The Ukraine Crisis: the Big Picture


May 22, 2014
The current government in Ukraine is tearing the country in half, and a civil war seems imminent. On the side of Kiev you find American and EU(NATO) support. On the east you find Russian support. These two factions have increased in intensity and the end result is becoming clear. We are heading into a war that no one, but the government wants. Kiev is currently being run by a government with no elected power, only martial power. In a recorded call Victoria Nuland, the secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, can be heard hand picking the current government head. The party receiving the most American and EU aid is known as the Svoboda party, a party that only four years ago was on the EU's watch list for being Ant-Semitic, Xenophobic, Violent, and unstable. These are the men running Ukraine, unelected. If you are unaware there was a referendum or vote in the east of Ukraine and Crimea. This referendum showed that of the 75% of people who voted, 97% of them voted to become independent of Kiev, and hopefully to be absorbed into Russia. This referendum was declared illegal in the West and was condemned by many white house officials such as John Kerry. why? How is it any less legal then the current government, where thugs under the guise of the "national guard' beat people in the streets and murder protestors like in Odessa? Its not, Common law is on the side of the Eastern Ukrainian people. All of this so called illegal activity is being blamed on its so called instigator, Russia. Lets go back to the beginning of this crisis. The dissention began, not because of Russia, but because of the EU and NATO. An ultimatum was made to Ukraine via a public statement that either Ukraine could join the EU or be tied to Russia, but not both. To join the club, Ukraine had to dump its oldest trading partner with which Ukraine shares Family ties. If I offered you a million dollars to never talk to your mother again, would you take it? This is what we did, and it created a rift. sides were taken, and the riots began. We instigated this crisis, and then when Russia stepped in to aid its old friend, we passed the torch of blame onto them. We drew up sanctions against Russia in an attempt to silence them and get them to back off. This backfired, Russia and China are now in Alliance both militarily and economically, and they are pushing back. We have entered into an economic war, with a nation that holds the largest percentile of our debt. The Dollar is under threat because of what we did, now China and Russia plan on selling goods exclusively in Yen, Rubles, and Gold. This will cripple the Value of the Dollar, leaving us with only three options. Major Economic reforms that under the current powers is impossible, defaulting on our loans which would shatter our economy, or the most dangerous of all, an escalation from economic war to physical war. This last scenario is what the evidence leans towards. NATO and the US have sent warships and carriers to the Balkan and Black seas. The US has deployed several Airborne divisions in neighboring Estonia. Four-hundred Black Water Mercs are currently in Ukraine putting down "rebellion". NATO is trying to encircle Russia by adding Finland and Sweden. lastly we are running military games in Europe and the pacific. Russia and China seem to be preparing as well. Joint military games off the coast of England and France and in the pacific. The most frightening preparation of all is a signed order by Putin to retaliate to any act of aggression with tactical NUCLEAR strikes on NATO sites. We are heading for a war unlike anything the world has seen, but it can be stopped if this message is spread and if the people demand that our government stand down and admit that they made a mistake in Ukraine as well as Syria. Only then can we hope to turn things around. This is not a necessary war, the Soviet Union is long dead, but our government still sees its face in Russia. It wants to finish the job, and wipe out its only major rivals in the world at your expense. The saying goes that history always repeats its self so let me share one story with you from antiquity. The two largest powers in the world much like Russia and the US, were once known as Rome and Carthage. They fought three wars known as the Punic wars. The first two Punic wars parallel the world wars and cold war of modern times. The first was based on the balance of power in the Mediterranean, like that of Europe in WWI. Rome won the war and made Carthage pay through the teeth for it. Years later Hannibal sought revenge, much like the Germans under Hitler. The economy was restored and an Army was raised. He tortured Rome for years, but in the end Rome won by attacking the heart of Carthage. It destroyed the Carthaginian economy, but they were spared annihilation, much like the soviet union after the cold war. forty years later, Carthage became an economic powerhouse, but posed no threat to Rome. Rome needed an excuse, so it used Numidia, Carthage's old client state, much like the relationship between Ukraine and Russia. When Numidia's new Roman supported king encroached on Carthaginian land, after much diplomacy, Carthage defended itself, and there was the excuse to begin the third and final Punic war. Rome thought it would be easy, but Carthage fought with full intent to the death. the war lasted for years, with many Roman and Carthaginian casualties. Eventually Rome entered the City of Carthage and when it did it leveled the city, every brick, every man, all were lain to waste. Rome lost its counterbalance and from there no nation could keep it in check. thus was born the Roman empire. without the Fall of Carthage Rome would have never been the empire it rose to be. We are on the precipice of such an empire, a global empire. The book called "the Grand Chessboard outlines this process and we are following it to the letter. This book has been a governing force in American and European politics since 1977 and by its design the soviet union fell. The power however didn't stay in the west as was intended and now we go to finish the job we began and the only obstacles lie in Eurasia. The excuse we need lies in Ukraine.

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