THe United States: Best Country On Planet

Well, I'm sure that was sarcasm. I believe he thought you were implying rigged elections count.
I agree with Jimnyc with his comments against Cyc.

There is no need to cuss your views. Somehow by using such words it invalidates any words you write, any words you speak. By incorporating such words into your speach you are suggesting great anger and a lack of self control.

Perhaps in a bar may be the best place for that.

The United States is indeed a great place to live. If someone finds so many faults with it than perhaps live elsewhere in this world.

In the meantime, have a pleasant day.
Originally posted by OCA
Ok, you have now officially stepped outside the bounds of sanity. Comparing Hitler to Bush, have you LOST it man?????????? One little difference, well there are many differences but i'll point out the obvious, 6,000,000 Jews and countless others. Haven't seen Bush deporting Iraqis or Kurds in boxcars to death camps or doing social experiment operations on live individuals lately, have you? Wait I can't stop myself, he hasn't now marched into Jordan or Syria claiming to liberate the endangered American such as Hitler did in Czechoslovakia has he? Boy you are in for it by many on here i'm afraid hehehe :dance:

No, he marched into Iraq claiming to liberate the citizens (not that we cared when they were being gassed) and we are awarding contracts to ourselves to clean up a mess we made killing people who NEVER attacked us. And no we have no boxcars, we have an illegal prison camp in Cuba where people can be disappeared to...

And: comparing two people does not mean I am saying they are identical... I just drew some comparisons...
trivia: Who's on the U.S. $2 bill?
I used to have one... damn.
Many American companies rebuilt Europe after WWII also. Are you saying that we should incur the deaths in Iraq but not reap any rewards no matter how small or insignificant?And American companies doing business there is no big deal. If we leave it up to Iraqi companies(are their any) to fix things nothing will ever get done. Americans don't really give a crap about the supposed reasons much anymore just that we have a president who's at least willing to take some action.
Did you protest loudly when American companies went into Kosovo and Serbia and helped rebuild those countries or is it just that W is Republican?
And yes you are equating Bush with Hitler, that was the purpose of that whole post.

And let's look at your comparisons:

who waved the flag

Here you compare Bush's patriotism to Hitler's fanatic nationalism. In a more literal sense, Hitler introduced a new flag to wave.

kept repeating that his country had many enemies

Here you compare a silly Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy theory to modern day terrorism.

how they must defend themselves, and pre-emptively invaded another country

Here you compare the illegal invasion of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, France, the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Greece, Crete, Bulgaria, et cetera with the resolution of the 12 year problem with Iraq that had both the legal approval of the U.S. Congress and enough resolutions within the U.N. to prompt action.

Very apt comparisons.
I guess it's a perfect business model. Invade a country, destroy stuff. Then get tax money to give to your corporate buddies to rebuild it! Or just use the oil to pay for it. By that logic Saudi Arabia should award a twin towers reconstruction to Osama!

And secondly I did compare hitler and bush. i just didn't say they were THE SAME. those comparisons aren't as far off... firstly, Germany was playing victim and feeling threatened as if they had a duty to protect themselves and invade... We are the super power, yet Iraq was a threat to us?
We invaded it not because of some U.N. resolution (which authorized removing weapons I believe, not invading and taking over the country) we think as a poor, threatened, beleagered nation we have to save ourselves from big bad Iraq, we kept hearing how the UN has no right to tell us we can't defend ourselves.
B.S. Sure we can defend ourselves, but we need to be under attack. 9/11 was mentioned with iraq as well. Why didn't we invade Saudi Arabia?
I guess my main sentiment is that it's not about defending our nation, its about power and business. Vigilante style.
Does it matter to you that Saddam routinely fired upon U.S. and U.K. jets partolling the no-fly zone between the first and second Iraqi wars? In my mind that's enough to act, and yet this sort of behavior was more or less tolerated for years.

At the end of the first Gulf War Saddam agreed to certain stipulations that demanded specific actions. These stipulations did not include firing upon coalition patrols of the no-fly zone Saddam agreed to. Nor did they include the obstruction of the UN investigations Saddam agreed to.

In the post 9-11 global environment President Bush felt it was vital to re-evaluate everything. His re-evaluation of the Iraq problem led him to act. Dr. Kay's testimony has described a rogue state controlled by an unpredictable individual with terrorist ties and, at the time, unknown and unknowable WMD capabilities that was too great a threat to our national security to be left unresolved. In other words, in the opinion of an expert, President Bush did the right thing with regards to Iraq in the pursuit of our national security.

If you choose not to believe that, so be it.
I'm not scourge, but I've been allowed to answer using his ID.
I think some of your facts may be mixed up. Iraqis did not fire upon US and UK planes as they were patrolling the no fly zones.
Iraqis fired upon US and UK planes as they were BOMBING the no fly zones. It is absolute fact, that US and UK fighter jets have been routinely bombing Iraq for more than 14 years now.
It is absolute fact that US sanctions on Iraq has directly caused the death of over 3,000,000 Iraqi children over the last 14 years.
It is absolute fact that Osama and his crew despise Saddam, and his Baathist party (a secular government, not affiliated with any Islamic law).
It is absolute fact that according to intelligence, and UN reports, Iraq never had the capabilities to launch any WMD strike against the Atlantic Ocean---let alone the US. Their missile engines had only a range of 300-some odd miles.
The US was never threatened.
Their SUV sales were.
Originally posted by Scourge
I'm not scourge, but I've been allowed to answer using his ID.
I think some of your facts may be mixed up. Iraqis did not fire upon US and UK planes as they were patrolling the no fly zones.
Iraqis fired upon US and UK planes as they were BOMBING the no fly zones. It is absolute fact, that US and UK fighter jets have been routinely bombing Iraq for more than 14 years now.
It is absolute fact that US sanctions on Iraq has directly caused the death of over 3,000,000 Iraqi children over the last 14 years.
It is absolute fact that Osama and his crew despise Saddam, and his Baathist party (a secular government, not affiliated with any Islamic law).
It is absolute fact that according to intelligence, and UN reports, Iraq never had the capabilities to launch any WMD strike against the Atlantic Ocean---let alone the US. Their missile engines had only a range of 300-some odd miles.
The US was never threatened.
Their SUV sales were.

Your doing absolutely nothing for scourge's reputation with this list of wrong assertions.
Originally posted by Scourge
Iraqis did not fire upon US and UK planes as they were patrolling the no fly zones.

Furthermore, illuminating coalition aircraft patrolling the no-fly zone was prohibited and was itself an act of aggression. When coalition aircraft were illuminated by radar installations they frequently destroyed those installations.

It is absolute fact that US sanctions on Iraq has directly caused the death of over 3,000,000 Iraqi children over the last 14 years.

1.) By invading and liberating Iraq those sanctions have been lifted.

2.) The abuse of the oil-for-food program led to the deaths of those Iraqis, not the sanctions themselves. If the proceeds from oil sales had been used to purchase food instead of new palaces and military equipment, as was the intention of the sanctions, no one would have died from starvation. The blood of those innocent Iraqis is on Saddam's hands and the hands of those who conspired to illegally buy oil from him and thereby bypass the very sanctions you attribute the deaths to.

3.) Where did you get the 3 million figure?

It is absolute fact that Osama and his crew despise Saddam, and his Baathist party (a secular government, not affiliated with any Islamic law).

I said ties with terrorists. You made the UBL connection youself. Saddam's ties with various terrorist organizations is an indisputable fact. However, there is a good deal to suggest that Saddam did, in some way, shape, or form, co-operate with Al Qaeda, no matter how much they may have differed ideologically.

It is absolute fact that according to intelligence, and UN reports, Iraq never had the capabilities to launch any WMD strike against the Atlantic Ocean---let alone the US. Their missile engines had only a range of 300-some odd miles.

Who said they did? No one ever made the claim a WMD attack against the U.S. with Saddam's co-operation would come in the form of a missle strike.

Nevertheless, the 151+ km range of the al Samoud missiles was a material breach. The Iraqis were limited to missiles with a range no greater than 150 km.

The US was never threatened.

U.S. interests in the Middle East were under constant threat from Saddam Hussein. The threat of possible collusion between Saddam and terrorists was too great to ignore. Dr. Kay has said we were right to be worried.
'absolute fact'

They are strong words and one of which should be used with extreme caution.
Unless I can confirm something is true, I would hesitate before stating anything is an 'absolute fact'

One thing that you perhaps do not understand or choose not to is that, although it has been said that Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were enemies they do hold one very strong common bond. Do you know what that common bond is?
Originally posted by winston churchi

One thing that you perhaps do not understand or choose not to is that, although it has been said that Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were enemies they do hold one very strong common bond. Do you know what that common bond is? [/B]

So we are supposed to feel at blame because to loathsome creature share a dislike of the U.S.?

Sorry to disappoint. The fact that these two cretins dislike our country just demonstrates their shared totalitarian values.
One thing that you perhaps do not understand or choose not to is that, although it has been said that Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were enemies they do hold one very strong common bond. Do you know what that common bond is?

Islam has every thing to do with Osama’s desire to destroy the US and anyone else opposed to his views.

However Islam had nothing to do with Sadism’s hatred of the US. After the Iran-Iraq war US/Iraqi relations spiralled downwards for a number of reasons but Islam was not one of them. The Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait led to the total break down of any relations which had survived and the subsequent liberation of Kuwait humiliated Saddam and neutered his ambitions
of becoming a regional superpower, thus his hatred of the US.
Originally posted by Scourge
I'm not scourge, but I've been allowed to answer using his ID.
I think some of your facts may be mixed up. Iraqis did not fire upon US and UK planes as they were patrolling the no fly zones.
Iraqis fired upon US and UK planes as they were BOMBING the no fly zones. It is absolute fact, that US and UK fighter jets have been routinely bombing Iraq for more than 14 years now.
It is absolute fact that US sanctions on Iraq has directly caused the death of over 3,000,000 Iraqi children over the last 14 years.
It is absolute fact that Osama and his crew despise Saddam, and his Baathist party (a secular government, not affiliated with any Islamic law).
It is absolute fact that according to intelligence, and UN reports, Iraq never had the capabilities to launch any WMD strike against the Atlantic Ocean---let alone the US. Their missile engines had only a range of 300-some odd miles.
The US was never threatened.
Their SUV sales were.

Find a reputable link to America being to blame for the deaths of 3,000,000 Iraqi children or even that 3,000,000 have even died or don't post that filth here.
Why does everybody want to ignore the fact that the majorit of the folks in the workd that want to see the USA destroyed all have ISLAM in common? Don't ya think there just might be a little fanaticism involved?

Sure, Saddam hated us for many other things, but the one link between him and Osama that is undenialbe is ISLAM. Everybody is willing to point out that Bush is a "born-again" Christian, but they want to ingnore the fact that ISLAM is out to kill us all right now.

And no, I am not just paranoid from smoking too much weed. It is obvious to see if one will open their eyes and stop letting political correctness blind them.

If you don't wake up and smell the coffee, it might be too late by the time you realize what is going on. There is no way we would stand by and let a David Koresh (sic?) keep a few guns on his private property (cuz he was a radical Christian), but we want to ignore the hatred that is running around the ISLAMIC world right now against ALL non-Muslims.

Sure, America is the number one target right now (well, maybe number 2 after Israel, but I think #1 as they know if they get rid of the USA, they can easily get rid of Israel), but in their eyes, once we are gone, it is just a matter of time before they can dominate the rest of the world and establish their one-world religion of ISLAM.

If you attack me for writing this, you are not being intellectually honest with yourself.

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