The truth about the Donald: Most of his ideas make sense

None of Trump's knee jerk ideas makes sense. He follows a pattern of pointing out a problem everyone already knows about, says he will fix it, puts out an idiotic unworkable solution and his dopey followers get all excited and worship him.
He is scamming those followers into believing he is going to search for, round up, feed, house, adjudicate, transport and deport 12 million people, which is more than Hitler or Stalin were able to do over periods of years using the military and without worrying about mistakingly entangling hundreds of thousands or even millions of people they never meant to be rounded up.
The wall is a blatant hoax and the suckers believe in it.
Just yesterday the fool said he would consider defaulting on America's debt.70% of which is held by American citizens. Some solution, don't pay Americans who invested in America. Let the country go bankrupt. Chase the foreign investors away.
Somebody, please name one program or plan that huckster has suggested that has even a small chance of working.

Did your braincells blow themselves out when you wrote this...let me correct myself...did your braincell blow itself out when you wrote this?
Name a single proposal Trump has made that has the slightest chance of solving a problem without creating a bigger one.
Name anything the government has ever done to fix a problem that has not caused a bigger one.

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