The Upcoming Primary Contest Does Not Look Good for Cruz!.


Apr 22, 2007
There is a good chance that Cruz won't win again until May 3.

Apr 5: WI - more of a blue state that is blue collar. Should be an easy Trump win.
Apr 19 - NY: no explanation needed.
NE Super Tuesday -CT, DL, MY, PA and RI. These are not states Cruz will compete in.

After that the field bodes a lot better for Cruz, but it will probably be a little too late.
There is a good chance that Cruz won't win again until May 3.

Apr 5: WI - more of a blue state that is blue collar. Should be an easy Trump win.
Apr 19 - NY: no explanation needed.
NE Super Tuesday -CT, DL, MY, PA and RI. These are not states Cruz will compete in.

After that the field bodes a lot better for Cruz, but it will probably be a little too late.
After Trump took all the delegates in AZ. Cruz has no chance.
I can't stand the man. He reminds me of a oily used car salesman carrying around the Bible. If you don't want to buy the car he'll attempt to read you some scriptures.
There is a good chance that Cruz won't win again until May 3.

Apr 5: WI - more of a blue state that is blue collar. Should be an easy Trump win.
Apr 19 - NY: no explanation needed.
NE Super Tuesday -CT, DL, MY, PA and RI. These are not states Cruz will compete in.

After that the field bodes a lot better for Cruz, but it will probably be a little too late.
After Trump took all the delegates in AZ. Cruz has no chance.
I can't stand the man. He reminds me of a oily used car salesman carrying around the Bible. If you don't want to buy the car he'll attempt to read you some scriptures.
Cruz has been slandered and his evil persona has been exemplified by the liberal media. I think he is a man of principal and I respect him.

I like that he is still running to win and that he has come out against a brokered convention in which he said the candidate with the most delegates at the end should win regardless if that candidate reaches the threshold.

He is much more honorable than Kasich who is running to produce a brokered convention and could try to steal the nomination. Think about it. He has to know there is no mathematical way to win. However, he keeps preaching the message he is the only one who can beat Clinton and that he is the only one who could win the crucial state of OH. I used to like the man but I now view him as dishonorable!
Some of you please try to think a little further than your noses.
Ask yourself this question: Who would Hillary rather run against? Trump or Cruz?
Trump was dealing with mental midgets like Hillary and winning! when he was in his twenties.
There is a good chance that Cruz won't win again until May 3.

Apr 5: WI - more of a blue state that is blue collar. Should be an easy Trump win.
Apr 19 - NY: no explanation needed.
NE Super Tuesday -CT, DL, MY, PA and RI. These are not states Cruz will compete in.

After that the field bodes a lot better for Cruz, but it will probably be a little too late.

Cruz only has to win 89% of the remaining delegates. Seems simple enough
Some of you please try to think a little further than your noses.
Ask yourself this question: Who would Hillary rather run against? Trump or Cruz?
Trump was dealing with mental midgets like Hillary and winning! when he was in his twenties.

Which might explain why his disapproval rating has shot up from 68%. With 54% of voters indicating that they'll never vote Trump. And nearly 1 in 4 Republicans indicating they'll vote for Hillary rather than Trump.

Go Trump!

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