The U.S. Should Have Universal Health Care.


Jan 4, 2017
Just like what most of the other developed nations have. That we don't is a joke. And the jokes on you! You know, I would be willing to bet that if this guy was running the U.S., we would have universal health care.

No problem! We'll just put everyone in the health care industry on the government/military pay scale.

I'm so glad those doctors are willing to work for O1-O3 pay while nurses start out at E4-E6 pay.


Just like what most of the other developed nations have. That we don't is a joke. And the jokes on you! You know, I would be willing to bet that if this guy was running the U.S., we would have universal health care.

That guy's country --- or at least, Germany --- already had universal health care when he was born.
Just like what most of the other developed nations have. That we don't is a joke. And the jokes on you! You know, I would be willing to bet that if this guy was running the U.S., we would have universal health care.

That guy's country --- or at least, Germany --- already had universal health care when he was born.

Not having the same multi-ethnic bullshit to put up with that the U.S. does, I wouldn't be at all surprised.
Stupid OP, good topic. As a business owner, I'm ready for universal health care. That industry has failed to control costs, failed to provide affordability and failed to provide exceptional care. I don't trust the govt but failure should be punished and that's what i wish on the medical industry at this point.
failure should be punished and that's what i wish on the medical industry at this point.

totally and perfectly clueless!!! capitalist health care would lower prices 80% and extend our lives 10-20 years. Do you understand??

Imagine the auto industry if customers didn't care about price and manufactures didn't compete on basis of price and quality?? 1+1=2
It happens in every other developed country but because greed rules supreme here = never. The poor are seen as parasites for just being poor in this backwards shit hole of a country.
capitalist health care would lower prices 80% and extend our lives 10-20 years.

Ed, this will be fun, tell us what Capitalist Healthcare would look like. I'd love to hear how you would fix the current system. Specifics please.

people would shop with their own money and providers would compete on basis of price and quality. Republicans call this capitalism. Do you understand?
It happens in every other developed country but because greed rules supreme here = never. The poor are seen as parasites for just being poor in this backwards shit hole of a country.

backwards?? We saved civilization through two world wars and recreated it in our image. China just adopted our economic principles and instantly eliminated 40% of the planets poverty. Americas have invented 90% of modern medicine and it used by virtually 100% of the planet. We invented the civilized world for all intents and purposes.
The poor are seen as parasites for just being poor in this backwards shit hole of a country.

Correction, the poor are seen as creations of crippling liberal welfare programs who are cynically used by liberal politicians for votes and political power.
capitalist health care would lower prices 80% and extend our lives 10-20 years.

Ed, this will be fun, tell us what Capitalist Healthcare would look like. I'd love to hear how you would fix the current system. Specifics please.
It would look like the veterinary industry. Competitive, inexpensive, quality.

Oh, for a dog's life.

agreed, vet care is good but it too could be instantly improved with a simple law requiring that all prices be posted in a comparable way. Japan does this for human health. We should do it here immediately. That alone might cut prices in half.
capitalist health care would lower prices 80% and extend our lives 10-20 years.

Ed, this will be fun, tell us what Capitalist Healthcare would look like. I'd love to hear how you would fix the current system. Specifics please.
It would look like the veterinary industry. Competitive, inexpensive, quality.

Oh, for a dog's life.

agreed, vet care is good but it too could be instantly improved with a simple law requiring that all prices be posted in a comparable way. Japan does this for human health. We should do it here immediately. That alone might cut prices in half.
More laws, eh. No, thank you.
capitalist health care would lower prices 80% and extend our lives 10-20 years.

Ed, this will be fun, tell us what Capitalist Healthcare would look like. I'd love to hear how you would fix the current system. Specifics please.
It would look like the veterinary industry. Competitive, inexpensive, quality.

Oh, for a dog's life.

agreed, vet care is good but it too could be instantly improved with a simple law requiring that all prices be posted in a comparable way. Japan does this for human health. We should do it here immediately. That alone might cut prices in half.
More laws, eh. No, thank you.

well I don't see a problem with a law that promotes capitalism.
Its like a law that says you cant steal goods and services but rather must pay for them with money.
I'd make it a choice and allow for an private system at the same time...Some developed countries with universal also have a private system for people with a lot of money.

Either way it would cost about half and would help us hugely towards paying down the deficit.
I'd make it a choice and allow for an private system at the same time..

why a choice when socialism slowly starved 120 million to death. Ever heard of East /West Germany?? Liberals don't read, and don't think there is anything to be learned from reading. They cant conserve history because they are too slow to read it.

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