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The Trump implosion

we respect him and we know you don't.

You said foreign leaders respected him, but without any sort of polling or, you know, proof, it seems to me that you are just projecting your wishes, hopes, and snowflake dreams to some bullshit designed to make you feel better at yourself for supporting Trump. I'm sure, once he is gone -and he will probably be gone sooner than later- you will try to pretend you never supported him, and that he wasn't everything you are saying he is now. After all, it's what you losers did with Bush the Dumber. Thankfully, the internet preserves things you write. So when you try to disassociate yourself from Trump, we can just pull up all the posts where you were behind him 100% and ask, "what gives, dude?"

That is if you don't scrub the boards of your posts prior to Trump leaving, or while he is in the process of leaving, which is what Conservatives do all the time.

Rewriting history: saying Bush was not a Conservative even though Conservatives supported him blindly, 100% of his term.
sorry bubba, I never made any such statement. you can tell me which post you read that in now.
The twerp The Derp responded to my post TWICE in a row. Not realizing he can edit posts apparently. :p But does twerp Derp really want to discuss how homosexual jew Barney Frank made banks lend to black and brown folks with no income or savings that caused the housing "crisis?" Twerp do you really want to go there punk? I have a BS in Accounting, what are your qualifications meh neegah?
The twerp The Derp responded to my post TWICE in a row. Not realizing he can edit posts apparently. :p But does twerp Derp really want to discuss how homosexual jew Barney Frank made banks lend to black and brown folks with no income or savings that caused the housing "crisis?" Twerp do you really want to go there punk? I have a BS in Accounting, what are your qualifications meh neegah?
I know, they don't want that as a reason. they are doing everything they can to squash that mandate from mid 2000's. But they can't and won't. Nope, I'm here for now at least. I'll keep em straight. 14% growth caused the crisis my ass.
you are a parrot. Do you ever have any original thoughts or is everything that you say programmed into your tiny head by your left wing slave owners?your post above is just fuckin stupid. It does not merit response (even though I did respond)

This coming from the person who literally copy-and-pastes links to articles you clearly haven't even fucking read.

Nothing I am saying is parroted. Everything is 100%, authentic The Derp. I am not a Conservative, I don't need to plagairize or invent qualifications in order to lend my argument credibility. My argument has credibility on the facts. That's all that matters.

But I do see why you seek to make things personal...because you're a snowflake, so consumed with not admitting your own flaws. It's OK...egomaniacs and insecure people tend to do that.
Still better than Hillary I suppose
NO, idiot. it was Clinton that was warned about OBL, it was Clinton the did not take him out when offered by Sudan, it was Clinton that castrated our intelligence services so they did not identify the 9/11 murderers in time to stop them.

Hey you fucking idiot...remember when Clinton launched all those cruise missiles into Somalia to get OBL? What was the Conservative reaction then? Oh right, they accused him of "wagging the dog", they even said OBL wasn't a threat to the country and Clinton was only making him a threat to distract from Lewinsky.

So were Conservatives wrong then? Or are they wrong now?

s to tax cuts. Obozo kept the Bush tax cuts in place when he could have cancelled them. Why? because the rich dems that backed him told him not to. Wake the fuck up.

Hey you fucking idiot...remember that Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy at the end of 2012? I do. At the time, you Conservatives said doing so would result in a recession, market crash, and job loss. Wrong on all three counts.

So if you were wrong then, why the fuck would you be right about anything today??????
you are a parrot. Do you ever have any original thoughts or is everything that you say programmed into your tiny head by your left wing slave owners?your post above is just fuckin stupid. It does not merit response (even though I did respond)

This coming from the person who literally copy-and-pastes links to articles you clearly haven't even fucking read.

Nothing I am saying is parroted. Everything is 100%, authentic The Derp. I am not a Conservative, I don't need to plagairize or invent qualifications in order to lend my argument credibility. My argument has credibility on the facts. That's all that matters.

But I do see why you seek to make things personal...because you're a snowflake, so consumed with not admitting your own flaws. It's OK...egomaniacs and insecure people tend to do that.
so exactly how do you post up facts without a copy and paste of your supposed information sites? ooops

And again, the mandates were the issue.
A REAL CONSERVATIVE for the next cycle. As I stated for MONTHS before the election, Trump is no conservative, in fact he was a life long Democrat.
Conservatism is a failed ideology. And haven't you read Cereal Killer's quote in my sigline? It's true.

Even Rush Limbaugh now runs away from the conservative label because it's so toxic. Now he says he was NEVER a conservative, just an anti-Democrat, anti-Liberal.

From the guy who started the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. Which he now calls Institute for Advanced Anti-Leftist Studies.

He depends on suckers like you!
A REAL CONSERVATIVE for the next cycle. As I stated for MONTHS before the election, Trump is no conservative, in fact he was a life long Democrat.
Conservatism is a failed ideology. And haven't you read Cereal Killer's quote in my sigline? It's true.

Even Rush Limbaugh now runs away from the conservative label because it's so toxic. Now he says he was NEVER a conservative, just an anti-Democrat, anti-Liberal.

From the guy who started the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. Which he now calls Institute for Advanced Anti-Leftist Studies.

He depends on suckers like you!
you could post up a link to back that post. can you, or will we watch crickets?
[yeah, your looking at a 14% growth as a 85% fault.

It's not 14% growth, it's 233% growth. Going from 6% to 20% is a 233% increase, not a 14% increase. Math...Conservatives don't know it, shouldn't try using it. Furthermore, from 1993-2003, 1,100,000 subprimes were issued with default rates between 5-7% (110,000 a year). From 2004-2007, 800,000 subprimes were issued that had default rates 20-23% (200,000 a year). So subprime mortgages shot up nearly 100% in 4 years from what it was the past 10. Those garbage subprimes were spun off into infinite securities. When they defaulted, the securities they backed went toxic. That's how 800,000 subprimes tanked the entire global market.

but I reject your ideas. I will stay with what is actually the cause. Fannie and Freddie. There wouldn't have been a change in how they did business, Dodd-Frank Act. Dodd-Frank Act - CFTC

You reject facts. Interesting. Why?

Dodd-Frank was after the collapse, not before it. Secondly, the loans Fannie and Freddie issued had delinquincy rates under 3%, whereas privately issued subprimes had delinquency rates of 34%.


So when you look at that chart, what is it you are seeing?
The twerp The Derp responded to my post TWICE in a row. Not realizing he can edit posts apparently. :p But does twerp Derp really want to discuss how homosexual jew Barney Frank made banks lend to black and brown folks with no income or savings that caused the housing "crisis?" Twerp do you really want to go there punk? I have a BS in Accounting, what are your qualifications meh neegah?

I don't believe for a second you have a college degree, and it seems like you are only saying you do to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have on the facts.
[yeah, your looking at a 14% growth as a 85% fault.

It's not 14% growth, it's 233% growth. Going from 6% to 20% is a 233% increase, not a 14% increase. Math...Conservatives don't know it, shouldn't try using it. Furthermore, from 1993-2003, 1,100,000 subprimes were issued with default rates between 5-7% (110,000 a year). From 2004-2007, 800,000 subprimes were issued that had default rates 20-23% (200,000 a year). So subprime mortgages shot up nearly 100% in 4 years from what it was the past 10. Those garbage subprimes were spun off into infinite securities. When they defaulted, the securities they backed went toxic. That's how 800,000 subprimes tanked the entire global market.

but I reject your ideas. I will stay with what is actually the cause. Fannie and Freddie. There wouldn't have been a change in how they did business, Dodd-Frank Act. Dodd-Frank Act - CFTC

You reject facts. Interesting. Why?

Dodd-Frank was after the collapse, not before it. Secondly, the loans Fannie and Freddie issued had delinquincy rates under 3%, whereas privately issued subprimes had delinquency rates of 34%.


So when you look at that chart, what is it you are seeing?
I never said that dodd-frank was before, I said the crisis triggered the act. And it addressed fanny and freddy. hmmmm.

If I have 6% of a pie and now I have 20% of a pie. 80% of the pie is something else. and the growth is but 14% on the pie. The increase may very well be 233%. so? If I have a dollar and make four I increased by 400%, but it's still but 4 dollars and I only added three dollars to my pocket. you're failure is noted.
I know, they don't want that as a reason. they are doing everything they can to squash that mandate from mid 2000's. But they can't and won't. Nope, I'm here for now at least. I'll keep em straight. 14% growth caused the crisis my ass.

Well this just shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the secondary and tertiary markets. One single subprime loan could have backed dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions, infinite numbers of securities because banks would by a subprime-backed MBS, chop it up, re-package with different assets, then sell the completely new product off.

Why do you think banks did away with leveraging restrictions? It was specifically for the purpose of buying MBS, repackaging them, and selling them back in the secondary and tertiary markets.

Go watch The Big Short (I think it's on Netflix right now). They explain this very well. Plus, it's Margot Robbie in a bathtub, so there's that:
I don't believe for a second you have a college degree...

Actually I have BA in English and a BS in Accounting you retarded TWERP! Where you at you retarded punk? I feel like slapping some sense into you.
Was almost 100% preventable had Donald Trump just exercised some damn discretion.
He CLEARLY isnt listening to his advisiors. If he was he wouldnt be tweeting a shitstorm after every single story.

I feel sorry for his staff & family. Still better than Hillary I suppose but it's time to start grooming A REAL CONSERVATIVE for the next cycle. As I stated for MONTHS before the election, Trump is no conservative, in fact he was a life long Democrat. The only reason he ran for president is because everyone told him he couldn't. His ego had to prove everyone wrong & here we sit.
I never said that dodd-frank was before, I said the crisis triggered the act. And it addressed fanny and freddy. hmmmm.

OK, and? It "addressed" GSE's because they're, you know, government-sponsored entities. But it matters little, GSE loan defaults were in the 2-3% range. Whereas privately issued loan defaults were in the 23-34% range. That's what the facts show in the chart I provided to you.

If I have 6% of a pie and now I have 20% of a pie. 80% of the pie is something else. and the growth is but 14% on the pie. The increase may very well be 233%. so? If I have a dollar and make four I increased by 400%, but it's still but 4 dollars and I only added three dollars to my pocket. you're failure is noted.

Jesus fucking Christ...are we really at the point now when Conservatives don't understand math. When something grows, you are not calculating the growth on gross numbers, you calculate growth as a % over what the figure was previously.

You are conflating market share with market growth. You do that because you don't know basic arithmetic, or because you suffered a brain injury.
ctually I have BA in English and a BS in Accounting you retarded TWERP! Where you at you retarded punk? I feel like slapping some sense into you.

Don't believe you have a degree either, and interesting how the defense of your indefensible points is to say "well, I have a degree, so there." What's that supposed to prove? D is for diploma!

The reason I don't believe you is because rather than use actual facts, you invoke something no one can verify. This is by design, of course, and a typical Conservative tactic. When the facts are not there, just make shit up about yourself. Conservative M.O.
so exactly how do you post up facts without a copy and paste of your supposed information sites? ooopsAnd again, the mandates were the issue.

I always make reference to the sources I use. I provide links. I provide charts. I try to make it as easy as I can for you to understand it because I recognize I am dealing with people who eat paint chips for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The Twerp, you have fucking triggered meh...dammit! I studied a lot for my assorted college degrees. I am pissed now meh neegah. I want to slap your fat face! Also thanks for editing your retarded post a few posts ago that like took up the whole screen. :p

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