The Trump Tiffin Crusaders: Dystopian Prom!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a consumerism-consciousness tale involving bank robbery, tiffins, and school uniform policies.

Who would appreciate such a socially-conscious tale more, President Trump or First Lady Melania Trump?



A band of fanatical vigilantes robbed banks all over Europe wearing strange masks and wearing suits. These robbers called themselves the Uniform Crusaders and carried with them to all their robberies tiffins filled with Indian cuisine (e.g., lentils, curry, tandoori, pakoras, sweets, etc.). They would rob the banks and leave the tiffins of delicious Indian food for the tellers to enjoy, reminding them, "This little gift we leave you should assure you that we were here only for the money and not to harm you!" The Uniform Crusaders became instant celebrities, since they took attention away from the social hysteria and anxiety surrounding global terrorism (e.g., 9/11, Paris, etc., etc.).

The Uniform Crusaders sent a notice to the United Nations that if America's brand of 'TrumpUSA profiteerism' went unchecked, they would continue their robbery propaganda. The Crusaders also said in their notice that the world needs to enforce school-uniform clothing policies so students do not feel the pressure to discriminate against each other based on financial background and resources to embrace 'worldly style trends,' since such distraction is emblematic of a consumerism-dazed society neglectful of schoolhouse values and educational morals. The Crusaders considered themselves to be like a band of Merry Men (the allies of the English archer-vigilante Robin Hood who stole from the rich and gave to the poor!).

The Trump Administration felt severely threatened in the 'court of public opinion' by the anti-consumerism 'feats' of the Uniform Crusaders and retorted by issuing a public statement. President Trump told the United Nations that America would endorse a global effort to fund school uniforms to schools all over the world so education would once again be as valued as consumerism and fashion in modern society. Trump also said that America would not go deaf to the cries of pedestrian protesters (such as the Uniform Crusaders) who were obviously displeased with modern-age 'obsession' with consumerism vanities. The 'Catwalk War' had begun...



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