The US could Save $5.6B a year if it Switched from Coal to Solar – study

Claiming that moving heat from a panel to a city will cool the planet and trigger an ice age.

Solar panels are mounted rooftop ... in the city ... hire a small airplane and fly over your city ... now imagine every rooftop in Phoenix, Arizona covered in solar panels ... spinning all them meters backwards ... feeding the Western Interconnect during daylight hours ...

Who's stupid enough to put panels on agricultural land? ...
Solar panels are mounted rooftop ... in the city ... hire a small airplane and fly over your city ... now imagine every rooftop in Phoenix, Arizona covered in solar panels ... spinning all them meters backwards ... feeding the Western Interconnect during daylight hours ...

Who's stupid enough to put panels on agricultural land? ...

Don't tell ding that their lower albedo adds more heat to the Earth's system.
Don't tell ding that their lower albedo adds more heat to the Earth's system.

At full output, there would be no albedo ... the panel is receiving the full 1,360 cosine (latitude - 23º) W/m^2 ... during maximum heat island effect ... we use 30% albedo as an average value when calculating climate effects because that includes clouds ... and clouds are absent when we're at peak production ...

How much added heat depends on what we do with the energy ... if we smelt iron with it, then that energy is tied up in the metal, being slowly released as it oxidies back into rust ... when we input energy, we can violate the 3rd Law, and bring more order to our part of the universe ... however, I don't think we're measuring temperature close enough to read this ...

Don't be a fool, install pylons first good chance you get ... [ka'ching] ... lots and lots of future home buyers will pay extra for that feature ...
Claiming that moving heat from a panel to a city will cool the planet and trigger an ice age.
We are already in an ice age. It started 3 million years ago. You can see signs of it every winter when significant portions of NA, Asia and Europe are covered with snow. You greenies are all alike ignoring the consequences of your pet technology.

The issue is replacing a generating source which doesn't capture solar radiation with a technology that does capture solar radiation. Waste heat is the same for both cases.
When you can tell us how cool the panels make it.


I wonder what this statement means?

The MYD11A2 results show constant emissivities before and after solar farm constructions because its land type classification algorithm is not aware of the presence of solar farms.
It means they have satellite data from before the six solar farms were installed and that's what they compared the post solar farm satellite data to for the six sites.

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