The true strength of Conservatism


Craig Williams
Feb 23, 2013
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Why don't you put all those links together, make a choker, and choke yourself to death. Just get it over with and stop all the suffering. :(
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Why don't you put all those links together, make a choker, and choke yourself to death. Just get it over with and stop all the suffering. :(

More hatred spewing from the liberals.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Sounds and awful bit like something which might have been written by Hitler, Stalin or Mao.
Our eleventh link is extreme gullibility which believes whenever anywhere in the world anything goes wrong, it is Obama's fault, and whatever anyone makes up about Obama which portrays him or the Democrats in a bad light is gospel truth (see first link). This is our weakest link.
UnConservatives are afraid of Muslims, gays, Mexicans, and blacks with free cell phones.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Well done, CaGOPatriot! As you have already seen, you can expect violent, moronic, sophomoric responses from the leftist lunatic fringe in this forum.

A belated WELCOME to this forum. I'm sure you've already identified who the sociopaths and psychopaths are..........all LEFTISTS, of course.
There's a Muslim terrorist under your bed from the Friends of Hamas. He is coming to confiscate your guns to give them to Obama so they can be smuggled over the border to Mexican drug lords who voted in our elections to defeat Romney.
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There's a Muslim terrorist under your bed from the Friends of Hamas. He is coming to confiscate your guns to give them to Obama so they can be smuggled over the border to Mexican drug lords who voted in our elections to defeat Romney.

I think you forgot to add that Obama was watching it all in real time.
There's a Muslim terrorist under your bed from the Friends of Hamas. He is coming to confiscate your guns to give them to Obama so they can be smuggled over the border to Mexican drug lords who voted in our elections to defeat Romney.

Careful now, I would recommend that you put "sarcasm alert" as an addendum to your post, otherwise we'll see your words repeated on Fox News in this form:

Some people are saying, "There's a Muslim terrorist under your bed from the Friends of Hamas. He is coming to confiscate your guns to give them to Obama so they can be smuggled over the border to Mexican drug lords who voted in our elections to defeat Romney"
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This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Whoa, excuse me, I passed out momentarily due to a platitude overdose.


Now, where were we?

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This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Conservatives had nothing to do with the formation of this country. If they had..we'd have a king.

Simple as that.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Whoa, excuse, I passed out momentarily due to a platitude overdose.


Now, where were we?


God, country and king?

This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Sounds and awful bit like something which might have been written by Hitler, Stalin or Mao.

Those three were into bondage, suffering, and murdering their own citizenry.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

CaGOPatriot YOU are the weakest link! Goodbye.:tongue:

Actually science has proven that conservatives are afraid...much more so than liberals. The recent studies on the brains of both reveal that showing each the same picture of an emotionally-charged image instills fear in the brains of conservatives and different areas of the brain light up for both in completely different situations....Scientists believe that this is why conservatives go to war easily and why they are willing to sacrifice liberty for security...I will post the link....(Not trolling, Craig, I am giving information)

. We found that greater liberalism was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex, whereas greater conservatism was associated with increased volume of the right amygdala...
...[O]ur findings are consistent with the proposal that political orientation is associated with psychological processes for managing fear and uncertainty. The amygdala has many functions, including fear processing. Individuals with a larger amygdala are more sensitive to fear, which, taken together with our findings, might suggest the testable hypothesis that individuals with larger amagdala are more inclined to integrate conservative views into their belief systems... our finding of an association between anterior cingulate cortex [ACC] may be linked with tolerance to uncertainty. One of the functions of the anterior cingulate cortex is to monitor uncertainty and conflicts. Thus it is conceivable that individuals with a larger ACC have a higher capacity to tolerate uncertainty and conflicts, allowing them to accept more liberal views."
Ryota Kanai, PhD, Tom Feilden, Colin Firth, and Geraint Rees, PhD, "Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults," Current Biology, Apr. 7, 2011

[url=]Differences in Conservative and Liberal Brains - 2012 Presidential Election -
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We did have a king....and a dynasty....George Bush Sr. and Jr. descend from King Hugh Capet of France...and Jeb is thinking about making it the third in the dynasty...Its all online in royal genealogy..

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