Diamond Member
Nope, but I'm smart enough to conclude you're a damn liar [I never wrote or said I was part of the intelligentsia.] I do have post graduate work in a university.
I do realize I'm smarter and better educated to you.
I have my Master's Degree and am extremely liberal, progressive, leftist, but dislike the democratic party as much or more than the republicans.
The reason is they are often total liars.
For example, Ambassador Stevens had no legal reason to be in Benghazi.
Clearly he was there for Hillary's secret "Arab Spring" plan to murder or imprison every single male, Moslem, Mideast leader.
In particular, I believe the CIA annex was for weapons and money to murder Assad.
And that would be a horrific crime, not because he is male, Moslem, or a Mideast leader, but because Assad actually is extremely popular.
So then Hillary would be against Assad likely just for money.
And that would likely be from Israel or Saud Arabia, since they are the only ones who do not like Assad.
If democrats were leftist, liberal, progressive, etc., then we would not have the illegal War on Drugs, mandated sentences, asset forfeiture, WMD lies, waterboarding, lack of public health care, etc.
Clearly most democrats have to be almost identically corrupt as most republicans.