

Protest against Corona measures in Berlin: Look at this harassment against a participant!
The Berlin police is working hard on bio-Germans. They prefer to steer clear of migrants . But dumb German is satisfied with Merkel and the restriction of basic rights. Therefore everything is ok.
Here is another video from Berlin that shows how the basic rights of citizens are being violated:

The entirely independent internet is full of warnings regarding NWO 'vaccine' which injects to you the TRUE VIRUS and you will die.

The reason: There are too much humans, Merkel, Bill Gates, NWO, Putin & Co wants to have not more as 100m on the planet due to the Clime protection


Merkel is a German chemist by training. Their vaccine probably won't kill everybody, just the Jews and Poles.
It coming more and more information, the entirely Covid-19 'pandemic' is a tremendous lie targeting as goal the depopulation of humanity by 99%.
Nothing is interesting for devil servants like aforementioned criminals and their 'colleagues' in other countries. In the Name of Covid Lie they abolished constitutions and numerous laws.
There are more and more information coming out, so -called Corona virus is no more harmless as flu.
But nothing is interesting for NWO. Nothing.

look for example here how Merkel and her gang prohibit protests against murderous vaccine, muzzles and schizophrenic lock-downs.
Unfortunately NWO presstitute like YOUTUBE deletes such videos immediately, therefor you can see videos only on this page.

The translation is below.

Protest against Corona measures in Berlin: Look at this harassment against a participant!
The Berlin police is working hard on bio-Germans. They prefer to steer clear of migrants . But dumb German is satisfied with Merkel and the restriction of basic rights. Therefore everything is ok.
Here is another video from Berlin that shows how the basic rights of citizens are being violated:

The entirely independent internet is full of warnings regarding NWO 'vaccine' which injects to you the TRUE VIRUS and you will die.

The reason: There are too much humans, Merkel, Bill Gates, NWO, Putin & Co wants to have not more as 100m on the planet due to the Clime protection


No way I'm taking it
No matter what happens in the end, I thought this was a great article.

Whether the vaccine will kill you, whether it makes everyone sterile except a clean vaccine only for the global oligarchs and celebrity class, or if things are just as the propaganda is telling folks, which, at this point, IMO, you would have to be a fool to believe, one thing is certain, the world is a very different place now.

The Rise of American Caesars

". . . The UN report demonstrates our inability to see consequences when we act hastily. What if the closure of markets does lead to hundreds of thousands more deaths from privation than those caused by the Chinese Communist Party virus? Who is at fault for those poor dead people?

As for Murphy’s comment about the Bill of Rights, “That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” think again, governor. The Bill of Rights isn’t above anyone’s pay grade. In fact, the First Amendment to the Constitution has nothing to do with pay grades. The rights included in that amendment are neither fictitious nor are they endowed on citizens by the government. They are the natural rights of all human beings. Let’s look once more at a single sentence that should be emblazoned in the minds of all Americans:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Got it, governor?

When this epidemic ends, it’s time to ask many of our elected officials and bureaucrats one simple question:

“Just who in the world do you think you are?”

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