The two faces of the Atlanta massage parlor killer

this is long in 2018.

he looks like the typical image that godless libs have of Christians

Clean cut - even slightly dorky by lib standards

View attachment 469201
the inset is long when he was arrested for murder

Now he looks totally different

more like what a liberal should look like who is hip and buys sex at massage parlors
He’s a serial killer. Nothing “hip” about him. And he looks exactly like another White supremacist murderer

He's nothing compared to your mass murderer Cuomo.

I bet you dreamed about sucking Cuomo's toes after his big famous speech at the Democratic Convention back when he was all the rage with degenerates and gimps.

How old are you?
Seems to have the same sex issue the murderer in Georgia has.

So I was right, you're just trying to get Cuomo's toes out of your head.
Sex addict?
Something tells me that that the Left and their media are simply using this crisis as an opportunity to get Asians into their victimhood culture since Asians have not traditionally bought into that bullshit. This is why the Left needs the incident to be about race and not about sex. Overnight, there has been “stop the hate” concern for Asians. My question is where is this concern for Asian hate when they are being assaulted and their businesses being looted during urban riots?

Uh, this isn't "overnight". There's been hate against Asians ever since Trump started calling it the "China Virus". Mostly be white rednecks.

There was hate against Asians when FDR and the Democrats rounded up Asian Americans and put them in camps. What was overnight was the “stop the hate against Asians” campaign from the Left because it is an opportunity to shape their agenda. Again, where is the same concern for Asians when their businesses are looted and/or burnt during riots for “social justice”? Where is the support for these Asian business owners from the Left when Asians want to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights and protect their lives and businesses?

This is an attempt for the Left to grab a voting block that shuns victimhood. That is how the Left sees it.
It's a shame that the Republicans (the same Republicans who sang the praises of the Fascists in Europe) couldn't do anything to prevent putting Japanese-Americans in con-centration camps during the war.

Over a third were not citizens, and nearly all of them spent decades supporting Japanese military victories overseas and sending the scum care packages. In any case only those on the West Coast were interned for a while, and rightfully so. you would have been a supporter of locking them up.
All last year blacks have been attacking Asian-Americans......and not a peep out of the Democrats.
Really? Do you or Mud, have a link of these sucker punch attacks going on, all of last year by blacks, out of hatred or bigotry, specifically against Assians????
I can do a search

but I dont catalog those event on the chance that you have not been paying attention

Only morons ask for links these days; let these gimps do their own homework.
So, you've got nothing but your own made up stuff.

this is long in 2018.

he looks like the typical image that godless libs have of Christians

Clean cut - even slightly dorky by lib standards

View attachment 469201
the inset is long when he was arrested for murder

Now he looks totally different

more like what a liberal should look like who is hip and buys sex at massage parlors
Pretty sure he was sent there by The Democrat Party to clean up some loose ends regarding an investigation in to these massage parlors and certain Democrats who frequent them.
You're "pretty sure", huh?
Something tells me that that the Left and their media are simply using this crisis as an opportunity to get Asians into their victimhood culture since Asians have not traditionally bought into that bullshit. This is why the Left needs the incident to be about race and not about sex. Overnight, there has been “stop the hate” concern for Asians. My question is where is this concern for Asian hate when they are being assaulted and their businesses being looted during urban riots?

Uh, this isn't "overnight". There's been hate against Asians ever since Trump started calling it the "China Virus". Mostly be white rednecks.

There was hate against Asians when FDR and the Democrats rounded up Asian Americans and put them in camps. What was overnight was the “stop the hate against Asians” campaign from the Left because it is an opportunity to shape their agenda. Again, where is the same concern for Asians when their businesses are looted and/or burnt during riots for “social justice”? Where is the support for these Asian business owners from the Left when Asians want to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights and protect their lives and businesses?

This is an attempt for the Left to grab a voting block that shuns victimhood. That is how the Left sees it.
It's a shame that the Republicans (the same Republicans who sang the praises of the Fascists in Europe) couldn't do anything to prevent putting Japanese-Americans in con-centration camps during the war.

It's a shame the democrats put all of those innocent people in concentration camps. The most prominent voice against such an un-American outrage was a Republican, of course.
That's interesting....who was that?
Ralph Carr, governor of Colorado.

this is long in 2018.

he looks like the typical image that godless libs have of Christians

Clean cut - even slightly dorky by lib standards

View attachment 469201
the inset is long when he was arrested for murder

Now he looks totally different

more like what a liberal should look like who is hip and buys sex at massage parlors
Looks like the standard,radicalized domestic white jihadi or “Vanilla ISIS” if you will.
Mac is just showing us how well he can spell lib. Nearly every one of his idiotic posts has a "lib" in it. Who said home schooling is a waste of time?
Con-veniently such a simple, small word for him to handle too.

this is long in 2018.

he looks like the typical image that godless libs have of Christians

Clean cut - even slightly dorky by lib standards

View attachment 469201
the inset is long when he was arrested for murder

Now he looks totally different

more like what a liberal should look like who is hip and buys sex at massage parlors
He’s a serial killer. Nothing “hip” about him. And he looks exactly like another White supremacist murderer
Notice how the OP and hanger-ons are trying so hard to excuse this Racist attack?

Trying hard to get your mind off of Cuomo are you?
You're a sex addict, thinking of Cuomo's toes again?
Something tells me that that the Left and their media are simply using this crisis as an opportunity to get Asians into their victimhood culture since Asians have not traditionally bought into that bullshit. This is why the Left needs the incident to be about race and not about sex. Overnight, there has been “stop the hate” concern for Asians. My question is where is this concern for Asian hate when they are being assaulted and their businesses being looted during urban riots?

Uh, this isn't "overnight". There's been hate against Asians ever since Trump started calling it the "China Virus". Mostly be white rednecks.

There was hate against Asians when FDR and the Democrats rounded up Asian Americans and put them in camps. What was overnight was the “stop the hate against Asians” campaign from the Left because it is an opportunity to shape their agenda. Again, where is the same concern for Asians when their businesses are looted and/or burnt during riots for “social justice”? Where is the support for these Asian business owners from the Left when Asians want to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights and protect their lives and businesses?

This is an attempt for the Left to grab a voting block that shuns victimhood. That is how the Left sees it.
It's a shame that the Republicans (the same Republicans who sang the praises of the Fascists in Europe) couldn't do anything to prevent putting Japanese-Americans in con-centration camps during the war.

It's a shame the democrats put all of those innocent people in concentration camps. The most prominent voice against such an un-American outrage was a Republican, of course.
That's interesting....who was that?
Ralph Carr, governor of Colorado.
Thanks for the info, I'll look him up. He seems like quite an exceptional man.
Something tells me that that the Left and their media are simply using this crisis as an opportunity to get Asians into their victimhood culture since Asians have not traditionally bought into that bullshit. This is why the Left needs the incident to be about race and not about sex. Overnight, there has been “stop the hate” concern for Asians. My question is where is this concern for Asian hate when they are being assaulted and their businesses being looted during urban riots?

Uh, this isn't "overnight". There's been hate against Asians ever since Trump started calling it the "China Virus". Mostly be white rednecks.

There was hate against Asians when FDR and the Democrats rounded up Asian Americans and put them in camps. What was overnight was the “stop the hate against Asians” campaign from the Left because it is an opportunity to shape their agenda. Again, where is the same concern for Asians when their businesses are looted and/or burnt during riots for “social justice”? Where is the support for these Asian business owners from the Left when Asians want to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights and protect their lives and businesses?

This is an attempt for the Left to grab a voting block that shuns victimhood. That is how the Left sees it.
It's a shame that the Republicans (the same Republicans who sang the praises of the Fascists in Europe) couldn't do anything to prevent putting Japanese-Americans in con-centration camps during the war.
The Democrats held all the power. It was under their watch. It is their legacy.
Something tells me that that the Left and their media are simply using this crisis as an opportunity to get Asians into their victimhood culture since Asians have not traditionally bought into that bullshit. This is why the Left needs the incident to be about race and not about sex. Overnight, there has been “stop the hate” concern for Asians. My question is where is this concern for Asian hate when they are being assaulted and their businesses being looted during urban riots?

Uh, this isn't "overnight". There's been hate against Asians ever since Trump started calling it the "China Virus". Mostly be white rednecks.

There was hate against Asians when FDR and the Democrats rounded up Asian Americans and put them in camps. What was overnight was the “stop the hate against Asians” campaign from the Left because it is an opportunity to shape their agenda. Again, where is the same concern for Asians when their businesses are looted and/or burnt during riots for “social justice”? Where is the support for these Asian business owners from the Left when Asians want to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights and protect their lives and businesses?

This is an attempt for the Left to grab a voting block that shuns victimhood. That is how the Left sees it.
It's a shame that the Republicans (the same Republicans who sang the praises of the Fascists in Europe) couldn't do anything to prevent putting Japanese-Americans in con-centration camps during the war.
The Democrats held all the power. It was under their watch. It is their legacy.
There was hate against Asians when FDR and the Democrats rounded up Asian Americans and put them in camps.

Wow... that's a stretch, isn't it? First, it wasn't "The Democrats" who did that. It was the military, who only had the discretion to remove nationals from enemy nations in their districts. Germans and Italians were also rounded up, as well as Japanese.

What was overnight was the “stop the hate against Asians” campaign from the Left because it is an opportunity to shape their agenda.

Quite the contrary, we've been pushing back against Trump's hate since he first blurted out "Kung Flu" and "Chyna Virus".

Again, where is the same concern for Asians when their businesses are looted and/or burnt during riots for “social justice”?

Were Asian businesses signaled out during TRUMP RIOTS?

Where is the support for these Asian business owners from the Left when Asians want to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights and protect their lives and businesses?

I'm all for their right to join a well-regulated militia. Shooting any black person who slightly scares you, not so much.

This is an attempt for the Left to grab a voting block that shuns victimhood. That is how the Left sees it.

Actually, it's the reverse. The right has always seen Asians as the "Good Minority", as they are less likely to complain about racism (because, historically, what they face isn't usually as bad).

All well and good, but when the rubber met the road, the usual suspects who use race to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests were happy to blame Asians for Covid rather than Trump's criminal incompetence.
Killers are killers...the question was their motives, and had anyone with such an addiction killed....I provided examples that yes they have

Serial killers usually have a sexual component...

Mass shooters usually have a racial component.
It's a shame the democrats put all of those innocent people in concentration camps. The most prominent voice against such an un-American outrage was a Republican, of course.

Um, actually, nobody objected at the time... that was the thing. When you have an enemy battlefleet out there somewhere, you don't let their cousins run amok.
Killers are killers...the question was their motives, and had anyone with such an addiction killed....I provided examples that yes they have

Serial killers usually have a sexual component...

Mass shooters usually have a racial component. I said..

that's not true at all...I can think of a number of mass murders that weren't motivated by race....

Seung-Hui Cho at VA Tech
Adam Lanza
Davin Kelley
George Hennard
Nick Cruz
George Banks....I mean I could go on and on....I think you just made that up to try to justify the kneejerk and apparent incorrect claim by leftist to make this about race, and make it political. I said..

that's not true at all...I can think of a number of mass murders that weren't motivated by race....

Seung-Hui Cho at VA Tech

Who had a bunch of rage because of racism directed towards him... This is the best you have?

this is long in 2018.

he looks like the typical image that godless libs have of Christians

Clean cut - even slightly dorky by lib standards

View attachment 469201
the inset is long when he was arrested for murder

Now he looks totally different

more like what a liberal should look like who is hip and buys sex at massage parlors

You're an idiot.

this is long in 2018.

he looks like the typical image that godless libs have of Christians

Clean cut - even slightly dorky by lib standards

View attachment 469201
the inset is long when he was arrested for murder

Now he looks totally different

more like what a liberal should look like who is hip and buys sex at massage parlors
So Democrats ignored the violence for the last year because they were too busy trying to get rid of Trump. Now....they figure they can blame this on him.....just like they're blaming the troubles they caused at the border.

All last year blacks have been attacking Asian-Americans......and not a peep out of the Democrats.
In every instance of blacks attacking and killing elderly asians communist Democrats have blamed white supremacy.

this is long in 2018.

he looks like the typical image that godless libs have of Christians

Clean cut - even slightly dorky by lib standards

View attachment 469201
the inset is long when he was arrested for murder

Now he looks totally different

more like what a liberal should look like who is hip and buys sex at massage parlors
He’s a serial killer. Nothing “hip” about him. And he looks exactly like another White supremacist murderer
Serial killer is defined, his actions don't meet that...certainly mass murderer...

and yes, he is I would imagine he looks like any other white matter their motives...the evidence those far, however doesn't support that he was racially motivated like a white supermacist or any other racist might be.

I completely disagree. I said..

that's not true at all...I can think of a number of mass murders that weren't motivated by race....

Seung-Hui Cho at VA Tech

Who had a bunch of rage because of racism directed towards him... This is the best you have?, no they didn't.....yes, because they weren't motivated by racism.

this is long in 2018.

he looks like the typical image that godless libs have of Christians

Clean cut - even slightly dorky by lib standards

View attachment 469201
the inset is long when he was arrested for murder

Now he looks totally different

more like what a liberal should look like who is hip and buys sex at massage parlors
He’s a serial killer. Nothing “hip” about him. And he looks exactly like another White supremacist murderer
Serial killer is defined, his actions don't meet that...certainly mass murderer...

and yes, he is I would imagine he looks like any other white matter their motives...the evidence those far, however doesn't support that he was racially motivated like a white supermacist or any other racist might be.

I completely disagree.
with what? that white killers are white?

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