The Unvaccinated-

Today, the New Normals are presenting us with a “choice,” (a) conform to their New Normal ideology or (b) social segregation. What do you imagine they have planned for us tomorrow?

The "Unvaccinated" Question

Let me say, it's been real and most often, at least in reflection, fun- I will NOT get a vaccination.

Get Ready To Show Your Vaccine Passport Everywhere
It's too late for health passports to make a difference, but the damage could be immense.

New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

Allegedly, the combination of people with vaccinations and those recovered from infection have, or are, bringing about “herd immunity.” If so, what is the point of a passport?

There are credible reports that some who have been vaccinated have nevertheless come down with Covid, which raises doubt about the efficacy of the vaccine. There are other reports that antibodies produced by the vaccines are not long lasting.
We deserve the right to be protected from dumbass anti-vaxxers.
Protected how? Do they attack you on the street and try to take your money or steal your car like blacks? Do they run around like zombies trying to breathe on you? Just how do you expect to be "protected"?
When they have COVID without symptoms, they attack us with their expulsion of virus.
So I don't know any normal people with brains who jump on libbers and cough and sneeze on do?
If vaccines worked, why would pro-vaccine folks hate on anti-vaccine folks? After all, pro-vaccine folks are protected and do not spread disease (obviously not true based on latest data). So why should they care (assuming they do not realize the DNA vaccine does not prevent or stop the spread of the disease)?

Unless we reach a certain percentage of the population that receives the vaccine it will mutate and we start all over again. More deaths, more shut downs, mandatory masks, etc.. And that is a fact. Now, get that mask on and get vaccinated before it become mandatory like it was in 1918.
when you think you are capable of forcing AMERICA to absorb your propaganda---bring it...other wise shut your spewing hole and mind your own business.....if "no shot" bothers you, take mine....get your affairs in order b4 year 3
go parrot some where else, fortunately, im an AMERICAN, and can decide all by myself, unlike you retarded, gullible sheep....
You can catch covid in between the first and second shot. It is only the second shot which gives you 94 of 95% immunity. There are no doubts about the efficacy of the vaccine among any rational people. The only doubts are coming from the irrational ones, who are politicizing medicine.

Covid cases and deaths are actually spiking. We are nowhere near herd immunity. That is what the passport is for, i would imagine.

In that case, the unvaccinated pose no danger to the fully vaccinated.

The draconian fascism of the democrats then is not based in medical science is is simply a fascist power grab.

That is definitely not true. The unvaccinated pose a huge threat because they are allowing the pandemic to continue. People who are vaccinated are likely not immune for life and without concrete details on when immunity begins to drastically wain, there will pockets of time that ppl will be vulnerable. If herd immunity is not achieved then this poses a huge public health threat. Another thing to consider is this. There is a chance that with enough unvaccinated ppl roaming about that a newer deadlier mutation will come about just like it did in the UK. The african variant is not deadlier but spreads easier. When or if that happens even the vaccinated may not be protected.

Today, the New Normals are presenting us with a “choice,” (a) conform to their New Normal ideology or (b) social segregation. What do you imagine they have planned for us tomorrow?

The "Unvaccinated" Question

Let me say, it's been real and most often, at least in reflection, fun- I will NOT get a vaccination.

Get Ready To Show Your Vaccine Passport Everywhere
It's too late for health passports to make a difference, but the damage could be immense.

New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

Allegedly, the combination of people with vaccinations and those recovered from infection have, or are, bringing about “herd immunity.” If so, what is the point of a passport?

There are credible reports that some who have been vaccinated have nevertheless come down with Covid, which raises doubt about the efficacy of the vaccine. There are other reports that antibodies produced by the vaccines are not long lasting.

You can catch covid in between the first and second shot. It is only the second shot which gives you 94 of 95% immunity. There are no doubts about the efficacy of the vaccine among any rational people. The only doubts are coming from the irrational ones, who are politicizing medicine.

Covid cases and deaths are actually spiking. We are nowhere near herd immunity. That is what the passport is for, i would imagine.
76%....but hey, whos counting?
In that case, the unvaccinated pose no danger to the fully vaccinated.

The draconian fascism of the democrats then is not based in medical science is is simply a fascist power grab
Thanks- good place to put this-

Texas COVID Rate Drops to Record Low: Bless Your Heart, Lockdowners

“Texas will experience more cases, more hospitalizations and more deaths,” state Representative Richard Peña Raymond, a Democrat from the border city of Laredo, told Abbott in a letter.

Similarly, Gilberto Hinojosa, chair of the Democratic party in Texas, issued a statement pushing back on Abbott’s decision: “What Abbott calls pro-business is anti-people. Make no mistake: Opening Texas prematurely will only lead to faster COVID spread, more sickness and overcrowding in our hospitals, and unnecessary deaths.

Those speaking up against the decision included health officials who got a taste of real power and do not like being disrespected — that is, they don’t want you to proceed with your lives and try to make a living without receiving their blessing first.

Texas had 9800 cases just yesterday :laugh:
wow, that was so....baseless bullshit...thanx
polly want a cracker?
Now, get that mask on and get vaccinated

If you're really that terrified about catching a cold from your neighbors, I have a place where you can be safe ... just don't come out until you hear the 'all clear'.

Vaccination is now a "New Normal ideology"? Funny, back in the 1960s I had to show I was vaccinated to start public school. In later years I had to show I was vaccinated in order to attend college.

I think you are mistaking "New Normal ideology" with what we have been doing for decades.
I'm 73- I ain't mistakin anything- I had to get a polio vaccine for the 1st grade (1954)- however, that was way back before everyone started lying to all of us on TV- before Elvis and before the Viet nam war came along- before the Beatles and Yesterday when a man could still work and still would, before microwave ovens when a girl could still cook and would, when coke was still cola, and a joint was a bad place to be- ........ before false flags became the norm- when cops were still called Peace Officers, not Law EnFORCEment Officers- before the 4th amendment was "officially" junked-

Today is a different world- and I trust NO US "official" (or unofficial for that matter) and very few experts-
You can catch covid in between the first and second shot. It is only the second shot which gives you 94 of 95% immunity. There are no doubts about the efficacy of the vaccine among any rational people. The only doubts are coming from the irrational ones, who are politicizing medicine.

Covid cases and deaths are actually spiking. We are nowhere near herd immunity. That is what the passport is for, i would imagine.

In that case, the unvaccinated pose no danger to the fully vaccinated.

The draconian fascism of the democrats then is not based in medical science is is simply a fascist power grab.

That is definitely not true. The unvaccinated pose a huge threat because they are allowing the pandemic to continue. People who are vaccinated are likely not immune for life and without concrete details on when immunity begins to drastically wain, there will pockets of time that ppl will be vulnerable. If herd immunity is not achieved then this poses a huge public health threat. Another thing to consider is this. There is a chance that with enough unvaccinated ppl roaming about that a newer deadlier mutation will come about just like it did in the UK. The african variant is not deadlier but spreads easier. When or if that happens even the vaccinated may not be protected.

Today, the New Normals are presenting us with a “choice,” (a) conform to their New Normal ideology or (b) social segregation. What do you imagine they have planned for us tomorrow?

The "Unvaccinated" Question

Let me say, it's been real and most often, at least in reflection, fun- I will NOT get a vaccination.

Get Ready To Show Your Vaccine Passport Everywhere
It's too late for health passports to make a difference, but the damage could be immense.

New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

Allegedly, the combination of people with vaccinations and those recovered from infection have, or are, bringing about “herd immunity.” If so, what is the point of a passport?

There are credible reports that some who have been vaccinated have nevertheless come down with Covid, which raises doubt about the efficacy of the vaccine. There are other reports that antibodies produced by the vaccines are not long lasting.

You can catch covid in between the first and second shot. It is only the second shot which gives you 94 of 95% immunity. There are no doubts about the efficacy of the vaccine among any rational people. The only doubts are coming from the irrational ones, who are politicizing medicine.

Covid cases and deaths are actually spiking. We are nowhere near herd immunity. That is what the passport is for, i would imagine.
76%....but hey, whos counting?
In that case, the unvaccinated pose no danger to the fully vaccinated.

The draconian fascism of the democrats then is not based in medical science is is simply a fascist power grab
Thanks- good place to put this-

Texas COVID Rate Drops to Record Low: Bless Your Heart, Lockdowners

“Texas will experience more cases, more hospitalizations and more deaths,” state Representative Richard Peña Raymond, a Democrat from the border city of Laredo, told Abbott in a letter.

Similarly, Gilberto Hinojosa, chair of the Democratic party in Texas, issued a statement pushing back on Abbott’s decision: “What Abbott calls pro-business is anti-people. Make no mistake: Opening Texas prematurely will only lead to faster COVID spread, more sickness and overcrowding in our hospitals, and unnecessary deaths.

Those speaking up against the decision included health officials who got a taste of real power and do not like being disrespected — that is, they don’t want you to proceed with your lives and try to make a living without receiving their blessing first.

Texas had 9800 cases just yesterday :laugh:
wow, that was so....baseless bullshit...thanx
polly want a cracker?

Yes, baseless because it doesn't fit your narrative.
stick the gene altering chinese flu shot up every demonRATS smelly ass.
i trust these anti-AMERICA commies...not
oh, but your leaders indulge in a placebo, not the actual doomsday drug they are promoting for AMERICANS
Even trump thought it important to get it, even if he wanted to keep it secret to not let down his supporters. He has never learned, if 2 people know a secret, it is 1 too many. Many times more important to see what people do for themselves than what they publicly support for others.

So, Trump is now smart ?
TRUMP is obviously way smarter than you will ever be....

Read the quote in context (I voted for Trump.....twice)

Then get back to me on who is smart.
stick the gene altering chinese flu shot up every demonRATS smelly ass.
i trust these anti-AMERICA commies...not
oh, but your leaders indulge in a placebo, not the actual doomsday drug they are promoting for AMERICANS
Even trump thought it important to get it, even if he wanted to keep it secret to not let down his supporters. He has never learned, if 2 people know a secret, it is 1 too many. Many times more important to see what people do for themselves than what they publicly support for others.

So, Trump is now smart ?
No. He just does not give a damn about anybody else, and wanted to keep the people he convinced, the virus was not serious on his side. Trump consistently has chosen trump over Americans, even the Americans that supported him. It was just another political calculation for his benefit, as the good of his supporters never matters, since they are just assets to use.

Can you read my mind too ?
Today, the New Normals are presenting us with a “choice,” (a) conform to their New Normal ideology or (b) social segregation. What do you imagine they have planned for us tomorrow?

The "Unvaccinated" Question

Let me say, it's been real and most often, at least in reflection, fun- I will NOT get a vaccination.

Get Ready To Show Your Vaccine Passport Everywhere
It's too late for health passports to make a difference, but the damage could be immense.

New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

Allegedly, the combination of people with vaccinations and those recovered from infection have, or are, bringing about “herd immunity.” If so, what is the point of a passport?

There are credible reports that some who have been vaccinated have nevertheless come down with Covid, which raises doubt about the efficacy of the vaccine. There are other reports that antibodies produced by the vaccines are not long lasting.
We deserve the right to be protected from dumbass anti-vaxxers.
then crawl back under your bed...put your mask on...stay there
we AMERICANS deserve to have a reliable vaccine---not something that alters genes, or something better than a 70% chance of living...these odds are not for me....but hey, you sheep are more than welcome to try fate...have fun...get back to me if you are still alive in 3 years

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Today, the New Normals are presenting us with a “choice,” (a) conform to their New Normal ideology or (b) social segregation. What do you imagine they have planned for us tomorrow?

The "Unvaccinated" Question

Let me say, it's been real and most often, at least in reflection, fun- I will NOT get a vaccination.

Get Ready To Show Your Vaccine Passport Everywhere
It's too late for health passports to make a difference, but the damage could be immense.

New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

Allegedly, the combination of people with vaccinations and those recovered from infection have, or are, bringing about “herd immunity.” If so, what is the point of a passport?

There are credible reports that some who have been vaccinated have nevertheless come down with Covid, which raises doubt about the efficacy of the vaccine. There are other reports that antibodies produced by the vaccines are not long lasting.
We deserve the right to be protected from dumbass anti-vaxxers.
Protected how? Do they attack you on the street and try to take your money or steal your car like blacks? Do they run around like zombies trying to breathe on you? Just how do you expect to be "protected"?
When they have COVID without symptoms, they attack us with their expulsion of virus.
So I don't know any normal people with brains who jump on libbers and cough and sneeze on do?
I know lots that are in stores without a mask. And really , these people are not normal, they are stupid ignorangt people.
When they have COVID without symptoms

It's a pretty bad disease when you have to be tested just to know you have it.
Some people show no symptoms, some die, some spend weeks in the ICU. I'll let my dead friends know that their disease was not fatal.

I know people that smoke cigarettes all theirv life, therefore, according to you, cigarette smoking is safe and we should all do it.
Today, the New Normals are presenting us with a “choice,” (a) conform to their New Normal ideology or (b) social segregation. What do you imagine they have planned for us tomorrow?

The "Unvaccinated" Question

Let me say, it's been real and most often, at least in reflection, fun- I will NOT get a vaccination.

Get Ready To Show Your Vaccine Passport Everywhere
It's too late for health passports to make a difference, but the damage could be immense.

New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

Allegedly, the combination of people with vaccinations and those recovered from infection have, or are, bringing about “herd immunity.” If so, what is the point of a passport?

There are credible reports that some who have been vaccinated have nevertheless come down with Covid, which raises doubt about the efficacy of the vaccine. There are other reports that antibodies produced by the vaccines are not long lasting.
We deserve the right to be protected from dumbass anti-vaxxers.

By all means get vaxinated.
You can catch covid in between the first and second shot. It is only the second shot which gives you 94 of 95% immunity. There are no doubts about the efficacy of the vaccine among any rational people. The only doubts are coming from the irrational ones, who are politicizing medicine.

Covid cases and deaths are actually spiking. We are nowhere near herd immunity. That is what the passport is for, i would imagine.

In that case, the unvaccinated pose no danger to the fully vaccinated.

The draconian fascism of the democrats then is not based in medical science is is simply a fascist power grab.

That is definitely not true. The unvaccinated pose a huge threat because they are allowing the pandemic to continue. People who are vaccinated are likely not immune for life and without concrete details on when immunity begins to drastically wain, there will pockets of time that ppl will be vulnerable. If herd immunity is not achieved then this poses a huge public health threat. Another thing to consider is this. There is a chance that with enough unvaccinated ppl roaming about that a newer deadlier mutation will come about just like it did in the UK. The african variant is not deadlier but spreads easier. When or if that happens even the vaccinated may not be protected.

Today, the New Normals are presenting us with a “choice,” (a) conform to their New Normal ideology or (b) social segregation. What do you imagine they have planned for us tomorrow?

The "Unvaccinated" Question

Let me say, it's been real and most often, at least in reflection, fun- I will NOT get a vaccination.

Get Ready To Show Your Vaccine Passport Everywhere
It's too late for health passports to make a difference, but the damage could be immense.

New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

Allegedly, the combination of people with vaccinations and those recovered from infection have, or are, bringing about “herd immunity.” If so, what is the point of a passport?

There are credible reports that some who have been vaccinated have nevertheless come down with Covid, which raises doubt about the efficacy of the vaccine. There are other reports that antibodies produced by the vaccines are not long lasting.

You can catch covid in between the first and second shot. It is only the second shot which gives you 94 of 95% immunity. There are no doubts about the efficacy of the vaccine among any rational people. The only doubts are coming from the irrational ones, who are politicizing medicine.

Covid cases and deaths are actually spiking. We are nowhere near herd immunity. That is what the passport is for, i would imagine.
76%....but hey, whos counting?
In that case, the unvaccinated pose no danger to the fully vaccinated.

The draconian fascism of the democrats then is not based in medical science is is simply a fascist power grab
Thanks- good place to put this-

Texas COVID Rate Drops to Record Low: Bless Your Heart, Lockdowners

“Texas will experience more cases, more hospitalizations and more deaths,” state Representative Richard Peña Raymond, a Democrat from the border city of Laredo, told Abbott in a letter.

Similarly, Gilberto Hinojosa, chair of the Democratic party in Texas, issued a statement pushing back on Abbott’s decision: “What Abbott calls pro-business is anti-people. Make no mistake: Opening Texas prematurely will only lead to faster COVID spread, more sickness and overcrowding in our hospitals, and unnecessary deaths.

Those speaking up against the decision included health officials who got a taste of real power and do not like being disrespected — that is, they don’t want you to proceed with your lives and try to make a living without receiving their blessing first.

Texas had 9800 cases just yesterday :laugh:
wow, that was so....baseless bullshit...thanx
polly want a cracker?

Yes, baseless because it doesn't fit your narrative.
i believe the TRUTH.....not your demonRAT idols
I know lots that are in stores without a mask. And really , these people are not normal

Is it normal in America to wear a mask?

View attachment 474840
It is during a pandemic when advised by experts.

Even if the experts disagree?

Yah, Rump doesn't even agree with you. He wimped out out of fear for his miserable carcass and got the shots way before it was widely available to the rest of us.

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