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The U.S. Government Is Preparing For War Against The American People


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
At this point there should be very little doubt that the United States government is preparing to wage war against its own people. Earlier this week, news broke about how the Obama regime through the Department of Justice is claiming in a memorandum that they have the power to use drone strikes to kill American citizens under the guise of the so-called war on terror. In fact, the memorandum claims through the use of vague language that they have the power to kill Americans even if they do not have any sort of actionable intelligence confirming that they pose a threat.

It has been proven time and time again that the war on terror is a hoax used as a tool to justify endless war and draconian anti-freedom policies domestically. The official story of nearly every alleged terror event that has transpired in the 21st century has been torn apart and criticized by many independent researchers. Not to mention, Al-Qaeda the shadowy terror organization we are constantly told that wants to kill Americans, actually originated from within American intelligence circles.

We have also seen the United States, Israel and other Western governments financing and supporting Al-Qaeda type entities. Western support of Al-Qaeda linked rebel groups in both Libya and Syria is well documented and shows what a big joke the war on terror is.

It is no secret that the Department of Homeland Security was originally setup as a force to be used domestically against the American people. In the early 2000s, propaganda was used to sell the formation of this organization as a more effective way to protect the American people from Al-Qaeda. Over time this has been proven to be a complete and total lie considering all of their policies have been directed towards the American people instead of so-called foreign Al-Qaeda terrorists.

They’ve left the border wide open, setup unconstitutional checkpoints at airports with naked body scanning devices and have even gone so far as to setup unlawful security checkpoints at bus stations, highways and train stations. In 2012 they purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and just recently ordered another 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to their stockpile.

The amount of ammunition that they have ordered is enough to wage a war for many years. Since they are not a military organization and they are based domestically here in the United States, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the ammunition is being stored in case they need to use it against the American people. This is all happening at the same time Congress is attempting to shove through several gun control laws that would restrict the average American from purchasing firearms and ammunition.

Since the Obama regime and the assorted control freaks in Congress are attempting to dismantle the second amendment on every front, it is entirely hypocritical to see them purchase such a large amount of ammunition.

Going back to the DOJ drone memorandum, the White House Press Secretary Jay Carney actually referred to the policy as legal, ethical and wise. Essentially the Obama regime is claiming that it is lawful and ethical for them to exercise the power of judge, jury and executioner against an American citizen through a drone strike just because they say a person represents a threat. As mentioned previously, they are claiming that they don’t need to have any sort of concrete actionable intelligence.

They are basically saying that they can just kill you just because they believe you represent a threat. This is the type of behavior that you would see from war criminals. In fact, numerous reports have confirmed that some of these Obama ordered drone strikes have actually killed innocent women in children proving that they are war criminals.

Of course we never saw Obama or the corporate media attempt to humanize the death of the people they killed in these drone strikes in foreign countries. That’s because they’ll only humanize an event if it benefits their agenda. This is why Obama used the alleged Sandy Hook shooting incident and staged a public relations stunt with children when he signed his executive orders on gun control. Humanizing that event enabled them to push their ridiculous gun control program.

Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan who is widely considered to be the architect of this disgusting drone strike program has been nominated by Obama to be the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Apparently if you agree to participate and engage in war crimes you are elevated to positions of greater authority within the Obama regime.

Let’s not forget that prior to the Obama regime coming into power; the Bush 43 regime implemented U.S. Northern Command which currently claims military authority over North America. This is an institution that would absolutely be unleashed against the American people in the case of mass civil strife. There has even been a bill proposed to implement FEMA camps under the guise of National Emergency Centers in Congress.

This would actually help expand the number of government run facilities that are capable of being used to house large numbers of people. Essentially, we are talking about facilities that could be used as concentration camps. Although this particular bill has yet to be officially passed, it was actually just proposed again in the U.S. House of Representatives.

So why is the federal government doing all of these things? The answer is actually very simple. It is no secret that the economy around the world is having severe problems. In the United States there are roughly 50 million people now on food stamps. Students graduating college find themselves in debt and can’t find a decent paying job.

Inflation is running wild because of 0% interest rate policies and rampant monetization of debt from the Federal Reserve as well as out of control spending from the criminals in Washington DC. As a result, the cost of goods and services is going through the roof despite absurd claims that inflation is low. People are having an increasingly difficult time getting by and the American middle class is being systematically destroyed because of these policies.

It is obvious that this economic system is unsustainable and when the day of reckoning comes, you are going to have millions of angry people out on the streets. Therefore, it is in the interest of the power structure to buy vast quantities of ammunition, set legal precedence for drone strikes against American citizens, expand the authority of the Department of Homeland Security and implement whatever gun control laws they can push through.

There will be a day when the economic system completely unravels and when that happens, millions of Americans who are currently obsessed with breads and circus spectacles, reality television and other junk will immediately become aware of how badly they’ve been screwed.

They will direct their anger and outrage towards the federal government and this is why they are preparing for war against the American people. The chances of a civil war happening in the United States is unquestionably becoming a more likely possibility by the day especially when there is zero possibility of any real change happening in Washington DC.

LINK: http://www.blacklistednews.com/The_...st_The_American_People/24130/0/38/38/Y/M.html

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Ahhhhhhhh............again? Really?

Fuck it. If the NFL keeps making it harder and harder to play defense, then the US doesnt deserve to exist anyway!
There's no question that Obama is planning to take military action against American citizens, that's for sure.
I will bump until someone gets my joke!!!!

And then just as you suspected from the beginning, it was the Camerlengo who was behind it all...
I'm about sure, I suppose that is why the Pope just resigned? The knights of Malta are having a field day with that one eh?

Peculiar 900-year-old Order of the Knights of Malta celebrates anniversary with Vatican mass

See, the problem with people like you, is you listen to, and watch to much television and movies. You believe because you see read some fiction, that there aren't real things like that going on. Then you are conditioned in schools and media which are run by these same powerful structures that date back hundreds and thousands of years, the rich cultural, financial, and political elites. . . the ones that own and run all of the so called, "non-profit" foundations, to believe that any interest groups that are not public, simply do not exist. What ever. Clandestine private interest groups DO EXIST.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwJDs1cg9Eo]Bush / Kerry Skull and Bones Avoidance - YouTube[/ame]
Tim Russet died a little over a year after he had the audacity to alert the American public they were both in this clandestine organization. He had apparently had is heart condition well under control. . . . or so they all thought. :cool:

And now look who has been tapped for Sec. of State. No big surprise there.

And believe me, these private clandestine interest groups are far more powerful than our puny little Democrat and Republican parties, or any of the political parties in Europe. Asking about them, or looking into them could get you into trouble though, so don't do too much research into it. I lose a PC every two or three years. Ever notice how a new version of Windows comes out around every presidential election? The establishment probably makes over half the viruses out in cyber-space that attack the populations (plebians) computers. And now that an uncooperative Mr. Jobs is out of the way, you can look forward to Apple computers being plagued with just as many viruses as Microsoft products.

For most people to contemplate interest groups discussing social engineering, governance, and control of humanities future outside the purveyance of the public sphere is akin to. . . . *gasp* a conspiracy. But you know what? That is what the nobility did in Europe and Asia all the time before the signing of the Magna Carta. In fact, this is the common rule and history of humanity. Using democracy, the tyranny of the majority is just a new way to establish an old system of doing the same old thing.

We once had a republican (small "r") form of governance. It was a brief and golden age, like the brief hundred years or so in Rome's history. And then it was gone. The cultural elites mindless entertainment convincing you that their plotting is only in fiction is a belief at your peril only. If you think that only happens in books and movies, good for you. I can assure you, unless we, collectively as a people wake up, and have our own colored revolution, a peaceful one, where we refuse one day to all show up for work, refuse to all go out and shop for consumer gifts at Christmas, and refuse to pay taxes. Where the only people that do any work are the essential services, those who grow the food, distribute it, medical services, fire, police, water, and sanitation. When the rest of society shuts down and we learn to make our own dinners, lunches, and take care of our own needs. We need to just shut it all down. That is the type of peaceful revolution we need. We need to make them see that it is we that give them the power.
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What astounds me about you POV, Oct, isn't what you fear, it's WHO you fear and WHO you trust.
More garbage from a mentally ill citizen.

Let me ask you this;

If the government is so oppressive, how is that you are able to post this bullshit here and not be picked up and stored in a FEMA detention facility?

yeah, never thought about that did you?

freaking loons, they are all looney, but only a select few are treasonous....
More garbage from a mentally ill citizen.

Let me ask you this;

If the government is so oppressive, how is that you are able to post this bullshit here and not be picked up and stored in a FEMA detention facility?

yeah, never thought about that did you?

freaking loons, they are all looney, but only a select few are treasonous....

“but only a select few are treasonous” How on earth does someone make a statement such as this unless you are not capable of recognizing treason, or you yourself must be some kind of lunatic?

Anytime a country has empty concentration camps all over the nation, and empty coffins numbering in the millions, and our elected governmental officials say “absolutely nothing” this is indeed treasonous!

The existence of these empty camps and coffins in a so-called free country is ominous, and a very serious non-verbal statement. The largest of these American concentration camps is in Alaska, and very reminiscent of the Siberian work/death camp ran by Stalin the communist Jew.

With Bloomberg, Rahm Emanuel, Diane Feinstein, Schumer, Joe Lieberman and a host of other dual citizenship Zionist desperately campaigning for gun control it does not take a genius to connect the dots.

All the facts pertaining to 9-11 in terms of the explosives planted in all three buildings that imploded as well as the missing jumbo jet at the pentagon must never be forgotten.

Again “not one” of our so-called governmental officials spoke out about what really happened on 9-11, and the chain of treasonous wars and loss of rights that have taken place since then.

All the closet communist posing as true Americans (including Obama) are attempting to destroy our Constitution by erasing the 2nd Amendment….this is full blown treason.

To get straight to the point they want to confiscate our weapons before they attempt to place Constitution loving Americans into all the FEMA detention facilities.

In Chicago all one hears about in the news media is the shooting death of Hadiya Pendleton for weeks on end in an effort to try and trick people into excepting unconstitutional rules concerning gun ownership.

With Obama and the first lady Bowing to the Israeli’s as if one murder out-weighs protection against tyranny, and the mass murder that historically happens as a result disarming people.

Even the notion of disarming Americans by a sitting president is confirmation of this closet communist being not fit for leadership here in America and he should actually be impeached.

If they really want to stop some of the murders happening in Chicago maybe they need to look into stopping some of the Heroin coming from Afghanistan, and cocaine coming from Mexico causing all the violence.

LINK: www.noahprophecy.com/MMurderOverpoP.htm
LINK: www.noahprophecy.com/CommunismP.htm
LINK: www.www.realjewnews.com/?p=448
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Wake up America the Waters are being tested!

Some say they are Globalists, Fed Reserve, Gov New World Order, Illuminate or Anonymous, does not matter what you call them they have a plan. And that is to reduce the world population and to rule over the earth and all who live in it.

They know that the world population is growing and there is only enough resource for a smaller yet large conglomerate of elite individuals. So how does this happen? First they needed to get key individuals in power and all singing out of the same hymn book. People in power positions that can control such things as Media, Laws, Institutions i.e., FEMA which have broken the United States into 10 sections and the agreement that they will be the ones protected and selected to survive.

With their global infrastructure already in place and their underground bunkers to protect them from the general population they do not care if they print more paper money, all will change when they take over. Obama is just a pawn, think back to when Perrot the little self made rich guy was running for president, then all of a sudden he appeared physically shaken and dropped out of trying to run for president. They got to him and scared the dickens out of him; it was obvious to anyone who can read a facial expression.

So what’s next? Still need to get the weapons of their destruction out of the hands of the American Population. Yes Sandy Hook was a true massacre of children with added victims and actors to intensify the outcome they wanted. As any good chess player knows you need to think more than one move at a time to win the game. Don’t be duped they let slip so many discrepancies in Sandy hook and the shooting at the movie theater just to test the water on how much they can get away with and to take away the 2nd Amendment from the population. That’s the only thing that is somewhat stopping them from flipping the economic collapse switch and the start of rounding up anyone they think has a remote possibility to organize any resistance. The FEMA camps are now staffed and ready for new arrivals to be rounded up. By golly they even have hundreds of thousands of grave liners and mass burial sites ready just so they can clear the air of rotting flesh and cut down on the possibility of contamination of ground water and minimize disease.

They are smart in that they know the majority of the population would rather ignore any thought of their plan then to disrupt their lives that is until it becomes obviously clear that things are about to go terribly wrong. But they are not worried because they think that it will be too late for the population to get organized and by then it will be check mate for us!

So what’s stopping them? Lack of control is their biggest worry; they know that individual military can only be controlled up to a point where the US Military are not going to fire on their own population. However they have their global resource of United Nations troops who are not Americans and will fire on the general US population.

They know who we are, if we own guns, and if there is any that can organize a militia of minute men to defend the United States Constitution.

So what is my message? It looks like the midnight hour is approaching and the clock is ticking so how do we prepare for such an over whelming force?

Here's what I recommend, Stock up on food, water, ammunition, high capacity magazines, medicine, bandages and be prepared to leave your location quickly.

Support the NRA, gun rights and the preservation of the 2nd Amendment.

Never forget that it is your obligation to defend the Constitution of the United States of America from enemies BOTH foreign and domestic!

Get the word out to as many as you can to form pockets of resistance throughout the United States, choose locations where patriots can gather. Be linked all my brothers and sisters so that the word can get out quickly to defending our loved ones and country.

Choose one (preferably military trained person to coordinate a communication link within each group) with links to the infrastructure of patriots of the sleeping giant. Organize your supplies and plan defense and offense targets.

While we prepare we must continue to demand investigations of our media and continue to seek a non violent solution we must keep the free information spread via the Internet. Ultimately that will be either shut down or they will try to disrupt and destroy any type of organization planning. They already do a lot of counter intelligence with the Internet. What chaps their ass is that we can be more organized and are greater in number and this information is a very possible objective for patriots.

When it begins they will declare Martial Law, instructing the population to stay indoors. And like thousands of Jews who had no guns they will do as they are told. We all know how it did not go to well for them and how many were killed. So Get out as fast as you can because they will be coming for you and your guns and any one on their target list that they have made.

Start to plan tactical targets such as the Amory for supplies, FEMA Camps to free any prisoners, and surround and or overtake all Under Ground Bunkers in your areas, the elite bastards have to get to them and will afraid as long as they are above ground which is the fear that they have and reason to minimize assault weapons before this goes down. By taking out as many bunkers as possible will disrupt their underground coordination attacks on us.

Question all prisoners and document who their leaders are if and when possible, forward information in every direction to all groups throughout the USA.

Take all Political persons who are trying to reach an underground bunker and place them into the FEMA Camps. They planned them for us, so let's use the camps for them! Do not execute any of them unless they resist, there will be time for trial for treason when it's over.

Until they declare martial law let us pray that we can dominate our political parties to remain loyal to our Constitution for which so many have already paid with their lives and try and find a peaceful solution first and foremost.

I am sure they will ultimately read this and they will know who I am and that I am a patriot, I say to them, we are not all asleep, we are not all unprepared, we will never give up our guns nor and we will go quietly into the night!

God Bless America


The Messenger
Wake up America the Waters are being tested!

Some say they are Globalists, Fed Reserve, Gov New World Order, Illuminate or Anonymous, does not matter what you call them they have a plan. And that is to reduce the world population and to rule over the earth and all who live in it.

They know that the world population is growing and there is only enough resource for a smaller yet large conglomerate of elite individuals. So how does this happen? First they needed to get key individuals in power and all singing out of the same hymn book. People in power positions that can control such things as Media, Laws, Institutions i.e., FEMA which have broken the United States into 10 sections and the agreement that they will be the ones protected and selected to survive.

With their global infrastructure already in place and their underground bunkers to protect them from the general population they do not care if they print more paper money, all will change when they take over. Obama is just a pawn, think back to when Perrot the little self made rich guy was running for president, then all of a sudden he appeared physically shaken and dropped out of trying to run for president. They got to him and scared the dickens out of him; it was obvious to anyone who can read a facial expression.

So what’s next? Still need to get the weapons of their destruction out of the hands of the American Population. Yes Sandy Hook was a true massacre of children with added victims and actors to intensify the outcome they wanted. As any good chess player knows you need to think more than one move at a time to win the game. Don’t be duped they let slip so many discrepancies in Sandy hook and the shooting at the movie theater just to test the water on how much they can get away with and to take away the 2nd Amendment from the population. That’s the only thing that is somewhat stopping them from flipping the economic collapse switch and the start of rounding up anyone they think has a remote possibility to organize any resistance. The FEMA camps are now staffed and ready for new arrivals to be rounded up. By golly they even have hundreds of thousands of grave liners and mass burial sites ready just so they can clear the air of rotting flesh and cut down on the possibility of contamination of ground water and minimize disease.

They are smart in that they know the majority of the population would rather ignore any thought of their plan then to disrupt their lives that is until it becomes obviously clear that things are about to go terribly wrong. But they are not worried because they think that it will be too late for the population to get organized and by then it will be check mate for us!

So what’s stopping them? Lack of control is their biggest worry; they know that individual military can only be controlled up to a point where the US Military are not going to fire on their own population. However they have their global resource of United Nations troops who are not Americans and will fire on the general US population.

They know who we are, if we own guns, and if there is any that can organize a militia of minute men to defend the United States Constitution.

So what is my message? It looks like the midnight hour is approaching and the clock is ticking so how do we prepare for such an over whelming force?

Here's what I recommend, Stock up on food, water, ammunition, high capacity magazines, medicine, bandages and be prepared to leave your location quickly.

Support the NRA, gun rights and the preservation of the 2nd Amendment.

Never forget that it is your obligation to defend the Constitution of the United States of America from enemies BOTH foreign and domestic!

Get the word out to as many as you can to form pockets of resistance throughout the United States, choose locations where patriots can gather. Be linked all my brothers and sisters so that the word can get out quickly to defending our loved ones and country.

Choose one (preferably military trained person to coordinate a communication link within each group) with links to the infrastructure of patriots of the sleeping giant. Organize your supplies and plan defense and offense targets.

While we prepare we must continue to demand investigations of our media and continue to seek a non violent solution we must keep the free information spread via the Internet. Ultimately that will be either shut down or they will try to disrupt and destroy any type of organization planning. They already do a lot of counter intelligence with the Internet. What chaps their ass is that we can be more organized and are greater in number and this information is a very possible objective for patriots.

When it begins they will declare Martial Law, instructing the population to stay indoors. And like thousands of Jews who had no guns they will do as they are told. We all know how it did not go to well for them and how many were killed. So Get out as fast as you can because they will be coming for you and your guns and any one on their target list that they have made.

Start to plan tactical targets such as the Amory for supplies, FEMA Camps to free any prisoners, and surround and or overtake all Under Ground Bunkers in your areas, the elite bastards have to get to them and will afraid as long as they are above ground which is the fear that they have and reason to minimize assault weapons before this goes down. By taking out as many bunkers as possible will disrupt their underground coordination attacks on us.

Question all prisoners and document who their leaders are if and when possible, forward information in every direction to all groups throughout the USA.

Take all Political persons who are trying to reach an underground bunker and place them into the FEMA Camps. They planned them for us, so let's use the camps for them! Do not execute any of them unless they resist, there will be time for trial for treason when it's over.

Until they declare martial law let us pray that we can dominate our political parties to remain loyal to our Constitution for which so many have already paid with their lives and try and find a peaceful solution first and foremost.

I am sure they will ultimately read this and they will know who I am and that I am a patriot, I say to them, we are not all asleep, we are not all unprepared, we will never give up our guns nor and we will go quietly into the night!

God Bless America


The Messenger
I think we're a few years away yet. There's still a lot of brainwashing to be done, and a lot of snitch recruiting and planting, but I'm sure they are encouraged when they read forums like this one and see all the zombies falling right in line and carrying their message.
More garbage from a mentally ill citizen.

Let me ask you this;

If the government is so oppressive, how is that you are able to post this bullshit here and not be picked up and stored in a FEMA detention facility?

yeah, never thought about that did you?

freaking loons, they are all looney, but only a select few are treasonous....

Plenty of holes in your theory. But dont let that stop you from proclaiming it fact.
More garbage from a mentally ill citizen.

Let me ask you this;

If the government is so oppressive, how is that you are able to post this bullshit here and not be picked up and stored in a FEMA detention facility?

yeah, never thought about that did you?

freaking loons, they are all looney, but only a select few are treasonous....

Plenty of holes in your theory. But dont let that stop you from proclaiming it fact.

I have no theory. My words were hijacked from another thread and used to start this one by the loon called octodolt.

I think the lunacy I speak of has been demonstrated as fact in this thread with the help of other loons .. ...like you

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
More garbage from a mentally ill citizen.

Let me ask you this;

If the government is so oppressive, how is that you are able to post this bullshit here and not be picked up and stored in a FEMA detention facility?

yeah, never thought about that did you?

freaking loons, they are all looney, but only a select few are treasonous....

Plenty of holes in your theory. But dont let that stop you from proclaiming it fact.

I have no theory. My words were hijacked from another thread and used to start this one by the loon called octodolt.

I think the lunacy I speak of has been demonstrated as fact in this thread with the help of other loons .. ...like you

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

So you're saying these aren't your words?
If the government is so oppressive, how is that you are able to post this bullshit here and not be picked up and stored in a FEMA detention facility?

yeah, never thought about that did you?
Wake up America the Waters are being tested!

Some say they are Globalists, Fed Reserve, Gov New World Order, Illuminate or Anonymous, does not matter what you call them they have a plan. And that is to reduce the world population and to rule over the earth and all who live in it.

They know that the world population is growing and there is only enough resource for a smaller yet large conglomerate of elite individuals. So how does this happen? First they needed to get key individuals in power and all singing out of the same hymn book. People in power positions that can control such things as Media, Laws, Institutions i.e., FEMA which have broken the United States into 10 sections and the agreement that they will be the ones protected and selected to survive.

With their global infrastructure already in place and their underground bunkers to protect them from the general population they do not care if they print more paper money, all will change when they take over. Obama is just a pawn, think back to when Perrot the little self made rich guy was running for president, then all of a sudden he appeared physically shaken and dropped out of trying to run for president. They got to him and scared the dickens out of him; it was obvious to anyone who can read a facial expression.

So what’s next? Still need to get the weapons of their destruction out of the hands of the American Population. Yes Sandy Hook was a true massacre of children with added victims and actors to intensify the outcome they wanted. As any good chess player knows you need to think more than one move at a time to win the game. Don’t be duped they let slip so many discrepancies in Sandy hook and the shooting at the movie theater just to test the water on how much they can get away with and to take away the 2nd Amendment from the population. That’s the only thing that is somewhat stopping them from flipping the economic collapse switch and the start of rounding up anyone they think has a remote possibility to organize any resistance. The FEMA camps are now staffed and ready for new arrivals to be rounded up. By golly they even have hundreds of thousands of grave liners and mass burial sites ready just so they can clear the air of rotting flesh and cut down on the possibility of contamination of ground water and minimize disease.

They are smart in that they know the majority of the population would rather ignore any thought of their plan then to disrupt their lives that is until it becomes obviously clear that things are about to go terribly wrong. But they are not worried because they think that it will be too late for the population to get organized and by then it will be check mate for us!

So what’s stopping them? Lack of control is their biggest worry; they know that individual military can only be controlled up to a point where the US Military are not going to fire on their own population. However they have their global resource of United Nations troops who are not Americans and will fire on the general US population.

They know who we are, if we own guns, and if there is any that can organize a militia of minute men to defend the United States Constitution.

So what is my message? It looks like the midnight hour is approaching and the clock is ticking so how do we prepare for such an over whelming force?

Here's what I recommend, Stock up on food, water, ammunition, high capacity magazines, medicine, bandages and be prepared to leave your location quickly.

Support the NRA, gun rights and the preservation of the 2nd Amendment.

Never forget that it is your obligation to defend the Constitution of the United States of America from enemies BOTH foreign and domestic!

Get the word out to as many as you can to form pockets of resistance throughout the United States, choose locations where patriots can gather. Be linked all my brothers and sisters so that the word can get out quickly to defending our loved ones and country.

Choose one (preferably military trained person to coordinate a communication link within each group) with links to the infrastructure of patriots of the sleeping giant. Organize your supplies and plan defense and offense targets.

While we prepare we must continue to demand investigations of our media and continue to seek a non violent solution we must keep the free information spread via the Internet. Ultimately that will be either shut down or they will try to disrupt and destroy any type of organization planning. They already do a lot of counter intelligence with the Internet. What chaps their ass is that we can be more organized and are greater in number and this information is a very possible objective for patriots.

When it begins they will declare Martial Law, instructing the population to stay indoors. And like thousands of Jews who had no guns they will do as they are told. We all know how it did not go to well for them and how many were killed. So Get out as fast as you can because they will be coming for you and your guns and any one on their target list that they have made.

Start to plan tactical targets such as the Amory for supplies, FEMA Camps to free any prisoners, and surround and or overtake all Under Ground Bunkers in your areas, the elite bastards have to get to them and will afraid as long as they are above ground which is the fear that they have and reason to minimize assault weapons before this goes down. By taking out as many bunkers as possible will disrupt their underground coordination attacks on us.

Question all prisoners and document who their leaders are if and when possible, forward information in every direction to all groups throughout the USA.

Take all Political persons who are trying to reach an underground bunker and place them into the FEMA Camps. They planned them for us, so let's use the camps for them! Do not execute any of them unless they resist, there will be time for trial for treason when it's over.

Until they declare martial law let us pray that we can dominate our political parties to remain loyal to our Constitution for which so many have already paid with their lives and try and find a peaceful solution first and foremost.

I am sure they will ultimately read this and they will know who I am and that I am a patriot, I say to them, we are not all asleep, we are not all unprepared, we will never give up our guns nor and we will go quietly into the night!

God Bless America


The Messenger
I think we're a few years away yet. There's still a lot of brainwashing to be done, and a lot of snitch recruiting and planting, but I'm sure they are encouraged when they read forums like this one and see all the zombies falling right in line and carrying their message.

The snitch recruiting is going well. They are responsible for what is known as GangStalking. Just more MKultra and cointelpro.
Wake up America the Waters are being tested!

Some say they are Globalists, Fed Reserve, Gov New World Order, Illuminate or Anonymous, does not matter what you call them they have a plan. And that is to reduce the world population and to rule over the earth and all who live in it.

They know that the world population is growing and there is only enough resource for a smaller yet large conglomerate of elite individuals. So how does this happen? First they needed to get key individuals in power and all singing out of the same hymn book. People in power positions that can control such things as Media, Laws, Institutions i.e., FEMA which have broken the United States into 10 sections and the agreement that they will be the ones protected and selected to survive.

With their global infrastructure already in place and their underground bunkers to protect them from the general population they do not care if they print more paper money, all will change when they take over. Obama is just a pawn, think back to when Perrot the little self made rich guy was running for president, then all of a sudden he appeared physically shaken and dropped out of trying to run for president. They got to him and scared the dickens out of him; it was obvious to anyone who can read a facial expression.

So what’s next? Still need to get the weapons of their destruction out of the hands of the American Population. Yes Sandy Hook was a true massacre of children with added victims and actors to intensify the outcome they wanted. As any good chess player knows you need to think more than one move at a time to win the game. Don’t be duped they let slip so many discrepancies in Sandy hook and the shooting at the movie theater just to test the water on how much they can get away with and to take away the 2nd Amendment from the population. That’s the only thing that is somewhat stopping them from flipping the economic collapse switch and the start of rounding up anyone they think has a remote possibility to organize any resistance. The FEMA camps are now staffed and ready for new arrivals to be rounded up. By golly they even have hundreds of thousands of grave liners and mass burial sites ready just so they can clear the air of rotting flesh and cut down on the possibility of contamination of ground water and minimize disease.

They are smart in that they know the majority of the population would rather ignore any thought of their plan then to disrupt their lives that is until it becomes obviously clear that things are about to go terribly wrong. But they are not worried because they think that it will be too late for the population to get organized and by then it will be check mate for us!

So what’s stopping them? Lack of control is their biggest worry; they know that individual military can only be controlled up to a point where the US Military are not going to fire on their own population. However they have their global resource of United Nations troops who are not Americans and will fire on the general US population.

They know who we are, if we own guns, and if there is any that can organize a militia of minute men to defend the United States Constitution.

So what is my message? It looks like the midnight hour is approaching and the clock is ticking so how do we prepare for such an over whelming force?

Here's what I recommend, Stock up on food, water, ammunition, high capacity magazines, medicine, bandages and be prepared to leave your location quickly.

Support the NRA, gun rights and the preservation of the 2nd Amendment.

Never forget that it is your obligation to defend the Constitution of the United States of America from enemies BOTH foreign and domestic!

Get the word out to as many as you can to form pockets of resistance throughout the United States, choose locations where patriots can gather. Be linked all my brothers and sisters so that the word can get out quickly to defending our loved ones and country.

Choose one (preferably military trained person to coordinate a communication link within each group) with links to the infrastructure of patriots of the sleeping giant. Organize your supplies and plan defense and offense targets.

While we prepare we must continue to demand investigations of our media and continue to seek a non violent solution we must keep the free information spread via the Internet. Ultimately that will be either shut down or they will try to disrupt and destroy any type of organization planning. They already do a lot of counter intelligence with the Internet. What chaps their ass is that we can be more organized and are greater in number and this information is a very possible objective for patriots.

When it begins they will declare Martial Law, instructing the population to stay indoors. And like thousands of Jews who had no guns they will do as they are told. We all know how it did not go to well for them and how many were killed. So Get out as fast as you can because they will be coming for you and your guns and any one on their target list that they have made.

Start to plan tactical targets such as the Amory for supplies, FEMA Camps to free any prisoners, and surround and or overtake all Under Ground Bunkers in your areas, the elite bastards have to get to them and will afraid as long as they are above ground which is the fear that they have and reason to minimize assault weapons before this goes down. By taking out as many bunkers as possible will disrupt their underground coordination attacks on us.

Question all prisoners and document who their leaders are if and when possible, forward information in every direction to all groups throughout the USA.

Take all Political persons who are trying to reach an underground bunker and place them into the FEMA Camps. They planned them for us, so let's use the camps for them! Do not execute any of them unless they resist, there will be time for trial for treason when it's over.

Until they declare martial law let us pray that we can dominate our political parties to remain loyal to our Constitution for which so many have already paid with their lives and try and find a peaceful solution first and foremost.

I am sure they will ultimately read this and they will know who I am and that I am a patriot, I say to them, we are not all asleep, we are not all unprepared, we will never give up our guns nor and we will go quietly into the night!

God Bless America


The Messenger
I think we're a few years away yet. There's still a lot of brainwashing to be done, and a lot of snitch recruiting and planting, but I'm sure they are encouraged when they read forums like this one and see all the zombies falling right in line and carrying their message.

The snitch recruiting is going well. They are responsible for what is known as GangStalking. Just more MKultra and cointelpro.

Yep. My words from another tbread, hijacked by octodolt to start this one.

That's the second time I stated that.

Ask me again and ill know for certain you have no reading comprehension.....

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
I say again to the loonies;

If the "tyranny" existed, you idiots would be locked up. You would not be able to post here.

Since your able to post here, your claims of tyranny fall completely flat.

Some would even consider your claims fear mongering, inciting rebellion or seeding propaganda against your own nation.

In other words.....treasonous

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