The truth of the matter is that America sucks in many ways

My caveat is that America is also great in many ways. The best in the world for a few things.

However, a lot of things about this country really suck.

1) Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world.

2) Our child poverty rate is the worst among developed nations.

3) Our GDP spending per person on healthcare is high in comparison to other nations.

4) Our healthcare system is ranked among the worst of developed nations due to its high cost to consumers and ineligibility for millions of others.

5) Trump - an unprecedented embarrassment to governments everywhere - will be president. We are the laughing stock of the world (note: I wouldn't say this if ANY other republican had won instead).

6) We are the only country on earth that has an incoming government that denies the existence of climate change.

7) Water supplies across the country have dangerous amounts of lead in the water. It's the emergency that no one in the mainstream media will cover.

8) This country has the widest income disparity than any developed country on earth.

America kind of blows. The bad slightly outweighs all the good.

So, you're a leftist retard spewing bullshit.

How unique..

You know I'm right.

I know that the hate list you cut and pasted is utterly stupid.

"1) Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world."

What a retarded fucking lie - I mean even as you Communists go, that is absurd shit.

View attachment 105457

Fact is, we have the most robust infrastructure in the world. Soros and the jackles who think for you are lying, because they know that you're stupid as a fucking brick and will never question this shit the spoon feed you.

"2) Our child poverty rate is the worst among developed nations."

Wow, what do we even say about this kind of fucking lie?

The Communists over at NeverThinkShithead polished this little turd, that you suck on like a popsicle.

So how do these lying cocksuckers defend this?

"h UNICEF defines as living in a household that earns less than half of the national median."

Wait a fucking minute, so the Soros scum are saying that a child in a household making $30,000 per year in the USA is WORSE off than than a child in a household in France making $6,000 a year? Because the median in the USA is 5 times greater?

Really? You lying fucks REALLY pull this shit? Why of course you do, you're scumbags without a shred of integrity bent on the destruction of Western Civilization.

"3) Our GDP spending per person on healthcare is high in comparison to other nations."

Who gives a fuck?

We have the most advanced medical care on the globe.

"4) Our healthcare system is ranked among the worst of developed nations due to its high cost to consumers and ineligibility for millions of others."

Ranked by whom? Communist fuckwads? We have the most advanced medical care on the planet, by a huge margin.

You scumbags are doing your best to change that.


5) Trump - an unprecedented embarrassment to governments everywhere - will be president. We are the laughing stock of the world (note: I wouldn't say this if ANY other republican had won instead)."

So, you're a butthurt snowflake who can't accept the results of the election.

What did that fucking cvnt Hillary say about this?

It's appalling that a presidential nominee of a major party is undermining the pillar of our democracy—just because he hates losing.

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 20, 2016

Maybe I'm missing something here, but that chart on electricity grid reliability seems to indicate the US has one of the least consistent electrical grids of the countries listed. It is near the top of the chart for average outage minutes. Wouldn't that be time when the electricity if out? Wouldn't that be a bad thing, indicative of a possibly poorer electrical infrastructure?
when you take into consideration that the electrical grid in the U.S was basically one of the first in the world, you have to understand that the other countries started out with better refined technology and materials than we did. Not only did we have to expend resources in continued growth but you also have to take into consideration the resources needed to constantly try to upgrade older grids as we went along. Other countries that build much later than the U.S, had the advantage of the advanced technology from dollar one, they did not have to spend money to go back and rewire entire geographical locations while trying to expand.
Those other countries are also not seeing the population growth that the U.S is currently undergoing, this causes an increase in demand that can either be met with billions of dollars in upgrades constantly, or a reduction in service quality.
and then I suppose we can look at our lifestyle and understand that due to many of the things that we take for granted, other countries look at as a luxury, like keeping our houses cooled to a nice 70° when its 100° outside, or our electric heat, or even our energy drains for christmas lights across the country every year.

My point wasn't really to comment on the state of the US electrical grid so much as to point out that in context, the graph presented seemed to do the opposite of what was intended. Uncensored seemed to be using it to show that the US has a strong infrastructure. At best, the mitigating factors you mention make the negative place the US holds on the chart more of a neutral one. However, the chart certainly does not seem to support the idea of strong US infrastructure. :dunno:
Get a job and pay your own damn bills losers, the Unites States didn't become the most wealthy, powerful country on earth by letting millions of lazy fat asses sit around doing nothing sucking on welfare. Goddamn grow a pair for Christ sake.
Shut the fuck up with your high-horse bullshit about being a tough red blooded American. I know it makes you feel manly and superior to just call millions of Americans "lazy fat asses" but you're talking out of your ass.

I have been working my ass off for over 35 years, enough with the losers and lazy lard asses mooching off me. In fact don't get a job, get two jobs stop embarrassing real Americans.
None of that changes what the US economy is today. It isn't what it used to be. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

Get a job and pay your own damn bills losers, the Unites States didn't become the most wealthy, powerful country on earth by letting millions of lazy fat asses sit around doing nothing sucking on welfare. Goddamn grow a pair for Christ sake.
Shut the fuck up with your high-horse bullshit about being a tough red blooded American. I know it makes you feel manly and superior to just call millions of Americans "lazy fat asses" but you're talking out of your ass.

I have been working my ass off for over 35 years, enough with the losers and lazy lard asses mooching off me. In fact don't get a job, get two jobs stop embarrassing real Americans.
None of that changes what the US economy is today. It isn't what it used to be. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

Boo hoo life is hard boo hoo. Holy shit what are they teaching kids in school these days.
See you're so caught up in wanting to feel manly and superior to today's "snowflakes" that you're willfully ignoring the truth of today's economy. This has little to do with people "going soft" on self-sufficiency. Obviously it matters that we live in an economy where wages are way behind on inflation. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

I have been working my ass off for over 35 years, enough with the losers and lazy lard asses mooching off me. In fact don't get a job, get two jobs stop embarrassing real Americans.
None of that changes what the US economy is today. It isn't what it used to be. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

Boo hoo life is hard boo hoo. Holy shit what are they teaching kids in school these days.
See you're so caught up in wanting to feel manly and superior to today's "snowflakes" that you're willfully ignoring the truth of today's economy. This has little to do with people "going soft" on self-sufficiency. Obviously it matters that we live in an economy where wages are way behind on inflation. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

I had no trouble at all making gobs of money all through Bush and Obama, but then I work hard. Hell its not rocket science. Go curl up in your safe space.
Christ my point is that a few decades ago, it was much easier for people to establish successful financial livelihoods.

Billy, stop for just one second and listen to reason. You have yourself all riled up and you're Jedi mind-tricking yourself.
It's been estimated by many that there are 20-25 million illegals in the US right now...using common sense and knowing the rate at which they reproduce how long will it take that 20 million to turn to 30, 60 or 80 million?
This reproduction and arithmetic has been going on for decades...remember when Reagan fucked us and signed the amnesty bill in 1986 granting citizenship to 3 million illegals? How long do you think it took that 3 million to multiply to 10 million? Are you starting to get it? We have left our border open for decades to be invaded by people that we know for absolute certainly will have to suck the taxpayer tit...and probably for eternity...use your head...they don't and won't even speak our many first generation illegals do you know that have become totally self supportive? We have more people here than we have jobs! Open your eyes bud...stop ignoring the real issue. This is simple shit...allow it to be.
Bullshit. Your last point is absolute horseshit. Look to our neighbor to the south, Slim has more wealth than almost the entire rest of Mexico. When you make an error that huge, it's hard to take anything you say seriously.
Putin is the richest man in the world because he forces others to turn over their wealth to him.
But, if you look at Bill Gates and a homeless person, then the US probably does have the second widest income disparity. Russia would be first. I know it's an extreme viewpoint and not what he meant, but remarkably, it's still valid.
Get a job and pay your own damn bills losers, the Unites States didn't become the most wealthy, powerful country on earth by letting millions of lazy fat asses sit around doing nothing sucking on welfare. Goddamn grow a pair for Christ sake.
Shut the fuck up with your high-horse bullshit about being a tough red blooded American. I know it makes you feel manly and superior to just call millions of Americans "lazy fat asses" but you're talking out of your ass.

I have been working my ass off for over 35 years, enough with the losers and lazy lard asses mooching off me. In fact don't get a job, get two jobs stop embarrassing real Americans.
None of that changes what the US economy is today. It isn't what it used to be. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

Shut the fuck up with your high-horse bullshit about being a tough red blooded American. I know it makes you feel manly and superior to just call millions of Americans "lazy fat asses" but you're talking out of your ass.

I have been working my ass off for over 35 years, enough with the losers and lazy lard asses mooching off me. In fact don't get a job, get two jobs stop embarrassing real Americans.
None of that changes what the US economy is today. It isn't what it used to be. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

Boo hoo life is hard boo hoo. Holy shit what are they teaching kids in school these days.
See you're so caught up in wanting to feel manly and superior to today's "snowflakes" that you're willfully ignoring the truth of today's economy. This has little to do with people "going soft" on self-sufficiency. Obviously it matters that we live in an economy where wages are way behind on inflation. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

None of that changes what the US economy is today. It isn't what it used to be. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

Boo hoo life is hard boo hoo. Holy shit what are they teaching kids in school these days.
See you're so caught up in wanting to feel manly and superior to today's "snowflakes" that you're willfully ignoring the truth of today's economy. This has little to do with people "going soft" on self-sufficiency. Obviously it matters that we live in an economy where wages are way behind on inflation. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

I had no trouble at all making gobs of money all through Bush and Obama, but then I work hard. Hell its not rocket science. Go curl up in your safe space.
Christ my point is that a few decades ago, it was much easier for people to establish successful financial livelihoods.

Billy, stop for just one second and listen to reason. You have yourself all riled up and you're Jedi mind-tricking yourself.
It's been estimated by many that there are 20-25 million illegals in the US right now...using common sense and knowing the rate at which they reproduce how long will it take that 20 million to turn to 30, 60 or 80 million?
This reproduction and arithmetic has been going on for decades...remember when Reagan fucked us and signed the amnesty bill in 1986 granting citizenship to 3 million illegals? How long do you think it took that 3 million to multiply to 10 million? Are you starting to get it? We have left our border open for decades to be invaded by people that we know for absolute certainly will have to suck the taxpayer tit...and probably for eternity...use your head...they don't and won't even speak our many first generation illegals do you know that have become totally self supportive? We have more people here than we have jobs! Open your eyes bud...stop ignoring the real issue. This is simple shit...allow it to be.
Immigration is your only response to this? Look, net migration from Mexico is currently at zero in the US.
The country would be much better off with a strong middle class.

Wages must go up, unions must return, and the wealthy must start paying their fair share of taxes.
Trump might do that.

He won't. He filled the swamp with Wall Street jerks. His BFF is a Russian dictator. This isn't the kind of person that gives two shits about the average guy.

He did sort of drain the swamp a little...and then repopulated it.
The country would be much better off with a strong middle class.

Wages must go up, unions must return, and the wealthy must start paying their fair share of taxes.
Trump might do that.

He won't. He filled the swamp with Wall Street jerks. His BFF is a Russian dictator. This isn't the kind of person that gives two shits about the average guy.

He did sort of drain the swamp a little...and then repopulated it.
Clear off.
My caveat is that America is also great in many ways. The best in the world for a few things.

However, a lot of things about this country really suck.

1) Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world.

2) Our child poverty rate is the worst among developed nations.

3) Our GDP spending per person on healthcare is high in comparison to other nations.

4) Our healthcare system is ranked among the worst of developed nations due to its high cost to consumers and ineligibility for millions of others.

5) Trump - an unprecedented embarrassment to governments everywhere - will be president. We are the laughing stock of the world (note: I wouldn't say this if ANY other republican had won instead).

6) We are the only country on earth that has an incoming government that denies the existence of climate change.

7) Water supplies across the country have dangerous amounts of lead in the water. It's the emergency that no one in the mainstream media will cover.

8) This country has the widest income disparity than any developed country on earth.

America kind of blows. The bad slightly outweighs all the good.
The United States is definitely not perfect and some aspects of it are abysmal, however, I've been all over this planet and I find this country more to my liking than the others.
Oh for the educational system, you can thank he liberal educational system for that failure. It started with the idiotic concept of "socially promoting" failing students, thus ensuring that when they got out of school, they could barely read, write, or do math.

Decisions like that (social promotion) actually come out of the government closest to the the Republicans would say.
It is funny that Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and most of Europe are all far more to the left economically but in many ways rank higher in these areas. Intimating the third world isn't a good idea.

Well, we're imitating the third world in a way by bringing so many of their poor, unskilled, and needy here. You have complaints about funding, start there. From what I know about Japan, and I'm sure it's true with Korea and Taiwan, they're very fussy about who comes into their country, unlike us. Our safety nets, aka, our lifeboat, is being overloaded. Enter Trump, who promises to put a stop to this nonsense.
So, you're a leftist retard spewing bullshit.

How unique..

You know I'm right.

I know that the hate list you cut and pasted is utterly stupid.

"1) Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world."

What a retarded fucking lie - I mean even as you Communists go, that is absurd shit.

View attachment 105457

Fact is, we have the most robust infrastructure in the world. Soros and the jackles who think for you are lying, because they know that you're stupid as a fucking brick and will never question this shit the spoon feed you.

"2) Our child poverty rate is the worst among developed nations."

Wow, what do we even say about this kind of fucking lie?

The Communists over at NeverThinkShithead polished this little turd, that you suck on like a popsicle.

So how do these lying cocksuckers defend this?

"h UNICEF defines as living in a household that earns less than half of the national median."

Wait a fucking minute, so the Soros scum are saying that a child in a household making $30,000 per year in the USA is WORSE off than than a child in a household in France making $6,000 a year? Because the median in the USA is 5 times greater?

Really? You lying fucks REALLY pull this shit? Why of course you do, you're scumbags without a shred of integrity bent on the destruction of Western Civilization.

"3) Our GDP spending per person on healthcare is high in comparison to other nations."

Who gives a fuck?

We have the most advanced medical care on the globe.

"4) Our healthcare system is ranked among the worst of developed nations due to its high cost to consumers and ineligibility for millions of others."

Ranked by whom? Communist fuckwads? We have the most advanced medical care on the planet, by a huge margin.

You scumbags are doing your best to change that.


5) Trump - an unprecedented embarrassment to governments everywhere - will be president. We are the laughing stock of the world (note: I wouldn't say this if ANY other republican had won instead)."

So, you're a butthurt snowflake who can't accept the results of the election.

What did that fucking cvnt Hillary say about this?

It's appalling that a presidential nominee of a major party is undermining the pillar of our democracy—just because he hates losing.

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 20, 2016

Maybe I'm missing something here, but that chart on electricity grid reliability seems to indicate the US has one of the least consistent electrical grids of the countries listed. It is near the top of the chart for average outage minutes. Wouldn't that be time when the electricity if out? Wouldn't that be a bad thing, indicative of a possibly poorer electrical infrastructure?
when you take into consideration that the electrical grid in the U.S was basically one of the first in the world, you have to understand that the other countries started out with better refined technology and materials than we did. Not only did we have to expend resources in continued growth but you also have to take into consideration the resources needed to constantly try to upgrade older grids as we went along. Other countries that build much later than the U.S, had the advantage of the advanced technology from dollar one, they did not have to spend money to go back and rewire entire geographical locations while trying to expand.
Those other countries are also not seeing the population growth that the U.S is currently undergoing, this causes an increase in demand that can either be met with billions of dollars in upgrades constantly, or a reduction in service quality.
and then I suppose we can look at our lifestyle and understand that due to many of the things that we take for granted, other countries look at as a luxury, like keeping our houses cooled to a nice 70° when its 100° outside, or our electric heat, or even our energy drains for christmas lights across the country every year.

My point wasn't really to comment on the state of the US electrical grid so much as to point out that in context, the graph presented seemed to do the opposite of what was intended. Uncensored seemed to be using it to show that the US has a strong infrastructure. At best, the mitigating factors you mention make the negative place the US holds on the chart more of a neutral one. However, the chart certainly does not seem to support the idea of strong US infrastructure. :dunno:
Ah, I got ya.
But I still say that when you look at all of the variables, the U.S power grid is without a doubt one of the strongest in the world. I assume it will continue to be, once the lefts fear of nuclear power plants is pacified.
My caveat is that America is also great in many ways. The best in the world for a few things.

However, a lot of things about this country really suck.

1) Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world.

2) Our child poverty rate is the worst among developed nations.

3) Our GDP spending per person on healthcare is high in comparison to other nations.

4) Our healthcare system is ranked among the worst of developed nations due to its high cost to consumers and ineligibility for millions of others.

5) Trump - an unprecedented embarrassment to governments everywhere - will be president. We are the laughing stock of the world (note: I wouldn't say this if ANY other republican had won instead).

6) We are the only country on earth that has an incoming government that denies the existence of climate change.

7) Water supplies across the country have dangerous amounts of lead in the water. It's the emergency that no one in the mainstream media will cover.

8) This country has the widest income disparity than any developed country on earth.

America kind of blows. The bad slightly outweighs all the good.

Muh government doesn't give me enough free shit... the country sucks!


Bon voyage, let's see how long you can last in some country where people aren't as privileged.
My caveat is that America is also great in many ways. The best in the world for a few things.

However, a lot of things about this country really suck.

1) Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world.

2) Our child poverty rate is the worst among developed nations.

3) Our GDP spending per person on healthcare is high in comparison to other nations.

4) Our healthcare system is ranked among the worst of developed nations due to its high cost to consumers and ineligibility for millions of others.

5) Trump - an unprecedented embarrassment to governments everywhere - will be president. We are the laughing stock of the world (note: I wouldn't say this if ANY other republican had won instead).

6) We are the only country on earth that has an incoming government that denies the existence of climate change.

7) Water supplies across the country have dangerous amounts of lead in the water. It's the emergency that no one in the mainstream media will cover.

8) This country has the widest income disparity than any developed country on earth.

America kind of blows. The bad slightly outweighs all the good.

yeah I think we can all agree that after 8 years of Obama there is a lot that needs fixed. Most of what you cite Obama was suppose to fix, apparently another failure. He did succeed in making the US a very big debtor nation without fixing one of those problems you rail about. That's why the country went another way and elected Trump.
Get a job and pay your own damn bills losers, the Unites States didn't become the most wealthy, powerful country on earth by letting millions of lazy fat asses sit around doing nothing sucking on welfare. Goddamn grow a pair for Christ sake.
Shut the fuck up with your high-horse bullshit about being a tough red blooded American. I know it makes you feel manly and superior to just call millions of Americans "lazy fat asses" but you're talking out of your ass.

I have been working my ass off for over 35 years, enough with the losers and lazy lard asses mooching off me. In fact don't get a job, get two jobs stop embarrassing real Americans.
None of that changes what the US economy is today. It isn't what it used to be. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

I have been working my ass off for over 35 years, enough with the losers and lazy lard asses mooching off me. In fact don't get a job, get two jobs stop embarrassing real Americans.
None of that changes what the US economy is today. It isn't what it used to be. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

Boo hoo life is hard boo hoo. Holy shit what are they teaching kids in school these days.
See you're so caught up in wanting to feel manly and superior to today's "snowflakes" that you're willfully ignoring the truth of today's economy. This has little to do with people "going soft" on self-sufficiency. Obviously it matters that we live in an economy where wages are way behind on inflation. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

Boo hoo life is hard boo hoo. Holy shit what are they teaching kids in school these days.
See you're so caught up in wanting to feel manly and superior to today's "snowflakes" that you're willfully ignoring the truth of today's economy. This has little to do with people "going soft" on self-sufficiency. Obviously it matters that we live in an economy where wages are way behind on inflation. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

I had no trouble at all making gobs of money all through Bush and Obama, but then I work hard. Hell its not rocket science. Go curl up in your safe space.
Christ my point is that a few decades ago, it was much easier for people to establish successful financial livelihoods.

Billy, stop for just one second and listen to reason. You have yourself all riled up and you're Jedi mind-tricking yourself.
It's been estimated by many that there are 20-25 million illegals in the US right now...using common sense and knowing the rate at which they reproduce how long will it take that 20 million to turn to 30, 60 or 80 million?
This reproduction and arithmetic has been going on for decades...remember when Reagan fucked us and signed the amnesty bill in 1986 granting citizenship to 3 million illegals? How long do you think it took that 3 million to multiply to 10 million? Are you starting to get it? We have left our border open for decades to be invaded by people that we know for absolute certainly will have to suck the taxpayer tit...and probably for eternity...use your head...they don't and won't even speak our many first generation illegals do you know that have become totally self supportive? We have more people here than we have jobs! Open your eyes bud...stop ignoring the real issue. This is simple shit...allow it to be.
Immigration is your only response to this? Look, net migration from Mexico is currently at zero in the US.

Zero huh? Are you sure about that? How do you people continuously come up with the shit you do? Stop blinding yourselves with fabricated, twisted bullshit.
Illegal Immigration Surges Before Trump Takes Office
Illegal immigrants surging to US-Mexico border in race against Election Day
It is funny that Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and most of Europe are all far more to the left economically but in many ways rank higher in these areas. Intimating the third world isn't a good idea.

They all have a lower standard of living, by any measure, nimrod.

Nope. USA ranks 8th behind 7 'socialist' European countries.

Standard of Living by Country

That's based on the "Human Development Index," which is pure socialist propaganda. It doesn't measure anything other than the opinions of socialists.
9. Education...America is not even in the top 20 in education. Less money to our public schools will make it so much worse.

We already spend more per student on education than any other country in the world, so money is hardly the problem. We are spending triple what we did 30 years ago and education has gotten worse, not better.

That money is not spent on the right people. Students should be paid for their grades. Studying so you'll be rewarded 5 to 20 years down the line is not a natural motivation. That accounts for all our educational failures. Getting a job just because you can go four or more years of college without a job puts inferior people in superior positions. Failure to see the obvious because of looking to some compromised educationalist to provide answers is ironically one of the signs of our failed educational system.

Use this as a model that works. Derek Jeter got almost a million dollars upfront to put himself through baseball's equivalent of college education. The Yankees got 250 times that back.
Shut the fuck up with your high-horse bullshit about being a tough red blooded American. I know it makes you feel manly and superior to just call millions of Americans "lazy fat asses" but you're talking out of your ass.

I have been working my ass off for over 35 years, enough with the losers and lazy lard asses mooching off me. In fact don't get a job, get two jobs stop embarrassing real Americans.
None of that changes what the US economy is today. It isn't what it used to be. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

None of that changes what the US economy is today. It isn't what it used to be. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

Boo hoo life is hard boo hoo. Holy shit what are they teaching kids in school these days.
See you're so caught up in wanting to feel manly and superior to today's "snowflakes" that you're willfully ignoring the truth of today's economy. This has little to do with people "going soft" on self-sufficiency. Obviously it matters that we live in an economy where wages are way behind on inflation. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

See you're so caught up in wanting to feel manly and superior to today's "snowflakes" that you're willfully ignoring the truth of today's economy. This has little to do with people "going soft" on self-sufficiency. Obviously it matters that we live in an economy where wages are way behind on inflation. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

I had no trouble at all making gobs of money all through Bush and Obama, but then I work hard. Hell its not rocket science. Go curl up in your safe space.
Christ my point is that a few decades ago, it was much easier for people to establish successful financial livelihoods.

Billy, stop for just one second and listen to reason. You have yourself all riled up and you're Jedi mind-tricking yourself.
It's been estimated by many that there are 20-25 million illegals in the US right now...using common sense and knowing the rate at which they reproduce how long will it take that 20 million to turn to 30, 60 or 80 million?
This reproduction and arithmetic has been going on for decades...remember when Reagan fucked us and signed the amnesty bill in 1986 granting citizenship to 3 million illegals? How long do you think it took that 3 million to multiply to 10 million? Are you starting to get it? We have left our border open for decades to be invaded by people that we know for absolute certainly will have to suck the taxpayer tit...and probably for eternity...use your head...they don't and won't even speak our many first generation illegals do you know that have become totally self supportive? We have more people here than we have jobs! Open your eyes bud...stop ignoring the real issue. This is simple shit...allow it to be.
Immigration is your only response to this? Look, net migration from Mexico is currently at zero in the US.

Zero huh? Are you sure about that? How do you people continuously come up with the shit you do? Stop blinding yourselves with fabricated, twisted bullshit.
Illegal Immigration Surges Before Trump Takes Office
Illegal immigrants surging to US-Mexico border in race against Election Day
Oh great the Daily Caller! Now I'm convinced!

This article doesn't measure net migration. The truth of the matter is that more Mexicans are leaving the states than coming in.
I have been working my ass off for over 35 years, enough with the losers and lazy lard asses mooching off me. In fact don't get a job, get two jobs stop embarrassing real Americans.
None of that changes what the US economy is today. It isn't what it used to be. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

Boo hoo life is hard boo hoo. Holy shit what are they teaching kids in school these days.
See you're so caught up in wanting to feel manly and superior to today's "snowflakes" that you're willfully ignoring the truth of today's economy. This has little to do with people "going soft" on self-sufficiency. Obviously it matters that we live in an economy where wages are way behind on inflation. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

I had no trouble at all making gobs of money all through Bush and Obama, but then I work hard. Hell its not rocket science. Go curl up in your safe space.
Christ my point is that a few decades ago, it was much easier for people to establish successful financial livelihoods.

Billy, stop for just one second and listen to reason. You have yourself all riled up and you're Jedi mind-tricking yourself.
It's been estimated by many that there are 20-25 million illegals in the US right now...using common sense and knowing the rate at which they reproduce how long will it take that 20 million to turn to 30, 60 or 80 million?
This reproduction and arithmetic has been going on for decades...remember when Reagan fucked us and signed the amnesty bill in 1986 granting citizenship to 3 million illegals? How long do you think it took that 3 million to multiply to 10 million? Are you starting to get it? We have left our border open for decades to be invaded by people that we know for absolute certainly will have to suck the taxpayer tit...and probably for eternity...use your head...they don't and won't even speak our many first generation illegals do you know that have become totally self supportive? We have more people here than we have jobs! Open your eyes bud...stop ignoring the real issue. This is simple shit...allow it to be.
Immigration is your only response to this? Look, net migration from Mexico is currently at zero in the US.

Zero huh? Are you sure about that? How do you people continuously come up with the shit you do? Stop blinding yourselves with fabricated, twisted bullshit.
Illegal Immigration Surges Before Trump Takes Office
Illegal immigrants surging to US-Mexico border in race against Election Day
Oh great the Daily Caller! Now I'm convinced!

This article doesn't measure net migration. The truth of the matter is that more Mexicans are leaving the states than coming in.

Millions are going to leave, whether they want to or not. The Trumpnado is approaching :Boom2:
1) Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world.
because it requires revenue to repair these things, thats money that our government has been forced to take from the associated funds to pay for social programs
2) Our child poverty rate is the worst among developed nations.
mainly because we have so many people that refuse to take responsibility for their famiiies, and to make it even worse, we refuse to close our border to the poverty stricken uneducated filth that only helps to bring our numbers down. Think how many non citizen children are failing in our schools because the parents forced them into a country where they cant communicate
3) Our GDP spending per person on healthcare is high in comparison to other nations.
Again, or numbers would be much lower if we did not have to pay for the illegals health care when they entered our country in the dark of night. It falls again on personal responsibility

4) Our healthcare system is ranked among the worst of developed nations due to its high cost to consumers and ineligibility for millions of others.
Nobody is without care in this country, if ours is the worst, then it makes no sense that the majority of innovations come from the U.S, it makes no sense that people are coming to the U.S for care when their own countries fail them. Innovation is not free, we could certainly bring this number in line with others if we would only stop funding the science that is involved in R&D
5) Trump - an unprecedented embarrassment to governments everywhere - will be president. We are the laughing stock of the world (note: I wouldn't say this if ANY other republican had won instead). Opinion, you are claiming him to be an embarrassment before he even takes office, are you psychic? after 8 years of the world watching the U.S apologize for everything and kiss the ass of the very terrorists that want to take us down, Im having a difficult time trying to see where Trump could be more of an embarrassment than the cowardly pussy that has occupied the office for the last 8 years

6) We are the only country on earth that has an incoming government that denies the existence of climate change. Lets look at that for what it is. We are the only country on earth that has a government smart enough to realize that there could be reasons beyond mans control that are causing global warming. The problem is that if the truth were to get out we would find that there is nothing we can do to stop a natural cycle in the earths climate and the chaos would be catastrophic.Just like the new ice age scare of the 70s, science and government jump on the easiest answers that come up. To totally ignore that there might be other causes would be irresponsible at best

7) Water supplies across the country have dangerous amounts of lead in the water. It's the emergency that no one in the mainstream media will cover.
And yet the U.S still has some of the cleanest drinking water in the world, lead is natural occurring and can be easily removed from potable water, the same goes for Iron, copper and even radium, all easily removed. There is not a house in this country that could take the water coming in and make it cleaner than bottle water for under 6K, much less in most cases. People once again are depending on the government to do everything for them.

8) This country has the widest income disparity than any developed country on earth.
And as long as we have a system that allows people to succeed based on their own initiative, we will continue to see that. when we keep letting millions of ignorant uneducated pieces of shit to sneak in and stay we can only expect to see that number grows

America kind of blows. The bad slightly outweighs all the good.
If you and everyone else that thought like you were to pack up and leave this country, the easily fixable issues that you brought up would correct themselves just as fast as you all left.
You are the reason behind this. our schools will never get better as long as we keep reducing the requirements in order to make it fair to Toneshia and Tyrell. You all want to reduce the requirements and then turn around and complain that the product of those schools is not adequate. again, your own fault. America isnt what blows its people with your mindset that blow Please leave so the rest of us can bring back a United States that actually works.
You're right there isn't enough revenue for it. Medicare and Medicaid are expensive programs. They require a lot of revenue. How convenient you just ignore our bloated defense budget. It is easy to cut defense spending and make the wealthy pay their fair share to generate revenue to fix the problem.

And no, the reason child poverty is so high is because of low wages. This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Lol ok so your argument is that lead is easy to remove. You know what's not easy? Replacing the pipes that cause it. That's a failure across the country right now.

Okay there is a huge difference between going to the emergency room and getting long term treatment for life threatening illnesses.

Stop pretending what Trump says and who he appoints is not important.

YOU and republicans do not know jack shit about the science of man made climate change. You just pretend you understand it. Why do I believe it's a real phenomenon? It's not because of what any democrat said. It's because I know it has a GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS.

Wages are way behind on the rising cost of living. How is the private market going to solve that problem if it never has? Wages have been mostly stagnant for decades.

What I do isn't important. Me leaving the USA doesn't solve any of the problems now does it? Obviously this thread isn't about me.

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