The US could Save $5.6B a year if it Switched from Coal to Solar – study

Nothing is 100% efficient (SLoT). So, yes, that would be considered waste heat. But I'm not sure what you are getting at.
no, no, the fact new cables are installed to transport the new electricity is not waste, it is added. That's what you keep missing in this thread.
where are the cables that carry this new collected electricity? You think they don't heat up? How much power are they carrying? My vacuum cleaner makes its cord hot. Wouldn't the cables from the batteries and panels be hot once they are on line?
If you want to believe the efficiency loss offsets the reduction in solar radiation, be my guest. It doesn't.
no, no, the fact new cables are installed to transport the new electricity is not waste, it is added. That's what you keep missing in this thread.
Efficiency losses due to heat loss are low compared to the electricity that was provided to power the grid. That electricity was produced by capturing photons and preventing heat from being created.
all panels store to batteries right? Then the power lines come off the batteries so when the sun goes down, no?
It's been measured by satellites at six solar farms and confirmed by modeling that converting photons into electricity has a corresponding incremental cooling effect because of the energy that was prevented from warming the surface of the planet because it was converted into electricity and used elsewhere.
It's been measured by satellites at six solar farms and confirmed by modeling that converting photons into electricity has a corresponding incremental cooling effect because of the energy that was prevented from warming the surface of the planet because it was converted into electricity and used elsewhere.
what about the cable runs to the grid?

The US could save $5.6B a year if it switched from coal to solar – study

Feb 7, 2022

Solar makes more financial sense than coal​

The authors of the peer-reviewed study from the University of Surrey in the UK point out that even if no other argument, such as fighting climate change, is accepted for the switch from fossil fuels to renewables, then economics should be reason enough to embrace clean energy....

Ravi Silva, director of the Advanced Technology Institute at the University of Surrey and co-author of the study, said:

Electrek’s Take​

Of course, solar needs to be balanced with other sources of clean energy, such as wind and hydro, and battery storage is an essential part of the mix to regulate supply and demand. But what’s overwhelmingly clear is that coal – and indeed, fossil fuels in general – are not only bad for the environment, they’re also a terrible financial choice. That’s the main thrust of this study..

Still waiting on what makes them cheaper. tic, tic
Efficiency losses due to heat loss are low compared to the electricity that was provided to power the grid. That electricity was produced by capturing photons and preventing heat from being created.

That electricity was produced by capturing photons and preventing heat from being created.

Producing electricity doesn't "prevent heat from being created", it moves the heat to the
point of use.
That electricity was produced by capturing photons and preventing heat from being created.

Producing electricity doesn't "prevent heat from being created", it moves the heat to the
point of use.
Even for adiabatic processes?
Because it's already Built you LOW IQ Clown. (note the word "reopen")
and they are in a desperate situation.
And no mention of Fossil Fuels means you are conceding the Big issue.

EDIT: Also note the Troll ToadStoolParrot's Empty Counterclaim/denial above.

California reversed course keeping nuclear power because in your words, solar is better and cheaper.

All we have to do is give 22,000 square miles to the solar industry, just to begin with.

Did you not in a previous post say that amount is impossible? When ignorantly arguing?

Solar is so weak in california they turned to nuclear and importing electricity form out of state and out of country.

But, hey, big money, big corporations, and powerful politicians always win. You get your solar and you get to lie about it.

Millions of destroyed acres and countless dead wildlife is a small price to be paid when government gets to make corporations and banks and themselves filthy rich

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