The US could Save $5.6B a year if it Switched from Coal to Solar – study

Increased productivity is a good thing.
Replacing high productivity fossil fuel jobs with low productivity "green" jobs is a bad thing.
If you keep calling low paying jobs low productivity jobs I'm going to start calling you dummy all of the time.

I worked in the high paying oil and gas industry for 37 years. I saw lots of people who were low productivity employees getting paid well.
Conflating low productivity with low pay is like conflating air pressure with radiation. :lol:
If you keep calling low paying jobs low productivity jobs I'm going to start calling you dummy all of the time.

I worked in the high paying oil and gas industry for 37 years. I saw lots of people who were low productivity employees getting paid well.

I worked in the high paying oil and gas industry for 37 years.

Did the average worker get paid more than a barista? More than a taxi driver?

You're free to post all the low productivity jobs that don't overlap with low pay.

Jobs, not individuals.
I worked in the high paying oil and gas industry for 37 years.

Did the average worker get paid more than a barista? More than a taxi driver?

You're free to post all the low productivity jobs that don't overlap with low pay.

Jobs, not individuals.
There are all kinds of different jobs in any industry. It's a distribution. I couldn't tell you what the admin got paid because I don't know, and I never cared. Some admins were horrible (low productivity) and some admins were awesome (high productivity) but they probably all got paid similar low pay in YOUR so-called (stupidly I might add) high productivity industry.

I don't need to post all the low productivity jobs that don't overlap with low pay. It's idiotic to refer to jobs as being low productivity or high productivity. It's imprecise language. Precise language is that is a high or low paying job. If you want to keep arguing that point, be my guest. That's your mistake to make.

Productivity refers to output not pay or profitability. Those are different things.
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Or conflating lower albedo with cooling.
That's your straw man. You couldn't accept the fact that the lower albedo was not enough to offset the conversion of solar radiation into electricity. It's ironic that you seem to understand "net" when it suits your purpose (you made that argument in another thread) but are obtuse to "net" when it doesn't. Your hypocrisy and dishonesty are off the chart.

The key word is "net".

You don't have enough sand in your pants.
You couldn't accept the fact that the lower albedo was not enough to offset the conversion of solar radiation into electricity.

Right. Because electricity generation lowers the temperature at the panel but electricity usage doesn't raise the temperature.

It's magic!!!

Yes. Jobs that have high productivity, oil and gas extraction, for example, pay more
than the Lesbian Poetry PhD. making your latte is going to get paid. Because she's not as productive.
Did you mean to misspell high profitability? Because that is historically what the oil and gas industry has been, but even so there are oil and gas companies that failed. It's a distribution. You can have a company that produces a lot of oil and gas (highly productive) and they won't necessarily be profitable. It all depends upon how efficient they are and whether or not they made good business decisions. And they have different types of jobs at different levels of pay. And the compensation would have been commensurate with what the market would bear; not with how profitable or unprofitable the company was.

In other words, that Lesbian Poetry PhD making my latte would be getting paid market wages regardless how productive or unproductive she was at her job or how profitable or unprofitable the company was. She just might not keep her job for very long if she were unproductive and/or the company was unprofitable.
Right. Because electricity generation lowers the temperature at the panel but electricity usage doesn't raise the temperature.

It's magic!!!

It's conservation of energy. Any solar radiation converted into electricity is solar radiation that does not warm the surface of the planet. The reduction in solar radiation is not offset by the lower albedo of the solar panel. Therefore, large solar farms induce a regional cooling.

But DURR was probably the best you could come up with.
electricity usage doesn't raise the temperature.
How many times do I need to explain to you that electricity usage is the same in all cases. Whether it is generated from something that captures solar radiation or from something that doesn't capture solar radiation. So relative to the case that does not capture solar radiation, the case that does capture solar radiation will have a net cooling effect. Why is that so difficult for you to grasp?
It's conservation of energy. Any solar radiation converted into electricity is solar radiation that does not warm the surface of the planet. The reduction in solar radiation is not offset by the lower albedo of the solar panel. Therefore, large solar farms induce a regional cooling.

But DURR was probably the best you could come up with.

It's conservation of energy. Any solar radiation converted into electricity is solar radiation that does not warm the surface of the planet.

Right. Does the heat produced when the electricity is used heat the planet?

The reduction in solar radiation is not offset by the lower albedo of the solar panel.

How do you know that? What percentage of the solar radiation is converted into electricity?

What percentage of the solar energy doesn't get reflected by the panel, compared to the surface?

The US could save $5.6B a year if it switched from coal to solar – study

Feb 7, 2022

Solar makes more financial sense than coal​

The authors of the peer-reviewed study from the University of Surrey in the UK point out that even if no other argument, such as fighting climate change, is accepted for the switch from fossil fuels to renewables, then economics should be reason enough to embrace clean energy....

Ravi Silva, director of the Advanced Technology Institute at the University of Surrey and co-author of the study, said:

Electrek’s Take​

Of course, solar needs to be balanced with other sources of clean energy, such as wind and hydro, and battery storage is an essential part of the mix to regulate supply and demand. But what’s overwhelmingly clear is that coal – and indeed, fossil fuels in general – are not only bad for the environment, they’re also a terrible financial choice. That’s the main thrust of this study..

Imagine, if you quote Mr Serling

A world that had heeded Carter's warnings in the 70s.

Had pursued renewable and clean energy,
Imagine an extra 30 years of R&D in EVs, Solar, Wind...
Imagine not invading Iraq
The oil spills that never happened
The environmental damage that never happened

Russia today would have zero leverage
Middle East would be an afterthought

Yet today, 40 years later with the world burning around them the fools still complain about a nickel increase in pump prices.
It's conservation of energy. Any solar radiation converted into electricity is solar radiation that does not warm the surface of the planet. The reduction in solar radiation is not offset by the lower albedo of the solar panel. Therefore, large solar farms induce a regional cooling.

But DURR was probably the best you could come up with.
Have you ever actually been in a solar farm?

Unless you're hiding under the panels there is no impact on local climate. AT ALL.

From Science
"The benefits of solar panels still outweigh their drawbacks, though. Realistic large-scale solar panel coverage could cause less than half a degree of local warming, far less than the several degrees in global temperature rise predicted over the next century if we keep burning fossil fuels."


Try boning up on thermodynamics, meteorology,
How many times do I need to explain to you that electricity usage is the same in all cases. Whether it is generated from something that captures solar radiation or from something that doesn't capture solar radiation. So relative to the case that does not capture solar radiation, the case that does capture solar radiation will have a net cooling effect. Why is that so difficult for you to grasp?
It doesn't reduce heating; it relocates it.

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