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The Trump implosion

Nope. The Life Insurance Policies on those Loans had to be paid off.
A 1994 JP Morgan invention that allows people to do with business entities what can't be done with people.

???? Not sure about that, man. Subprime loans that based the securities that were bought, sold, repackaged, insured, bought, and sold over and over countless times that defaulted are what threw everything into chaos. One subprime loan could have backed dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions, infinite number of securities. Firms would buy subprime-backed MBS, chop those MBS up, re-package them with different assets, then sell those assets off after getting them insured. That's how 800,000 subprime loans issued in 3 years ended up taking down the economy. Banks leveraged themselves at ridiculous rates in order to buy those securities, then sell them off in the growing secondary and tertiary markets. No defaulting subprime loans = no toxic assets = no collapse.

It all goes back to those 800,000 subprime loans Bush issued from 2004-7 that had default rates 5-7 times that of subprime loans prior to 2004.
Was almost 100% preventable had Donald Trump just exercised some damn discretion.
He CLEARLY isnt listening to his advisiors. If he was he wouldnt be tweeting a shitstorm after every single story.

I feel sorry for his staff & family. Still better than Hillary I suppose but it's time to start grooming A REAL CONSERVATIVE for the next cycle. As I stated for MONTHS before the election, Trump is no conservative, in fact he was a life long Democrat. The only reason he ran for president is because everyone told him he couldn't. His ego had to prove everyone wrong & here we sit.

It's certainly clearer now why Russia would prefer to have someone like Trump in the WH rather than Clinton.

Yes it is. World leaders are much more comfortable with strong leaders in the whitehouse than weak links like Obama or corrupt lying bitches like Clinton.

Trump has returned respect to US foreign relations. strong leaders prefer strong leaders as their counterparts.

Obama was weak and indecisive. Could not be trusted. The entire world knows that Hillary could be bought, bribed, blackmailed, etc.
If you're looking for an argument from me - you won't get one. President Bush was a RINO.

They say that now, but back then Conservatives were 100% behind Bush. I think you are retroactively covering your own broken ideology by disassociating yourself from Bush. But deregulation, massive deficits that come from tax cuts for the rich, and reckless foreign occupations are hallmarks of conservative ideology.

Bush was better than Gore or Kerry. That's the bottom line
Again snowflake...if that were true...it would have affected left-wing groups as well.

It did affect left-wing groups, moron. Learn some facts, please.

From The Hill, June 6th, 2016:

Sixty of the groups have the word "tea" in their name, 33 have "patriot" and 26 refer to "liberty," while others appear to trend liberal, with three having "occupy" in their name, according to The Washington Times, which first reported the list. Edward Greim, the plaintiffs' lawyer, told The Hill on Monday that the groups pursuing the lawsuit haven't had a chance yet to scrutinize the process that the IRS used to generate it. However, “they seem to have caught everybody,” and if anything the criteria were overly broad, he added.

So out of 426 groups targeted, only 119 (28%) were Conservative.

Seriously, the problem with people on the right-wing is that they simply aren't informed of anything. Stop watching Fox News and reading right-wing bullshit on the internet. Those people deliberately lie to you.

BTW - a plurality of the groups that saw increased scrutiny were medical marijuana advocates.
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Unfortunately for Republicans, the shit has hit the fan WAY too soon. At this point, they almost HAVE to start impeachment proceedings, and no legislation has been passed. Their agenda won't get done before midterms
"Impeachment" for what? You being a fragile snowflake who can't handle losing is not grounds for impeachment, my dear. :laugh:

As a Canadian, I lost nothing. Trudeau is Prime Minister, my healthcare and pensions are not subject to the whims of an idiot, or what he does to the stock market.

And anyone who calls herself "Dragonlady" and puts assholes like you in their place on a daily basis is no fragile snowflake.
Was almost 100% preventable had Donald Trump just exercised some damn discretion.
He CLEARLY isnt listening to his advisiors. If he was he wouldnt be tweeting a shitstorm after every single story.

I feel sorry for his staff & family. Still better than Hillary I suppose but it's time to start grooming A REAL CONSERVATIVE for the next cycle. As I stated for MONTHS before the election, Trump is no conservative, in fact he was a life long Democrat. The only reason he ran for president is because everyone told him he couldn't. His ego had to prove everyone wrong & here we sit.

It's certainly clearer now why Russia would prefer to have someone like Trump in the WH rather than Clinton.
except that russia isn't involved. have a nice day.

Except for every single one of trumps minions, you're right.

If Russia isn't involved, why did they all lie and then finally confess?

The cheeto is either a Russian operative or an idiot.

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Trump has returned respect to US foreign relations. strong leaders prefer strong leaders as their counterparts.

Complete and utter bullshit. Opinion polls of countries show much lower favorable ratings for Trump than Obama. Even lower than Bush.

From CNN, June 26th, 2016:

Pew poll: Drumpf at 9% with Europeans
Just 9% of Europeans surveyed have confidence in the presumptive Republican nominee to do the right thing in world affairs, according to a new Pew Research Center poll Wednesday.

What countries have seen opinion of Trump higher than Obama (or even Bush the Dumber)?

Everything you say is bullshit.
If transgender, transvestite Rachel Maddow and limp wristed, jewish douchebag Chuck Schumer think the "intelligence community" and the "deep state" and the MSM and Hollywood and Academia can do a coup d'état on our fairly elected President, they don't realize most Donald voters support the 2nd Amendment for more than protecting themselves from low IQ, democrat street thugs.

Bush was better than Gore or Kerry. That's the bottom line

No he wasn't. Bush let 9/11 happen, blundered us into two unwinnable wars of occupation, created a housing bubble that would tank the economy, erased surpluses and gave us four record deficits, doubled the debt, had 4500+ soldiers killed for no reason, failed to privatize Social Security, passed the largest unfunded entitlement expansion ever, and had a fucking shoe thrown at his head.

Bush the Dumber was a failure and a brain-dead chihuahua could have done a better job as President.
it was. and it falls into your fairytale about the tax cuts. the fact is that lenders were mandated to give out loans. period. if they got a little more money from the tax cuts maybe they used that to justify the mortgage even though the peeps couldn't really afford them. the lenders had to, i repeat, had to give out the loans. I am very consistent, tool.

NO! Lenders were not mandated to give out loans. That's another lie. Lenders were not mandated to hand out junky subprime loans beginning in 2004. That was all Bush in his push to deregulate the housing market by wiping out state protections against predatory lending, by removing leveraging restrictions for banks in exchange for letting the banks "police themselves", by reversing a Clinton-era rule that prohibited GSE's from purchasing risky subprime loans, and for tying his tax cuts to the housing market during his 2004 campaign.

Of the top 25 lenders during the bubble, only one was subject to CRA rules. GSE loan performance far outperformed loans from the private sector. GSE's and the CRA did not cause the collapse. Deregulation of the mortgage industry did. And that deregulation started in 2003-4.

Learn facts, please.

From OC Register, November 16th, 2008: Most subprime lenders weren’t subject to federal lending law
  • Nearly $3 of every $4 in subprime loans made from 2004 through 2007 came from lenders who were exempt from the law
  • State-regulated mortgage companies such as Irvine-based New Century Financial made just over half of all subprime loans. These companies, which CRA does not cover, controlled more than 60 percent of the market before 2006, when banks jumped in
  • Another 22 percent came from federally regulated lenders like Countrywide Home Loans and Long Beach Mortgage. These lenders weren’t subject to the law, though some were owned by banks that could choose to include them in their CRA reports.
  • Among lenders that were subject to the law, many ignored subprime while others couldn’t get enough
  • Among those standing on the sidelines: Bank of America, which made no subprime loans in 2004 and 2005; in 2006 and 2007 subprime accounted for just 2 percent of its loan portfolio. Washington Mutual, meanwhile, raised its subprime bet by 20 times to $5.6 billion in 2006 – on top of its already huge exposure through its ownership of Long Beach Mortgage.
No, I gave you the link to the mandated commissioning of loans. Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act. You're not going to be allowed to rewrite history while I'm in here.

nice that you ignored the investigation. but hey, a leftist is always waaaaaay off base. thanks.

So, you're the snowflake who brought this up in the first place, and when I smack you down, turning you into the cuck you are, suddenly you freeze up? What happened to all the "genius" Conservative arguments shirking blame for the housing bubble? Did you just give up when you realized you were tangling with someone who actually knows this subject?
I brought it up? too funny. it started in the 1970s under carter and it's fking bush's fault. Barney Frank and his legislation pals throw all kinds of bullshit out :

Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco - The Boston Globe

"The roots of this crisis go back to the Carter administration. That was when government officials, egged on by left-wing activists, began accusing mortgage lenders of racism and "redlining" because urban blacks were being denied mortgages at a higher rate than suburban whites.

The pressure to make more loans to minorities (read: to borrowers with weak credit histories) became relentless. Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act, empowering regulators to punish banks that failed to "meet the credit needs" of "low-income, minority, and distressed neighborhoods." Lenders responded by loosening their underwriting standards and making increasingly shoddy loans. The two government-chartered mortgage finance firms, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, encouraged this "subprime" lending by authorizing ever more "flexible" criteria by which high-risk borrowers could be qualified for home loans, and then buying up the questionable mortgages that ensued"
Bush was better than Gore or Kerry. That's the bottom line

No he wasn't. Bush let 9/11 happen, blundered us into two unwinnable wars of occupation, created a housing bubble that would tank the economy, erased surpluses and gave us four record deficits, doubled the debt, had 4500+ soldiers killed for no reason, failed to privatize Social Security, passed the largest unfunded entitlement expansion ever, and had a fucking shoe thrown at his head.

Bush the Dumber was a failure and a brain-dead chihuahua could have done a better job as President.
Trump has returned respect to US foreign relations. strong leaders prefer strong leaders as their counterparts.

Complete and utter bullshit. Opinion polls of countries show much lower favorable ratings for Trump than Obama. Even lower than Bush.

From CNN, June 26th, 2016:

Pew poll: Drumpf at 9% with Europeans
Just 9% of Europeans surveyed have confidence in the presumptive Republican nominee to do the right thing in world affairs, according to a new Pew Research Center poll Wednesday.

What countries have seen opinion of Trump higher than Obama (or even Bush the Dumber)?

Everything you say is bullshit.

how many times do I have to explain it? the pollsters are part of the propaganda machine. They are making up shit and shoving it into your mouth. chomp, chomp chomp as you eat it up like the fool that you are.
No...really....it didn't. Only in a couple of cases where they accidentally thought the group was a conservative group. Thanks for playing, snowflake.

Fucking wrong as usual, asshole. There were 426 groups named in the IRS lawsuit. Of those 426, only 119 were Conservative...a whopping 28%. Most groups targeted were for progressive causes; medical marijuana, occupy Wall Street, and health care for all.

That's according to the actual list the IRS provided of 426 groups involved in the lawsuit.

So as usual, you don't fucking know the facts of which you speak. Shocking.
Bush was better than Gore or Kerry. That's the bottom line

No he wasn't. Bush let 9/11 happen, blundered us into two unwinnable wars of occupation, created a housing bubble that would tank the economy, erased surpluses and gave us four record deficits, doubled the debt, had 4500+ soldiers killed for no reason, failed to privatize Social Security, passed the largest unfunded entitlement expansion ever, and had a fucking shoe thrown at his head.

Bush the Dumber was a failure and a brain-dead chihuahua could have done a better job as President.

I did not say that Bush was perfect. He did not cause 9/11. that is on Bill Clinton. Iraq is on Bush, the mortgage mess is on Clinton.

I get it that you are a far left parrot, but you cannot rewrite history as long as I am here.
to the OP

Trump is not imploding. the media and the dem party are imploding because they still don't understand why hillary lost. They are so eaten up with their own bullshit that they cannot see reality.
No...really....it didn't. Only in a couple of cases where they accidentally thought the group was a conservative group. Thanks for playing, snowflake.

Fucking wrong as usual, asshole. There were 426 groups named in the IRS lawsuit. Of those 426, only 119 were Conservative...a whopping 28%. Most groups targeted were for progressive causes; medical marijuana, occupy Wall Street, and health care for all.

That's according to the actual list the IRS provided of 426 groups involved in the lawsuit.

So as usual, you don't fucking know the facts of which you speak. Shocking.

the IRS was much more aggressive against the conservative groups, that is well documented. its you who does not know the fucking facts of which you speak.
how many times do I have to explain it? the pollsters are part of the propaganda machine. They are making up shit and shoving it into your mouth. chomp, chomp chomp as you eat it up like the fool that you are.

The only people making shit up are those on the right who say "tax cuts pay for themselves", "deregulation of Wall Street is good for the economy", "Obamacare created all these poor, poor snowflake victims", and that you don't drag your knuckles behind you when you walk.

So if polls are inaccurate, how on Earth can you say Trump is respected? He's not even respected by Russia, and Putin is the one who got him installed as POTUS. Watch how he falls flat on his face this upcoming foreign trip to Italy, Israel (who he betrayed by sharing their intel with Putin), and Saudi Arabia.
Bush was better than Gore or Kerry. That's the bottom line

No he wasn't. Bush let 9/11 happen, blundered us into two unwinnable wars of occupation, created a housing bubble that would tank the economy, erased surpluses and gave us four record deficits, doubled the debt, had 4500+ soldiers killed for no reason, failed to privatize Social Security, passed the largest unfunded entitlement expansion ever, and had a fucking shoe thrown at his head.

Bush the Dumber was a failure and a brain-dead chihuahua could have done a better job as President.

I did not say that Bush was perfect. He did not cause 9/11. that is on Bill Clinton. Iraq is on Bush, the mortgage mess is on Clinton.

I get it that you are a far left parrot, but you cannot rewrite history as long as I am here.
I heard on a radio show about six months ago, the left is out to change history on the financial crisis in 2008. It is our duty as conservatives to ensure they are not allowed to do that.

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