The ultimate 2nd amendment poll!

What's your take on American citizens and firearms?

  • The second amendment is very clear: "Shall not be infringed."

    Votes: 82 78.1%
  • Ban all automaticweapons for citizens

    Votes: 12 11.4%
  • Ban all semi-automatic weapons for citizens

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Ban all weapons including muzzle loaders

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Ban knives

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban forks and pencils too

    Votes: 5 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You've won me over.

So, how do we get rid of the crazy people?

Hey .. I'm struggling with that part.. Because I like Crazy people A LOT MORE than I like any on in Psychiatrics. Don't trust them. Don't honor their methods and tools. Don't believe they are effective.

Identifying real deviations and illnesses will have to wait awhile until you can SEE or MEASURE a psych problem. But with identifying POTENTIAL problems, I believe that normal social immersion, peer counseling, INCLUSION, and high expectations could all be better than Prozac or Ritalin...

Psychiatry is kind of like anything else... the attention goes to those who can make you rich, not where the resoruces are needed.

Which is why the crazy homless guy ranting at a lightpost gets to sleep on a grate and the businessman with mommy issues gets 20 years of therapy.

You answered that one yourself. The 20 years of therapy apparently didn't provide any more illness reduction than sleeping under the lamppost.

EVERYthing is victimhood to you isn't it? The fact that the businessman gets to indulge himself wasting money on useless therapy is a crime to you isn't it?

YET --- the pinnacle of our pop culture is adolation of the life styles of the rich and famous. Bet you cry at every episode of "My Super 16 Birthday" on MTV..

Take a look Joe --- Daddy (an NBA player) and Mommy (Salt n Pepper) just tossed Christy the keys to her new car.....

Christy may be the daughter of former NBA player Kenny Anderson and Salt-n-Pepa's DJ Spinderella, but she's ready to step into the spotlight for her 80's 16th birthday bash. | MTV Photo Gallery

Go get those bastards....
Woooo...I think the 2nd amendment is very clear. Any weapon the government has, the people should have. We will need to be on equal footing if we ever want to overthrow the government like we overthrew the one in the late 18th century. That is the purpose of the 2nd amendment. I will let this picture explain it more easily:


You're sad.
Woooo...I think the 2nd amendment is very clear. Any weapon the government has, the people should have. We will need to be on equal footing if we ever want to overthrow the government like we overthrew the one in the late 18th century. That is the purpose of the 2nd amendment. I will let this picture explain it more easily:


You're sad.

Let me remind you of two events dealing with the government and firearms
the battle of Athens 1946
Katrina 2005
One happen when a sheriff tried to steal an election along with the ballot boxes.
the other was the government confiscating firearms from law abiding citizens and police officer's killing unarmed civilians.
He had the firearms.

He had access to them.

The law didn't mean for him to have it, but good old Mom, she had a bunch of guns lying around the house.

Including an AR-15 assualt rifle....

He didn't use any AR 15. So what do you want to happen when someone breaks in a home and is caught by the home owner kill the home invader even if they are out of the home because they grabbed a hand gun safe so the home owner will not be blamed for what the home invader will do when he get's the hand gun out of the safe?

Maybe you need to rephrase that question where it sounds less retarded. I know that would be an effort for you, but please try.

It was plainly written you fucking bitch.
You want to blame firearm owners for something that isn't their fault.
I'll ask in a way even a retard like you can understand.
Someone breaks in a home where the home owner also has firearms one of the firearms is kept in a hand gun safe which will be the size of a big book and is locked. The home owner is not at home at the time of the home invasion, but returns as the invasion is in progress. The home owner enters his home and finds the home invader in side. The invader flees the house with the hand gun safe. I TAKE IT THAT IT IS YOUR OPINION THAT THE HOME OWNER SHOULD SHOOT THE INVADER EVEN THOUGH THE INVADER IS OUT OF THE HOUSE JUST BECAUSE THE INVADER HAS THE FIREARM AND TOO PREVENT FROM BEING CHARGE WITH ANY FUTURE CRIMES THE INVADER MAY DO WITH THE HAND GUN AS SOON AS HE CAN UNLOCK THE HAND GUN SAFE.
You answered that one yourself. The 20 years of therapy apparently didn't provide any more illness reduction than sleeping under the lamppost.

EVERYthing is victimhood to you isn't it? The fact that the businessman gets to indulge himself wasting money on useless therapy is a crime to you isn't it?


Ignoring the rest of your childish, Greed Is Good rant, yeah, I do see this as a real problem.

The guy sleeping under the lampost COULD be helped with proper medication and treatment.

The businessman just needs an ass-beating to give him a sense of perspective.
I'm not for gun control, but if Obama is out destroy the country like some say he his, then why haven't the "patriots" on the right taken up arms and overthrown him yet? That's what your precious guns are for, remember? There's a Kenyan born marxist in the white house that needs overthrowing.
Remember, the tree of liberty must be washed with the blood of you tea bagging, tv watching, beer guzzling patriots.
He didn't use any AR 15. So what do you want to happen when someone breaks in a home and is caught by the home owner kill the home invader even if they are out of the home because they grabbed a hand gun safe so the home owner will not be blamed for what the home invader will do when he get's the hand gun out of the safe?

Maybe you need to rephrase that question where it sounds less retarded. I know that would be an effort for you, but please try.

It was plainly written you fucking bitch.
You want to blame firearm owners for something that isn't their fault.
I'll ask in a way even a retard like you can understand.
Someone breaks in a home where the home owner also has firearms one of the firearms is kept in a hand gun safe which will be the size of a big book and is locked. The home owner is not at home at the time of the home invasion, but returns as the invasion is in progress. The home owner enters his home and finds the home invader in side. The invader flees the house with the hand gun safe. I TAKE IT THAT IT IS YOUR OPINION THAT THE HOME OWNER SHOULD SHOOT THE INVADER EVEN THOUGH THE INVADER IS OUT OF THE HOUSE JUST BECAUSE THE INVADER HAS THE FIREARM AND TOO PREVENT FROM BEING CHARGE WITH ANY FUTURE CRIMES THE INVADER MAY DO WITH THE HAND GUN AS SOON AS HE CAN UNLOCK THE HAND GUN SAFE.

Nope that was still pretty fucking retarded. The home owner should have called the cops, because the their just wasn't going to get that far lugging around a 30 lbs gun safe...
Maybe you need to rephrase that question where it sounds less retarded. I know that would be an effort for you, but please try.

It was plainly written you fucking bitch.
You want to blame firearm owners for something that isn't their fault.
I'll ask in a way even a retard like you can understand.
Someone breaks in a home where the home owner also has firearms one of the firearms is kept in a hand gun safe which will be the size of a big book and is locked. The home owner is not at home at the time of the home invasion, but returns as the invasion is in progress. The home owner enters his home and finds the home invader in side. The invader flees the house with the hand gun safe. I TAKE IT THAT IT IS YOUR OPINION THAT THE HOME OWNER SHOULD SHOOT THE INVADER EVEN THOUGH THE INVADER IS OUT OF THE HOUSE JUST BECAUSE THE INVADER HAS THE FIREARM AND TOO PREVENT FROM BEING CHARGE WITH ANY FUTURE CRIMES THE INVADER MAY DO WITH THE HAND GUN AS SOON AS HE CAN UNLOCK THE HAND GUN SAFE.

Nope that was still pretty fucking retarded. The home owner should have called the cops, because the their just wasn't going to get that far lugging around a 30 lbs gun safe...
Holy shit you are stupid. A hand gun safe weighs a lot less than that I said it was the size of a large book. It can be picked up and carried easily. So you want to back step now and second guess the home owner, while the home invader gets away? Just so you can blame the home owner because his firearm was used to kill people by the home invader.
Should guns be banned from school zones?.
A school was built near my home, such that my home is in the school zone. Should I have to give up my firearms? I have 3 shot guns of different gauge for different game. Would you try to limit my ownership? I have a handgun which I use for target shooting. Would you try to limit my ownership? I have a relatively short barrel (within the legal definition). It sits near my bed for home protection. Would you deny me that right? I do not put my home protection in a safe or with a trigger guard because either would render it useless for home protection. Would you deny my right to keep and bear that firearm? I am a retired soldier with 27 years service, do you think I need more gun training?

I suggest that no one walk uninvited into my home in the hopes of robbing me. In case you are wondering, my home protection weapon is not a handgun, it is a double barrel 12 ga shot gun which I keep loaded with 00 buckshot in one barrel and turkey shot in the other. Either will kill up to 30 or 40 yes. I am a patient person. If someone enters my home I will tell him to halt. If he does, he lives, if he doesn't I will have to hire Serve Pro to come in and clean up my home.

I don't really care what you bleeding heart left wing nuts think about it. It is what it is.

BTW, I also have the firearm which killed my Avatar picture. It is a H&H 375 which is good for hunting big cats, and dangerous criminals.
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Should guns be banned from school zones?.
A school was built near my home, such that my home is in the school zone. Should I have to give up my firearms? I have 3 shot guns of different gauge for different game. Would you try to limit my ownership? I have a handgun which I use for target shooting. Would you try to limit my ownership? I have a relatively short barrel (within the legal definition). It sits near my bed for home protection. Would you deny me that right? I do not put my home protection in a safe or with a trigger guard because either would render it useless for home protection. Would you deny my right to keep and bear that firearm? I am a retired soldier with 27 years service, do you think I need more gun training?

I suggest that no one walk uninvited into my home in the hopes of robbing me. In case you are wondering, my home protection weapon is not a handgun, it is a double barrel 12 ga shot gun which I keep loaded with 00 buckshot in one barrel and turkey shot in the other. Either will kill up to 30 or 40 yes. I am a patient person. If someone enters my home I will tell him to halt. If he does, he lives, if he doesn't I will have to hire Serve Pro to come in and clean up my home.

I don't really care what you bleeding heart left wing nuts think about it. It is what it is.

pretty much my opinion
Nope that was still pretty fucking retarded. The home owner should have called the cops, because the their just wasn't going to get that far lugging around a 30 lbs gun safe...
Holy shit you are stupid. A hand gun safe weighs a lot less than that I said it was the size of a large book. It can be picked up and carried easily. So you want to back step now and second guess the home owner, while the home invader gets away? Just so you can blame the home owner because his firearm was used to kill people by the home invader.

Locking up something in something that was small enough to be carried off kind of defeats the purpose of locking it up, doesn't it?

never mind, don't answer that.

Hey, more fun facts about Momma Lanza. She was apparently "Home-Skuling" little Adam. No wonder he turned out to be such a mutant.
Should guns be banned from school zones?.
A school was built near my home, such that my home is in the school zone. Should I have to give up my firearms? I have 3 shot guns of different gauge for different game. Would you try to limit my ownership? I have a handgun which I use for target shooting. Would you try to limit my ownership? I have a relatively short barrel (within the legal definition). It sits near my bed for home protection. Would you deny me that right? I do not put my home protection in a safe or with a trigger guard because either would render it useless for home protection. Would you deny my right to keep and bear that firearm? I am a retired soldier with 27 years service, do you think I need more gun training?

I suggest that no one walk uninvited into my home in the hopes of robbing me. In case you are wondering, my home protection weapon is not a handgun, it is a double barrel 12 ga shot gun which I keep loaded with 00 buckshot in one barrel and turkey shot in the other. Either will kill up to 30 or 40 yes. I am a patient person. If someone enters my home I will tell him to halt. If he does, he lives, if he doesn't I will have to hire Serve Pro to come in and clean up my home.

I don't really care what you bleeding heart left wing nuts think about it. It is what it is.

BTW, I also have the firearm which killed my Avatar picture. It is a H&H 375 which is good for hunting big cats, and dangerous criminals.

That gun in your house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of yoru family than an intruder.

And frankly, the way you guys describe your guns in such fetishistic terms, kind of worries me. Like you are looking for an excuse to use them on another human being when shooting dumb animals no longer gets your rocks off.
Nope that was still pretty fucking retarded. The home owner should have called the cops, because the their just wasn't going to get that far lugging around a 30 lbs gun safe...
Holy shit you are stupid. A hand gun safe weighs a lot less than that I said it was the size of a large book. It can be picked up and carried easily. So you want to back step now and second guess the home owner, while the home invader gets away? Just so you can blame the home owner because his firearm was used to kill people by the home invader.

Locking up something in something that was small enough to be carried off kind of defeats the purpose of locking it up, doesn't it?

never mind, don't answer that.

Hey, more fun facts about Momma Lanza. She was apparently "Home-Skuling" little Adam. No wonder he turned out to be such a mutant.

The gun safe I posted a link too
Meets California department of justice standards for firearm safety

The gun safe I posted a link too
Meets California department of justice standards for firearm safety

Then like most of our gun laws, it's fucking inadequate.

If what you're doing doesn't work, you do something else.

Weak gun laws and expecting the gun nutters to police themselves ain't working.

OUR gun laws are adequate liberals who think the criminal is the victim makes OUR gun laws weak. by allowing criminals out on good behavior.

The gun safe I posted a link too
Meets California department of justice standards for firearm safety

Then like most of our gun laws, it's fucking inadequate.

If what you're doing doesn't work, you do something else.

Weak gun laws and expecting the gun nutters to police themselves ain't working.

OUR gun laws are adequate liberals who think the criminal is the victim makes OUR gun laws weak. by allowing criminals out on good behavior.

We lock up more people than any country in the world. If they are getting out on "good behavior", it's because we don't have room for them all.

So we have 2 million in prison and another 7 million on parole, and oddly, we aren't any safer.

Yet oddly, a country like Germany has tight gun laws, a social welfare state, and they only lock up 78,000 people. Oh, their crime rate is a fraction of ours. only 250 or so gun murders compared to our 9000.

Don't hurt your brain, you still won't figure it out.
Then like most of our gun laws, it's fucking inadequate.

If what you're doing doesn't work, you do something else.

Weak gun laws and expecting the gun nutters to police themselves ain't working.

OUR gun laws are adequate liberals who think the criminal is the victim makes OUR gun laws weak. by allowing criminals out on good behavior.

We lock up more people than any country in the world. If they are getting out on "good behavior", it's because we don't have room for them all.

So we have 2 million in prison and another 7 million on parole, and oddly, we aren't any safer.

Yet oddly, a country like Germany has tight gun laws, a social welfare state, and they only lock up 78,000 people. Oh, their crime rate is a fraction of ours. only 250 or so gun murders compared to our 9000.

Don't hurt your brain, you still won't figure it out.

After my time as an Infantryman, I received a MOS of 97B (Army). For all of you "Civilians" out there, 97B is Counter-Intelligence. I worked (and lived )in Heidleberg, and Berlin Germany, from 1970 through 1975.

I can tell you EXACTLY why Germany incarcerates so few people. (1) NO CITIZEN EVER wants to end up in a German prison. they make ours look like Play school. Not nice places. (2) I happened to be riding a Strassenbahn (train) going into Mannheim at Christmas time, 1973. A young soldier got into an argument with the conductor and slapped him. Conductor calls the Polizei and they are waiting at the next stop.

I told the kid to remain calm and go with the officers. He bolts, runs from the train and heads down the track. One Cop yells "halt!" once and shot the soldier in the back killing him nearly instantly. I identified myself and waited for both the Polizei and CID to show up. Nothing ever happened to that officer. Nothing.

You see, In Germany, at least at that time, you did NOT run from police.

Is it perhaps a little easier to understand now?
So Randall, were you this guy?


After my time as an Infantryman, I received a MOS of 97B (Army). For all of you "Civilians" out there, 97B is Counter-Intelligence. I worked (and lived )in Heidleberg, and Berlin Germany, from 1970 through 1975.

I can tell you EXACTLY why Germany incarcerates so few people. (1) NO CITIZEN EVER wants to end up in a German prison. they make ours look like Play school. Not nice places. (2) I happened to be riding a Strassenbahn (train) going into Mannheim at Christmas time, 1973. A young soldier got into an argument with the conductor and slapped him. Conductor calls the Polizei and they are waiting at the next stop.

I told the kid to remain calm and go with the officers. He bolts, runs from the train and heads down the track. One Cop yells "halt!" once and shot the soldier in the back killing him nearly instantly. I identified myself and waited for both the Polizei and CID to show up. Nothing ever happened to that officer. Nothing.

You see, In Germany, at least at that time, you did NOT run from police.

Is it perhaps a little easier to understand now?

Are you saying that our prisons are wonderful places and they're like resorts? Really and truly?

Come on.

Oh, to debunk the rest of your bullshit...

German Police Used Only 85 Bullets Against People in 2011 - Global - The Atlantic Wire

According to Germany's Der Spiegel, German police shot only 85 bullets in all of 2011, a stark reminder that not every country is as gun-crazy as the U.S. of A. As Boing Boing translates, most of those shots weren't even aimed anyone: "49 warning shots, 36 shots on suspects. 15 persons were injured, 6 were killed."

Meanwhile, in the U.S., where the population is little less than four times the size of Germany's, well, we can get to 85 in just one sitting, thank you very much. 84 shots fired at one murder suspect in Harlem, another 90 shot at one fleeing unarmed man in Los Angeles. And that was just April. So we bring you Germany's shot total in case you forgot about America shoots itself in the foot with its manic love of guns.
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Woooo...I think the 2nd amendment is very clear. Any weapon the government has, the people should have. We will need to be on equal footing if we ever want to overthrow the government like we overthrew the one in the late 18th century. That is the purpose of the 2nd amendment. I will let this picture explain it more easily:



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