The US could Save $5.6B a year if it Switched from Coal to Solar – study

Yes, you did claim that. And you afu afk are what you call everyone else, an idiot.

Do you know how to calculate percentages?

People respond to your posts, you call them all kinds of names, you insult them, which to me shows that you really are the stupid one, especially when one considers all the posts we post that proved you wrong and especially when one reads what you just posted and see that you can not do basic math when you have a computer at your fingertips.

All your posts are bullshit, all your ideas are idiotic, and the fact that you cant do math with a computer proves it.

Now that is stupid, getting the math wrong with a computer.
Minor Typo. I corrected in a repost today in another thread.
TOTAL SOLARIZATION would only use .0057 of the USA land or .57%.

The POINT was you were under a TOTAL MISimpression of how much land solar uses.
A HUGE Conceptual Blunder!!

So Big/HUGE you should change positions based on it.
Embarrassed huh!
Pull up your pants, I'm done with you now BOY.

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Well, if you don't have to extract your energy resource, you're ahead of the game as far as generation goes. But there is a shit-ton of money to be made by workers in the extraction industries. What offsets that loss of income? No easy answers.
All Alaskans used to get a fat check every year as a bribe to not interfere with their oil being taken away. Probably still do. Many have survived on that alone. As I'm sure you're aware, the Federal Reserve prints whatever money the MIC and banking industries demand. The national debt has been farce since Nixon separated us from the gold standard. So, yes, turns out there is an easy answer. Just print enough money to keep the sane healthy and happy. Sane = satisfied with enough. AI and robots will replace most jobs soon enough in any case.
All Alaskans used to get a fat check every year as a bribe to not interfere with their oil being taken away. Probably still do. Many have survived on that alone. As I'm sure you're aware, the Federal Reserve prints whatever money the MIC and banking industries demand. The national debt has been farce since Nixon separated us from the gold standard. So, yes, turns out there is an easy answer. Just print enough money to keep the sane healthy and happy. Sane = satisfied with enough. AI and robots will replace most jobs soon enough in any case.

That is an easy answer alright. Easily dismissed as well.
That is an easy answer alright. Easily dismissed as well.
Not really, but you're welcome anyway.
WOW you can't make this shit up. The nut cases are pushing solar panels so hard they aren't even thinking about what they are saying. Solar panels can charge your vehicles over night 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The POINT was you were under a TOTAL MISimpression of how much land solar uses.
A HUGE Conceptual Blunder!!
The huge blunder here, is that you think just because a government bureaucrat states it, it is so.

There is zero reason to believe, what is stated on that website. The part you quote, is nothing more than opinion with zero evidence to support it.

That is pretty piss poor way to debate solar land use. Just find somebody that said it was so.
The huge blunder here, is that you think just because a government bureaucrat states it, it is so.

There is zero reason to believe, what is stated on that website. The part you quote, is nothing more than opinion with zero evidence to support it.

That is pretty piss poor way to debate solar land use. Just find somebody that said it was so.
I think a more appropriate response would have been for you to check the figures yourself. Just calling everything you don't like "a lie" is the absolute height of intellectual laziness. Imitating someone as ignorant as Donald Trump is not going to advance your career in any field.

So: How much solar would it take to power the U.S.?. says 21,250 square miles would do it.
How Much Land is Needed to Power the U.S. with Solar? says 22,000 square miles though they add that Elon Musk thinks modern panels could do it with less than 10,000 square miles.
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ says 10 million acres (15,625 sq mi) would do it)
How Much Land Would it Take To Power The USA with Solar Energy? says it would take 11.2 million acres (17,500 sq mi).

So, I think Abu Afak's numbers are generous. The average of these values gives us 14,400 square miles, or 0.49% of the land area of the continental US. If you think those numbers are wrong, find some you like better and let us know. Just calling it all a lie is pure bullshit on your part.
WOW you can't make this shit up. The nut cases are pushing solar panels so hard they aren't even thinking about what they are saying. Solar panels can charge your vehicles over night 🤣🤣🤣🤣

He probably forgot to mention it would require a battery system and enough panels to run the home during the day and charge the batteries enough to run your home and charge your car at night. Not saying it can't be done but it's more than just solar panels and even then there will be many predictable surprises along the way. Seems like a bad idea to put all of one's eggs in one basket.
He probably forgot to mention it would require a battery system and enough panels to run the home during the day and charge the batteries enough to run your home and charge your car at night. Not saying it can't be done but it's more than just solar panels and even then there will be many predictable surprises along the way. Seems like a bad idea to put all of one's eggs in one basket.
Like you put yours behind fossil fuels?
I think a more appropriate response would have been for you to check the figures yourself. Just calling everything you don't like "a lie" is the absolute height of intellectual laziness. Imitating someone as ignorant as Donald Trump is not going to advance your career in any field.

So: How much solar would it take to power the U.S.?. says 21,250 square miles would do it.
How Much Land is Needed to Power the U.S. with Solar? says 22,000 square miles though they add that Elon Musk thinks modern panels could do it with less than 10,000 square miles.
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ says 10 million acres (15,625 sq mi) would do it)
How Much Land Would it Take To Power The USA with Solar Energy? says it would take 11.2 million acres (17,500 sq mi).

So, I think Abu Afak's numbers are generous. The average of these values gives us 14,400 square miles, or 0.49% of the land area of the continental US. If you think those numbers are wrong, find some you like better and let us know. Just calling it all a lie is pure bullshit on your part.
So you are saying that America could run day and night and charge EV's with 14,400 square miles of solar panels? Or is that only enough to provide daytime power?
Like you put yours behind fossil fuels?
But fossil fuels aren't one basket and have high energy densities and have been proven to be reliable day or night wind or no wind.

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