The UK's house of Lords.


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
I have been working with a guy from the UK a lot lately. He has been here 14 years and is a "permanant legal resident".

The other day we were talking politics. We got on the subject of the UK parliament and I stated that many Americans have a hard time getting their head around the house of Lords. We do not see the merits of Legislators that are not elected but instead inherit the right to be one by birth alone. I then asked why the People of the UK have not done away with that throw back to A forgotten age yet.

He responded that the House of Lords can over rule anything the lower house passes therefore it will never be Abolished. Which I was unaware of.

Anyways what do you people think of the UK's house or Lords?
I have been working with a guy from the UK a lot lately. He has been here 14 years and is a "permanant legal resident".

The other day we were talking politics. We got on the subject of the UK parliament and I stated that many Americans have a hard time getting their head around the house of Lords. We do not see the merits of Legislators that are not elected but instead inherit the right to be one by birth alone. I then asked why the People of the UK have not done away with that throw back to A forgotten age yet.

He responded that the House of Lords can over rule anything the lower house passes therefore it will never be Abolished. Which I was unaware of.

Anyways what do you people think of the UK's house or Lords?

i think of the kenedys. :lol:
"No Sir, I don't like it."
I think people inheriting Positions like that is not much better than Racism. It is basically assuming they are qualified to lead by birth alone.
I have been working with a guy from the UK a lot lately. He has been here 14 years and is a "permanant legal resident".

The other day we were talking politics. We got on the subject of the UK parliament and I stated that many Americans have a hard time getting their head around the house of Lords. We do not see the merits of Legislators that are not elected but instead inherit the right to be one by birth alone. I then asked why the People of the UK have not done away with that throw back to A forgotten age yet.

He responded that the House of Lords can over rule anything the lower house passes therefore it will never be Abolished. Which I was unaware of.

Anyways what do you people think of the UK's house or Lords?

i think of the kenedys. :lol:

And the Bushes...and some would love to see the Clintons....;)
The House of Lords is part of the British Parliament.

As the formula declares "The King (Queen) in Parliament" as sovereign (in contrast to the republican "We the people..."), the House of Lords is part of the sovereign.

As a chamber of the UK parliament it can only reject a proposed bill by the Commons, but this can be overruled by the House of Commons.

The House of Lords will be reformed, one way or the other, in the future.

Still, as not only hereditary Lords are sitting in the Lords, but also High State officials, the highest Judges (Law Lords), the HoL was a kind of last instance law court (as parliaments in Europe were since medivial times).

So, to the Lords are a relict of former times, but still had recently an important function as a kind of Supreme Court.
Since the last reform in 2006, there is a Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

Just to add up some disorientation, Scotland has it´s own Supreme Court (but only for criminal cases as far as I know).

Debated are - for a reform of the HoL- a system like a Senate in the US or a Bundesrat like in Germany (the latter represents not the population of a federal state, but the government of the federal state).

So, as the whole political system in the UK reflects an evolutionary process, this explains some pretty strange concepts.
So to say, the political system of the US is a proof for Intelligent Design, the system in the UK is a proof of progress by evolution. :razz:

God save the Queen

ze Germanguy
The House of Lords is part of the British Parliament.

As the formula declares "The King (Queen) in Parliament" as sovereign (in contrast to the republican "We the people..."), the House of Lords is part of the sovereign.

As a chamber of the UK parliament it can only reject a proposed bill by the Commons, but this can be overruled by the House of Commons.

The House of Lords will be reformed, one way or the other, in the future.

Still, as not only hereditary Lords are sitting in the Lords, but also High State officials, the highest Judges (Law Lords), the HoL was a kind of last instance law court (as parliaments in Europe were since medivial times).

So, to the Lords are a relict of former times, but still had recently an important function as a kind of Supreme Court.
Since the last reform in 2006, there is a Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

Just to add up some disorientation, Scotland has it´s own Supreme Court (but only for criminal cases as far as I know).

Debated are - for a reform of the HoL- a system like a Senate in the US or a Bundesrat like in Germany (the latter represents not the population of a federal state, but the government of the federal state).

So, as the whole political system in the UK reflects an evolutionary process, this explains some pretty strange concepts.
So to say, the political system of the US is a proof for Intelligent Design, the system in the UK is a proof of progress by evolution. :razz:

God save the Queen

ze Germanguy

The House of Lords has already been reformed.
I think it's horrible that there is no democarcy within the house of lords. They need to be like Canada and just make it the Senate, and the house of commons
I think it's horrible that there is no democarcy within the house of lords. They need to be like Canada and just make it the Senate, and the house of commons

The House of Lords is a democratic body. It votes on all that passes through the chamber and as in all democracies, the majority decision takes the vote. And no, we don't need to be like Canada.
I think it's horrible that there is no democarcy within the house of lords. They need to be like Canada and just make it the Senate, and the house of commons

The House of Lords is a democratic body. It votes on all that passes through the chamber and as in all democracies, the majority decision takes the vote. And no, we don't need to be like Canada.

:eusa_shhh: Don't interrupt. An idiot is trying to think and it's really, really hard. Majin is struggling with basic reading materials. I have tried to edumacate him but he prefers to live in the past.
I think it's horrible that there is no democarcy within the house of lords. They need to be like Canada and just make it the Senate, and the house of commons

The House of Lords is a democratic body. It votes on all that passes through the chamber and as in all democracies, the majority decision takes the vote. And no, we don't need to be like Canada.

:eusa_shhh: Don't interrupt. An idiot is trying to think and it's really, really hard. Majin is struggling with basic reading materials. I have tried to edumacate him but he prefers to live in the past.

:eusa_eh: :eusa_silenced:

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