The Truth about David Duke and the Unite the right leaders


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Truth about David Duke and the #UniteTheRight Leaders

Are the leaders of the infamous “Unite the Right” rally held in Charlottesville, VA on August 12 “white supremacists” or something else? Heather Heyer was brutally killed and many others wounded when a car being driven by James Alex Fields, Jr., a Hitler-loving 20-year-old diagnosed schizophrenic plowed into a group of communist agitators and Antifa activists.

David Duke is nothing more than an ANTI AMERICAN moron who just like the leftis clowns blames the Jews for everything and anything.
He pretty much is a Hitler all his own. With false brainwashing techniques.
I thought the torchlit march was beautiful and inspiring. Nothing frightens the establishment more than a group of clean cut white boys who reject the narrative. The following day's chaos was 100% to blame on the leftist governor, mayor, and virulently racist black vice mayor Wes Bellamy, and the degenerate commie trash who arrived in busloads half of whom were dressed in KKK regalia, the other half Antifa and BLM. Interesting that two diametrically opposed groups were seen by locals exiting the same bus.
I thought the torchlit march was beautiful and inspiring. Nothing frightens the establishment more than a group of clean cut white boys who reject the narrative. The following day's chaos was 100% to blame on the leftist governor, mayor, and virulently racist black vice mayor Wes Bellamy, and the degenerate commie trash who arrived in busloads half of whom were dressed in KKK regalia, the other half Antifa and BLM. Interesting that two diametrically opposed groups were seen by locals exiting the same bus.

Oh good grief.

The candlelight vigil was held by the left in honor of the murdered Heather Hyer.

The alt right are not Communist. Neither are the left. The lat right are kkk, white supremacist and other racist human garbage who belong in jail.

The mayor said and did nothing racist. He should have done more to stop the alt right thugs who came armed with guns, knives, pepper spray, clubs, baseball bats and lied about caring about statues. They were there to yell about Jews and Blacks.

BLM have the right to pretest. They do not have the right to riot or loot but its not them doing it. That would be the anti-America alt right.

ANTIFA has been around for almost 100 years and fights fascism and nazis around the world. They were fighting hitler before the US got into the war.
The alt-right isn't KKK. They're the alt-right. It's not a broad term encompassing all groups hysterical little babies don't like. It's a very specific movement focused on preserving white people from being replaced in their own countries, which is apparently way more offensive than the stuff angry black people say and get away with.
Charlottesville Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy’s Racist Secret Is Out
Oh good grief.

The candlelight vigil was held by the left in honor of the murdered Heather Hyer.

I said torchlit march, not candlelight vigil. Pay attention. It's not yet clear whether or not the crash was an intentional act. If you actually watch the footage with a critical eye, you will see someone strikes Field's car before he even speeds up. And Heather Heyer might have been standing on top of the unmoving silver car when it happened, otherwise she would have been pinned between and crushed although it's hard to say.
The alt right are not Communist. Neither are the left.

Indeed, the Alt-right are not communist but you're incredibly misinformed if you don't think Antifa and BLM have strong ties to many Marxist groups. Antfa is explicitly communist while BLM's leadership are almost all members of the 'world worker's party'.

BLM have the right to pretest. They do not have the right to riot or loot but its not them doing it. That would be the anti-America alt right.
Pretest? If BLM has the right to do that, so does other groups whether you agree with their views or not.

ANTIFA has been around for almost 100 years and fights fascism and nazis around the world. They were fighting hitler before the US got into the war.

It's ridiculous to compare those marxist basement masturbators to WWII veterans. Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization and should be treated as such.
David Duke was a Kleagle in the KKK, IIRC, and he was caught on video trying to sell lists of his own membership to the FBI and media.

That should tell you everything you need to know about that cock sucker.

The Real David Duke
He left the Knights of the KKK under a cloud in 1980. Bill Wilkinson, leader of a competing Klan group, arranged to have Duke videotaped trying to sell him the Knights' mailing list for $35,000.
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The alt-right isn't KKK. They're the alt-right. It's not a broad term encompassing all groups hysterical little babies don't like. It's a very specific movement focused on preserving white people from being replaced in their own countries, which is apparently way more offensive than the stuff angry black people say and get away with.
Charlottesville Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy’s Racist Secret Is Out

Most LEFTIST are DEMOCRATS which ..................

History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats started the KKK)
Live Leak ^

Posted on 8/6/2009, 9:59:36 AM by IrishMike

The original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white, according to a new television program and book, which describe how the Democrats started the KKK and for decades harassed the GOP with lynchings and threats.

An estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964.

The documentation has been assembled by David Barton of Wallbu More..ilders and published in his book "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," which reveals that not only did the Democrats work hand-in-glove with the Ku Klux Klan for generations, they started the KKK and endorsed its mayhem.

"Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective," Barton said in his book. "Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings."

History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats started the KKK)
David Duke was a Kleagle in the KKK, IIRC, and he was caught on video trying to sell lists of his own membership to the FBI and media.

That should tell you everything you need to know about that cock sucker.

The Real David Duke
He left the Knights of the KKK under a cloud in 1980. Bill Wilkinson, leader of a competing Klan group, arranged to have Duke videotaped trying to sell him the Knights' mailing list for $35,000.

I don't know anything about Duke other than he's a toxic figure due to his past affiliation with the KKK and the media's hysterical obsession with him. I know he has a lot of videos online, he's probably not as bad as the media makes him out to be, I'm sure.
There are idiots who believe that Antifa and BLM are the same thing.

There are imbeciles who believe that either Antifa or BLM were in busses with KKK members in Charlottesville.
There are imbeciles who believe that either Antifa or BLM were in busses with KKK members in Charlottesville.

How hard would it be to play dressup as a KKK member? Obviously you're an anifa sympathizer.

You are a dupe. You believe things that are not true. You accept them without evidence and repeat them as though they are facts. A dupe. A gullible dupe.
You are a dupe. You believe things that are not true. You accept them without evidence and repeat them as though they are facts. A dupe. A gullible dupe.

Prove I'm wrong. You sound like the type that uses the boneheaded argument that because they're called anti-fascist, to oppose them means you're pro-fascist.
The Truth about David Duke and the #UniteTheRight Leaders

Are the leaders of the infamous “Unite the Right” rally held in Charlottesville, VA on August 12 “white supremacists” or something else? Heather Heyer was brutally killed and many others wounded when a car being driven by James Alex Fields, Jr., a Hitler-loving 20-year-old diagnosed schizophrenic plowed into a group of communist agitators and Antifa activists.

David Duke is nothing more than an ANTI AMERICAN moron who just like the leftis clowns blames the Jews for everything and anything.
He pretty much is a Hitler all his own. With false brainwashing techniques.

the right will look at anti-fa and declare them the poster child for the left.
the left will look at the alt-right most extreme in the other direction and declare them the poster child for the right.

neither are even close to being true.

yes those people are out there. but what, maybe 1 in 1000? even if 1 in 500 that's still 499 great people you can focus on and not let the assholes of the other side define the other side. hell my brother and i rarely agree politically but we'd also both die for each other and never get mad at how the other feels.

yet we let the lone face in the crowd define the crowd. this makes it far too easy to apply that pre-made hate to anyone and declare them the same as the most extreme we've pointed out as a rep for their side.

we let people we don't even know and will likely never meet define how we'll interact with those who *do* have the ability to change our lives and that is so strange to me. so strange.

how long are we going to do this to each other? let our hate guide us? has it ever taken anyone anywhere good? it's long since past time we let "but the other side did ...." go.

if you hate obama, guess what got us going in this direction?
if you hate trump, guess why he got elected?

we can fix the things we do that cause these results to happen or we can keep yelling at the results no one really likes if it's going to make us hate like this.

let's stop giving a flying fuck about the *truth* about someone no one is really following anymore. let's have the left stop pretending all white males over 30 have bbq's at dukes ranch in the south while sipping bourbon laced lemonade plotting how to kill everyone not at their party.

let's stop pretending the poster children for what happens when you bully people too much as kids get brainwashed into political movements and black bandanna's is the only thing the left has to offer.

we know better than that. we all do but it's just too easy to fall back into that mode and hate.

there are assholes on both sides likely in roughly equal proportions. but they are the extreme and we simply need to go "that's nice honey" when they demand attention like you say to a 5 year old diving into the pool for the 8th time screaming LOOK AT ME MOMMY cause that's *all they are doing*.

the adults need to find something more constructive to do than cater to worst of either side.

/rant off.
David Duke was a Kleagle in the KKK, IIRC, and he was caught on video trying to sell lists of his own membership to the FBI and media.

That should tell you everything you need to know about that cock sucker.

The Real David Duke
He left the Knights of the KKK under a cloud in 1980. Bill Wilkinson, leader of a competing Klan group, arranged to have Duke videotaped trying to sell him the Knights' mailing list for $35,000.

I don't know anything about Duke other than he's a toxic figure due to his past affiliation with the KKK and the media's hysterical obsession with him. I know he has a lot of videos online, he's probably not as bad as the media makes him out to be, I'm sure.
It`s all the fault of the evil "media". Spoken like a well trained GOP parrot. Have a cracker....cracker.
David Duke was a Kleagle in the KKK, IIRC, and he was caught on video trying to sell lists of his own membership to the FBI and media.

That should tell you everything you need to know about that cock sucker.

The Real David Duke
He left the Knights of the KKK under a cloud in 1980. Bill Wilkinson, leader of a competing Klan group, arranged to have Duke videotaped trying to sell him the Knights' mailing list for $35,000.

I don't know anything about Duke other than he's a toxic figure due to his past affiliation with the KKK and the media's hysterical obsession with him. I know he has a lot of videos online, he's probably not as bad as the media makes him out to be, I'm sure.
It`s all the fault of the evil "media". Spoken like a well trained GOP parrot. Have a cracker....cracker.
and here is what i'm talking about. can't address people and their singular views, you have to label them something pre-defined by you as "ok to hate" and giggle some cause you got a shot in.

fuck that shit.
It`s all the fault of the evil "media". Spoken like a well trained GOP parrot. Have a cracker....cracker.
David Duke was a Kleagle in the KKK, IIRC, and he was caught on video trying to sell lists of his own membership to the FBI and media.

That should tell you everything you need to know about that cock sucker.

The Real David Duke
He left the Knights of the KKK under a cloud in 1980. Bill Wilkinson, leader of a competing Klan group, arranged to have Duke videotaped trying to sell him the Knights' mailing list for $35,000.

I don't know anything about Duke other than he's a toxic figure due to his past affiliation with the KKK and the media's hysterical obsession with him. I know he has a lot of videos online, he's probably not as bad as the media makes him out to be, I'm sure.
It`s all the fault of the evil "media". Spoken like a well trained GOP parrot. Have a cracker....cracker.
and here is what i'm talking about. can't address people and their singular views, you have to label them something pre-defined by you as "ok to hate" and giggle some cause you got a shot in.

fuck that shit.
As soon as I see someone demonizing the evil media I tune them out. There`s nothing singular about it when it`s the same shit all day. "media`s hysterical obsession" he tells us. Fuck that shit is right.
As soon as I see someone demonizing the evil media I tune them out. There`s nothing singular about it when it`s the same shit all day. "media`s hysterical obsession" he tells us. Fuck that shit is right.

Because the media lies constantly.

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