The US Century is over. Pax Americana has come to a close. Gone is all the hubristic chatter of an American Empire. Gone is the US as undisputed power


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Now we can see clearly that the American tide has begun to recede. We have entered a new world, ”a world of a multiplicity of powers like the world of a century ago, when the British Empire, following the Boer War, found itself divided at home and challenged abroad by rising powers in Asia, Europe, and North America

good job, Sleepy Joe. it started during Obama/Biden and now the decline continues

Now we can see clearly that the American tide has begun to recede. We have entered a new world, ”a world of a multiplicity of powers like the world of a century ago, when the British Empire, following the Boer War, found itself divided at home and challenged abroad by rising powers in Asia, Europe, and North America

good job, Sleepy Joe. it started during Obama/Biden and now the decline continues

Right on, and as bad as it is right now, it is going to get even worse. There will come a time when our only hope for salvation is a massive insurrection by the right in order to regain our country.
Right on, and as bad as it is right now, it is going to get even worse. There will come a time when our only hope for salvation is a massive insurrection by the right in order to regain our country.
soon after empires like Persia and Soviet Russia passed into history, which progressives celebrated, the cheering stopped. For something unanticipated began to happen. The once-subject peoples, discontented with life in their liberated homelands, began the greatest mass migration in human history. Northward, they came, in the millions, to the First World countries that had held their ancestors in colonial captivity. And the nations of Eu-rope, no longer imperial, no longer great, began to disintegrate.

which is what is happening at our southern border RIGHT NOW
Now we can see clearly that the American tide has begun to recede. We have entered a new world, ”a world of a multiplicity of powers like the world of a century ago, when the British Empire, following the Boer War, found itself divided at home and challenged abroad by rising powers in Asia, Europe, and North America

good job, Sleepy Joe. it started during Obama/Biden and now the decline continues

Hello? Anybody home?

That article is from 10 plus years ago, and it NEVER HAPPENED!
There was no good reason for the decline of America. She could have been the greatest nation on earth for another 100 years. But the cloud of Marxism has yet to fulfill its agenda of a Global, one-world government, and America stood in its way. America HAD to be destroyed or taken out of the way for this power-grab to take place. Obama was certainly a spearhead, but George Soros has long dreamed of America's destruction and has funded many leftist, anti-American organizations and politicians. America's fall isn't a mistake, it's a planned demolition.

If you know anything at all about the Rothschild family -- you know that their vast wealth and influence has a hand in this as well.
"All countries are basically social arrangements, accommodations to changing circumstances. No matter how permanent and even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary….

Within the next hundred years, nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. A phrase briefly fashionable in the mid-20th century, "citizen of the world", will have assumed real meaning by the end of the 21st century" - Strobe Talbot, 1992
Hello? Anybody home?

That article is from 10 plus years ago, and it NEVER HAPPENED!
just because it's a little old doesn't make irrelevant to what's happening today

For example, in 2007, the Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, author of the bestseller Bowling Alone, reported that his five-year study of 30,000 residents in forty-one American cities found that racial and ethnic diversity go hand in hand with Balkanization, a breakdown of community, and a general retreat into social isolation.
Like the fingers of a hand that closes to form the fist, it was when we came together in unity that we became strong, for America was greater than the sum of her parts.

What formed us into one nation and people?
For generations, we worked side by side. Our fathers fought together in the Civil War, Spanish-American War, and the world wars. We went through the Depression together. Though separated by race in the 1950s, there was a definable American nationality:
In 1960, 18 million black Americans, 10 percent of the nation, were not fully integrated into society, but they had been assimilated into our culture. They worshipped the same God, spoke the same language, had endured the same depression and war, watched the same TV shows on the same four channels, laughed at the same comedians, went to the same movies, ate the same foods, read the same newspapers, and went to schools where, even when segregated, we learned the same history and literature and shared the same holidays: Christmas, New Year's, Washington's Birthday, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day. Segregation existed, but black folks were as American as apple pie, having lived in this land longer than almost every other group save the Native Americans.

That cultural unity, that sense we were one people, is gone.

ahhhh, simpler times
In 1915, Theodore Roosevelt warned in a speech to the Knights of Columbus: "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities"

But that is the destination for which America is on course. Before us lies the prospect of two, three, many nations, separate and unequal
Hello? Anybody home?

That article is from 10 plus years ago, and it NEVER HAPPENED!
Nations decline slowly or fast. The U.K. took a century to decline. A century of slower growth that saw the United States take over. We are forty years in or so on that as compared to other nations, especially China which jump started a few decades ago. Our people who make the decisions are hopelessly corrupted. Our military hardware should be shiny newer and reliable. Imagine 30 new Frigates instead of the Littoral Combat Ship that is a laughingstock as one example. We are trying to catch up having to use a European hull. We wasted tens of billions of dollars on the Zumwalt class destroyers. Forcing us to make many more Arleigh burke Class Destroyers using an over 40-year-old hull. We waste so much money.
the greatest cohort of immigrants here today, legal and illegal, is from Mexico. One in five Mexicans is already here. But unlike the immigrants of old, Mexicans bear an ancient grudge against us as the country that robbed Mexico of half her land when both nations were young. By one survey, 72 percent of Mexicans look on Americans as racists. By another, 58 percent of Mexicans believe the American Southwest belongs to them.
for the New World Order to be born, the old republic must die. Loyalty to transnationalism is thus treason to the republic
there was a Zogby poll of six friendly Arab countries: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Only 12 percent of the people in the six nations had a favorable view of the United States; 38 percent named President Trump as the foreign leader they most despised. another 40 percent named Biden

Anyone who dislikes U.S. hegemony should bear in mind that, rather than a multipolar world of competing great powers, a world with no hegemon at all may be the real alternative to U.S. primacy. Apolarity could turn out to mean an anarchic new Dark Age: an age of waning empire and religious fanaticism; of endemic plunder and pillage of the world's forgotten regions; of economic stagnation and civilization's retreat into a few fortified enclaves
Watch as I send Democrats into a panic with this...I traveled across Mexico recently. Their work ethic is off the charts, everyone rich and poor was hustling and working their ass off. My Hispanic friends here in the states ditto. Hispanics will not allow Democrats to trap them in government dependent plantations. If the influx continues the Dem party will shrink to 20%, Hispanics will ally with Conservatives and we'll run the entire show. :muahaha:
the greatest cohort of immigrants here today, legal and illegal, is from Mexico. One in five Mexicans is already here. But unlike the immigrants of old, Mexicans bear an ancient grudge against us as the country that robbed Mexico of half her land when both nations were young. By one survey, 72 percent of Mexicans look on Americans as racists. By another, 58 percent of Mexicans believe the American Southwest belongs to them.
Left to their own devices I would say that the Soutwest given to them would be the same as Mexico is now after a while.
Now we can see clearly that the American tide has begun to recede. We have entered a new world, ”a world of a multiplicity of powers like the world of a century ago, when the British Empire, following the Boer War, found itself divided at home and challenged abroad by rising powers in Asia, Europe, and North America

good job, Sleepy Joe. it started during Obama/Biden and now the decline continues

We need an Office of Propaganda. Perhaps you and Madison Cawthorn can co-chair it.
Just KEEP CUTTING EDUCATION, JUST KEEP CUTTING AND SLASHING FUNDING FOR SCIENCE AND TECH. Keep on electing republicans and we will be so fucking weak that China will role in and fuck us in the ass.
We need an Office of Propaganda. Perhaps you and Madison Cawthorn can co-chair it.
we'd never get any work done. he's gay, single, and good looking, i'm gay, single and good looking. what do you think will happen? maybe me and Ann Coulter instead?
Just KEEP CUTTING EDUCATION, JUST KEEP CUTTING AND SLASHING FUNDING FOR SCIENCE AND TECH. Keep on electing republicans and we will be so fucking weak that China will role in and fuck us in the ass.
california went from top 5 in education to bottom 10....and they never slashed education.....and republicans didnt have much to do with that....

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