The Ukrainian Government Should Replace General Zalzhny!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It is extremely disappointing to hear that Ukraine's counter-offensive against Russian forces did not succeed, Ukraine deserves to win this war as much as any country that fought a just war throughout the history of the world deserved to win a war! Putin's invasion of Ukraine is not only unjust and a violation of international law, Putin is an evil man bent on spreading evil in the world and needs to be stopped which Ukraine winning this war would go a long way to accomplishing! My heart goes out to the Ukrainian people at this time where their principal supporter in this war the United States is becoming unreliable, as an older and a long-time faithful U.S. citizen I am appalled at how Republican leaders and power brokers in the media are turning aiding Ukraine into a partisan wedge issue and using propaganda to cloud what is right and principled here, meaning in part, that although after the fall of the Soviet Union Ukraine became incredibly corrupt it has steadily in the last ten to fifteen years been jettisoning this past and been becoming more and more a good country and deserved to be treated as such in current America policy making. Despite all the lack of virtue about the Ukraine matter transpiring in America at the end of the day I think there is enough character and virtue left in America for Ukraine to count on a continuing level of aid as heretofore seen by Ukraine to run through 2024; if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Presidential election aid from America will fall off dramatically and become completely unreliable.

This is just a suggestion for the government of Ukraine but if I was in the legislature of Ukraine I would be calling out for the replacing of General Valery Zalzhny, Commander-in -Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He has done a great job for the Ukrainian people getting them this far in the war, stopping the Russian invasion and reversing it to a large degree, but the Ukrainian people can do better in selecting a General to lead their army during the balance of the war. Today, the Ukrainian people find themselves in a position where the Russian Army dwarfs the Ukrainian Army in heavy weapon firepower and dwarfs them in the number of soldiers on the front lines and has well prepared defenses in minefields, trenches, etc. and also very importantly has air superiority basically by conventional measurements Ukraine cannot prevail in ousting the Russian military from their land. Ukraine does not have the option to be guided by conventional measurements because Ukraine is fighting an existential threat of its people, Vladimir Putin wants to erase the concept of an Ukrainian people from the face of the earth.

I am not a military expert but one does not need to be a military expert to see the path Ukraine must travel in this war. Ukraine's only edge is and will ever likely be in this war that its soldiers are dramatically more motivated than Russian soldiers as Yevgeny Prigozhin the Wagner group leader once said and as ordinary Russians cheers for his rebellion forces indicated and random courageous Russian individuals have voiced is that this war from a Russian standpoint is an unjust war, that Ukraine posed no security threat to Russia and that this war is an indulgence of Vladimir Putin who wants to give effect to his narcissistic vision of a glorious Russian empire this Mr. Putin that really doesn't give a damn about ordinary Russians; and again Ukrainian soldiers know they are fighting for the survival of their country and their people.

Ukraine needs a better General to maximize utilization of this only advantage of Ukraine, Ukraine needs a General that is more aggressive, more confident and more inspirational to front line commanders and soldiers than General Zalzhny. General Zalzhny's interview in the Economist magazine is fully revealing in this matter. In this interview he said the war has reached a deadlock and is in a stalemate and it has turned into a World War I like war and this won't change unless Ukrainian allies give the Ukrainian people more and better weapons to give the Ukrainian military the upper hand. There is nothing necessarily untrue in General Zalzhny's remarks but he still should not have spoken them. He is the top General in the Army for an army that is in a war for its survival, he should not speak as defeated or stalemated he should speak as a winner he should speak in an optimistic and hopeful manner for in his role he is the steward of the army's morale and morale is critical. Long before America lost the Vietnam war in 1973 people in the know knew America would lose the war because the morale of the U.S. soldiers fighting the Vietnam war was terrible they did not believe they could win the war. Look at the Generals that won America's two greatest wars in the last fifty years General Norman Schwartzkopf who won the first Gulf War that kicked Saddam Hussein's army out of Kuwait and General David Petraeus who turned the Iraq war from a stalemate or U.S. loss to a U.S. win. They always talked confidently they always talked optimistically they had a spirit where they projected failure was not an option we will find a way to win. Plus, they not only demonstrated that they were fully knowledgeable about their jobs they were inspiring Generals they had an aura about them where they conveyed to front line troops that I have been there in combat and I succeeded and you have the ability to do likewise, they didn't act like bureaucrat Generals!

The harsh reality for Ukraine is that the free world is not going to come through and give Ukraine the quantity and quality of weapons to change the balance of power in this war in Ukraine's favor against Russia even if they could which is honestly unclear. Ukraine should plan on having to use its wits and guts revealed in its recent small operation crossing the Dnipro river and taking the village of Krynky near Kherson to take all their sovereign land back and win this war. The Ukrainian legislature and President should give the Ukrainian Army a top General which such remarkable Ukrainian soldiers and commanders deserve!
It is extremely disappointing to hear that Ukraine's counter-offensive against Russian forces did not succeed,
Why ?
When and Why did you become a Nazi?
What connections have you to the most corrupt area on the continent , if not the planet?

A detail -- it is Valerii Zaluzhnyi
The pro neo-nazis are just now learning the Ukrainian counter-offensive failed? Wow.
The pro neo-nazis are just now learning the Ukrainian counter-offensive failed? Wow.

The Trolls know .
Toomuchbooze , Horsey and John VD have gone AWOL and our prize Troll , Titwin , aka Nazi Winkle, now only scribbles furiously about his hatred of Russia in general , but only matters that are removed from the UAF failed front line fighting .

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