The Truth About Hamas Is Hiding In Plain Sight

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
We've had a few hostages returned since Hamas's terrorist attack on Israel and they have told us that they were hidden in tunnels and that they were medically cared for and Hamas seemed to have a very good supply of medicines, medical equipment, and people knowledgeable in the medical field.

Doesn't it make you wonder how this can be? How about Hamas has built tunnels underneath hospitals where they can easily ferry in and out medicine, medical equipment, and medical personnel, especially now that Israel has shown the world a tunnel they found under the recently bombed hospital?

And, how does Hamas do this? Wouldn't the hospital and hospital staff know what was going on or do Hamas fighters carry around invisibility cloaks so the hospital staff can't see what's going on and don't even notice things coming up missing, like meds, equipment, and even their medical personnel?

So, are these people really just poor innocent civilians being caught in the crossfire by those big bad Israeli's? And how are all of these medical supplies, equipment, and personnel obtained and trained? Could it possibly be that humanitarian aid from other countries is making all of this possible?

The truth is hiding in plain sight if people would just open up their eyes.
We've had a few hostages returned since Hamas's terrorist attack on Israel and they have told us that they were hidden in tunnels and that they were medically cared for and Hamas seemed to have a very good supply of medicines, medical equipment, and people knowledgeable in the medical field.

Doesn't it make you wonder how this can be? How about Hamas has built tunnels underneath hospitals where they can easily ferry in and out medicine, medical equipment, and medical personnel, especially now that Israel has shown the world a tunnel they found under the recently bombed hospital?

And, how does Hamas do this? Wouldn't the hospital and hospital staff know what was going on or do Hamas fighters carry around invisibility cloaks so the hospital staff can't see what's going on and don't even notice things coming up missing, like meds, equipment, and even their medical personnel?

So, are these people really just poor innocent civilians being caught in the crossfire by those big bad Israeli's? And how are all of these medical supplies, equipment, and personnel obtained and trained? Could it possibly be that humanitarian aid from other countries is making all of this possible?

The truth is hiding in plain sight if people would just open up their eyes.
The truth is that Israel is committing mass murder of thousands of innocent people - these are war crimes, genocide.
The truth is that Israel is committing mass murder of thousands of innocent people - these are war crimes, genocide.
The truth is that you are a liar.

Israel is doing no such thing.
How many thousands of Palestinians killed lately?

How blind are you?

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

De Nile is a bit further south...
We've had a few hostages returned since Hamas's terrorist attack on Israel and they have told us that they were hidden in tunnels and that they were medically cared for and Hamas seemed to have a very good supply of medicines, medical equipment, and people knowledgeable in the medical field.

Doesn't it make you wonder how this can be? How about Hamas has built tunnels underneath hospitals where they can easily ferry in and out medicine, medical equipment, and medical personnel, especially now that Israel has shown the world a tunnel they found under the recently bombed hospital?

And, how does Hamas do this? Wouldn't the hospital and hospital staff know what was going on or do Hamas fighters carry around invisibility cloaks so the hospital staff can't see what's going on and don't even notice things coming up missing, like meds, equipment, and even their medical personnel?

So, are these people really just poor innocent civilians being caught in the crossfire by those big bad Israeli's? And how are all of these medical supplies, equipment, and personnel obtained and trained? Could it possibly be that humanitarian aid from other countries is making all of this possible?

The truth is hiding in plain sight if people would just open up their eyes.
are you implying the civilian population are not humans shields but actively working with hamas as civilian combatants posing as human shields??
The truth is that Israel is committing mass murder of thousands of innocent people - these are war crimes, genocide.

Question. If Hamas wants a cease fire, then Why did they decide to cross the border, kill women, children, old people, anyone and everyone, torture them and take prisoners back to Gaza? If they want a cease fire, why did they do all that? and why did they promise to do it again?

They want to attack Israel and they want Israel to do nothing under international pressure. It doesnt work that way. Hamas rejected peace and still refuse to give back hostages. The war crimes against Palestinians is being committed on them by Hamas.
The truth is that Israel is committing mass murder of thousands of innocent people - these are war crimes, genocide.

See article 13 of the Hamas Charter

Rejection of a negotiated peace settlement:

"[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility." (Article 13)
The truth is that Israel is committing mass murder of thousands of innocent people - these are war crimes, genocide.

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