The ultimate 2nd amendment poll!

What's your take on American citizens and firearms?

  • The second amendment is very clear: "Shall not be infringed."

    Votes: 82 78.1%
  • Ban all automaticweapons for citizens

    Votes: 12 11.4%
  • Ban all semi-automatic weapons for citizens

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Ban all weapons including muzzle loaders

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Ban knives

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban forks and pencils too

    Votes: 5 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
OUR gun laws are adequate liberals who think the criminal is the victim makes OUR gun laws weak. by allowing criminals out on good behavior.

We lock up more people than any country in the world. If they are getting out on "good behavior", it's because we don't have room for them all.

So we have 2 million in prison and another 7 million on parole, and oddly, we aren't any safer.

Yet oddly, a country like Germany has tight gun laws, a social welfare state, and they only lock up 78,000 people. Oh, their crime rate is a fraction of ours. only 250 or so gun murders compared to our 9000.

Don't hurt your brain, you still won't figure it out.

After my time as an Infantryman, I received a MOS of 97B (Army). For all of you "Civilians" out there, 97B is Counter-Intelligence. I worked (and lived )in Heidleberg, and Berlin Germany, from 1970 through 1975.

I can tell you EXACTLY why Germany incarcerates so few people. (1) NO CITIZEN EVER wants to end up in a German prison. they make ours look like Play school. Not nice places. (2) I happened to be riding a Strassenbahn (train) going into Mannheim at Christmas time, 1973. A young soldier got into an argument with the conductor and slapped him. Conductor calls the Polizei and they are waiting at the next stop.

I told the kid to remain calm and go with the officers. He bolts, runs from the train and heads down the track. One Cop yells "halt!" once and shot the soldier in the back killing him nearly instantly. I identified myself and waited for both the Polizei and CID to show up. Nothing ever happened to that officer. Nothing.

You see, In Germany, at least at that time, you did NOT run from police.

Is it perhaps a little easier to understand now?

I was in Germany for two year Spangdalhem and you are correct
So Randall, were you this guy?


After my time as an Infantryman, I received a MOS of 97B (Army). For all of you "Civilians" out there, 97B is Counter-Intelligence. I worked (and lived )in Heidleberg, and Berlin Germany, from 1970 through 1975.

I can tell you EXACTLY why Germany incarcerates so few people. (1) NO CITIZEN EVER wants to end up in a German prison. they make ours look like Play school. Not nice places. (2) I happened to be riding a Strassenbahn (train) going into Mannheim at Christmas time, 1973. A young soldier got into an argument with the conductor and slapped him. Conductor calls the Polizei and they are waiting at the next stop.

I told the kid to remain calm and go with the officers. He bolts, runs from the train and heads down the track. One Cop yells "halt!" once and shot the soldier in the back killing him nearly instantly. I identified myself and waited for both the Polizei and CID to show up. Nothing ever happened to that officer. Nothing.

You see, In Germany, at least at that time, you did NOT run from police.

Is it perhaps a little easier to understand now?

Are you saying that our prisons are wonderful places and they're like resorts? Really and truly?

Come on.

Oh, to debunk the rest of your bullshit...

German Police Used Only 85 Bullets Against People in 2011 - Global - The Atlantic Wire

According to Germany's Der Spiegel, German police shot only 85 bullets in all of 2011, a stark reminder that not every country is as gun-crazy as the U.S. of A. As Boing Boing translates, most of those shots weren't even aimed anyone: "49 warning shots, 36 shots on suspects. 15 persons were injured, 6 were killed."

Meanwhile, in the U.S., where the population is little less than four times the size of Germany's, well, we can get to 85 in just one sitting, thank you very much. 84 shots fired at one murder suspect in Harlem, another 90 shot at one fleeing unarmed man in Los Angeles. And that was just April. So we bring you Germany's shot total in case you forgot about America shoots itself in the foot with its manic love of guns.

First question: Nope, not me. I'm black. I'm much better looking than that man!

Second "assertion": Apparently you aren't capable of comprehending what you read or you figure you'll just peruse it and attack. I LEFT Germany in 1975. How would I know what has happened since that time? The 70s were right smack in the middle of MUNICH - the Bader Meinhoff terrorists - and the Cold War.

So, what have you "debunked" EXACTLY other than to "debunk" your own intelligence?
We lock up more people than any country in the world. If they are getting out on "good behavior", it's because we don't have room for them all.

So we have 2 million in prison and another 7 million on parole, and oddly, we aren't any safer.

Yet oddly, a country like Germany has tight gun laws, a social welfare state, and they only lock up 78,000 people. Oh, their crime rate is a fraction of ours. only 250 or so gun murders compared to our 9000.

Don't hurt your brain, you still won't figure it out.

After my time as an Infantryman, I received a MOS of 97B (Army). For all of you "Civilians" out there, 97B is Counter-Intelligence. I worked (and lived )in Heidleberg, and Berlin Germany, from 1970 through 1975.

I can tell you EXACTLY why Germany incarcerates so few people. (1) NO CITIZEN EVER wants to end up in a German prison. they make ours look like Play school. Not nice places. (2) I happened to be riding a Strassenbahn (train) going into Mannheim at Christmas time, 1973. A young soldier got into an argument with the conductor and slapped him. Conductor calls the Polizei and they are waiting at the next stop.

I told the kid to remain calm and go with the officers. He bolts, runs from the train and heads down the track. One Cop yells "halt!" once and shot the soldier in the back killing him nearly instantly. I identified myself and waited for both the Polizei and CID to show up. Nothing ever happened to that officer. Nothing.

You see, In Germany, at least at that time, you did NOT run from police.

Is it perhaps a little easier to understand now?

I was in Germany for two year Spangdalhem and you are correct

Never made it there. I was with the 8th Inf (Pathfinders) and then was assigned to Headquarters at Heidleberg and worked between there and Berlin. Knew a bunch of guys in the Berlin Bde. Had a lot of fun with them!
After my time as an Infantryman, I received a MOS of 97B (Army). For all of you "Civilians" out there, 97B is Counter-Intelligence. I worked (and lived )in Heidleberg, and Berlin Germany, from 1970 through 1975.

I can tell you EXACTLY why Germany incarcerates so few people. (1) NO CITIZEN EVER wants to end up in a German prison. they make ours look like Play school. Not nice places. (2) I happened to be riding a Strassenbahn (train) going into Mannheim at Christmas time, 1973. A young soldier got into an argument with the conductor and slapped him. Conductor calls the Polizei and they are waiting at the next stop.

I told the kid to remain calm and go with the officers. He bolts, runs from the train and heads down the track. One Cop yells "halt!" once and shot the soldier in the back killing him nearly instantly. I identified myself and waited for both the Polizei and CID to show up. Nothing ever happened to that officer. Nothing.

You see, In Germany, at least at that time, you did NOT run from police.

Is it perhaps a little easier to understand now?

I was in Germany for two year Spangdalhem and you are correct

Never made it there. I was with the 8th Inf (Pathfinders) and then was assigned to Headquarters at Heidleberg and worked between there and Berlin. Knew a bunch of guys in the Berlin Bde. Had a lot of fun with them!

Spang was a bang I really didn't like it until close to PCS time.
Joe lives in his own alternative universe where the ONLY "facts" are those he decides are "facts".

Oh yes, and randall flagg was white in "The Stand".

So Randall, were you this guy?


After my time as an Infantryman, I received a MOS of 97B (Army). For all of you "Civilians" out there, 97B is Counter-Intelligence. I worked (and lived )in Heidleberg, and Berlin Germany, from 1970 through 1975.

I can tell you EXACTLY why Germany incarcerates so few people. (1) NO CITIZEN EVER wants to end up in a German prison. they make ours look like Play school. Not nice places. (2) I happened to be riding a Strassenbahn (train) going into Mannheim at Christmas time, 1973. A young soldier got into an argument with the conductor and slapped him. Conductor calls the Polizei and they are waiting at the next stop.

I told the kid to remain calm and go with the officers. He bolts, runs from the train and heads down the track. One Cop yells "halt!" once and shot the soldier in the back killing him nearly instantly. I identified myself and waited for both the Polizei and CID to show up. Nothing ever happened to that officer. Nothing.

You see, In Germany, at least at that time, you did NOT run from police.

Is it perhaps a little easier to understand now?

Are you saying that our prisons are wonderful places and they're like resorts? Really and truly?

Come on.

Oh, to debunk the rest of your bullshit...

German Police Used Only 85 Bullets Against People in 2011 - Global - The Atlantic Wire

According to Germany's Der Spiegel, German police shot only 85 bullets in all of 2011, a stark reminder that not every country is as gun-crazy as the U.S. of A. As Boing Boing translates, most of those shots weren't even aimed anyone: "49 warning shots, 36 shots on suspects. 15 persons were injured, 6 were killed."

Meanwhile, in the U.S., where the population is little less than four times the size of Germany's, well, we can get to 85 in just one sitting, thank you very much. 84 shots fired at one murder suspect in Harlem, another 90 shot at one fleeing unarmed man in Los Angeles. And that was just April. So we bring you Germany's shot total in case you forgot about America shoots itself in the foot with its manic love of guns.

First question: Nope, not me. I'm black. I'm much better looking than that man!

Second "assertion": Apparently you aren't capable of comprehending what you read or you figure you'll just peruse it and attack. I LEFT Germany in 1975. How would I know what has happened since that time? The 70s were right smack in the middle of MUNICH - the Bader Meinhoff terrorists - and the Cold War.

So, what have you "debunked" EXACTLY other than to "debunk" your own intelligence?
Are you saying that our prisons are wonderful places and they're like resorts? Really and truly?

Come on.

Oh, to debunk the rest of your bullshit...

German Police Used Only 85 Bullets Against People in 2011 - Global - The Atlantic Wire

According to Germany's Der Spiegel, German police shot only 85 bullets in all of 2011, a stark reminder that not every country is as gun-crazy as the U.S. of A. As Boing Boing translates, most of those shots weren't even aimed anyone: "49 warning shots, 36 shots on suspects. 15 persons were injured, 6 were killed."

Meanwhile, in the U.S., where the population is little less than four times the size of Germany's, well, we can get to 85 in just one sitting, thank you very much. 84 shots fired at one murder suspect in Harlem, another 90 shot at one fleeing unarmed man in Los Angeles. And that was just April. So we bring you Germany's shot total in case you forgot about America shoots itself in the foot with its manic love of guns.

First question: Nope, not me. I'm black. I'm much better looking than that man!

Second "assertion": Apparently you aren't capable of comprehending what you read or you figure you'll just peruse it and attack. I LEFT Germany in 1975. How would I know what has happened since that time? The 70s were right smack in the middle of MUNICH - the Bader Meinhoff terrorists - and the Cold War.

So, what have you "debunked" EXACTLY other than to "debunk" your own intelligence?

You danced around the point, didn't you.

You tried to claim the reason that Germans have so little crime is because the police go around shooting people with no consequence, based on an anecdotal story from 40 years ago.

I pointed out, geez, the German police RARELY fire their guns. They rarely have to.

anecdote vs. documented fact... you lose.
Are you saying that our prisons are wonderful places and they're like resorts? Really and truly?

Come on.

Oh, to debunk the rest of your bullshit...

German Police Used Only 85 Bullets Against People in 2011 - Global - The Atlantic Wire

First question: Nope, not me. I'm black. I'm much better looking than that man!

Second "assertion": Apparently you aren't capable of comprehending what you read or you figure you'll just peruse it and attack. I LEFT Germany in 1975. How would I know what has happened since that time? The 70s were right smack in the middle of MUNICH - the Bader Meinhoff terrorists - and the Cold War.

So, what have you "debunked" EXACTLY other than to "debunk" your own intelligence?

You danced around the point, didn't you.

You tried to claim the reason that Germans have so little crime is because the police go around shooting people with no consequence, based on an anecdotal story from 40 years ago.

I pointed out, geez, the German police RARELY fire their guns. They rarely have to.

anecdote vs. documented fact... you lose.

Wow....I "lose"? Sonny you don't have a clue, do you? I wake up, drawing breath every day, in the greatest country EVER to exist on this planet and folks like you, get your panties in a bunch when one who was there tells you are wrong??

Good Lord sonny....go outside and get some fresh air. You need it desperately!

Shoot! If Germany is the socialist utopia that you claim it to be, why not head on over there and enjoy your life? Go and find out, for yourself, what they think of Auslanders. Gehenn sie geradaus!! unt gutten Tag!!
Wow....I "lose"? Sonny you don't have a clue, do you? I wake up, drawing breath every day, in the greatest country EVER to exist on this planet and folks like you, get your panties in a bunch when one who was there tells you are wrong??

Good Lord sonny....go outside and get some fresh air. You need it desperately!

Shoot! If Germany is the socialist utopia that you claim it to be, why not head on over there and enjoy your life? Go and find out, for yourself, what they think of Auslanders. Gehenn sie geradaus!! unt gutten Tag!!

Guy, you made a FALSE claim when I pointed out Germany had a better handle on the whole crime/prison problem. You brought up an anecdote of questionable veracity, I pointed out cold hard facts.

Oh, your claims about German Prisons being horrible compared to ours... Meh... not really.

German Joys: German Prisons Praised (Except for the Fixierung)

Pretty impressive compared to US jails like Cook County, where we shove six men into a cell meant for two.

Now, when I see someone who has solved a problem I'm struggling with, I don't go about saying how awesome I am because I haven't fixed a problem. I try to fix the problem. Maybe what they are doing won't work for me, but I don't throw up my hands and not try.

But the real beauty. I Don't have to move to Germany. We can fix this country, right now. You guys put your hateful, greedy selfish nuttery on the ballot in November, and it lost.

You're done.
Wow....I "lose"? Sonny you don't have a clue, do you? I wake up, drawing breath every day, in the greatest country EVER to exist on this planet and folks like you, get your panties in a bunch when one who was there tells you are wrong??

Good Lord sonny....go outside and get some fresh air. You need it desperately!

Shoot! If Germany is the socialist utopia that you claim it to be, why not head on over there and enjoy your life? Go and find out, for yourself, what they think of Auslanders. Gehenn sie geradaus!! unt gutten Tag!!

Guy, you made a FALSE claim when I pointed out Germany had a better handle on the whole crime/prison problem. You brought up an anecdote of questionable veracity, I pointed out cold hard facts.

Oh, your claims about German Prisons being horrible compared to ours... Meh... not really.

German Joys: German Prisons Praised (Except for the Fixierung)

Pretty impressive compared to US jails like Cook County, where we shove six men into a cell meant for two.

Now, when I see someone who has solved a problem I'm struggling with, I don't go about saying how awesome I am because I haven't fixed a problem. I try to fix the problem. Maybe what they are doing won't work for me, but I don't throw up my hands and not try.

But the real beauty. I Don't have to move to Germany. We can fix this country, right now. You guys put your hateful, greedy selfish nuttery on the ballot in November, and it lost.

You're done.

I made no false claim whatsoever. I told this forum what it was like when I was there. What part of that can your pseudo-intellectual mind NOT understand?

You are right about one thing. The republicans lost in November. Until they get their collective act together, there is a better than even shot that nut jobs, like you, will be calling the shots.

That's unfortunate. I sincerely believe that before (or IF) this country can possibly rebound - folks (again, like you) will have the flag of the former Soviet Union flying overhead. Let's get one thing straight here skippy. I have no illusions about people like you whatsoever. You are a destroyer. You, like the man you adore, is a divider, never a uniter.

With you and him, it's ll about "getting even". I know the type. Seen 'em all my life. I'm happy for you that, for once, you feel empowered. Enjoy it! It's most likely the only time you will feel like a winner again in your life.

Good day!
In reply to JoeB's nonsensical reply, you refute an incident from 1975 with something from 2012, 37 years ago.

Your fractured thinking when you go off your talking points is what makes most of us here giggle at you.
Joe, he metaphorically hit your facts in the face then kicked them in the balls then stomped them to death.

Quit opining about why you don't know.

Are you saying that our prisons are wonderful places and they're like resorts? Really and truly?

Come on.

Oh, to debunk the rest of your bullshit...

German Police Used Only 85 Bullets Against People in 2011 - Global - The Atlantic Wire

First question: Nope, not me. I'm black. I'm much better looking than that man!

Second "assertion": Apparently you aren't capable of comprehending what you read or you figure you'll just peruse it and attack. I LEFT Germany in 1975. How would I know what has happened since that time? The 70s were right smack in the middle of MUNICH - the Bader Meinhoff terrorists - and the Cold War.

So, what have you "debunked" EXACTLY other than to "debunk" your own intelligence?

You danced around the point, didn't you.

You tried to claim the reason that Germans have so little crime is because the police go around shooting people with no consequence, based on an anecdotal story from 40 years ago.

I pointed out, geez, the German police RARELY fire their guns. They rarely have to.

anecdote vs. documented fact... you lose.
Roo is describing himself with he "lives in his own alternative universe where the ONLY "facts" are those he decides are "facts"."
Or just setting up proper priorities.

Take your homeless guys. I was young enough to remember when the "HOmeless" started showing up.

By and large, you didn't see that sort of thing in the 1960's and 1970's, until some liberal goo-goos (as Richard Daley used to call them) saw One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest and decided it was just wrong we had mental hospitals locking people up and being mean to them.

So they went to courts and got the law changed that you can't lock them up unless they are "immediately" dangerous. Then they said, "Hey, let's build outpatient facilities instead". And Conservatives were all like, 'What, and give up our Dressage ponies?" Not that you can get these people to take their medicines if you don't lock them up.

So you get people like Loughner and Holmes and Lanza who should be in institutions instead out getting guns instead.

The answer is obvious: a statist progressive intervention. The only question is whether it will be liberal or conservative.

Psychiatry is kind of like anything else... the attention goes to those who can make you rich, not where the resoruces are needed.

Which is why the crazy homless guy ranting at a lightpost gets to sleep on a grate and the businessman with mommy issues gets 20 years of therapy.

Forced incarceration in Mental Institutes would be acceptable if Psychiatry wasn't such a hacked pseudo-science.. Might as well have a Czar deciding who gets the straight jacket.

Don't think there's a prayer in hell of you being "liberal" if you thinking sweeping the streets of cranks on the word of a Psychiatrist and the stamp of a bureaucrat is acceptable to you.. On that --- I can out-Liberal Commie Joe any day... :D
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like Flacaltenn gets to decide psychiatry is a pseudo-science. what a wack.
Poor Jake, it must be terrifying for you to live in a nation with so many people you are terrified of ;)

Roo is describing himself with he "lives in his own alternative universe where the ONLY "facts" are those he decides are "facts"."
Roo, you guys are in a small minority. You are a criminal issue not a military one. When the time comes, you will be swatted down like vermin.

Poor Jake, it must be terrifying for you to live in a nation with so many people you are terrified of ;)

Roo is describing himself with he "lives in his own alternative universe where the ONLY "facts" are those he decides are "facts"."
Roo, you guys are in a small minority. You are a criminal issue not a military one. When the time comes, you will be swatted down like vermin.

Poor Jake, it must be terrifying for you to live in a nation with so many people you are terrified of ;)

Roo is describing himself with he "lives in his own alternative universe where the ONLY "facts" are those he decides are "facts"."

So jake approves of an unconstitutional action against American citizens.
You are the ones who will act unconstitutionally, bigrebnc, and you will pay the price for it.
Yes, you need clarification. You have not been able to figure out the constitutional path as long as you have been on the Board.

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