The Trump lies continue!


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
39° 44 mins 21 secs N, 104° 59 mins 5 secs W
This is the kind of thread title I've always hated. That's because, at first glance at least, it looks like the kind of thread (ala Obama) that's meant to inflame passions while doing so with a false or exaggerated story. Frankly, I rarely ever participated in those kind of threads for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it seemed like a complete waste of time. Secondly, I simply didn't want to encourage more nonsense in a world where nonsense was seemingly everywhere already.

Furthermore, I take no pleasure in this thread. Whether people believe it or not, I'd like to see Trump succeed as president even if I don't agree with all his policy initiatives. But the man just can't seem to help himself. It seems as if his lying is nothing less than a pathology.

At any rate, why Trump believes he can make up these kinds of stories befuddles me. Certainly, if he was a private citizen sitting in Trump Tower while talking to one or more people, he could tell a yarn like this and either not be caught in the lie or not have to worry about any kind of serious repercussions. But that's certainly not the case when you're the President of the United States.

Read it for yourself!


As the New York Times first reported on Wednesday, Trump, in a closed door meeting with congressional leaders earlier this week sought to pin his latest round of unfounded voter fraud accusations on an incident relayed to him by the retired German golfer, Bernhard Langer.

In Trump's telling, Langer had been turned away at a Florida polling place on Election Day, even as other voters on line -- including many of Latin American descent -- filled out provisional ballots.

It was an odd yarn and it created what one lawmaker described as "an exceedingly awkward moment." Less than 24 hours after the story was made public, Langer himself denied having told Trump anything of the sort.

"The voting situation reported was not conveyed from me to President Trump, but rather was told to me by a friend," he said in a statement. "I then relayed the story in conversation with another friend, who shared it with a person with ties to the White House."

Langer added that, although he lives in the US, he is not a citizen and cannot vote.

Is Donald Trump governing by gossip? -
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This is the kind of thread title I've always hated. That's because, at first glace at least, it looks like the kind of thread (ala Obama) that's meant to inflame passions while doing so with a false or exaggerated story. Frankly, I rarely ever participated in those kind of threads for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it seemed like a complete waste of time. Secondly, I simply didn't want to encourage more nonsense in a world where nonsense was seemingly everywhere already.

Furthermore, I take no pleasure in this thread. Whether people believe it or not, I'd like to see Trump succeed as president even if I don't agree with all his policy initiatives. But the man just can't seem to help himself. It seems as if his lying is nothing less than a pathology.

At any rate, why Trump believes he can make up these kinds of stories befuddles me. Certainly, if he was a private citizen sitting in Trump Tower while talking to one or more people, he could tell a yarn like this and either not be caught in the lie or not have to worry about any kind of serious repercussions. But that's certainly not the case when you're the President of the United States.

Read it for yourself!


As the New York Times first reported on Wednesday, Trump, in a closed door meeting with congressional leaders earlier this week sought to pin his latest round of unfounded voter fraud accusations on an incident relayed to him by the retired German golfer, Bernhard Langer.

In Trump's telling, Langer had been turned away at a Florida polling place on Election Day, even as other voters on line -- including many of Latin American descent -- filled out provisional ballots.
It was an odd yarn and it created what one lawmaker described as "an exceedingly awkward moment." Less than 24 hours after the story was made public, Langer himself denied having told Trump anything of the sort.

"The voting situation reported was not conveyed from me to President Trump, but rather was told to me by a friend," he said in a statement. "I then relayed the story in conversation with another friend, who shared it with a person with ties to the White House."

Langer added that, although he lives in the US, he is not a citizen and cannot vote.

Is Donald Trump governing by gossip? -

When did you douche bags ever complain about Obama's endless series of whoppers? That's right . . . . never.
This is the kind of thread title I've always hated. That's because, at first glace at least, it looks like the kind of thread (ala Obama) that's meant to inflame passions while doing so with a false or exaggerated story. Frankly, I rarely ever participated in those kind of threads for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it seemed like a complete waste of time. Secondly, I simply didn't want to encourage more nonsense in a world where nonsense was seemingly everywhere already.

Furthermore, I take no pleasure in this thread. Whether people believe it or not, I'd like to see Trump succeed as president even if I don't agree with all his policy initiatives. But the man just can't seem to help himself. It seems as if his lying is nothing less than a pathology.

At any rate, why Trump believes he can make up these kinds of stories befuddles me. Certainly, if he was a private citizen sitting in Trump Tower while talking to one or more people, he could tell a yarn like this and either not be caught in the lie or not have to worry about any kind of serious repercussions. But that's certainly not the case when you're the President of the United States.

Read it for yourself!


As the New York Times first reported on Wednesday, Trump, in a closed door meeting with congressional leaders earlier this week sought to pin his latest round of unfounded voter fraud accusations on an incident relayed to him by the retired German golfer, Bernhard Langer.

In Trump's telling, Langer had been turned away at a Florida polling place on Election Day, even as other voters on line -- including many of Latin American descent -- filled out provisional ballots.

It was an odd yarn and it created what one lawmaker described as "an exceedingly awkward moment." Less than 24 hours after the story was made public, Langer himself denied having told Trump anything of the sort.

"The voting situation reported was not conveyed from me to President Trump, but rather was told to me by a friend," he said in a statement. "I then relayed the story in conversation with another friend, who shared it with a person with ties to the White House."

Langer added that, although he lives in the US, he is not a citizen and cannot vote.

Is Donald Trump governing by gossip? -

I didn't get past "New York Times". It's Thursday, after all.
This is the kind of thread title I've always hated. That's because, at first glace at least, it looks like the kind of thread (ala Obama) that's meant to inflame passions while doing so with a false or exaggerated story. Frankly, I rarely ever participated in those kind of threads for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it seemed like a complete waste of time. Secondly, I simply didn't want to encourage more nonsense in a world where nonsense was seemingly everywhere already.

Furthermore, I take no pleasure in this thread. Whether people believe it or not, I'd like to see Trump succeed as president even if I don't agree with all his policy initiatives. But the man just can't seem to help himself. It seems as if his lying is nothing less than a pathology.

At any rate, why Trump believes he can make up these kinds of stories befuddles me. Certainly, if he was a private citizen sitting in Trump Tower while talking to one or more people, he could tell a yarn like this and either not be caught in the lie or not have to worry about any kind of serious repercussions. But that's certainly not the case when you're the President of the United States.

Read it for yourself!


As the New York Times first reported on Wednesday, Trump, in a closed door meeting with congressional leaders earlier this week sought to pin his latest round of unfounded voter fraud accusations on an incident relayed to him by the retired German golfer, Bernhard Langer.

In Trump's telling, Langer had been turned away at a Florida polling place on Election Day, even as other voters on line -- including many of Latin American descent -- filled out provisional ballots.
It was an odd yarn and it created what one lawmaker described as "an exceedingly awkward moment." Less than 24 hours after the story was made public, Langer himself denied having told Trump anything of the sort.

"The voting situation reported was not conveyed from me to President Trump, but rather was told to me by a friend," he said in a statement. "I then relayed the story in conversation with another friend, who shared it with a person with ties to the White House."

Langer added that, although he lives in the US, he is not a citizen and cannot vote.

Is Donald Trump governing by gossip? -

When did you douche bags ever complain about Obama's endless series of whoppers? That's right . . . . never.

Obama didn't sit around making up these kinds of stories. And even when members of Congress made charges that Obama was lying about tragic events like what happened to 4 Americans stationed in Benghazi, there was more than one investigation along with several hearings where the evidence was sifted through in search of any irregularity or any unexplained fact. The end result of it all was that there was no finding of any lies or a conspiracy of lies.

Here we have one man (Trump) who makes up stories which are found to be patently false almost from the time he says them. And then he repeats them. It's like America elected Jon Lovitz (Yeah, that's the ticket!) for president.
This is the kind of thread title I've always hated. That's because, at first glace at least, it looks like the kind of thread (ala Obama) that's meant to inflame passions while doing so with a false or exaggerated story. Frankly, I rarely ever participated in those kind of threads for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it seemed like a complete waste of time. Secondly, I simply didn't want to encourage more nonsense in a world where nonsense was seemingly everywhere already.

Furthermore, I take no pleasure in this thread. Whether people believe it or not, I'd like to see Trump succeed as president even if I don't agree with all his policy initiatives. But the man just can't seem to help himself. It seems as if his lying is nothing less than a pathology.

At any rate, why Trump believes he can make up these kinds of stories befuddles me. Certainly, if he was a private citizen sitting in Trump Tower while talking to one or more people, he could tell a yarn like this and either not be caught in the lie or not have to worry about any kind of serious repercussions. But that's certainly not the case when you're the President of the United States.

Read it for yourself!


As the New York Times first reported on Wednesday, Trump, in a closed door meeting with congressional leaders earlier this week sought to pin his latest round of unfounded voter fraud accusations on an incident relayed to him by the retired German golfer, Bernhard Langer.

In Trump's telling, Langer had been turned away at a Florida polling place on Election Day, even as other voters on line -- including many of Latin American descent -- filled out provisional ballots.

It was an odd yarn and it created what one lawmaker described as "an exceedingly awkward moment." Less than 24 hours after the story was made public, Langer himself denied having told Trump anything of the sort.

"The voting situation reported was not conveyed from me to President Trump, but rather was told to me by a friend," he said in a statement. "I then relayed the story in conversation with another friend, who shared it with a person with ties to the White House."

Langer added that, although he lives in the US, he is not a citizen and cannot vote.

Is Donald Trump governing by gossip? -

Uh, this whole story is a rumor, how ironic
Fake news, so funny.

Yeah, Trump certainly is the master of fake news, not to mention being the undisputed master of outright slander and vituperation against just about anyone and everyone he placed in his sites while a candidate. No other candidate came remotely close to Trump in that regard. There's no question that it certainly worked in Trump's favor during the campaign as he attacked all the other candidates and anyone else who met with his disfavor. However, being president isn't simply the next gradation like going from merely being a candidate to being the nominee. No, being president is unique and requires an entirely different skill set to succeed. Being president doesn't allow Trump to engage in the same degree of playing fast and loose with the facts. He simply can't be as cavalier with the facts as he has in the past as he's hopefully now learning. Unless he drastically changes his lifelong habit of just spinning whatever yarn happens to pop into his head at the time due to a lack of regard for what is and isn't true, he's going to end up painting himself into the smallest corner imaginable. I'd like to think he'll learn from these early missteps. But do you know what? At 70 years of age, I think it's far too ingrained in him for him to reign it in. Let me close this post with a word that Trump might use to close one of his tweets.

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They are seriously losing it. And has anybody else noticed the drastic reduction in troll traffic all across the internet? Fucking fed pussbags are cowering and pissing themselves.
Mustang either already got fired, or he's a dependent welfare bum. I guess the.latter.
They are seriously losing it. And has anybody else noticed the drastic reduction in troll traffic all across the internet? Fucking fed pussbags are cowering and pissing themselves.

Yup. And still, it is just beginning. :laugh:
You know if you tried you could get some good and honest criticism of Trump posted. Trump re-instituted torture and black prison sites for the CIA. Now I would agree that this is not just a bad idea but is catastrophically bad. Instead you focus on stupid not picking nonsense which lets the big ball of scandal roll right by.

That's the problem I've been having for a few years. You miss the big things while screaming that he has a spot on his tie. Not to worry the Republicans are about as bad. The Benghazi hearings examined every email and phone call and all that. It totally ignored the CIA shipping weapons to Syria to arm terrorist groups.
This is the kind of thread title I've always hated. That's because, at first glace at least, it looks like the kind of thread (ala Obama) that's meant to inflame passions while doing so with a false or exaggerated story. Frankly, I rarely ever participated in those kind of threads for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it seemed like a complete waste of time. Secondly, I simply didn't want to encourage more nonsense in a world where nonsense was seemingly everywhere already.

Furthermore, I take no pleasure in this thread. Whether people believe it or not, I'd like to see Trump succeed as president even if I don't agree with all his policy initiatives. But the man just can't seem to help himself. It seems as if his lying is nothing less than a pathology.

At any rate, why Trump believes he can make up these kinds of stories befuddles me. Certainly, if he was a private citizen sitting in Trump Tower while talking to one or more people, he could tell a yarn like this and either not be caught in the lie or not have to worry about any kind of serious repercussions. But that's certainly not the case when you're the President of the United States.

Read it for yourself!


As the New York Times first reported on Wednesday, Trump, in a closed door meeting with congressional leaders earlier this week sought to pin his latest round of unfounded voter fraud accusations on an incident relayed to him by the retired German golfer, Bernhard Langer.

In Trump's telling, Langer had been turned away at a Florida polling place on Election Day, even as other voters on line -- including many of Latin American descent -- filled out provisional ballots.

It was an odd yarn and it created what one lawmaker described as "an exceedingly awkward moment." Less than 24 hours after the story was made public, Langer himself denied having told Trump anything of the sort.

"The voting situation reported was not conveyed from me to President Trump, but rather was told to me by a friend," he said in a statement. "I then relayed the story in conversation with another friend, who shared it with a person with ties to the White House."

Langer added that, although he lives in the US, he is not a citizen and cannot vote.

Is Donald Trump governing by gossip? -

I didn't get past "New York Times". It's Thursday, after all.
CNN and NYTimes are 24/7 fake news
You know if you tried you could get some good and honest criticism of Trump posted. Trump re-instituted torture and black prison sites for the CIA. Now I would agree that this is not just a bad idea but is catastrophically bad. Instead you focus on stupid not picking nonsense which lets the big ball of scandal roll right by.

That's the problem I've been having for a few years. You miss the big things while screaming that he has a spot on his tie. Not to worry the Republicans are about as bad. The Benghazi hearings examined every email and phone call and all that. It totally ignored the CIA shipping weapons to Syria to arm terrorist groups.

I differentiate between an otherwise normal person who may have bad policies and a flawed personality whose behavior is a recipe bad judgement..
The last several weeks have been greatly entertaining watching the libtards scramble! Liberal thinking sucks, and extreme liberals suffer from a mental disease.
You know if you tried you could get some good and honest criticism of Trump posted. Trump re-instituted torture and black prison sites for the CIA. Now I would agree that this is not just a bad idea but is catastrophically bad. Instead you focus on stupid not picking nonsense which lets the big ball of scandal roll right by.

That's the problem I've been having for a few years. You miss the big things while screaming that he has a spot on his tie. Not to worry the Republicans are about as bad. The Benghazi hearings examined every email and phone call and all that. It totally ignored the CIA shipping weapons to Syria to arm terrorist groups.

I differentiate between an otherwise normal person who may have bad policies and a flawed personality whose behavior is a recipe bad judgement..

Pfui. The only way to criticize anyone is to take issue with specific policies. Otherwise you come off as a hate motivated loon. Yes Trey Gowdy qualifies.
I do agree with SavannahMann that this scattergun approach of blasting Trump with every trivial complaint is going to make people unfocus and not pay attention when Trump does something we should really worry about. I think there's a parable about this, involving a boy who cried wolf too many times.

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