The Trump-Carroll Case is Blatantly the Greatest Miscarriage of Justice in Modern American History

Millimeters mm is always lower case. I've seen quite a few people use the MM, when one M is sufficient. I suspect a typo was made on the Gateway Pundit.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see there isn't two "M"s in "million", capitalized or not. This is how I can tell I'm dealing with a useful idiot instead of a thinking adult.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see there isn't two "M"s in "million", capitalized or not. This is how I can tell I'm dealing with a useful idiot instead of a thinking adult.
That's the same thing that I thought, the first time that I saw MM for millions. Thankfully Billions and Trillions are safe for now.
Yep. The story is fraudulent, and take from a TV show.

E . Jean Carroll is a nutter and a liar.

Far from a compelling claim, the 80-year-old writer initially laid out the story that her supposed rape occurred either in 1994, before altering the day to be “in the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.” She couldn’t remember the specifics. What she did remember was that she was wearing a “Donna Karan coatdress and high heels but not a coat.” She later refused to produce said coat for DNA testing despite admitting to still owning it, describing it as “unworn and unlaundered since that evening.” It later came to light that the coatdress was not made in 1994 or 1995.​
It didn’t matter to Carroll, who has accused multiple men of sexually assaulting or raping her throughout her life, including a babysitter’s boyfriend, a dentist, a camp counselor, an unnamed college date, an unnamed boss, and CBS chief executive Les Moonves.​
But even if your sympathies still lay with Carroll, consider this. Carroll – a self-declared Law and Order TV show fan – first made her allegations against Trump in a 2019 book, just a few years after an episode of the show saw characters discuss a role-played rape in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room.​
Carroll’s entire character is one of bizarre sexual thoughts, antics, and actions. Another piece of evidence the judge refused to allow was that Carroll named her cat “Vagina” and posted repeatedly about anal sex, celebrity fantasies, and pornography.​
In fact, in 2012, Trump himself was the subject of one of these fantasies Carroll shared on her Facebook page: “Would you have sex with Donald Trump for $17,000?” before going on to suggest that in her fantasy scenario, Trump may not be able to speak. An odd thing to post for someone who alleges that the same man raped her less than two decades prior.​
Again, none of this was allowed to be heard by the jury that awarded Carroll nearly $85 million today, in addition to the $5.5 million another Manhattan jury already awarded her in her first case.
Carroll has admitted that she first considered bringing a suit against Trump during a house party hosted by far-left blogger Molly Jong-Fast.​
Jong-Fast, a writer for the viciously ‘Never Trump’ publications the Atlantic, the Bulwark, the Daily Beast, and Vanity Fair, is the daughter of feminist activist Erica Jong and anti-gun author Jonathan Fast. She is also the granddaughter of communist author Howard Fast.​

And the cult tantrum begins.

Wait, it never stopped.
I'd suggest you consider the timing of the change to the law. It was not just mere coincidence that Dem / Socialist controlled politicians and DA's decided ad they did to change existing law.
Trust me. To suggest it was mere coincidence that laws were changed in a Dem / Socialist controlled state is ludicrous.

Ummm, good poster Hollie, you are going down the conspiracy rabbit hole. So you think Louisiana, Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas all changed their sexual abuse laws so they could now go after Don Trump?

At least 15 states, including New York, have enacted laws specific to the asks of the MeToo movement, including extending the 'statute-of-limitations', that NDA's don't apply if sexual abuse in involved, mandating more timely testing and longer storage of rape kits administered by police.

And you come on here and suggest....the 'MeToo' laws were aimed only at Don Trump, that is their only intent. Poster Hollie, that sounds silly, and I am mildly convinced you know it sounds silly.

Remember Bill Cosby? Remember Harvey Weinstein? Remember Roger Ailes & Gretchen Carlson? Remember Les Moonves? Charlie Rose? Matt Lauer?

I mean no disrespect, but partner, you are seemingly so wrapped up inside your partisan polemic that you only see the world as a persecutor of Don Trump. More importantly, you remain clueless to the millions of women who have suffered from sexual violence.......... and who have pro-actively sought to change the sexual-abuser laws via our legislative process. Change the laws that sheltered and protected the predators, and put the victims ---women, men, and children ---at a disadvantage.

But in your SqueakyFromme-world of Trump-groupie you allege New York extended their statute of limitations on rape and assault on women (and men, and children) because the Republican and Democrat law-makers in Albany....wanted to get just Trump?

Again, no disrespect intended, but........but your thinking is daffy and non-sensical. Put your BigGurl boots on and grow up.

Ummm, good poster Hollie, you are going down the conspiracy rabbit hole. So you think Louisiana, Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas all changed their sexual abuse laws so they could now go after Don Trump?

At least 15 states, including New York, have enacted laws specific to the asks of the MeToo movement, including extending the 'statute-of-limitations', that NDA's don't apply if sexual abuse in involved, mandating more timely testing and longer storage of rape kits administered by police.

And you come on here and suggest....the 'MeToo' laws were aimed only at Don Trump, that is their only intent. Poster Hollie, that sounds silly, and I am mildly convinced you know it sounds silly.

Remember Bill Cosby? Remember Harvey Weinstein? Remember Roger Ailes & Gretchen Carlson? Remember Les Moonves? Charlie Rose? Matt Lauer?

I mean no disrespect, but partner, you are seemingly so wrapped up inside your partisan polemic that you only see the world as a persecutor of Don Trump. More importantly, you remain clueless to the millions of women who have suffered from sexual violence.......... and who have pro-actively sought to change the sexual-abuser laws via our legislative process. Change the laws that sheltered and protected the predators, and put the victims ---women, men, and children ---at a disadvantage.

But in your SqueakyFromme-world of Trump-groupie you allege New York extended their statute of limitations on rape and assault on women (and men, and children) because the Republican and Democrat law-makers in Albany....wanted to get just Trump?

Again, no disrespect intended, but........but your thinking is daffy and non-sensical. Put your BigGurl boots on and grow up.

No disrespect but you're ignoring reality. That's fine for you to do but don't expect others to accept your need to buy in to your conspiracies.

Jeans lawyer made it clear that the change in the law, and the timing, was purposeful and directed to target Trump.
I'm not exactly sure how a cat with an unusual name would be relevant in this trial, but then, I ain't an attorney.
We can also observe that another piece of evidence not entered in this week's trial was -----well, it was what Trump said he could do because he was a celebrity. He could grab women "by the pussy" whenever he wanted.

Which, per testimony in the previous trial is exactly....exactly....what he did to Carroll, except it was more than just 'grab', he forcefully inserted his fingers into her.


Well, OK. That's the MAGA we all know and love.

Everybody who is surprised that the above is the real Make America Great zeitgeist....raise your hand.

In my humble opinion, too many MAGA-Q's are anger-filled misanthropes, and ne'er-do-wells who hold this grievance driven angst about how their life has turned out. So they, like Steve Bannon, want to 'burn it all down'.

Other than that, I'm sure some of them are very fine people.

(*) Just so we recognize what the responsible poster "Godboy" aspires to, let's look at New York:

It has just under 20 million citizens. But Godboy wants to wreck their home.
It has an economy of over two trillion dollars (if New York was an independent nation it would be the 11th largest in the world). But Godboy wants to wreck that.

And because some bloke who bragged on video he could grab women by their genitals whenever he desired got caught doing just that, and now has to pay for doing just that.....well, one of the MAGA-Q's of this gossipboard wants to wreck the state that he was held accountable in.
Go figger.
Misanthrope anyone?

ps2....Poster Godboy, get your calculator out and crunch some numbers. I'm gonna bet that if you were able to "wreck that f*cking place"....your temper tantrum would cost the orangejesus far more....far more.....than what his indiscretion with his fingers is gonna cost him in the Carroll case. So ain't you kinda sorta throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Over your personal little hissyfit? Is maturity an issue here?

Just askin'.
Go Trump, fuck you demscum shit for brains.
Go Trump, fuck you demscum shit for brains.
Here it is
I read it.
It is from Jim Hoft's Gateway Pundit.
And written by Jim Hoft.

It says that Carroll "helped" the efforts to get this law passed. Carroll herself stated such, if Hoft's account is accurate.
OK, so?
Lots and lots of women...and men.....helped to get it passed.
But it's inception, it's intent was NOT to exclusively help a single litigant against Don Trump, to wit, E. Jean Carroll.
It was to protect ALL victims of sexual abuse, hence "Adult Survivors Act".

I would posit that Republican and Democrat legislators in Albany....have lots and lots of reasons to enhance protection for abuse victims, and potential abuse victims. For example, Hollie, please note there are lots and lots of 'survivors' of sexual abuse in that state......(and other states). More than 6,000 in the state of New York last year.

So, your conspiracy that that law was crafted, introduced, and passed (bi-partisan) simply and only to help E. Jean Carroll get Don Trump, simply ain't true. And I know you know that. Everybody knows that.

(Show us testimony or legislative notes from the Legislators who drafted and introduced the bill that articulate that it was their sole intent to get Trump). Jim Hoft's opinion ain't a source that we can use for the legislator's intent. And you know that, too.

Did E.Jean Carrol benefit by the passage? Yeah, probably.

But she probably benefitted by a whole raft of laws that were passed in Albany over the years. As did millions of New York residents. THAT is the intent of legislating benefit the vast majority of the state's population.
So E.Jean Carroll benefitted by the change in the law......however, in the larger view, the intended beneficiaries were the millions of New York women...and men, and children....who have suffered sexual abuse or may suffer it in the future. Including E.Jean Carroll.

And you really do know that, poster Hollie. Everybody can know that.
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