The Trump Messages - Why the little morons love him

Actually liberals making dumbass threads like this, makes me love him! Lol
Nothing dumb about it. We're exploring Trump-love, same as puppy-love only much worse since this you won't grow out of...
I've never got into him, Carson is my guy. But liberals shiting all over yourselves is very entertaining. I hope he notches it up!
No one, who matters a damn, is worried about the three-ring circus act DT.
Actually liberals making dumbass threads like this, makes me love him! Lol
Nothing dumb about it. We're exploring Trump-love, same as puppy-love only much worse since this you won't grow out of...
I've never got into him, Carson is my guy. But liberals shiting all over yourselves is very entertaining. I hope he notches it up!
No one, who matters a damn, is worried about the three-ring circus act DT.
He won't win, but if he does and it's between him and Hillary. Trump gets my vote and he will win. The uninformed voters will too. Thanks to the piss poor liberal education system we have.
You have to understand the Republican base. They've seen a black man get elected president twice, a woman about to replace him, gays getting married, the USA getting more secular and more brown. Their reality is collapsing. They've also seen the middle class in trouble, and they choose to blame that on the brown people and mysterious unnamed liberal government regulations, instead on the people who are actually taking their money.

Enter Trump. He gives them hope of restoring America to the point before it all went to hell, in their eyes. Something is wrong, the dirty liberals are at fault, Trump now says he hates the dirty liberals more than anyone, so he's their guy. To them, it doesn't matter how he's flipflopped on every issue, or that he makes no sense. All that matters is that he now says he hates liberals more than the other candidates. Look at jknow up there, proudly supporting Trump solely because he supposedly pisses off liberals (though the liberals are actually laughing). That's the sullen teenager attitude the defines the Republican base now, and Trump taps into it.
Actually liberals making dumbass threads like this, makes me love him! Lol
Nothing dumb about it. We're exploring Trump-love, same as puppy-love only much worse since this you won't grow out of...
I've never got into him, Carson is my guy. But liberals shiting all over yourselves is very entertaining. I hope he notches it up!
No one, who matters a damn, is worried about the three-ring circus act DT.
He won't win, but if he does and it's between him and Hillary. Trump gets my vote and he will win. The uninformed voters will too. Thanks to the piss poor liberal education system we have.
It's piss-poor because Americans are piss-poor. It reflects the stupidity of Americans perfectly.
Trump is an arrogant asshole that admits it.
Liberals are arrogant assholes that admit to nothing.
Some of us have earned our place. Him, not so much.

And you didn't add any other messages of DT that you love. Got any?

Oh so you are going to tell me liberals never do anything wrong?
Let's start there.......
No, we have our share of fuck-ups, we're just less hypocritical about it. Like this: Benghazi was a fuck-up, not a crime.

And the shooting of Trayvon Martin was a crime, not a fuck up.

Think they will start to catch on, PMH?
Fox was out to get Trump on Thursday night, ergo Megan Kelly's question about comments he's made about women.

She didn't bother to ask Christie why he gets into shouting matches with strangers on the boardwalk in New Jersey.

And no one asked Rick Perry how his criminal trial was going down in Austin.

So you might draw the conclusion that Fox suspects he's in bed with the Clintons because he's disrupting the Republican campaign whether he stays at number one in the conservative polls are runs on an independent ticket.
Trump is an arrogant asshole that admits it.
Liberals are arrogant assholes that admit to nothing.
Some of us have earned our place. Him, not so much.

And you didn't add any other messages of DT that you love. Got any?

Oh so you are going to tell me liberals never do anything wrong?
Let's start there.......
No, we have our share of fuck-ups, we're just less hypocritical about it. Like this: Benghazi was a fuck-up, not a crime.

And the shooting of Trayvon Martin was a crime, not a fuck up.

Think they will start to catch on, PMH?
No, actually that was treyvon's last fuck up! Lol
Fox was out to get Trump on Thursday night, ergo Megan Kelly's question about comments he's made about women.

She didn't bother to ask Christie why he gets into shouting matches with strangers on the boardwalk in New Jersey.

And no one asked Rick Perry how his criminal trial was going down in Austin.

So you might draw the conclusion that Fox suspects he's in bed with the Clintons because he's disrupting the Republican campaign whether he stays at number one in the conservative polls are runs on an independent ticket.
I hope they ask Hillary how her criminal in investigation is going.

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