The U.S. doesn't need more gun control, we need more criminal control. That is how you stop gun violence.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The problem in the United States is not that normal people own and carry guns for self defense. These people are not using their legal guns for crime and murder. Our problem is that the democrat party, in control of major American cities, refuses to keep criminals locked up in jail and prison. They also focus their efforts on people who do not commit gun crime, while releasing, over and over, criminals who are responsible for the gun crime.....

If you focus on the criminals, you lower gun violence. If you focus on normal people who own guns for self defense, sport, hunting and collecting you do not lower gun violence rates.

For example....

Violence interrupters, often people who have overcome criminal pasts and now mediate disputes to prevent shootings, negotiated a truce over contentious Zoom meetings between warring street crews. The truce has held nearly 100 days into the hot summer, even as shootings and homicides in D.C. spike to decade-high levels.

The negotiators now call the area a “safe place from past drama.”
Daniel Becton, a retired 67-year-old maintenance man and longtime area resident, said, “There had been so much killing. Now the atmosphere has changed.”
He said jealousy drove tensions.
“One man has more than the other one. That’s all,” Becton said. “One person needs to be bigger than the other.”

The area covering the truce is small, a sliver of one neighborhood among dozens in the city overrun by crime. But many District leaders, including the D.C. Council, hope violence interrupters and other alternative-justice programs can curtail killings before the police get involved.
The team that secured the cease-fire hangs a banner in its office, titled “Days since last shooting,” with numbers displayed on placards that resemble old-fashioned manual baseball scoreboards. Saturday marked the 99th day without a shooting in the area.

“It’s a miracle, for real,” said Brittany Graham, an outreach worker with Cure the Streets.
Rosenfeld cautioned that violence interrupters — a program that began in Chicago and is now active in about a dozen other cities — are one part of a strategy to combat violence.

He said gangs are less organized and less stable than they were a generation ago, with ever-changing affiliations and territories, meaning “today’s truce may not last long.”

He said disputes tend to be “extremely localized,” factors that “pose real challenges to violence interruption” and require vast and committed resources to calm small pieces of dangerous real estate.

The problem in the United States is not that normal people own and carry guns for self defense. These people are not using their legal guns for crime and murder. Our problem is that the democrat party, in control of major American cities, refuses to keep criminals locked up in jail and prison. They also focus their efforts on people who do not commit gun crime, while releasing, over and over, criminals who are responsible for the gun crime.....

If you focus on the criminals, you lower gun violence. If you focus on normal people who own guns for self defense, sport, hunting and collecting you do not lower gun violence rates.

For example....

true but for that to happen,wheter you want to believe it or not the facts are we need to get rid of this corrupt two party system because BOTH parties are corrupt even though in recent years the dems are worse but there are still some evil corrupt repubs as bush,cheney and romney out there in high power that are criminals as well.

the elite dont care which party gets in because they are both corrupt and servants to them which is why an independent never gets elected,cant have a president in there who follows the constitution and be a conytry where the government serves the people instead of us serving them now as we have for DECADES now.
The problem in the United States is not that normal people own and carry guns for self defense. These people are not using their legal guns for crime and murder. Our problem is that the democrat party, in control of major American cities, refuses to keep criminals locked up in jail and prison. They also focus their efforts on people who do not commit gun crime, while releasing, over and over, criminals who are responsible for the gun crime.....

If you focus on the criminals, you lower gun violence. If you focus on normal people who own guns for self defense, sport, hunting and collecting you do not lower gun violence rates.

For example....

Violence interrupters, often people who have overcome criminal pasts and now mediate disputes to prevent shootings, negotiated a truce over contentious Zoom meetings between warring street crews. The truce has held nearly 100 days into the hot summer, even as shootings and homicides in D.C. spike to decade-high levels.

The negotiators now call the area a “safe place from past drama.”
Daniel Becton, a retired 67-year-old maintenance man and longtime area resident, said, “There had been so much killing. Now the atmosphere has changed.”
He said jealousy drove tensions.
“One man has more than the other one. That’s all,” Becton said. “One person needs to be bigger than the other.”

The area covering the truce is small, a sliver of one neighborhood among dozens in the city overrun by crime. But many District leaders, including the D.C. Council, hope violence interrupters and other alternative-justice programs can curtail killings before the police get involved.
The team that secured the cease-fire hangs a banner in its office, titled “Days since last shooting,” with numbers displayed on placards that resemble old-fashioned manual baseball scoreboards. Saturday marked the 99th day without a shooting in the area.

“It’s a miracle, for real,” said Brittany Graham, an outreach worker with Cure the Streets.
Rosenfeld cautioned that violence interrupters — a program that began in Chicago and is now active in about a dozen other cities — are one part of a strategy to combat violence.

He said gangs are less organized and less stable than they were a generation ago, with ever-changing affiliations and territories, meaning “today’s truce may not last long.”

He said disputes tend to be “extremely localized,” factors that “pose real challenges to violence interruption” and require vast and committed resources to calm small pieces of dangerous real estate.

Exactly. Thanks for your post.
If you focus on the criminals, you lower gun violence. If you focus on normal people who own guns for self defense, sport, hunting and collecting you do not lower gun violence rates.
Absolutely true

but far to logical for most libs to grasp
2nd guy want draconian measures and he wants them now. Torture comes with every charge. 2nd wants life in prison with every charge convictions be damned they will be deemed automatically guilty and there will no longer be a bail system where 2nd's monsters will be imprisoned in dungeons and not fed or allowed water to convince them of their heinous crimes..
2aguy did not say any of the things that you misquote him of

if you have to lie to make your case - which you just did - then you are obviously in the wrong
There are already laws on the books pertaining to crimes committed with guns, the only way that 2nd can see it stopping or slowing is to increase the punishment or make more draconian laws to implement his plan. What suggestions do you have that will rid the world of crime? Remember this thread is not about Moonglow.

Are you ever anything BUT wrong ?????
Beginning to appear you are mentally ill.

That is not the "only" way.
How about stop releasing criminals ...NewYork does it, California does it. many Democrat States and cities release violent felons. STOP IT.

How about stop being so SOFT on criminals. LIBERAL JUDGES do it. Democrat's do it.

Now I think I know why.
democrats WANT people to die. They WANT criminals to get guns and go on shooting sprees.
That was they can holler about how horrible guns are and push for their confiscation.

Lives mean nothing to democrats. Only agendas and power mongering.
There are already laws on the books pertaining to crimes committed with guns, the only way that 2nd can see it stopping or slowing is to increase the punishment or make more draconian laws to implement his plan. What suggestions do you have that will rid the world of crime? Remember this thread is not about Moonglow.

Are you ever anything BUT wrong ?????
Beginning to appear you are mentally ill.

That is not the "only" way.
How about stop releasing criminals ...NewYork does it, California does it. many Democrat States and cities release violent felons. STOP IT.

How about stop being so SOFT on criminals. LIBERAL JUDGES do it. Democrat's do it.

Now I think I know why.
democrats WANT people to die. They WANT criminals to get guns and go on shooting sprees.
That was they can holler about how horrible guns are and push for their confiscation.

Lives mean nothing to democrats. Only agendas and power mongering.
There should be a mandatory 1 year in prison for illegal procession of a firearm first offense

and longer sentences for every time after that
2nd guy want draconian measures and he wants them now. Torture comes with every charge. 2nd wants life in prison with every charge convictions be damned they will be deemed automatically guilty and there will no longer be a bail system where 2nd's monsters will be imprisoned in dungeons and not fed or allowed water to convince them of their heinous crimes..
2aguy did not say any of the things that you misquote him of

if you have to lie to make your case - which you just did - then you are obviously in the wrong
There are already laws on the books pertaining to crimes committed with guns, the only way that 2nd can see it stopping or slowing is to increase the punishment or make more draconian laws to implement his plan. What suggestions do you have that will rid the world of crime? Remember this thread is not about Moonglow.
And we don't enforce them.

Every instance of firearm possession by a who is legally barred from owning one is a federal crime punishable by 5 years in federal prison.

Some brave mayors and US Attorneys did it for a while and guess what the crime and murder rate went down by a statistically significant margin.

During the first 10 months of 1998, compared with the same period of the previous year, the total number of homicides committed in Richmond was down 36 percent and the number of firearm homicides was down 41 percent.
Why do you think bed wetting judges release violent sociopaths back on the streets, and sociopath DA's allow Queen Antifa's minions to burn down cities and get away with it?

Democrooks rely on chaos to get people to demand government "do something", which never fails to be "gun control" laws that criminals ignore.

I'm really hoping a significant majority of people realize that democrooks are to blame for the shit that's happening now and Trump crushes Biden.
Amen to this. A gun doesn't come to life on its own. Of course the sad thing is that you never know who the criminals are until something illegal has been done.

God bless you always!!!

2nd guy want draconian measures and he wants them now. Torture comes with every charge. 2nd wants life in prison with every charge convictions be damned they will be deemed automatically guilty and there will no longer be a bail system where 2nd's monsters will be imprisoned in dungeons and not fed or allowed water to convince them of their heinous crimes..

Why are you drinking and mixing your know that is very dangerous to do....
There are already laws on the books pertaining to crimes committed with guns, the only way that 2nd can see it stopping or slowing is to increase the punishment or make more draconian laws to implement his plan. What suggestions do you have that will rid the world of crime? Remember this thread is not about Moonglow.

Are you ever anything BUT wrong ?????
Beginning to appear you are mentally ill.

That is not the "only" way.
How about stop releasing criminals ...NewYork does it, California does it. many Democrat States and cities release violent felons. STOP IT.

How about stop being so SOFT on criminals. LIBERAL JUDGES do it. Democrat's do it.

Now I think I know why.
democrats WANT people to die. They WANT criminals to get guns and go on shooting sprees.
That was they can holler about how horrible guns are and push for their confiscation.

Lives mean nothing to democrats. Only agendas and power mongering.
There should be a mandatory 1 year in prison for illegal procession of a firearm first offense

and longer sentences for every time after that

That isn't long enough.....illegal possession should be 30 years for felons who are prohibited from buying, owning or carrying a gun.
2nd guy want draconian measures and he wants them now. Torture comes with every charge. 2nd wants life in prison with every charge convictions be damned they will be deemed automatically guilty and there will no longer be a bail system where 2nd's monsters will be imprisoned in dungeons and not fed or allowed water to convince them of their heinous crimes..
2aguy did not say any of the things that you misquote him of

if you have to lie to make your case - which you just did - then you are obviously in the wrong

Mooney is a troll, so he lies more than Trump. It's what he does, but 2A is absolutely correct. Gun control only harms civilians. It does nothing to prevent crimes
.illegal possession
That doesn't seem to stop much of anything.

The problem is that the democrat party judges and prosecutors allow gun charges to be plea bargained away.....this means that the sentences that would stop gang members from carrying guns, and would allow us to put them away for long periods of time don't is the democrat party, not the long sentences, that don't work.
Think about the words in the political sense- Gun CONTROL- laws, by evidence, restrict (control) everyone, criminal or not which makes criminals.
Fewer laws would automatically mean fewer crimes = fewer criminals.
The problem in the United States is not that normal people own and carry guns for self defense. These people are not using their legal guns for crime and murder. Our problem is that the democrat party, in control of major American cities, refuses to keep criminals locked up in jail and prison. They also focus their efforts on people who do not commit gun crime, while releasing, over and over, criminals who are responsible for the gun crime.....

If you focus on the criminals, you lower gun violence. If you focus on normal people who own guns for self defense, sport, hunting and collecting you do not lower gun violence rates.

For example....

Violence interrupters, often people who have overcome criminal pasts and now mediate disputes to prevent shootings, negotiated a truce over contentious Zoom meetings between warring street crews. The truce has held nearly 100 days into the hot summer, even as shootings and homicides in D.C. spike to decade-high levels.

The negotiators now call the area a “safe place from past drama.”
Daniel Becton, a retired 67-year-old maintenance man and longtime area resident, said, “There had been so much killing. Now the atmosphere has changed.”
He said jealousy drove tensions.
“One man has more than the other one. That’s all,” Becton said. “One person needs to be bigger than the other.”

The area covering the truce is small, a sliver of one neighborhood among dozens in the city overrun by crime. But many District leaders, including the D.C. Council, hope violence interrupters and other alternative-justice programs can curtail killings before the police get involved.
The team that secured the cease-fire hangs a banner in its office, titled “Days since last shooting,” with numbers displayed on placards that resemble old-fashioned manual baseball scoreboards. Saturday marked the 99th day without a shooting in the area.

“It’s a miracle, for real,” said Brittany Graham, an outreach worker with Cure the Streets.
Rosenfeld cautioned that violence interrupters — a program that began in Chicago and is now active in about a dozen other cities — are one part of a strategy to combat violence.

He said gangs are less organized and less stable than they were a generation ago, with ever-changing affiliations and territories, meaning “today’s truce may not last long.”

He said disputes tend to be “extremely localized,” factors that “pose real challenges to violence interruption” and require vast and committed resources to calm small pieces of dangerous real estate.

Yep... Personal responsibility.. Holding individuals accountable for their actions..

Democrats cant seem to get this one right in any way... Our Fredoms rest on each persons personal responsibility and acting as good citizens. Maybe that his why they attack us at every turn in an attempt to gain control over us.
The problem is that the democrat party judges and prosecutors allow gun charges to be plea bargained away.....this means that the sentences that would stop gang members from carrying guns, and would allow us to put them away for long periods of time don't is the democrat party, not the long sentences, that don't work.
It's "A" problem, not "THE" problem. Corruption doesn't have a Party- we have more people incarcerated than any Country in the world and crime continues.
It's not easy to fix corruption. It's a long, arduous path. I'd go so far as to say, corruption should lead to incarceration as it is more harmful than all the so called criminals combined.
The problem is that the democrat party judges and prosecutors allow gun charges to be plea bargained away.....this means that the sentences that would stop gang members from carrying guns, and would allow us to put them away for long periods of time don't is the democrat party, not the long sentences, that don't work.
It's "A" problem, not "THE" problem. Corruption doesn't have a Party- we have more people incarcerated than any Country in the world and crime continues.
It's not easy to fix corruption. It's a long, arduous path. I'd go so far as to say, corruption should lead to incarceration as it is more harmful than all the so called criminals combined.

Crime continues because the tiny number of repeat offenders keep getting released on short sentences.......over and over again. Gun crime, in particular, originates from a tiny number of criminals in tiny areas of our democrat party controlled cities....keep them locked up and the crime rate goes down.
That isn't long enough.....illegal possession should be 30 years for felons who are prohibited from buying, owning or carrying a gun.
Emotionally maybe so

but the asswipe judges will have approve, and they have the last word

I want mandatory jail time for illegal firearm procession that is achievable

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