The Truly Super Bowl - Three Reasons For It


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019

The three things that made this the Truly Super Bowl are, in increasing order of importance:

1. I made $185 on the game. $180 on a ticket in Vegas with a $200 bet, giving SF 2 points, and another $5 on a bet with a friend.

2. Long-suffering fans, players, and coach of KC bring home the coveted trophy for the first time in fifty years.
And best of all, by far,

3. Millions of Hillary supporters, snowflakes, and whiny brats went, again, from winners to losers, this time in only nine electrified minutes. This is what is called in technical terms an ass-whuppin'. No parade on the poopy, used drug needle streets of San Francisco! Call Robert Mueller. Illegals welcome in San Franshitsco, Truly Super Bowl Champions, not so much.

The three things that made this the Truly Super Bowl are, in increasing order of importance:

1. I made $185 on the game. $180 on a ticket in Vegas with a $200 bet, giving SF 2 points, and another $5 on a bet with a friend.

2. Long-suffering fans, players, and coach of KC bring home the coveted trophy for the first time in fifty years.
And best of all, by far,

3. Millions of Hillary supporters, snowflakes, and whiny brats went, again, from winners to losers, this time in only nine electrified minutes. This is what is called in technical terms an ass-whuppin'. No parade on the poopy, used drug needle streets of San Francisco! Call Robert Mueller. Illegals welcome in San Franshitsco, Truly Super Bowl Champions, not so much.
You nailed it! Thanks for your astute observations and congrats on winning $185 .
#3 sounds like the rantings of a mental midget. :rolleyes:

The three things that made this the Truly Super Bowl are, in increasing order of importance:

1. I made $185 on the game. $180 on a ticket in Vegas with a $200 bet, giving SF 2 points, and another $5 on a bet with a friend.

2. Long-suffering fans, players, and coach of KC bring home the coveted trophy for the first time in fifty years.
And best of all, by far,

3. Millions of Hillary supporters, snowflakes, and whiny brats went, again, from winners to losers, this time in only nine electrified minutes. This is what is called in technical terms an ass-whuppin'. No parade on the poopy, used drug needle streets of San Francisco! Call Robert Mueller. Illegals welcome in San Franshitsco, Truly Super Bowl Champions, not so much.
Hillary`s personal lawyer and campaign manager didn`t have to watch the game in jail yesterday. Do you know who did? Mueller locked up 5 so far with 2 more guilty pleas and Roger Stone waiting to be sentenced. Not to mention 28 indictments including 12 Russian nationals. Only an idiot would still be spiking the ball these days. Impeachment is like diamonds, it`s forever.

The three things that made this the Truly Super Bowl are, in increasing order of importance:

1. I made $185 on the game. $180 on a ticket in Vegas with a $200 bet, giving SF 2 points, and another $5 on a bet with a friend.

2. Long-suffering fans, players, and coach of KC bring home the coveted trophy for the first time in fifty years.
And best of all, by far,

3. Millions of Hillary supporters, snowflakes, and whiny brats went, again, from winners to losers, this time in only nine electrified minutes. This is what is called in technical terms an ass-whuppin'. No parade on the poopy, used drug needle streets of San Francisco! Call Robert Mueller. Illegals welcome in San Franshitsco, Truly Super Bowl Champions, not so much.
""How great a win it was for the great state of Kansas,,",,The moron in the WH doesn't know where Kansas City is

The three things that made this the Truly Super Bowl are, in increasing order of importance:

1. I made $185 on the game. $180 on a ticket in Vegas with a $200 bet, giving SF 2 points, and another $5 on a bet with a friend.

2. Long-suffering fans, players, and coach of KC bring home the coveted trophy for the first time in fifty years.
And best of all, by far,

3. Millions of Hillary supporters, snowflakes, and whiny brats went, again, from winners to losers, this time in only nine electrified minutes. This is what is called in technical terms an ass-whuppin'. No parade on the poopy, used drug needle streets of San Francisco! Call Robert Mueller. Illegals welcome in San Franshitsco, Truly Super Bowl Champions, not so much.

Well, I'm an AFC guy so I should have been for the Chiefs. And I hate Pelosi so I should have been against SF. But I don't pick teams based on the politicians who also live in their city. One hasn't anything to do with the other. SF really outplayed KC through most of the game but for some reason, ran out of gas, drive, focus or something late in the game and KC took advantage.

But KC proved to me they really had a better defense than I thought they had. Still, I was sorry to see KC win because that means another year of listening to that irritating incessant tomahawk chop yell of theirs.
Go Chiefs! Been following them since SB I.
#3 sounds like the rantings of a mental midget. :rolleyes:

Oh Konny, I am so devastated by your arrogant, condescending name-calling. I think I shall go have a good cry. (ha ha ha ha ha) You voted for Hillary, didn't you? Farmers have a saying when one throws a corncob into a pigsty. "The one that squeals is the one you hit." You squealed, didn't you Snowflake.....

People's Republic of California

Hillary`s personal lawyer and campaign manager didn`t have to watch the game in jail yesterday. Do you know who did? Mueller locked up 5 so far with 2 more guilty pleas and Roger Stone waiting to be sentenced. Not to mention 28 indictments including 12 Russian nationals. Only an idiot would still be spiking the ball these days. Impeachment is like diamonds, it`s forever.

Little Snowflake, NOT ONE of those convictions had anything to do with President Trump or the insane attempt to impeach and remove him from office. FAIL !!! Four more years of your incessant whining and name-calling. In the words of the most incompetent president ever, "Elections have consequences. We won. You lost. Deal with it." You can't deal with it, can you?

Democrat Insanity - Trump Derangement Syndrome
#3 sounds like the rantings of a mental midget.
Oh Konny, I am so devastated by your arrogant, condescending name-calling. I think I shall go have a good cry. (ha ha ha ha ha) You voted for Hillary, didn't you? Farmers have a saying when one throws a corncob into a pigsty. "The one that squeals is the one you hit."You squealed, didn't you Snowflake?
What was your #3 but arrogant name-calling, hypocrite?

Hillary`s personal lawyer and campaign manager didn`t have to watch the game in jail yesterday. Do you know who did? Mueller locked up 5 so far with 2 more guilty pleas and Roger Stone waiting to be sentenced. Not to mention 28 indictments including 12 Russian nationals. Only an idiot would still be spiking the ball these days. Impeachment is like diamonds, it`s forever.

Little Snowflake, NOT ONE of those convictions had anything to do with President Trump or the insane attempt to impeach and remove him from office. FAIL !!! Four more years of your incessant whining and name-calling. In the words of the most incompetent president ever, "Elections have consequences. We won. You lost. Deal with it." You can't deal with it, can you?

Democrat Insanity - Trump Derangement Syndrome
More years of you`re weak attempt to defend this POS by screeching TDS because that`s all you got. Most of the civilized world knows he and his cult are assholes.
Trump Ratings Remain Low Around the World, While Views of U.S. Stay Mostly Favorable
More years of you`re (SIC) weak attempt to defend this POS by screeching TDS because that`s all you got.

Well, NO, we have the White House, we have almost 200 new judges who aren't Left Wingers, we have lower taxes, a more secure border, better trade deals, the Senate which will dismiss the lunacy of the House full of Haters, and if you keep up your screeching, we will have the House of Representatives as well.
You never learn, do you? Evil is like that.

Democrat Insanity - Trump Derangement Syndrome

People's Republic of California
#3 sounds like the rantings of a mental midget.
Oh Konny, I am so devastated by your arrogant, condescending name-calling. I think I shall go have a good cry. (ha ha ha ha ha) You voted for Hillary, didn't you? Farmers have a saying when one throws a corncob into a pigsty. "The one that squeals is the one you hit."You squealed, didn't you Snowflake?
What was your #3 but arrogant name-calling, hypocrite?

Point taken. However I kept my remarks to the group of snowflakes who have gone stark raving mad since Hillary was defeated. This obviously hurts your snowflake feelings and so you resorted to the usual Leftist arrogance of pretending intellectual superiority, which you have yet to demonstrate in any manner whatsoever. So here's your chance. Let it out. Show me and the rest reading this how brilliant you are.

I'll give you a taste. You called me "a mental midget," as if intellectualism were wisdom. Clearly it is not. Take the Unabomber, please. He's a genius, but a psycho who killed and maimed people. He's one of yours. He had a well-worn copy of Earth in the Balance, written by Al Gore, in his rathole cabin.

People with common sense, which you are so clearly lacking, have far more wisdom than pretenders of intellectualism, like you. But show your intellectualism, such as you think it is. Beware however. I am a chemical engineer with an MBA. You need not state your credentials. Just show something, like you pretend to have. I'm very dubious.

Based on your amusing post, I looked up this name I never heard of. Since Kaepernick acted like a complete ass, I was turned off from football almost completely, although I didn't care for it before. I delighted in their defeat and went to their website and posted my OP to the 49ers.

ho ho ho

Thank you Manonthestreet

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