The ultimate 2nd amendment poll!

What's your take on American citizens and firearms?

  • The second amendment is very clear: "Shall not be infringed."

    Votes: 82 78.1%
  • Ban all automaticweapons for citizens

    Votes: 12 11.4%
  • Ban all semi-automatic weapons for citizens

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Ban all weapons including muzzle loaders

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Ban knives

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban forks and pencils too

    Votes: 5 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Joe's point is irrelevant. Sans removing the 2nd Amendment ownership of guns will remain a fact of life.

You could get rid of guns tomorrow without touching the second Amendment.

Simply declare all private gun ownership is subject to regulations under the Militia.


Can be re-written. Thanks for pointing that out. Once you said the second Amendment can be defined by a code, you've opened the door for banning private guns.

Wait a minute, I thought you clowns on the right though the government hiring people is wasteful spending...

Are you all turning into Keynesians on me, or are you just grasping at straws now that the tide is turning on gun ownership?
Joe's point is irrelevant. Sans removing the 2nd Amendment ownership of guns will remain a fact of life.

You could get rid of guns tomorrow without touching the second Amendment.

Simply declare all private gun ownership is subject to regulations under the Militia.

Great idea except the USSC has ruled the 2nd is an individual (not a Mitia) right so your suggestion would be unconstitutional. Fail.

Supreme Court rulings can be changed. If you don't think that Kennedy and Roberts are rethinking Heller as we speak, you're delusional.
"Big tough army tough guy". Hardly Sonny. My "big tough army guy" days ended years ago. I'm just an old grand dad now. Nothing on me is hurting.

You, on the other hand, are hurting. I know your type. Reservist huh? Good for you. 76Y huh? Skippy, we had a name for "soldiers" like you. REMF. That's you. You've been a REMF all your life, haven't you?

Must have a lot of good stories to tell your buddies about your days of handing out blankets and things like that, huh....always hanging out in the rear, weren't you?

A whole, entire life as a REMF. Good for you. I, and every other soldier, sailor, marine and airman appreciate guys like you who, while we were being shot at, spent their time taking inventory, so you could, years later besmirch our service. But, hey! you were an integral part of the "supply chain", weren't you.


Gee, guy, MI wasn't "REMF", really? Frankly, they all sat in the back with their coffee when the supply guys were running supplies out to the feild every day.

And I'm not besmirching anyone's service... I'm just pointing out you lied your ass off about why Germany has a low crime rate, and you got caught.

Okay, you're not Col. Flagg... you're this guy....


Of course you did. Your attempt at an attack by calling me a "Big, tough Army Guy" was just that. You strike out at me because you're ashamed of your job in the military. Again, don't get too caught up in your ability to hand out blankets. Shoot, SOMONE had to do it, right! At least that's what you tell yourself everyday. And besides, you never had to worry about getting shot at, did you?

Oh, and to set the record straight (to show your ignorance of the military) 97B is a field operative you twit, 11B is an Infantryman and I finished my service as a CWO. So, it was "Mister" and not "Sir". Make sure that you know about what you are talking about or, better yet, just keep handing out blankets. REMF.
None of the justices are rethinking the shaping of their rulings on the 2nd.
None of the justices are rethinking the shaping of their rulings on the 2nd.

Some people seem to be under the delusion that the SCOTUS ruling that defines the right to own guns unconnected with the militia will be overturned. Wishful thinking, but it ain't gonna happen. Now, on to some potential regulation solutions that don't exist in a dream world, shall we?

Of course you did. Your attempt at an attack by calling me a "Big, tough Army Guy" was just that. You strike out at me because you're ashamed of your job in the military. Again, don't get too caught up in your ability to hand out blankets. Shoot, SOMONE had to do it, right! At least that's what you tell yourself everyday. And besides, you never had to worry about getting shot at, did you?

Oh, and to set the record straight (to show your ignorance of the military) 97B is a field operative you twit, 11B is an Infantryman and I finished my service as a CWO. So, it was "Mister" and not "Sir". Make sure that you know about what you are talking about or, better yet, just keep handing out blankets. REMF.

I wasn't ashamed of my job. I had an awesome job when I was in. It' was great being the Supply Sergeant. Two guys you want to be your bud in any unit. The head cook and the Supply Sergeant.

And changing your MOS Mid story is interesting and all, but let's talk about what you are REALLY butthurt about.

I pointed out Germany has a civil society without every asshole owning a gun, thrown few people in prison...

You made some spurious claim German Prisons were like the SS were still running them and German Police shot suspect with impunity.

I countered that, nope, according to verified facts. Germany locks up less people, their prisons are more humane than ours, few Germans own guns and fewer still are murdered with them. And I posted links to back up my positions.

So you whined, "Waaaaaah, you don't respect my military service"...

Just for those playing along at home, Frank....
JoeB, stop your lying. Right now. The guy told you what it was like in the 1950s. All you have told us is that it has changed decades later. That is the truth. Now live with it.
JoeB, stop your lying. Right now. The guy told you what it was like in the 1950s. All you have told us is that it has changed decades later. That is the truth. Now live with it.

Actually, he said it was in the 1970's, and it probably wasn't true, then, either. True, Germany had problems with radicals like the Bader-Meinhoff gang, but we had problems with groups like the Weather Underground and the SLA.
Guy in PA shoots and kills his 7 year old outside a gun store. On accident of course. But being an accident doens't help the kid, does it? Seems he left a round chambered.

Another fine example of a responsible gun owner.

And you fuking gun nuts want more and more people to have guns. Crazy.
Go back and read, and stop your nonsense now.

You were corrected rightly, and your immoral stubbornness to admit you were wrong falls only on you.

Stop it.

JoeB, stop your lying. Right now. The guy told you what it was like in the 1950s. All you have told us is that it has changed decades later. That is the truth. Now live with it.

Actually, he said it was in the 1970's, and it probably wasn't true, then, either. True, Germany had problems with radicals like the Bader-Meinhoff gang, but we had problems with groups like the Weather Underground and the SLA.
JoeB, stop your lying. Right now. The guy told you what it was like in the 1950s. All you have told us is that it has changed decades later. That is the truth. Now live with it.

He is correct. It was in the 70s, but thank you. I have nothing more to say to the gentleman.
Thanks for the correction. I remember Germany from the later 70s and earlier 80s on maneuvers as a place you did not mess with the police, period.

JoeB, stop your lying. Right now. The guy told you what it was like in the 1950s. All you have told us is that it has changed decades later. That is the truth. Now live with it.

He is correct. It was in the 70s, but thank you. I have nothing more to say to the gentleman.
Jake you need to stop being such a troll... Frank Burns got spanked, and you're defending him is just silly.

Go back and read, and stop your nonsense now.

You were corrected rightly, and your immoral stubbornness to admit you were wrong falls only on you.

Stop it.

JoeB, stop your lying. Right now. The guy told you what it was like in the 1950s. All you have told us is that it has changed decades later. That is the truth. Now live with it.

Actually, he said it was in the 1970's, and it probably wasn't true, then, either. True, Germany had problems with radicals like the Bader-Meinhoff gang, but we had problems with groups like the Weather Underground and the SLA.
Guy in PA shoots and kills his 7 year old outside a gun store. On accident of course. But being an accident doens't help the kid, does it? Seems he left a round chambered.

Another fine example of a responsible gun owner.

And you fuking gun nuts want more and more people to have guns. Crazy.

accidents happen, but when you take firearms away from Citizens you will start to have more children killed and those deaths will not be accidental
Guy in PA shoots and kills his 7 year old outside a gun store. On accident of course. But being an accident doens't help the kid, does it? Seems he left a round chambered.

Another fine example of a responsible gun owner.

And you fuking gun nuts want more and more people to have guns. Crazy.

yeah, stupid gun nuts...........

12-year-old Oklahoma girl shoots intruder | Watch the video - Yahoo! News

Thank God this 12 year old was a "gun nut" ....

Buy god you gun nuts are wonderful. Now tell me again how many kids will be killed today my someone (usually a parents) elses gun?

And how many hundreds of crimes will be stopped today by gun toters. And lets not go back to the 1990ties to get examples. Should have been at least 40 or 50 crimes stopped just yesterday. But I can't find them on the Net?

But you all are so sure that millions of crimes are stopped by gun toters. Where is your evidence. The deaths of the kids by a parents gun is not hard to come buy.

But you all never address the question of; was the lady in Conn. and the Dad who shot his son, are they responsible gun owners? Just had a little bad luck. Is that what you would say. Good responsible gun owners with bad luck.
Guy in PA shoots and kills his 7 year old outside a gun store. On accident of course. But being an accident doens't help the kid, does it? Seems he left a round chambered.

Another fine example of a responsible gun owner.

And you fuking gun nuts want more and more people to have guns. Crazy.

yeah, stupid gun nuts...........

12-year-old Oklahoma girl shoots intruder | Watch the video - Yahoo! News

Thank God this 12 year old was a "gun nut" ....

Buy god you gun nuts are wonderful. Now tell me again how many kids will be killed today my someone (usually a parents) elses gun?

And how many hundreds of crimes will be stopped today by gun toters. And lets not go back to the 1990ties to get examples. Should have been at least 40 or 50 crimes stopped just yesterday. But I can't find them on the Net?

But you all are so sure that millions of crimes are stopped by gun toters. Where is your evidence. The deaths of the kids by a parents gun is not hard to come buy.

But you all never address the question of; was the lady in Conn. and the Dad who shot his son, are they responsible gun owners? Just had a little bad luck. Is that what you would say. Good responsible gun owners with bad luck.
Yes, she was irresponsible. I doubt anyone thinks otherwise.

The rest of your drivel has been addressed ad nauseam.

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