The ultimate Palin question.

Here's a good reason: She's not a community organizer.
For everyone who said she'd make a good president.

Each of you give us one good reason she's more qualified, experienced, and capable than

Mitt Romney.

I predict ZERO good reasons.

Prove me wrong.

One plausible reason is perspective. She knows what its like to be running out of money, with the government prosecutors after her ass for no legitimate reason. I believe that her "life experiences" being much different than Mitts would allow her to side with the middle-class more frequently than Mitt would.

You're wrong. That said, I'd vote for Mitt over Sarah in a primary just because he is more capable that Sarah. Could I be wrong which would make the better prez, sure.
For everyone who said she'd make a good president.

Each of you give us one good reason she's more qualified, experienced, and capable than

Mitt Romney.

I predict ZERO good reasons.

Prove me wrong.

One plausible reason is perspective. She knows what its like to be running out of money, with the government prosecutors after her ass for no legitimate reason. I believe that her "life experiences" being much different than Mitts would allow her to side with the middle-class more frequently than Mitt would.

You're wrong. That said, I'd vote for Mitt over Sarah in a primary just because he is more capable that Sarah. Could I be wrong which would make the better prez, sure.

I said good reason. And ultimately you agree that Mitt is more capable than Palin.

Who wants to contest that?
She's the GOPs best hope at this point. She has the charisma to unite the zany tea baggers pretending to be libertarians with the fool theocrats who want to evangelize in public schools and legislate Levitican law. That ought to be enough to win the Republican primaries. After that, all bets are off. Ronald Reagan she's not. She's not smart enough to bullshit most of the people most of the time, and would have a hard time running on being a celebrity politician. I predict she'd win the same states won by Goldwater in '64.
Anyone else get TIRED of hearing how dumb Palin is suppose to be.?

The uppity lefties said the same thing about Bush, yet he was soooooooooooooo dumb he won two teams in the white house.

Oh and Reagan. now they said that about him. and he was dumb enough that he kicked Carters ASS to be a ONE TERM PRESIDENT..

And I guess Hillary Clinton must be one dumb lady, she couldn't even win to become The First Female President...

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Nice. Bristol's about to pop a vein trying to hold her stomach in. lol
given that that photo was taken about a year before she gave birth, you prove you are an idiot
Anyone else get TIRED of hearing how dumb Palin is suppose to be.?

Not me. I love hearing wingnuts defend her intelligence. That's always entertaining.

The uppity lefties said the same thing about Bush, yet he was soooooooooooooo dumb he won two teams in the white house.

And William Hung became a cult hero singing She Bangs on American Idol, so what?
Anyone else get TIRED of hearing how dumb Palin is suppose to be.?

Not me. I love hearing wingnuts defend her intelligence. That's always entertaining.

The uppity lefties said the same thing about Bush, yet he was soooooooooooooo dumb he won two teams in the white house.

And William Hung became a cult hero singing She Bangs on American Idol, so what?

oh sheesh, such zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
but carry on anyway.:rolleyes:
I see since there's a thread that is titled The ultimate obama question. I see zona is for equality and must start a question thread for someone who can do him no harm.
I don't put a lot of stock in articles that rely on anonymous sources, but this quantitative statement says all anyone ever needs to know about Palin:

The small inner circle that shapes Palin’s voice day to day includes lobbyist Randy Scheunemann, a director of the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century, who advises Palin on foreign affairs, and Kim Daniels, a lawyer with the Thomas More Law Center, which has been called “the Christian answer to the A.C.L.U.,” who advises her on domestic issues.

Palin's a PNAC theocrat. Hand her any power and we'll be in the mideast fighting more idiotic religious wars.

She's an effective executive and a Conservative, she will make a good President

She's an opportunistic media whore, a quitter, and an End Timer.

She would end up getting us all killed.
Told you guys...the woman's DANGEROUS! America's number 1 threat.
I don't put a lot of stock in articles that rely on anonymous sources, but this quantitative statement says all anyone ever needs to know about Palin:

The small inner circle that shapes Palin’s voice day to day includes lobbyist Randy Scheunemann, a director of the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century, who advises Palin on foreign affairs, and Kim Daniels, a lawyer with the Thomas More Law Center, which has been called “the Christian answer to the A.C.L.U.,” who advises her on domestic issues.

Palin's a PNAC theocrat. Hand her any power and we'll be in the mideast fighting more idiotic religious wars.

She's an effective executive and a Conservative, she will make a good President

She's an opportunistic media whore, a quitter, and an End Timer.

She would end up getting us all killed.
Told you guys...the woman's DANGEROUS! America's number 1 threat.

A threat to what? She is unelectable and the sooner people realize that the sooner we can move on to more deserving (?) candidates.
I don't put a lot of stock in articles that rely on anonymous sources, but this quantitative statement says all anyone ever needs to know about Palin:

The small inner circle that shapes Palin’s voice day to day includes lobbyist Randy Scheunemann, a director of the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century, who advises Palin on foreign affairs, and Kim Daniels, a lawyer with the Thomas More Law Center, which has been called “the Christian answer to the A.C.L.U.,” who advises her on domestic issues.
Palin's a PNAC theocrat. Hand her any power and we'll be in the mideast fighting more idiotic religious wars.

She's an effective executive and a Conservative, she will make a good President

She's an opportunistic media whore, a quitter, and an End Timer.

She would end up getting us all killed.
Told you guys...the woman's DANGEROUS! America's number 1 threat.
holy CRAP
that sure looks like fear there

relax, i doubt she will even run
I don't put a lot of stock in articles that rely on anonymous sources, but this quantitative statement says all anyone ever needs to know about Palin:

The small inner circle that shapes Palin’s voice day to day includes lobbyist Randy Scheunemann, a director of the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century, who advises Palin on foreign affairs, and Kim Daniels, a lawyer with the Thomas More Law Center, which has been called “the Christian answer to the A.C.L.U.,” who advises her on domestic issues.

Palin's a PNAC theocrat. Hand her any power and we'll be in the mideast fighting more idiotic religious wars.

She's an effective executive and a Conservative, she will make a good President

She's an opportunistic media whore, a quitter, and an End Timer.

She would end up getting us all killed.
Told you guys...the woman's DANGEROUS! America's number 1 threat.

She's dangerous to those who would want her to remain silent. She is dangerous to those who would rob Americans of their rights.
I don't put a lot of stock in articles that rely on anonymous sources, but this quantitative statement says all anyone ever needs to know about Palin:

The small inner circle that shapes Palin’s voice day to day includes lobbyist Randy Scheunemann, a director of the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century, who advises Palin on foreign affairs, and Kim Daniels, a lawyer with the Thomas More Law Center, which has been called “the Christian answer to the A.C.L.U.,” who advises her on domestic issues.

Palin's a PNAC theocrat. Hand her any power and we'll be in the mideast fighting more idiotic religious wars.

She's an effective executive and a Conservative, she will make a good President

She's an opportunistic media whore, a quitter, and an End Timer.

She would end up getting us all killed.
Told you guys...the woman's DANGEROUS! America's number 1 threat.

I think shes dangerous to the country, but I don't think she stands a snowball's chance in hell of being elected. 75% of the voters in this country think she's not ready for prime time.
OK, since the Palin fanatics can'T tell us why she's more qualified than Romney, how about this?

Is Sarah Palin more qualified, experienced, and capable than Tim Pawlenty?

Most of us have stated that we don't believe that Sarah Palin is ready for the Presidency, so why should we bother comparing her to others? Now if you want to ask if she is more qualified than the present occupant of the White House, then we could answer that easily.

Almost anyone is better qualified than what we've got.
OK, since the Palin fanatics can'T tell us why she's more qualified than Romney, how about this?

Is Sarah Palin more qualified, experienced, and capable than Tim Pawlenty?

No!......She needs more experience in Washington, as I've already stated. She needs to bone up on foreign policy, as I've already stated. Economically?.......She has a far better grasp then the current idiot occupying the oval office. As we all saw yesterday in his lil' whinefest of a union ass kissing speech. The man is fucking clueless. Notice how he had to prop himself up in front of union members in Ohio, as opposed to disenfranchised non-union citizens in Ohio. And this was pointed out on CNN this morning by a dem man who voted for him.

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