The Ukraine Hoax/coup.....11 facts that fell apart already...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The Ukraine already falling apart...

Nolte: 11 Facts that Have Already Unraveled the Ukraine Hoax

Anyway, the whole thing is now unraveling, and hereā€™s why:

  1. Schiff Busted Lying, Conspiring, Being Even More Pencil Neckier Than Usual
Schiff getting caught lying about his contacts with this phony Deep State ā€œwhistleblowerā€ is the least surprising thing about any of this. Of course he was working with the fake whistleblower to fabricate this non-scandal. Of course he lied about it. Of course other Democrats were involved. Of course the establishment media were in on it.

We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to. But Iā€™m sure the whistleblower has concerns that he has not been advised, as the law requires, by the Inspector General or the Director of National Intelligence just as to how he is to communicate with Congress.

ā€“ ā€“ Rep. Adam Schiff (R-CA) to MSNBCā€™s Sam Stein

Schiff did appear to lie here in previously saying that his office had not spoken directly with the whistleblower. But if you care more about this stuff than the actual substance of the whistleblower complaint than youā€™re being a hack.

ā€” Real Journalist Sam Steinā€™s tweet after it was revealed Schiff did indeed work with the ā€œwhistleblower,ā€ which is a clear violation of the whistleblower statute.

For reasons no one should have to explain, the whistleblower rules make it painfully clear you keep the politicians out of this process. But Schiff was brought in early so the complaint would be a bulletproof roadmap for an impeachment hearing.

  1. Hearsay, Hearsay, Hearsay
Everyone is arguing the whistleblowerā€™s complaint is weak because it is all based on second and third-hand information. No, this is exactly wrong.

That was The Plan.

That was always The Plan.

Schiff, the media, and the Deep State deliberately went this route because it means witnesses hauled before an impeachment inquiry; witnesses who are immediately put on defense, who have to prove a negative, who have to prove they did not do or say something without meeting their accuser ā€” the whistleblower.

This is already backfiring, though, because of the things the phony whistleblower got wrong ā€” like who was on the call with Trump and what exactly was said. And this is all thanks to reporting from new media and Trump out-maneuvering his enemies by releasing the transcript of the call in question and the full whistleblower complaint.

  1. Deep State Changed Whistleblower Rules to Get Drumpf
Oddly enough, until recently, a whistleblower complaint required first-hand as opposed to second and third-hand knowledge.

Gee, wonder why those rules were suddenly changedā€¦?

  1. Quid Pro Ah, No
The phony whistleblower told us Trump would threaten Ukraine with the withholding of crucial U.S. aid unless Ukraine agreed to help him politically ā€” which, oddly enough, is exactly what Joe Biden did.

Instead, as the transcript of the phone call proves, it was Ukraineā€™s president who brought up the issue of corruption and all Trump did was ask him to look into Bidenā€™s threat to withhold U.S. aid if Ukraine refused to fire a prosecutor who was digging into the energy company that hired Bidenā€™s son Hunter for $50,000 a month ā€” a month! ā€” even though Hunter knows nothing about Ukraine or energy.

  1. Quid Pro Uh, Oh
It gets worse! When the call took place, Ukraine was still fully expecting the U.S. to keep sending aid. Even the far-left BuzzFeed has been forced to admit this.

How can there be a threat or quid pro quo when Ukraine thought it was still raining American dollars?

There canā€™t be, so the whistleblower lied.
Impeach Trump for Biden's crimes!

The funny thing is....? If the democrats had simply worked with Trump, they could have gotten so much of their actual agenda passed....he wasn't an ideological guy, he is just a guy who wants to get things done....and he would have happily worked with the democrats.....on healthcare, guns,........but lucky for us...they taught him who they really are, and it kept him from making bad deals with them.....
Dems are building their impeachment case with parts and materials from ACME manufacturing.

Impeach Trump for Biden's crimes!

The funny thing is....? If the democrats had simply worked with Trump, they could have gotten so much of their actual agenda passed....he wasn't an ideological guy, he is just a guy who wants to get things done....and he would have happily worked with the democrats.....on healthcare, guns,........but lucky for us...they taught him who they really are, and it kept him from making bad deals with them.....

Nancy's convinced that now she can get Trump to work with democrats on infrastructure funding

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