The Ultimate Racist Joke Thread

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
There is a stereotype of every race and ethnicity.

Spics, waps, gooks, crackers, porch monkeys, chinks, micks, hebs, rag heads, red necks, etc.

So post your best jokes here.

I will start out:

Q. How many muslims does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?
A. What's toilet paper?

Q. What do Muslim men do during foreplay?
A. Tickle the goat under the chin.
How come hispanics don't usually marry blacks?

They're afraid their kids will be too lazy to steal.
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Two Jews are walking down the road when they spot a stunning looking woman, perfect body, face and everything. One of the Jews says, "Phwoar, I'd lend her one!"
Why do Polacks make lousy pharmacists?

The can never seem to fit the prescription bottles in the typewriter.
I was walking through the Olympic village in Munich when I seen a man walking along with a long stick over his shoulder. I asked the man `are you a pole vaulter?` and he replied `no I`m German and how did you no my name is Volter?`

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