The Upcoming"Wonton"Summit.What Would Be The Perfect Gift From Trump To Kim Jong-Un?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
Kim is not one of the most powerful men in the world. He's a loser. He wants a photo op with me to feel important. So that's my gift to him. A photo with me. Then he can go back to building his ICBMs and tell his friends what a great man I am.
I'd be satisfied if left wing operatives didn't present the President of the United States with a 5.56 cal slug.
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:

They can trade hairdressers.

What are the chances Trump caves to Un like he does everyone else he gets face to face with? I say about 100%
"Wonton' is Chinese...shitlips. Need I remind you that this is Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Can we get a little accuracy in the jokes around here? meat...pancake asses.
Kim is said to be addicted to porn. Maybe Trump could rent him a porn star for the meeting. Perhaps one he has auditioned.
"Wonton' is Chinese...shitlips. Need I remind you that this is Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Can we get a little accuracy in the jokes around here? meat...pancake asses.
I'm hoping to get some North Korean pussy. That's what Kim should bring me. I need to have so much pussy from there that it becomes my own personal North Korean conflict. I would like to get 38 of them parallel, if you know what I mean. I feel this would be the best way for me to show my appreciation for Orientals.
You the 'day' the North was purported to have the most beautiful women. Much of the manufacturing and therefore the wealth was consolidated in the North. The South was mainly agrarian. I wonder if they are also hiding all of the nice asses up there? I lived in Korea for two years and saw less than a handful of...well...just normal asses on women. Never saw a nice one.
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
a fools gold statue of himself...
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
a fools gold statue of himself...
doesn't n Korea have thier own version of hustler?...that would of been a nice gift for Trump
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
a fools gold statue of himself...
doesn't n Korea have thier own version of hustler?...that would of been a nice gift for Trump
The slit is horizontal though and being a germaphobe wouldn't take it since other guys have already stained the pages...
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
a fools gold statue of himself...
doesn't n Korea have thier own version of hustler?...that would of been a nice gift for Trump
The slit is horizontal though and being a germaphobe wouldn't take it since other guys have already stained the pages...
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
a fools gold statue of himself...
doesn't n Korea have thier own version of hustler?...that would of been a nice gift for Trump
The slit is horizontal though and being a germaphobe wouldn't take it since other guys have already stained the pages...
well in that case..I think Hillary would of taken a used Hustler
"Wonton' is Chinese...shitlips. Need I remind you that this is Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Can we get a little accuracy in the jokes around here? meat...pancake asses.
Trump's going to agree to SK's sending NK money and the pledge will not regieme change. And China can go back to trading at will. That's the gift. And NK can continue sponsoring terror.
"Wonton' is Chinese...shitlips. Need I remind you that this is Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Can we get a little accuracy in the jokes around here? meat...pancake asses.
Trump's going to agree to SK's sending NK money and the pledge will not regieme change. And China can go back to trading at will. That's the gift. And NK can continue sponsoring terror.
Let me diagram your prediction
NK--gets money, trade, gets to continue sponsoring terror & NO regime change
China--gets trade.

Nigga is you crazy? Trump ain't Bobo!
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
a fools gold statue of himself...
doesn't n Korea have thier own version of hustler?...that would of been a nice gift for Trump
The slit is horizontal though and being a germaphobe wouldn't take it since other guys have already stained the pages...
if it was Hillary meeting with Dong,,I think Kim would of given Hillary a box of Korean Depends
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
a fools gold statue of himself...
doesn't n Korea have thier own version of hustler?...that would of been a nice gift for Trump
The slit is horizontal though and being a germaphobe wouldn't take it since other guys have already stained the pages...
if it was Hillary meeting with Dong,,I think Kim would of given Hillary a box of Korean Depends
If he had to meet Hillary he'd give himself a dose of VX...
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
a fools gold statue of himself...
doesn't n Korea have thier own version of hustler?...that would of been a nice gift for Trump
The slit is horizontal though and being a germaphobe wouldn't take it since other guys have already stained the pages...
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
a fools gold statue of himself...
doesn't n Korea have thier own version of hustler?...that would of been a nice gift for Trump
The slit is horizontal though and being a germaphobe wouldn't take it since other guys have already stained the pages...
well in that case..I think Hillary would of taken a used Hustler
Ask Bill, Hillary is the biggest motivation for abstinence since Jesus Christ...
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
a fools gold statue of himself...
doesn't n Korea have thier own version of hustler?...that would of been a nice gift for Trump
The slit is horizontal though and being a germaphobe wouldn't take it since other guys have already stained the pages...
:abgg2q.jpg: The historic meeting between two of the worlds most powerful men is coming soon. They will meet {but where?}..and hopefully they will exchange gifts. So, in your best judgment/opinion, what would be the ideal gift Trump should present to Kim, and what gift should Kim present to "The Donald" ???
:desk: :dance: :cul2:
a fools gold statue of himself...
doesn't n Korea have thier own version of hustler?...that would of been a nice gift for Trump
The slit is horizontal though and being a germaphobe wouldn't take it since other guys have already stained the pages...
well in that case..I think Hillary would of taken a used Hustler
Ask Bill, Hillary is the biggest motivation for abstinence since Jesus Christ...
what do you think Kim would of given Bill?

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