The U.S. to take in 100,000 Syrian and North African refugees.

We don't need 3rd world peasants and/or africans barely out of the stone age...They have no skills, don't speak the language and immediately get showered with every benefit the govt can give them..all financed by taxpayers.
We can't take care of our own as it is.
Wow, no skills, can't speak the language and get benefits. Sounds like another group I know:

We don't need 3rd world peasants and/or africans barely out of the stone age...They have no skills, don't speak the language and immediately get showered with every benefit the govt can give them..all financed by taxpayers.
We can't take care of our own as it is.
Wow, no skills, can't speak the language and get benefits. Sounds like another group I know:

..and if they were bringing in 100,000 of these guys, you would lose your mind. You're a hypocrite.
Look out poor communities, the sand n**** are coming. Because that's what this country does...dump all these refugees in poor communities that are already stretched to the limits. What I find absolutely astounding is that most of the refugee's are young men....who should be in uniform fighting for their damned country!! And the last place they should be is in a country, ie the US, with its hostile environment of latinos and muslims....I can see home grown young muslim men on the net plotting our demise....I don't think its a good idea, people in this country a fuckin haters and all they're gonna do is piss these people off.

Yep. They'll go to poor communities.

And know what many of these middle eastern refugees are gonna do in American ghettos? They're gonna look around and say "Wait...THIS is considered bad??? There's free education, available jobs, free food and welfare to get much opportunity".

They'll realize how GREAT this nation is and take advantage of what it offers.

Meanwhile....the leftist idiots will keep being left behind whining about fairness.
And they all desrve free schooling, healthcare, foodstamps, housing, welfare and a livable minimum wage !!!

Just Because
Look out poor communities, the sand n**** are coming. Because that's what this country does...dump all these refugees in poor communities that are already stretched to the limits. What I find absolutely astounding is that most of the refugee's are young men....who should be in uniform fighting for their damned country!! And the last place they should be is in a country, ie the US, with its hostile environment of latinos and muslims....I can see home grown young muslim men on the net plotting our demise....I don't think its a good idea, people in this country a fuckin haters and all they're gonna do is piss these people off.
You were promised Transformation and that is what you are getting.

and according to some we are the RICHEST (they are generous with your money aren't they?) and we have all kinds of resources to give away. What's a few 100, 000 more on top of the 20million Illegal immigrants already here.
We don't need 3rd world peasants and/or africans barely out of the stone age...They have no skills, don't speak the language and immediately get showered with every benefit the govt can give them..all financed by taxpayers.
We can't take care of our own as it is.

I agree. The taxpayers of America don't need any more people to finance in this country.

Leave em in the middle east where they belong.

I for one could care less about Syria and refugees. If the Arab League doesn't want to take on those causing the problems then so be it. Hope they all kill each other.
You were promised Transformation and that is what you are getting.

and according to some we are the RICHEST (they are generous with your money aren't they?) and we have all kinds of resources to give away. What's a few 100, 000 more on top of the 20million Illegal immigrants already here.

George W Bush Jr. and the entire Bush family should host these people, put em up in hotels and service them until they find work...working for Bush. And Chenney should foot the bill too
We don't need 3rd world peasants and/or africans barely out of the stone age...They have no skills, don't speak the language and immediately get showered with every benefit the govt can give them..all financed by taxpayers.
We can't take care of our own as it is.

I agree. The taxpayers of America don't need any more people to finance in this country.

Leave em in the middle east where they belong.

I for one could care less about Syria and refugees. If the Arab League doesn't want to take on those causing the problems then so be it. Hope they all kill each other.

I wouldn't go that far, but its time the muslim world, with the trillions they're making in oil revenue, start taking care of their own damned people. If anything, they should be footing the fuckin bill for it. I don't want anything bad to happen to these people and I get it, they're frightened and afraid, but watching these strong young men, whine about wanting entrance into a country that clearly is leery of muslims, angers me, stay and fight for your country.
And they all desrve free schooling, healthcare, foodstamps, housing, welfare and a livable minimum wage !!!

Just Because
You and I both know, these people are hard workers and with thier white skin, will do just fine in either country they chose....its the dark skinned one's who'll have the most trouble...and that's just getting in a boat!!
We don't need 3rd world peasants and/or africans barely out of the stone age...They have no skills, don't speak the language and immediately get showered with every benefit the govt can give them..all financed by taxpayers.
We can't take care of our own as it is.
Wow, no skills, can't speak the language and get benefits. Sounds like another group I know:

LOLOLOLOL....come to the south someday....just spend one fricken day in some obscure town outside the'd think you just crossed over to the other side. Stupid country no teeth rednecks standing in line at Walmart with their bi-racial rug rats and food stamps.
Are they being granted citizenship or just being relocated for the duration? The US can help and should. It's the right thing to do.

Unlike many european nations our refugees can remain here forever and can become naturalized citizens.
We don't need 3rd world peasants and/or africans barely out of the stone age...They have no skills, don't speak the language and immediately get showered with every benefit the govt can give them..all financed by taxpayers.
We can't take care of our own as it is.
Wow, no skills, can't speak the language and get benefits. Sounds like another group I know:

LOLOLOLOL....come to the south someday....just spend one fricken day in some obscure town outside the'd think you just crossed over to the other side. Stupid country no teeth rednecks standing in line at Walmart with their bi-racial rug rats and food stamps.

Its funny how these people vote to bite themselves in the ass! WTF is wrong with them?
We don't need 3rd world peasants and/or africans barely out of the stone age...They have no skills, don't speak the language and immediately get showered with every benefit the govt can give them..all financed by taxpayers.
We can't take care of our own as it is.
Wow, no skills, can't speak the language and get benefits. Sounds like another group I know:

LOLOLOLOL....come to the south someday....just spend one fricken day in some obscure town outside the'd think you just crossed over to the other side. Stupid country no teeth rednecks standing in line at Walmart with their bi-racial rug rats and food stamps.

Its funny how these people vote to bite themselves in the ass! WTF is wrong with them?

I hope someday somebody does an in dept study of this and explain the shit to me too. Some of the poor motherfuckers in the country live in the south and hillbilly shit for brains, vote the very people in, that shit all over em.
Out of curiosity, does anyone else find the talk of re-homing Syrian and African refugees to be a bit troubling? In the last 4 or so years, the United Sates has donated over 4 billion dollars in relief aid to Syria, more than any other nation. Yet, we as a country are now expected to step up our humanitarian efforts and start accepting refugees. Where are all of the rich and powerful Arab nations? Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Egypt, to name a few. You would think they would be eager to help fellow muslims in such a violent and turbulent time. But instead they remain distant and disengaged. Why are we as a country expected to provide such time, money, protection, equal rights, military, to the very people that have spawned the violent extremist group ISIL? Since the attacks on September 11th 2001, our government has spent trillions on homeland security in hopes of keeping those with malicious intent out of the country. Now, both parties are considering allowing up to 100,000 "refugees" from Arab and African nations into the country. Lets forget for a second that most countries from the middle east have an extreme hatred for the U.S., how about all of the immigrants already in the country on visas who work and assimilate to the ideals of America. These people have tried tirelessly over the years to become legal citizens of this country and still to this day have not been granted citizenship. Our new plan is to just bring these refugees here with no plan and expect things to work? We have all witnessed whats happening in Europe at the moment. Hopefully our fearless leaders will get an idea as to what will happen when they arrive here.

I think they should all go to the bush ranch. He created the disaster, he can take care of them.
Hmm, we are bringing in a bunch of poor people from dangerous cultures. Can someone explain how we benefit from such an arrangement?

the kenyan usurper is doing/allowing/encouraging it because he knows it will further destabilize america. More of his racial revenge politics.

Somalians in minnesota...syrians in montana...really?....anyone can see what the plan is...

He wants them to colonize areas and expand their colonies....and since they have no skills we'll be supporting them indefinitely. ....and since white people pay the majority of taxes in this country, the burden will fall on white people...
We don't need 3rd world peasants and/or africans barely out of the stone age...They have no skills, don't speak the language and immediately get showered with every benefit the govt can give them..all financed by taxpayers.
We can't take care of our own as it is.
Wow, no skills, can't speak the language and get benefits. Sounds like another group I know:

..and if they were bringing in 100,000 of these guys, you would lose your mind. You're a hypocrite.

Who cares about a hundred thousand? There are already a hundred million of them here. What's a hundred thousand more?
We don't need 3rd world peasants and/or africans barely out of the stone age...They have no skills, don't speak the language and immediately get showered with every benefit the govt can give them..all financed by taxpayers.
We can't take care of our own as it is.
Wow, no skills, can't speak the language and get benefits. Sounds like another group I know:

LOLOLOLOL....come to the south someday....just spend one fricken day in some obscure town outside the'd think you just crossed over to the other side. Stupid country no teeth rednecks standing in line at Walmart with their bi-racial rug rats and food stamps.

Its funny how these people vote to bite themselves in the ass! WTF is wrong with them?

I hope someday somebody does an in dept study of this and explain the shit to me too. Some of the poor motherfuckers in the country live in the south and hillbilly shit for brains, vote the very people in, that shit all over em.

It's a white thang.
Out of curiosity, does anyone else find the talk of re-homing Syrian and African refugees to be a bit troubling? In the last 4 or so years, the United Sates has donated over 4 billion dollars in relief aid to Syria, more than any other nation. Yet, we as a country are now expected to step up our humanitarian efforts and start accepting refugees. Where are all of the rich and powerful Arab nations? Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Egypt, to name a few. You would think they would be eager to help fellow muslims in such a violent and turbulent time. But instead they remain distant and disengaged. Why are we as a country expected to provide such time, money, protection, equal rights, military, to the very people that have spawned the violent extremist group ISIL? Since the attacks on September 11th 2001, our government has spent trillions on homeland security in hopes of keeping those with malicious intent out of the country. Now, both parties are considering allowing up to 100,000 "refugees" from Arab and African nations into the country. Lets forget for a second that most countries from the middle east have an extreme hatred for the U.S., how about all of the immigrants already in the country on visas who work and assimilate to the ideals of America. These people have tried tirelessly over the years to become legal citizens of this country and still to this day have not been granted citizenship. Our new plan is to just bring these refugees here with no plan and expect things to work? We have all witnessed whats happening in Europe at the moment. Hopefully our fearless leaders will get an idea as to what will happen when they arrive here.

I think they should all go to the bush ranch. He created the disaster, he can take care of them.
Now there's a thought.
Why are we as a country expected to provide such time, money, protection, equal rights, military, to the very people that have spawned the violent extremist group ISIL?

Because they aren't the very same people who have spawned the violent extremist group ISIL. When the Westboro Baptist Church pickets funerals of soldiers with signs that read "God Hates Fags" do we consider that representative of all Christians?

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