The US Army is recognized as the fattest in the world :)

Plus, you never know how prospective employer will view you tattoos when you transition. Some companies are still very image conscious when it comes to body art. Better safe...

I know that if I were interviewing and an applicant came in with a lot of “body art”, I’d question their judgment and probably pass.

Actually, it should depend on what the body art is, and if it is in black and white, or if it has colors.

If it's black and white only, it's more than likely a prison tattoo. If you can see color in it, he got it from an artist.
I've been an activated reservist.

Once pre-mobilization training begins, you either get in shape or get thrown out. There are indeed some fat fuckers who slip through the cracks, and some dudes do get wounded/injured and end up getting fat because they can't stay in shape.

Regardless we are still the best trained and equipped force on earth.


Furthermore even if the entire military disappeared by magic, all the armies of the world wouldn't stand a chance attempting to occupy Texas alone because we have millions of citizens with scoped rifles who blow the heads off of white tailed deer on an annual basis.

So go suck a dick commie troll.

Army of America forces its soldiers to engage in fitness

And the fattest U.S. military service is ...

View attachment 185051

I think that "rubber dolls" will not help Americans, because they do not get a dick

Believe your RT and Pravda propaganda if you want to, we have CNN and MSNBC which is about the same.

But that's not a U.S. Army soldier and the picture was taken during the Obama era. That's a National Guardsman.

Our troops are very fit and not to be underestimated. Ask those 200 dead Russian mercenaries in Syria from last month: They'll tell you.
Plus, you never know how prospective employer will view you tattoos when you transition. Some companies are still very image conscious when it comes to body art. Better safe...

I know that if I were interviewing and an applicant came in with a lot of “body art”, I’d question their judgment and probably pass.
I wouldn't fault anyone who would. Employers try to grasp every bit of information about a candidate to help make the best informed decision for their company. Excessive body art, even in this day is often a telltale sign of some key personality flaws.
You show me a guy/girl with neck tattoos and I can probably show you a person with deep emotional issues. Excessive body art is rarely about's often about 'new skin'.
Men, would you rather be Fat?

or have a limp dick like 90% of Russian men?

90 percent of Russian men suffer from erectile dysfunction

Well hell. You would too if you had to wake up to this every morning...

I've been an activated reservist.

Once pre-mobilization training begins, you either get in shape or get thrown out. There are indeed some fat fuckers who slip through the cracks, and some dudes do get wounded/injured and end up getting fat because they can't stay in shape.

Regardless we are still the best trained and equipped force on earth.


Furthermore even if the entire military disappeared by magic, all the armies of the world wouldn't stand a chance attempting to occupy Texas alone because we have millions of citizens with scoped rifles who blow the heads off of white tailed deer on an annual basis.

So go suck a dick commie troll.

You will always have some slip through, but as you said, few last for very long.

I was Active from 2007-2012, and have been in the Reserves since 2012. And all of my units have been pretty proactive in weeding out those that can not pass a PT test. Generally fail more than 3 in 12 months, and out you go.

And the real measure is not weight, it is body fat. Myself, I have not passed the "Height-Weight" standard since I joined in 2007. But I was 42 then (53 now), and always come in under my allowed body fat percentage.

The only time I was ever in danger of being kicked out for weight was after I was injured when I was in the Marines in 1990. I was in the Infantry, and ran an average of 25-30 miles plus every week, in addition to all the other physical things I did. And back then, chowing down on a Triple Whopper with heavy bacon every day was not a problem.

But after a motorcycle accident trashed my knees, I literally went overnight to not running again, and it took me almost a year to get my weight under control again. I ballooned from 170 to 225 within 6 months, but then was able to drop back down to 180 within another 6 months through changes in diet and lots of walking (limping with a cane really).

But I do agree, the current generation is fatter than my generation was in the service. In my first 10 years I never saw anybody put out for weight. We were simply worked to hard to put much weight on at all. Soldiers today are much softer.

Even at the age of 53, I have yet to serve with anybody (other than a few reclassed Infantry types) who can keep up with me in my 2.5 mile walking PT test, or a ruck march. The condition of the current generation to me is rather horrible I must admit.
Army of America forces its soldiers to engage in fitness

And the fattest U.S. military service is ...

View attachment 185051

I think that "rubber dolls" will not help Americans, because they do not get a dick

"Twice the pride, double the fall."

Leaked Audio Captures Russian Mercenaries Describing Humiliating Defeat By US In Syria
ISIS is now the US´ official ground army in Syria, with air support?
Fat for service - an actual problem in all of the western armies. Teaching anti-patriotism, one world, ect, does not increase the readiness to serve.

"Some 40 percent of soldiers between 18 and 29 are overweight compared to 35 percent among Germany’s civilian population, said the report, which also found young male and female soldiers smoked too much and failed to do enough sport.

Germany is a key NATO ally and, in most respects, a very good one. But their contribution to the military effort is minimal. Their force and budget are woefully small and their readiness level is low. It’s been more than six decades since WWII; it’s time to get over it and reclaim their tradition of martial excellence."

German Soldiers Fat – Even Compared to Civilians
More left wing foreign propaganda? Fat Americans kicked some serious ass during the 20th century so that (foreign?) chicken shit posters would be able to insult the U.S. on an international forum. What a Country.
More left wing foreign propaganda? Fat Americans kicked some serious ass during the 20th century so that (foreign?) chicken shit posters would be able to insult the U.S. on an international forum. What a Country.

Prior to Trump calling for more people to come in, the military had body fat standards at 22 percent for men, 25 percent for women. If you were out of standards more than 3 PRT cycles in a row, you were told to go home.

So no, those "fat Americans" you said kicked ass in the 20th century did not exist in the military. If they were overweight and didn't get into standards, they were kicked out.

Now? Seems that the military is now letting people enlist who are 30 PERCENT or less.

30 percent is considered obese by medical personnel.
Back in my day, all you needed was a pulse and you were in.

Whether you wanted to be in or not.
Back in my day, all you needed was a pulse and you were in.

Whether you wanted to be in or not.

Not necessarily. There are disqualifying things that have been in place for a LONG time. Flat feet, asthma and sleepwalking are three of them that would disqualify you for military service.

Even back in the Viet Nam days.

I worked in recruiting from 1999 until 2002 and had to learn those things.
More left wing foreign propaganda? Fat Americans kicked some serious ass during the 20th century so that (foreign?) chicken shit posters would be able to insult the U.S. on an international forum. What a Country.

Prior to Trump calling for more people to come in, the military had body fat standards at 22 percent for men, 25 percent for women. If you were out of standards more than 3 PRT cycles in a row, you were told to go home.

So no, those "fat Americans" you said kicked ass in the 20th century did not exist in the military. If they were overweight and didn't get into standards, they were kicked out.

Now? Seems that the military is now letting people enlist who are 30 PERCENT or less.

30 percent is considered obese by medical personnel.

Those "standards" are always suspect. In college, the nose guard for our football team was in my platoon. He was classified as obese. The football team tested him in the water immersion tank and found out he was closer to 15% than 22%.
More left wing foreign propaganda? Fat Americans kicked some serious ass during the 20th century so that (foreign?) chicken shit posters would be able to insult the U.S. on an international forum. What a Country.

Prior to Trump calling for more people to come in, the military had body fat standards at 22 percent for men, 25 percent for women. If you were out of standards more than 3 PRT cycles in a row, you were told to go home.

So no, those "fat Americans" you said kicked ass in the 20th century did not exist in the military. If they were overweight and didn't get into standards, they were kicked out.

Now? Seems that the military is now letting people enlist who are 30 PERCENT or less.

30 percent is considered obese by medical personnel.

Those "standards" are always suspect. In college, the nose guard for our football team was in my platoon. He was classified as obese. The football team tested him in the water immersion tank and found out he was closer to 15% than 22%.

Personally, I thought the way the measurements were done was a total crock. And, if you had a PRT coordinator who knew how to fudge the tape, you could either be within standards or out. I personally felt that if you were capable of scoring excellent or better on the PRT, I would be willing to fudge the tape a bit to help you out, because obviously, that person was in shape.

And yeah, on occasion, I would have someone sent to have a medical professional measure them because they had a funny shape. Some guys, while they may appear to be fat, are actually within standards but they are built like fire plugs.

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