The U.S. to take in 100,000 Syrian and North African refugees.

Letting young, male middle-easterners into our country is madness. They are the definition of who airlines should be profiling.

1850 - "Keep those filthy Irish out of our country! This is "Murica!"

1880 - "Get those damn Asians out of our country! There are too many of them yellow people! This is "Murica!"

1920 - "Don't let anymore Russians in! They're going to turn us Communist! This is "Murica!"

1942 - "Arrest and deport all the Japs! They're going to kill us all! This is "Murica!"

1947 - "No more southern Europeans! They're poor and destitute and flooding our streets with poverty! This is "Murica!"

2007 - "Deport all the Spics! They're brown and don't want to speak English! This is "Murica!"

2015 - "Keep those Syrian men out of our country. They're Moooooooooslim! This is "Murica!"

Big difference Taz.....the Irish, asians, russians, and other southern Europeans did not intend on attacking Americans.....they pretty much came here to become Americans....we have a large population of military aged men, from muslim countries with strong a strong isis and al qeada presence....big difference.....

You have no evidence the Syrians will either. The xenophobia is no different.

Taz....normally you are pretty on target...but come don't think that there is an increased risk bringing in muslims from the very area that isis and al qeada are active?
Why are we as a country expected to provide such time, money, protection, equal rights, military, to the very people that have spawned the violent extremist group ISIL?

Because they aren't the very same people who have spawned the violent extremist group ISIL. When the Westboro Baptist Church pickets funerals of soldiers with signs that read "God Hates Fags" do we consider that representative of all Christians?
I agree that the Westboro Baptist Church does not represent all Christians, but on the other hand, many christians do share the same views but choose not to participate in such hateful gatherings. A moderate Muslim does not want to behead infidels, they would much rather a Islamist extremist do the dirty work while they just sit back in silence. When the United States fails to meet all the needs of the refugees, they will become angered and full of resentment which will then be taken out on the American public. Just to be clear, I find all religions to be vile and hateful, not just Islam.

No many Christians do NOT share their views. so you stop right there with that lie
Lie?? The hypocrisy of religion continues. Lets not forget that millions of people have been subjected to torture and murder at the hands of Christianity. Next you're probably going to tell me that this country was founded on Christian values....

Let's not forget that atheists in the late 20th century, murdered close to 100 million people, often subjecting them to horrible medical the most advanced countries in the world at the time...not medieval countries hundereds of years ago............

And yes, this was a country founded on Judeo/Christian values.
I guess the Arab Spring isn't the dream life that our media and our politicians kept telling us it was. Notice no one is bragging on our involvement in overthrowing leaders and governments anymore?

When those in power, ie the governments and military of these country have an arsenal of weapons, provided by our US don't have a chance in hell to get much done, now do you? When you have those in power placed there once again by our US government back in the day, again, your rendered powerless....if anything is certain, this country has had its nose in other people's business since the 40's and once again, it comes back to harm EVERYBODY. Its time we leave these countries alone and fix our own broken democracy, which by the way sucks!!

And as we step back the Russians and Chinese step you think their "intentions" are pure and won't effect us down the road?

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