The ultimate 2nd amendment poll!

What's your take on American citizens and firearms?

  • The second amendment is very clear: "Shall not be infringed."

    Votes: 82 78.1%
  • Ban all automaticweapons for citizens

    Votes: 12 11.4%
  • Ban all semi-automatic weapons for citizens

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Ban all weapons including muzzle loaders

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Ban knives

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban forks and pencils too

    Votes: 5 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You guys don't scare anybody. You will be dealt with when you act out criminally, tjvh.
Tsk. Someone spiked Jake's Geritol. He's having delusions of relevancy again.

Jake, you ain't shit, you never were shit, and when the shit hits the fan you ain't gonna do shit but bitch about shit on the Internet, and nobody's gonna give a shit about you and your shit.

Freakin' pantywaist. :lmao:
I made no false claim whatsoever. I told this forum what it was like when I was there. What part of that can your pseudo-intellectual mind NOT understand?

You are right about one thing. The republicans lost in November. Until they get their collective act together, there is a better than even shot that nut jobs, like you, will be calling the shots.

That's unfortunate. I sincerely believe that before (or IF) this country can possibly rebound - folks (again, like you) will have the flag of the former Soviet Union flying overhead. Let's get one thing straight here skippy. I have no illusions about people like you whatsoever. You are a destroyer. You, like the man you adore, is a divider, never a uniter.

With you and him, it's ll about "getting even". I know the type. Seen 'em all my life. I'm happy for you that, for once, you feel empowered. Enjoy it! It's most likely the only time you will feel like a winner again in your life.

Good day!

Guy, until you guys fucked it all up under Bush, I used to vote Republican.

Now I see you can't be trusted, because you work for the rich, not for the rest of us. Figured that out when I got let go from my last job because I got sick and required expensive operations.

Now I'll happily blow up your system. And if we disarm you crazy gunnutters in the process, i'm good with that, too.
Jake, get back to me when you figure out if you are trolling the liberals or the conservatives, because it's kind of annoying watching you troll both sides.

He made claims that German prisons were horrible places and German cops shot people with impunity. In fact, neither was supported by the facts. Probably wasn't true 40 years ago, either.

Joe, he metaphorically hit your facts in the face then kicked them in the balls then stomped them to death.

Quit opining about why you don't know.

First question: Nope, not me. I'm black. I'm much better looking than that man!

Second "assertion": Apparently you aren't capable of comprehending what you read or you figure you'll just peruse it and attack. I LEFT Germany in 1975. How would I know what has happened since that time? The 70s were right smack in the middle of MUNICH - the Bader Meinhoff terrorists - and the Cold War.

So, what have you "debunked" EXACTLY other than to "debunk" your own intelligence?

You danced around the point, didn't you.

You tried to claim the reason that Germans have so little crime is because the police go around shooting people with no consequence, based on an anecdotal story from 40 years ago.

I pointed out, geez, the German police RARELY fire their guns. They rarely have to.

anecdote vs. documented fact... you lose.
In reply to JoeB's nonsensical reply, you refute an incident from 1975 with something from 2012, 37 years ago.

Your fractured thinking when you go off your talking points is what makes most of us here giggle at you.

Troll-boy. First, I am a little supsicious of guys like Col. Flagg, who make outrageous claims like that.

I posted two articles of what things are like in Germany right now. Cops rarely fire their weapons, and they have very few people in their prisons, which are hardly the for profit Gehennas ours have become.

Germany is doing it right. We are doing it wrong.

Forced incarceration in Mental Institutes would be acceptable if Psychiatry wasn't such a hacked pseudo-science.. Might as well have a Czar deciding who gets the straight jacket.

Don't think there's a prayer in hell of you being "liberal" if you thinking sweeping the streets of cranks on the word of a Psychiatrist and the stamp of a bureaucrat is acceptable to you.. On that --- I can out-Liberal Commie Joe any day... :D

What are you a Scientologist? Am I talking to Tom Cruise?

"I'm straight. L. Ron's ghost said so!"

You really don't need to be a pyshciatrist to know that the guy screaming at a lamppost is crazy.

you probably didn't need one to tell Joker Holmes of Loughner or Cho were nuts, either.
Poor Jake, it must be terrifying for you to live in a nation with so many people you are terrified of ;)

Roo is describing himself with he "lives in his own alternative universe where the ONLY "facts" are those he decides are "facts"."

Jake is a troll. He likes to argue for the sake of arguing. He doesn't actually have a philosophy.
JoeB and Roo are here for grins and chuckles.

JoeB, there will be no gun confiscation. The American people will not permit it.

Roo, some sort of enhanced gun regulation will occur. The American people will demand it.
JoeB and Roo are here for grins and chuckles.

JoeB, there will be no gun confiscation. The American people will not permit it.

Roo, some sort of enhanced gun regulation will occur. The American people will demand it.

I think you'd be amazed at what people will go along with.

Only about 30% of American homes have guns in them. The other 70% aren't that committed to it...

Figure out who you are trolling before you waste anyone's time, okay?
JoeB, shut up your trolling, you partisan hack.

Gun ownership is constitutional, and short an amendment, you can't do a thing about it.

Roo is just as screwed on the other hand. Regulation and verification are constitutional.

The wacks on the far right and the far left are going to have to live with the result.
JoeB, shut up your trolling, you partisan hack.

Gun ownership is constitutional, and short an amendment, you can't do a thing about it.

Roo is just as screwed on the other hand. Regulation and verification are constitutional.

The wacks on the far right and the far left are going to have to live with the result.
In jokey's world no one is right just him:doubt:
JoeB and Roo are here for grins and chuckles.

JoeB, there will be no gun confiscation. The American people will not permit it.

Roo, some sort of enhanced gun regulation will occur. The American people will demand it.

I think you'd be amazed at what people will go along with.

Only about 30% of American homes have guns in them. The other 70% aren't that committed to it...

Figure out who you are trolling before you waste anyone's time, okay?

About 30%


When will you stop talking out of your ass?
Jake, get back to me when you figure out if you are trolling the liberals or the conservatives, because it's kind of annoying watching you troll both sides.

He made claims that German prisons were horrible places and German cops shot people with impunity. In fact, neither was supported by the facts. Probably wasn't true 40 years ago, either.

Joe, he metaphorically hit your facts in the face then kicked them in the balls then stomped them to death.

Quit opining about why you don't know.

You danced around the point, didn't you.

You tried to claim the reason that Germans have so little crime is because the police go around shooting people with no consequence, based on an anecdotal story from 40 years ago.

I pointed out, geez, the German police RARELY fire their guns. They rarely have to.

anecdote vs. documented fact... you lose.

Again, your ignorance shows no bounds. My story, from 40 years ago, about an experience that I was, unfortunately caught up in, was to make a point. This was during the Cold War, you dolt. During that time west Germany was being hit, regularly, on several fronts and it was not at all uncommon for the Police to have to deal with terrorism, Soviet-bloc countries engaging in espionage, the continuing threat of an invasion by the USSR, the Berlin Blockade, the Wall, a fledging economy still hurting from WWII, foreign armies stationed on their soil, The KGB, the GSI, the CIA, the DIA, etc etc operating within the boundaries of their country, not to mention East German citizens being regularly killed trying to escape the USSR AND those who had successfully defected to West Germany being murdered by agents of the USSR for having the audacity to leave Stalin's "Utopia"

Your "documented facts" concern a country 40 years later. There is no longer a threat from East Germany, the Soviet Union, The KGB, or any other intelligence agencies running around their cities. People rarely fall dead in the streets of Berlin, Mannheim, Stuttgart, or Dresden from small caliber gun shots to the back of the head.

I somehow get the feeling, however, that your unfamiliarity with events back then probably had more to do with your "unwillingness" to serve and you now sit back and pass "righteous judgement" on those who did.

Pity. living history is always preferred to reading about it, don't you agree?
I made no false claim whatsoever. I told this forum what it was like when I was there. What part of that can your pseudo-intellectual mind NOT understand?

You are right about one thing. The republicans lost in November. Until they get their collective act together, there is a better than even shot that nut jobs, like you, will be calling the shots.

That's unfortunate. I sincerely believe that before (or IF) this country can possibly rebound - folks (again, like you) will have the flag of the former Soviet Union flying overhead. Let's get one thing straight here skippy. I have no illusions about people like you whatsoever. You are a destroyer. You, like the man you adore, is a divider, never a uniter.

With you and him, it's ll about "getting even". I know the type. Seen 'em all my life. I'm happy for you that, for once, you feel empowered. Enjoy it! It's most likely the only time you will feel like a winner again in your life.

Good day!

Guy, until you guys fucked it all up under Bush, I used to vote Republican.

Now I see you can't be trusted, because you work for the rich, not for the rest of us. Figured that out when I got let go from my last job because I got sick and required expensive operations.

Now I'll happily blow up your system. And if we disarm you crazy gunnutters in the process, i'm good with that, too.

Well, let's see. I didn't vote for Bush. I didn't f*** anything up. I dont work for the "rich". I am retired. And when it's time to disarm us crazy "gunnutters" (whatever that it is) will YOU being doing the collecting, or will you leave that to others to do your dirty work?


You "used" to be a republican and now you're not. I'm relatively certain that the Republicans are thrilled that you're no longer "part of the team".

You lost your last job because because you got "sick" and required expensive operations. Ever go back to work? or do you live off the taxpayer now?

I'd be rather careful about threatening to "blow up" anything these day. Trust me, these sites are closely monitored by the government.
JoeB, shut up your trolling, you partisan hack.

Gun ownership is constitutional, and short an amendment, you can't do a thing about it.

Roo is just as screwed on the other hand. Regulation and verification are constitutional.

The wacks on the far right and the far left are going to have to live with the result.

If regulation is constitutional, then completely taking guns out of the hands of civilians is.

You can't have it both ways no matter how hard you troll.
Well, let's see. I didn't vote for Bush. I didn't f*** anything up. I dont work for the "rich". I am retired. And when it's time to disarm us crazy "gunnutters" (whatever that it is) will YOU being doing the collecting, or will you leave that to others to do your dirty work?


You "used" to be a republican and now you're not. I'm relatively certain that the Republicans are thrilled that you're no longer "part of the team".

You lost your last job because because you got "sick" and required expensive operations. Ever go back to work? or do you live off the taxpayer now?

I'd be rather careful about threatening to "blow up" anything these day. Trust me, these sites are closely monitored by the government.

I always love how these Rightwingers all deny they ever voted for Bush. It's hilarious. Kind of like they all denied they voted for Nixon after he resigned.

Actually, the amount of time I missed from work was less than two weeks. (8 days for the first operation, 1 for the second.) But the total bill for the insurance company was about $50,000, including follow visits and therapy. And oddly, in 2008, anyone who had medical issues were let go from that company.

That drew the clear lines. I really did try to give the GOP one more chance, and it looked for a couple minutes they might start getting righ with working folks. But then they nominated "The Mormon Asshole who Fired your Dad".

Now, yeah, most of you RETARDS who cling to your guns and your bibles, as the President so eloquently said, aren't rich. You vote against your own economic interests because you are afraid someone will take your guns, or you are afraid you might have to treat gays decently, or you think your woman might get uppity about her lady-parts.

The GOP used to be about things - limited government, fiscal responsibility, and so on.

Now it's about playing to your fears.

But frankly, I'm pretty tired of watching lines of body bags get taken out of schools or theatres because you guys think every crazy person should have a gun.

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