The US Flag Is Now School Contraband

I don't care!

The admin had a problem to deal with, they had children using the flag to taunt other children, so he banned all flags. They did what they felt was right, and someone who doesn't work there, or really have any idea what kind of problems they have, shouldn't really decide what the best decsion is in this case.
Some of the people are so hung up on their "patriotism", that they can't look at each situation seperatly.

That is exactly what school officials should be doing.... not ZERO tollerance.

They are too chickenshit to deal with the troublemakers (anchor babies and rednecks).... so they just ban everything.

Way to go :clap2:
It's the typical totalitarian response.

If a few people do something "wrong", preemptively punish the innocent by forbidding benign behavior.

:lol: Kind of like the way we treat Mexicans? I bet you are okay with the new laws in Arizona and other states. How about keeping gays out of the military?

Being in the country illegally, regardless of country or origin, is still illegal. Mexicans who are here legally have my full support and welcome. The ones who aren't are breaking the law. I don't support punishing the legal ones.

I am not a supporter of Don't Ask Don't Tell.

But thank you for yet another feeble attempt at Moral Relativism.

Now, back to the boy's first amendment rights....
Hey Luissa

Do you think this little girl should have not gone to school because she could get her ass kicked too?


No, but I bet you think she should have not been allowed to go to school because she was black.

Wow. That is really a disgusting comment.
At some California schools, and from the sounds of it at this one also, kids flaunted the American flag on Cinco De Mayo. ;) Hence the ban on ALL flags.

Assholes "flaunt" flags at the olympics all the time.

I don't care!

The admin had a problem to deal with, they had children using the flag to taunt other children, so he banned all flags. They did what they felt was right, and someone who doesn't work there, or really have any idea what kind of problems they have, shouldn't really decide what the best decsion is in this case.
Some of the people are so hung up on their "patriotism", that they can't look at each situation seperatly.

If kids were taunting each other with flags then it seems the problem lies with the behavior of the kids not the flags. By banning flags we are overlooking the real problem which is kids with no discipline or accountability. Regardless what the situation or problem is banning the American flag is never Constitutional. To wear or display the American flag is a right that should be protected at all cost.
it's not about it being racist. it's about them having racial tensions at the school and trying to keep them tamped down. i think they went overboard. but honestly? i think flying a flag from one's bike is silly and you have to ask why the kid is doing it.

Because he has respect for his country and is proud of it?
It's the typical totalitarian response.

If a few people do something "wrong", preemptively punish the innocent by forbidding benign behavior.

:lol: Kind of like the way we treat Mexicans? I bet you are okay with the new laws in Arizona and other states. How about keeping gays out of the military?
Well, just because you treat mexicans like shit, don't lump us all into that garbage by saying "how WE treat mexicans'".

I treat mexicans with respect. I've hired many through the years. As long as they are here legally, they deserve it. If they came in and applied and I found out they were here illegally, I immediately called INS (now ice) because it's absolutely the right thing to do.

And yes, I fully support the Arizona law. I also support the mirroring FEDERAL LAW that is not being properly enforced.
Well with kids anything can go over the top. They seek out conflict and will use any means to achieve it.

If you have a bunch of prepubes looking to start fights and cause problems by staging mini-wars between the Hispanics and the non-Hispanics, then I think it's appropriate to start paring down their privileges (remember, kids in the lower echelons of education really don't have the rights we enjoy. They are subject to the rules and restrictions of their families and their schools, regardless of the extent to which their freedom of speech is impaired). If they're taunting each other with flags (and they are inventive....he probably is flying it on his bike BECAUSE there's a rule banning it at school, and he probably rides that bike past every Hispanic in the school on his way to park it. Kids are kids). and he's figured out a way to still fly it without getting dinged for it.

So of course the Mexican kids are going to be torked, and report it. So honestly, if this is the scenario, and it sounds like it is, and if the Hispanic kids really were told to put away their flags as well, I think it's an appropriate action meant to prevent resentment and violence between kids who are clueless. The parents shouldn't buy into it, and should support the school's decision, if it's reasonable, or remove their kids from the school, if it's not. It sounds to me like the parents were sort of holding back on judgment with their comments; they said they wanted to talk to the principal and see what was going on, and voiced no negative comments about anyone else.

So the jury's out. If it came out of the blue for a perfectly innocent act of patriotism that's one thing. If it really is an issue, that's another. The principal could have done the parents the courtesy of contacting them, though, and explaining the situation.
Kid gets beat up for flying American flag ... blame the kid for incitment.

Women in skimpy outfit gets raped walking home from nightclub ... blame the women for incitment.

Same fucking thing!!!!!!!!!

no. the violent person is always the one responsible for his/her actions.

but it sounds, from what i read, that the flags were almost like gang colors in this particular school. the school has a responsibility to keep things ordered. i suspect they figured that would do it is all.

Yeah, but according to you his parents are racist against Mexicans.

BTW, the administration at the school backed down and decided that this boy flying his American flag on his bike is now fine. And guess when that happened? Right after the press asked the administrator for an interview.

Further, someone should really take all the kids aside and explain that the school itself flies under an American flag, is funded by American dollars, and as such, it is not appropriate to fly the flags of other nations on school grounds because it implies that those kids' first loyalty is to another country other than the one they reside it, the one that is paying their tuition, and that is divisive and offensive to many. Unless you're a foreign exchange student, it's inappropriate to expect anyone to show your flag more respect than the American flag, and it's wrong to flaunt the flags of other countries in a school setting, with the express intention of insulting the people who are your classmates and who are paying for your education.

Then the admin should also speak sternly to the kids flying the American flag and say look, we fly an American flag on our schoolgrounds. The school itself pays homage to it, we pledge allegience to it, and there is no reason to plaster your persons and school property with it, simply in response to the inappropriate actions of others. Let us continue to say the pledge, to fly our flag on the ground, to fund your education, and concentrate on your schoolwork. Do not use the flag as a gang symbol, this also disrespects the flag and all it stands for.

I really need to go to that school and kick the asses of everyone within reach.
Protect the kid my ass!

This is nothing more than a disgusting attempt by the liberal dominated school system in this state to squash patriotism.

Christ, if these fucking loony liberal idiots aren't trying to ban fucking TOYS in kids meals, they're trying to squash a kids RIGHT to show patriotism.

Bottom line:

Stay the fuck out of our lives, you loony liberal moonbat freaks!

i have a better idea... why don't you stay out of OUR lives you loony rightwingnut freaks.


because elections have consequences,, dippy

No, no...only elections that Democrats win have consequences. Elections that Republicans win are clear calls for bipartisanship.

And yes, some idiots on the left were saying that. :lol:
Kid gets beat up for flying American flag ... blame the kid for incitment.

Women in skimpy outfit gets raped walking home from nightclub ... blame the women for incitment.

Same fucking thing!!!!!!!!!

no. the violent person is always the one responsible for his/her actions.

but it sounds, from what i read, that the flags were almost like gang colors in this particular school. the school has a responsibility to keep things ordered. i suspect they figured that would do it is all.

Yeah, but according to you his parents are racist against Mexicans.

BTW, the administration at the school backed down and decided that this boy flying his American flag on his bike is now fine. And guess when that happened? Right after the press asked the administrator for an interview.


Citizens rights prevailed......Liberal oppression lost!

That's always a good thing!

Now put those damn toys back in those Happy Meals, and let the parents be the PARENT!
i have a better idea... why don't you stay out of OUR lives you loony rightwingnut freaks.


because elections have consequences,, dippy

No, no...only elections that Democrats win have consequences. Elections that Republicans win are clear calls for bipartisanship.

And yes, some idiots on the left were saying that. :lol:

Actually, elections that Republicans win are stolen. EVERYONE knows that no one would willingly vote against their own best interest.
i think they went overboard. but honestly? i think flying a flag from one's bike is silly and you have to ask why the kid is doing it.

Your'e a twit.

From your own sig is your answer:

When the Founding Fathers protected our right to free speech, I think that meant we were supposed to use it.
As a soldier I had always believed that the greatest threat to our country and our INDIVIDUAL freedoms, came from outsiders such terrorist and other extremist groups; however I have come to realize the greatest threat comes from within by way of our own citizens who either don't understand or don't care truly care about our American values. As an immigrant if you are not willing to pick up the American flag and embraces our culture and our values; then why did you come here? I am asking to seriously think about that. This is the land of opportunity but it will only stay that way if we maintain our individual rights, our freedom, our values and most importantly our patrotism.

Our "american values" is that we have the freedom not to agree with what you think our "values" should be.

Thank you for your service. Now remember what you fought for wasn't some absurd homogeneous non-existant pretend 'patriotic' movie version of the U.S. You fought for imperfect people with imperfect ideas. And what the constitution protects IS those unpleasant and imperfect ideas because it wouldn't have been needed to protect the pleasant and "perfect.


I cannot believe I actually read this entire thread - but I was mesmerized by the idiocy running rampant throughout.

This particular post, though, is pure arrogant snottiness, ungrateful and truly representative of the contempt and disrespect of the far left toward our military. My son frequently reminds me he is also protecting the rights of the very people who curse him and his brothers in arms, spit on them, revile their very existence - and it just pisses the shit out of me. But he's right. I think of him every day and thank him for what he and his fellow soldiers do for this country. They're the best and bravest this country has to offer.

As for "some absurd homogeneous non-existant pretend 'patriotic' movie version of the U.S." you must mean those produced by Oliver Stone, Michael Moore and their ilk.
As a soldier I had always believed that the greatest threat to our country and our INDIVIDUAL freedoms, came from outsiders such terrorist and other extremist groups; however I have come to realize the greatest threat comes from within by way of our own citizens who either don't understand or don't care truly care about our American values. As an immigrant if you are not willing to pick up the American flag and embraces our culture and our values; then why did you come here? I am asking to seriously think about that. This is the land of opportunity but it will only stay that way if we maintain our individual rights, our freedom, our values and most importantly our patrotism.

Our "american values" is that we have the freedom not to agree with what you think our "values" should be.

Thank you for your service. Now remember what you fought for wasn't some absurd homogeneous non-existant pretend 'patriotic' movie version of the U.S. You fought for imperfect people with imperfect ideas. And what the constitution protects IS those unpleasant and imperfect ideas because it wouldn't have been needed to protect the pleasant and "perfect.


I cannot believe I actually read this entire thread - but I was mesmerized by the idiocy running rampant throughout.

This particular post, though, is pure arrogant snottiness, ungrateful and truly representative of the contempt and disrespect of the far left toward our military. My son frequently reminds me he is also protecting the rights of the very people who curse him and his brothers in arms, spit on them, revile their very existence - and it just pisses the shit out of me. But he's right. I think of him every day and thank him for what he and his fellow soldiers do for this country. They're the best and bravest this country has to offer.

As for "some absurd homogeneous non-existant pretend 'patriotic' movie version of the U.S." you must mean those produced by Oliver Stone, Michael Moore and their ilk.

Zing!! Damn - I must have hit a nerve - got a bad rep slap and a "braindead loon" from Jillian. *sighs*
poor dear. :cuckoo:

why do rightwingnuts do that? i've never quite understood it.... whine and cry and advertise when they're negged... do you do that when you get pos rep.

i thought not.

and no, you hit no nerve. but you are ignorant and racist. so there ya go.
if it bothered you so much, i must have done something right.

loon. :cuckoo:

i can't stand pretend patriots who haven't a cluse what we're supposed to be about.

I assure you jillian my patriotism is not some "some absurd homogeneous non-existant pretend 'patriotic' movie version of the U.S. " it is very real! It is my right as a citizen to carry or display the American flag anywhere in our country I dam well please and I will do so proudly. That is a right that I will not give up under any circumstances and will gladly take a bullet for. I refuse to believe that to feel that way is "absurd" and I also believe that 90% of the people that I serve with feel the same way. Quite frankly I find it apalling that anyone would try to argue that. There are many issues that I am willing to compromise and listen to alternative views but this one is so basic and so essential.

Lets break this down to a single point. Would you Jillian agree that it is every American citizens right to carry or display the Flag anywhere any time?
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