The true strength of Conservatism

We did have a king....and a dynasty....George Bush Sr. and Jr. descend from King Hugh Capet of France...and Jeb is thinking about making it the third in the dynasty...Its all online in royal genealogy..

With the way liberals bow and scrape before Obama I thought you had already made him king.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Sounds and awful bit like something which might have been written by Hitler, Stalin or Mao.

Those three were into bondage, suffering, and murdering their own citizenry.

That's true, but that's not what they wrote. See the highlighted word above?
There's a Muslim terrorist under your bed from the Friends of Hamas. He is coming to confiscate your guns to give them to Obama so they can be smuggled over the border to Mexican drug lords who voted in our elections to defeat Romney.

Careful now, I would recommend that you put "sarcasm alert" as an addendum to your post, otherwise we'll see your words repeated on Fox News in this form:

Some people are saying, "There's a Muslim terrorist under your bed from the Friends of Hamas. He is coming to confiscate your guns to give them to Obama so they can be smuggled over the border to Mexican drug lords who voted in our elections to defeat Romney"

Yes! A sarcasm alert is most certainly needed.
We did have a king....and a dynasty....George Bush Sr. and Jr. descend from King Hugh Capet of France...and Jeb is thinking about making it the third in the dynasty...Its all online in royal genealogy..

With the way liberals bow and scrape before Obama I thought you had already made him king.

You seem to be challenged by reality. There is a good deal of criticism on Obama's use of drones and his employment of wall streeters in his administration, on MSNBC, on NPR, on PBS and in the MSM, Print and broadcast. Likely you wouldn't know because Limbaugh or Hannity have told you differently.
We did have a king....and a dynasty....George Bush Sr. and Jr. descend from King Hugh Capet of France...and Jeb is thinking about making it the third in the dynasty...Its all online in royal genealogy..

With the way liberals bow and scrape before Obama I thought you had already made him king.

You seem to be challenged by reality. There is a good deal of criticism on Obama's use of drones and his employment of wall streeters in his administration, on MSNBC, on NPR, on PBS and in the MSM, Print and broadcast. Likely you wouldn't know because Limbaugh or Hannity have told you differently.

The news sources you mention are known for their lies.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Why don't you put all those links together, make a choker, and choke yourself to death. Just get it over with and stop all the suffering. :(

More hatred spewing from the liberals.

Esmeralda is so ugly she can scare a rainbow sticker off of a Prius.
With the way liberals bow and scrape before Obama I thought you had already made him king.

You seem to be challenged by reality. There is a good deal of criticism on Obama's use of drones and his employment of wall streeters in his administration, on MSNBC, on NPR, on PBS and in the MSM, Print and broadcast. Likely you wouldn't know because Limbaugh or Hannity have told you differently.

The news sources you mention are known for their lies.

So they are lying about being critical of the President's drone program? Do you even realize you make little sense?
You seem to be challenged by reality. There is a good deal of criticism on Obama's use of drones and his employment of wall streeters in his administration, on MSNBC, on NPR, on PBS and in the MSM, Print and broadcast. Likely you wouldn't know because Limbaugh or Hannity have told you differently.

The news sources you mention are known for their lies.

So they are lying about being critical of the President's drone program? Do you even realize you make little sense?

Those news outlets are liberal liars and everything they say needs to be questioned.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Yup, must suck to be you...
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Yup, must suck to be you...

It never sucks to be a conservative patriot. But as a liberal you will never know this.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Yup, must suck to be you...

It never sucks to be a conservative patriot. But as a liberal you will never know this.

I think I'm fine living with reality, thank you.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

No one takes your post seriously after this point.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Fruitloops, unite, we have no minds to lose.:cuckoo:
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Sounds and awful bit like something which might have been written by Hitler, Stalin or Mao.

idk about Stalin or Mao, but otherwise, yes! :eek:

"We have founded a system based on the most sincere foundation there is, namely: Form your life yourself! Work for your existence! Help yourself and God will help you!"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Wilhelmshaven (Apr. 1, 1939)

"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life"
-- Adolf Hitler; from national proclamation (Feb. 1, 1933)

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
-- Adolf Hitler, Speech in Berlin, October 24, 1933
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

1. Which God is that?
2. Have you read the Constitution?
3. Patriotism doesn't mean you get your way every time. If you place your own "values" above our nation - you're not a patriot.
4. Saying "fiscal responsibility" does not mean you know what it means. What exactly are you recommending?
5. Lowering taxes is just a line. Lower it to what level? At what point is it low enough? What do you suggest we stop doing?
6. What does empowering capitalism mean? Do you suggest we remove all of the rules and let them do what they please? Google "company store" and let me know if that sounds good to you.
7. How strong a military power do you want and, with all of the tax lowering going on, how do you intend to pay for it?
8. How do we go about making the world safe?
9. What part of government do you want to shrink? Are you willing to shrink those parts which affect you, or only those parts which affect others?
10. Ahhhh... so the part of government you don't want to shrink or stop from intruding in the citizen's lives are those parts which enforce your values over the values of others. That's true freedom loving, that is.

Let me just say that I have no desire for guaranteed security. I don't trust your idea of security even a little bit. I strongly suspect your concept of security and freedom is your right to live as you please and my right to live as you require. If that is what conservatism means today, then I wish no part of it.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Yup, must suck to be you...

It never sucks to be a conservative patriot. But as a liberal you will never know this.

Damn dude. It must really suck to be you. I mean, after all, while you present yourself as an uber conservative, you have just had your ass handed to you by a bunch of those liberals you hate so much.

You really should tell your masters that IF the "conservatives" just had a couple of successes to point to in the past, then maybe more people would listen to what the conservatives have to say.

What's that old saying; actions speak louder than words. And from where I sit, rethugs are all mouth, no actions.
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

Okay, let's look at this list.

Your first link is an imaginary sky pixie. Got it.

Your second link is devotion to a piece of paper. Just the parts you like. The parts you don't like, you pretend aren't there.

You really think liberals aren't every bit as patriotic as you are? Frankly, you guys are the ones running down our elected president every day. When people did that to Bush, you called them "unpatriotic".

Your fourth and fifth links are contradictory. You can't lower taxes in a fiscally responsible way.

Sixth link. Capitalism IS repression.

Your seventh and eighth links- Why do we need to be the world's policeman? Its seems we mostly get into fights that have nothing to do with us, and we bankrupt oursevles in the process. Do you really care which tribe wins the Afghan Civil War? I don't.

Tenth link- exactly how does two gay people getting married effect your life in any way, shape or form?
This country is being held hostage by liberal socialists who serve no one but the welfare leeches and union thugs. They are weakening the US every day they are in power and when we drive them out the world will see there are no weak links in the chain of conservatism. Our first link is God. Our second link is our devotion to the Constitution. Our third link is patriotism. Our fourth link is fiscal responsibility. Our fifth link is lowering taxes. Our sixth link is empowerment to capitalism instead of repression. Our seventh link is strong military power. Our eighth link is fighting to make our country and the world safe. Our ninth link is to shrink government and its intrusion into the lives of Americans. Our tenth link is to protect morality and the sanctity of marriage and family values. Liberals can not give our country the sense of security guaranteed by true conservatism and will soon be no more than a foot note in history as true conservative leaders return the US to its former greatness that has nearly been destroyed by Obama and his liberal socialists.

1. Which God is that?
2. Have you read the Constitution?
3. Patriotism doesn't mean you get your way every time. If you place your own "values" above our nation - you're not a patriot.
4. Saying "fiscal responsibility" does not mean you know what it means. What exactly are you recommending?
5. Lowering taxes is just a line. Lower it to what level? At what point is it low enough? What do you suggest we stop doing?
6. What does empowering capitalism mean? Do you suggest we remove all of the rules and let them do what they please? Google "company store" and let me know if that sounds good to you.
7. How strong a military power do you want and, with all of the tax lowering going on, how do you intend to pay for it?
8. How do we go about making the world safe?
9. What part of government do you want to shrink? Are you willing to shrink those parts which affect you, or only those parts which affect others?
10. Ahhhh... so the part of government you don't want to shrink or stop from intruding in the citizen's lives are those parts which enforce your values over the values of others. That's true freedom loving, that is.

Let me just say that I have no desire for guaranteed security. I don't trust your idea of security even a little bit. I strongly suspect your concept of security and freedom is your right to live as you please and my right to live as you require. If that is what conservatism means today, then I wish no part of it.

Very well put. Now where is the uber conservative to prove that statement wrong?

Wait. I am channeling him now; "nananabooboo." says the uber con.

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