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The USA is creating Terror worldwide.


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
North Missisippi
The following is a portion of an article written by Ken Sanders. Ken is rather apolitical but writes with great intelligence and foresight. I worry for the safety of our country and the reputation of it's citizens. I hope that I will not be judged for the incompentencies that are being demonstrated by the present American leadership. Here's a piece of the article:

Pandora's Box

September 22, 2005
By Ken Sanders

You have to hand it to the Bush administration. No matter how bad things might be in Iraq, and no matter how dim the prospects are for Iraq's future, Bush & Co. still manage to look the public straight in the eye, smirk, and insist that the decision to invade Iraq was a good one. Call them determined, even stubborn. Call them dishonest, perhaps delusional. Regardless, the fact is that by invading Iraq, the Bush administration opened a Pandora's Box with global consequences.

Bush and his apologists have frequently promised that the invasion of Iraq will spread democracy and stability throughout the entire Middle East. That naive declaration could not be farther from the truth. Not only is Iraq itself in the clutches of a civil war, the U.S.-led invasion threatens to destabilize the whole of the Middle East, if not the world. It may have irrevocably done so already.

By most definitions and standards, Iraq is already in the throes of civil war. Whether defined as an internal conflict resulting in at least 1,000 combat-related fatalities, five percent of which are sustained by government and rebel forces; or as organized violence designed to change the governance of a country; or as a systematic and coordinated sectarian-based conflict; the requirements of civil war have long since been satisfied.

While our television screens are saturated by images of chaos and death in Iraq, the stories beneath the images are even more disturbing. Purely sectarian attacks, largely between Iraq's Sunni and Shiite populations, have been rising dramatically for months. According to Iraqi government statistics, such "targeted" attacks have doubled over the past twelve months. Police in Iraq are finding scores of bodies littering the streets, bodies of people who were blindfolded or handcuffed, shot or beheaded. The Baghdad morgue is constantly overwhelmed by bodies showing tell-tale signs of torture and gradual, drawn-out, agonizing death.

In Baghdad, Sunni neighborhoods live in fear of Shiite death squads like the Iranian-backed Badr Brigade of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), Iraq's leading Shiite governing coalition. Such death squads operate openly, in full uniform, and with the deliberate ignorance, if not outright sanction, of the Iraqi government. On a single day in August, the bodies of 36 Sunni Arabs were found blindfolded, handcuffed, tortured and executed in a dry riverbed in the Shiite-dominated Wasit province.

At the other end, Shiites face each day burdened by the terror and trauma of being the targets of constant suicide bombings. The army and police recruits killed by suicide bombs are predominantly Shia. In Ramadi, a Sunni stronghold, Shiites are fleeing their homes, driven out by murder and intimidation. On August 17, 43 Shiites were killed by bombings at a bus stop and then at the hospital where the casualties were to be treated.

There are less-violent examples of the deepening rifts between Iraq's Sunnis and Shiites since the U.S.-led invasion. By some estimates, nearly half of the weddings performed in Baghdad before the invasion were of mixed Sunni/Shiite couples. Since the invasion and its resulting instability and strife, such mixed weddings are all but extinct. This new-found reluctance of Sunnis and Shiites to marry each other is just another indication of the increasing isolation and animosity between the two populations.

The recently finalized Iraqi constitution does little to bridge Iraq's growing sectarian divides. The culmination of sectarian feuds passing for political debates, Iraq's constitution only ratifies the sectarian divisions of the nation. In the north are the Kurds who long ago abandoned their Iraqi identity, refusing to even fly the Iraqi flag. In the south is a burgeoning Shiite Islamic state, patterned after and influenced by Iran. Both groups have divvied up Iraq's oil reserves amongst themselves. Left in the nation's oil-free center are the Sunni Arabs, dismissed as obstructionist by the Kurds and Shiites. So unconcerned are the Kurds and Shiites with a unified Iraq that they both maintain their own large and heavily-armed militias.

Of course, the constitution still has to be ratified. If it is ratified, it will likely be by a Shiite/Kurdish minority, effectively maintaining the status quo that motivates, in part, the Sunni-led insurgency. If, on the other hand, the constitution is defeated, there's little reason not to believe that the three major factions in Iraq won't resort to forcibly taking what they want. Either way, in the words of one Iraqi civilian, "God help us."

The discord in Iraq is not limited to fighting between Shiites and Sunnis. In Basra, for instance, rival Shiite militia groups constantly fight each other. The notorious Badr Brigade, backed by SCIRI, have repeatedly clashed with dissident cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi militia. The Badr Brigade frequently works in conjunction with Basra police and are suspected of recently kidnapping and killing two journalists. Suspecting that the Basra police have been infiltrated by both the Badr and Mehdi militias, the British military sent in two undercover operatives to make arrests. The British operatives were themselves arrested by the Basra police. When the British went to liberate their men, they found themselves exchanging fire with the Basra police, their heretofore allies, and smashing through the prison walls with armored vehicles.

Iraqis aren't merely growing increasingly alienated from each other, as well as progressively opposed to coalition forces. Iraq's estrangement from the rest of the Middle East and the Arab world is widening as well. Seen more and more as a proxy of the Iranian government, the Shiite/Kurd dominated Iraq finds itself at odds with the Sunni-dominated Middle East. For instance, since the U.S.-led invasion, not a single Middle East nation has sent an ambassador to Baghdad. And, despite promises to do so, the Arab League (of which Iraq was a founder) has yet to open a Baghdad office.

There are, clearly, many reasons other than sectarianism for Iraq's estrangement from the Middle East and Arab nations, security being the foremost. However, Iraqi diplomacy, or lack thereof, is also to blame. From chiding Qatar for sending aid to Katrina victims but not to Iraq, to arguing with Kuwait over border issues, to blaming Syria for the insurgency, Iraq's fledgling government seems to have taken diplomacy lessons from the Bush administration. In fact, with the exception of Iran, Iraq has butted heads recently with nearly every Middle East nation.

Iraq's constitution hasn't won it any friends in the Arab world, either. For instance, Iraq drew strong condemnation from the Arab world when a draft of its constitution read that just "its Arab people are part of the Arab nation." Only after the outcry from the Arab League and numerous Arab nations, did Iraq change its constitution's offending language. (The argument by Bush's apologists that the Iraqi constitution's alleged enshrinement of democratic principles threatens neighboring countries is unconvincing. Syria and Egypt both have constitutions that "guarantee" political and individual freedoms. In practice, however, such guarantees have proven meaningless. Why, then, should they feel threatened?)

Iraq's varied relationships with Middle Eastern nations will be immeasurably significant should Iraq descend further into civil war. For example, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Jordan would most likely come to the support of Iraq's Sunnis. (There are already signs that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq has impacted Saudi Arabia's Sunni population. According to a recent study, the invasion of Iraq has radicalized previously non-militant Saudis, sickened by the occupation of an Arab nation by non-Arabs.) Iran would only increase its already staunch support for Iraq's Shiites. Turkey would also likely be drawn in, hoping to prevent any Kurdish success in Iraq from spilling across its border. Moreover, Iraq's violent Sunni-Shiite discord could easily spark similar strife in Middle East countries like Bahrain, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.

In such a worst-case scenario, Iraq's instability would spread and infect an already unstable region. If the Gulf region were to further destabilize, so too would the global economy as oil prices would skyrocket, plunging the U.S. and so many others into recession.

Put another way, Bush's illegal, ill-conceived, short-sighted, and naive venture in Iraq could reasonably result in total chaos in not just Iraq and the Middle East, but the world over.

A Pandora's Box, if there ever was one.

Just give it all a thought. It may, however, cause one's brain to grow.

Psychoblues said:
The following is a portion of an article written by Ken Sanders. Ken is rather apolitical but writes with great intelligence and foresight. I worry for the safety of our country and the reputation of it's citizens. I hope that I will not be judged for the incompentencies that are being demonstrated by the present American leadership. Here's a piece of the article:

Pandora's Box

September 22, 2005
By Ken Sanders

You have to hand it to the Bush administration. No matter how bad things might be in Iraq, and no matter how dim the prospects are for Iraq's future, Bush & Co. still manage to look the public straight in the eye, smirk, and insist that the decision to invade Iraq was a good one. Call them determined, even stubborn. Call them dishonest, perhaps delusional. Regardless, the fact is that by invading Iraq, the Bush administration opened a Pandora's Box with global consequences.

Bush and his apologists have frequently promised that the invasion of Iraq will spread democracy and stability throughout the entire Middle East. That naive declaration could not be farther from the truth. Not only is Iraq itself in the clutches of a civil war, the U.S.-led invasion threatens to destabilize the whole of the Middle East, if not the world. It may have irrevocably done so already.

By most definitions and standards, Iraq is already in the throes of civil war. Whether defined as an internal conflict resulting in at least 1,000 combat-related fatalities, five percent of which are sustained by government and rebel forces; or as organized violence designed to change the governance of a country; or as a systematic and coordinated sectarian-based conflict; the requirements of civil war have long since been satisfied.

While our television screens are saturated by images of chaos and death in Iraq, the stories beneath the images are even more disturbing. Purely sectarian attacks, largely between Iraq's Sunni and Shiite populations, have been rising dramatically for months. According to Iraqi government statistics, such "targeted" attacks have doubled over the past twelve months. Police in Iraq are finding scores of bodies littering the streets, bodies of people who were blindfolded or handcuffed, shot or beheaded. The Baghdad morgue is constantly overwhelmed by bodies showing tell-tale signs of torture and gradual, drawn-out, agonizing death.

In Baghdad, Sunni neighborhoods live in fear of Shiite death squads like the Iranian-backed Badr Brigade of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), Iraq's leading Shiite governing coalition. Such death squads operate openly, in full uniform, and with the deliberate ignorance, if not outright sanction, of the Iraqi government. On a single day in August, the bodies of 36 Sunni Arabs were found blindfolded, handcuffed, tortured and executed in a dry riverbed in the Shiite-dominated Wasit province.

At the other end, Shiites face each day burdened by the terror and trauma of being the targets of constant suicide bombings. The army and police recruits killed by suicide bombs are predominantly Shia. In Ramadi, a Sunni stronghold, Shiites are fleeing their homes, driven out by murder and intimidation. On August 17, 43 Shiites were killed by bombings at a bus stop and then at the hospital where the casualties were to be treated.

There are less-violent examples of the deepening rifts between Iraq's Sunnis and Shiites since the U.S.-led invasion. By some estimates, nearly half of the weddings performed in Baghdad before the invasion were of mixed Sunni/Shiite couples. Since the invasion and its resulting instability and strife, such mixed weddings are all but extinct. This new-found reluctance of Sunnis and Shiites to marry each other is just another indication of the increasing isolation and animosity between the two populations.

The recently finalized Iraqi constitution does little to bridge Iraq's growing sectarian divides. The culmination of sectarian feuds passing for political debates, Iraq's constitution only ratifies the sectarian divisions of the nation. In the north are the Kurds who long ago abandoned their Iraqi identity, refusing to even fly the Iraqi flag. In the south is a burgeoning Shiite Islamic state, patterned after and influenced by Iran. Both groups have divvied up Iraq's oil reserves amongst themselves. Left in the nation's oil-free center are the Sunni Arabs, dismissed as obstructionist by the Kurds and Shiites. So unconcerned are the Kurds and Shiites with a unified Iraq that they both maintain their own large and heavily-armed militias.

Of course, the constitution still has to be ratified. If it is ratified, it will likely be by a Shiite/Kurdish minority, effectively maintaining the status quo that motivates, in part, the Sunni-led insurgency. If, on the other hand, the constitution is defeated, there's little reason not to believe that the three major factions in Iraq won't resort to forcibly taking what they want. Either way, in the words of one Iraqi civilian, "God help us."

The discord in Iraq is not limited to fighting between Shiites and Sunnis. In Basra, for instance, rival Shiite militia groups constantly fight each other. The notorious Badr Brigade, backed by SCIRI, have repeatedly clashed with dissident cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi militia. The Badr Brigade frequently works in conjunction with Basra police and are suspected of recently kidnapping and killing two journalists. Suspecting that the Basra police have been infiltrated by both the Badr and Mehdi militias, the British military sent in two undercover operatives to make arrests. The British operatives were themselves arrested by the Basra police. When the British went to liberate their men, they found themselves exchanging fire with the Basra police, their heretofore allies, and smashing through the prison walls with armored vehicles.

Iraqis aren't merely growing increasingly alienated from each other, as well as progressively opposed to coalition forces. Iraq's estrangement from the rest of the Middle East and the Arab world is widening as well. Seen more and more as a proxy of the Iranian government, the Shiite/Kurd dominated Iraq finds itself at odds with the Sunni-dominated Middle East. For instance, since the U.S.-led invasion, not a single Middle East nation has sent an ambassador to Baghdad. And, despite promises to do so, the Arab League (of which Iraq was a founder) has yet to open a Baghdad office.

There are, clearly, many reasons other than sectarianism for Iraq's estrangement from the Middle East and Arab nations, security being the foremost. However, Iraqi diplomacy, or lack thereof, is also to blame. From chiding Qatar for sending aid to Katrina victims but not to Iraq, to arguing with Kuwait over border issues, to blaming Syria for the insurgency, Iraq's fledgling government seems to have taken diplomacy lessons from the Bush administration. In fact, with the exception of Iran, Iraq has butted heads recently with nearly every Middle East nation.

Iraq's constitution hasn't won it any friends in the Arab world, either. For instance, Iraq drew strong condemnation from the Arab world when a draft of its constitution read that just "its Arab people are part of the Arab nation." Only after the outcry from the Arab League and numerous Arab nations, did Iraq change its constitution's offending language. (The argument by Bush's apologists that the Iraqi constitution's alleged enshrinement of democratic principles threatens neighboring countries is unconvincing. Syria and Egypt both have constitutions that "guarantee" political and individual freedoms. In practice, however, such guarantees have proven meaningless. Why, then, should they feel threatened?)

Iraq's varied relationships with Middle Eastern nations will be immeasurably significant should Iraq descend further into civil war. For example, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Jordan would most likely come to the support of Iraq's Sunnis. (There are already signs that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq has impacted Saudi Arabia's Sunni population. According to a recent study, the invasion of Iraq has radicalized previously non-militant Saudis, sickened by the occupation of an Arab nation by non-Arabs.) Iran would only increase its already staunch support for Iraq's Shiites. Turkey would also likely be drawn in, hoping to prevent any Kurdish success in Iraq from spilling across its border. Moreover, Iraq's violent Sunni-Shiite discord could easily spark similar strife in Middle East countries like Bahrain, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.

In such a worst-case scenario, Iraq's instability would spread and infect an already unstable region. If the Gulf region were to further destabilize, so too would the global economy as oil prices would skyrocket, plunging the U.S. and so many others into recession.

Put another way, Bush's illegal, ill-conceived, short-sighted, and naive venture in Iraq could reasonably result in total chaos in not just Iraq and the Middle East, but the world over.

A Pandora's Box, if there ever was one.

Just give it all a thought. It may, however, cause one's brain to grow.


US Message Board > USA Chat > War on Terrorism
Shssh... Quiet,This will upset the left....
Welcome, Stephanie.
Iraqis Making Commitment to Secure Democratic Future
American Forces Press Service ^ | Sep 23, 2005 | Kathleen T. Rhe

WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2005 – Iraqi officials estimate 93 to 96 percent of eligible Iraqis have registered to vote in the country's constitutional referendum and national elections, a U.S. general in Iraq announced. In a news conference from Baghdad Sept. 22, Army Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, a spokesman for Multinational Force Iraq, talked about "amazing results" in a recent voter-registration drive. He noted that only 72 percent of eligible Americans are registered to vote.

"So the people of Iraq, like the people of Afghanistan, are moving towards democracy," he said. Afghanistan held successful provincial elections Sept. 18. "Democracy in action," Lynch said, "and that is so exciting."

Much of Iraq is secure enough to carry out elections without incident. Lynch noted that 85 percent of attacks in the country take place in only four of the 18 provinces: Baghdad, Anbar, Ninevah and Salahuddin. Forty percent of the Iraqi population lives in these provinces, he said.

The other 14 provinces average less than one attack per day. In contrast, Baghdad averages 26 attacks per day; Anbar, 24.

The general explained the insurgency in Iraq has three components: terrorists and foreign fighters, Iraqi "rejectionists," and Iraqis still loyal to deposed dictator Saddam Hussein. Officials believe foreign fighters entering Iraq from Syria through the Euphrates River Valley "account for the majority of the horrific acts of violence against the people of Iraq."

Still, successes are piling up. For several months Iraqi security forces and coalition troops have been conducting combined operations to help secure the border and return it to Iraqi control. Operations have centered around Qaim, Rawah, Haditha, Hit, Ramadi and Fallujah.

Iraqi civilians led coalition forces in Haditha to a car-bomb factory Sept. 16. U.S. Air Force planes destroyed the site with precision-guided munitions after ground troops confirmed the site was full of "vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices" in various stages of completion, Lynch said.

Since March, coalition and Iraqi forces have captured 325 foreign fighters and killed another 300, Lynch said. The capture of several high-profile terrorist leaders and facilitators in Fallujah, Ramadi and Mosul also is yielding positive results in those areas. For example, Mosul has seen a 70 percent reduction in car-bomb attacks in the past several months, he said.

The Iraqi government is making its own progress as well. Over the past six weeks, Iraq's central criminal court has prosecuted 54 foreign fighters for illegal entry into the country, among other crimes. Fifteen of those individuals received life sentences for their crimes.

Lynch called this "a clear indication that the sovereign government of Iraq is working to re-establish control of their borders and won't tolerate people coming in from outside nations to conduct these horrific acts of violence."

More than 350 calls poured in to the national tips hotline during the first week of September, Lynch said, adding that the majority of the calls provided solid intelligence.

"The people of Iraq have united to say, 'We're not going to tolerate the insurgency in our country any more,'" he said.

You noticed the article I posted didn't have, Bush did this, or Bush did that?? Hummm , just a thought, physhobabllll, I' mean blues....
So your position is what? Have you not read the excerpt? Actually, I hadn't read your post. I didn't say anything either about what Bush did or didn't do. Personally, I don't think Bush does much at all. He is certainly not the workhorse or brainchild of his father whom, by the way, I voted for.

Psychoblues said:
So your position is what? Have you not read the excerpt? Actually, I hadn't read your post. I didn't say anything either about what Bush did or didn't do. Personally, I don't think Bush does much at all. He is certainly not the workhorse or brainchild of his father whom, by the way, I voted for.


Huh?? So you must of read my post...
I read your feeble attempt to double post by referencing it in your reply to me. What in the good lord's name is your point? Do you support the Military view of things or do you have questions or do you just not care?

Psychoblues said:
I read your feeble attempt to double post by referencing it in your reply to me. What in the good lord's name is your point? Do you support the Military view of things or do you have questions or do you just not care?


Then maybe you should read you feeble post, you started this thread with???? :funnyface
Psychoblues said:

Your opinion is important to me. You refuse to share and that's OK. Thanks for keeping this topic kicked up.


Stephanie is very good at posting articles without providing any synthesis of her own. Oh, and she's good at bashing those of us who do not agree with her.
ProudDem said:
Stephanie is very good at posting articles without providing any synthesis of her own. Oh, and she's good at bashing those of us who do not agree with her.
Sounds like a typical rightwinger to me. Thanks ProudDem. I'll remember you in my prayers.

Psychoblues said:
Sounds like a typical rightwinger to me. Thanks ProudDem. I'll remember you in my prayers.


Psychoblues, I tried to send you a private message but it says that you have exceeded your space. Would you be willing to delete some of the messages? They allow only 20. :)
ProudDem said:
Stephanie is very good at posting articles without providing any synthesis of her own. Oh, and she's good at bashing those of us who do not agree with her.
Some folks do that here just to pass on info--Stephanie has posted many personal opinions and observations. If you would look at the history of her postings you would know that.
ProudDem said:
Psychoblues, I tried to send you a private message but it says that you have exceeded your space. Would you be willing to delete some of the messages? They allow only 20. :)

Awwwwww! How cute. :)
ProudDem said:
Stephanie is very good at posting articles without providing any synthesis of her own. Oh, and she's good at bashing those of us who do not agree with her.

Stephanie has been around longer than you, she posts all sorts of things. You on the other didn't offer anything but the above either, Ms. Pot.
The recently finalized Iraqi constitution does little to bridge Iraq's growing sectarian divides. The culmination of sectarian feuds passing for political debates, Iraq's constitution only ratifies the sectarian divisions of the nation. In the north are the Kurds who long ago abandoned their Iraqi identity, refusing to even fly the Iraqi flag. In the south is a burgeoning Shiite Islamic state, patterned after and influenced by Iran. Both groups have divvied up Iraq's oil reserves amongst themselves. Left in the nation's oil-free center are the Sunni Arabs, dismissed as obstructionist by the Kurds and Shiites. So unconcerned are the Kurds and Shiites with a unified Iraq that they both maintain their own large and heavily-armed militias.

Civil conflict, I think this was the biggest risk and threat to the middle east, both then and now.
Said1 said:
Civil conflict, I think this was the biggest risk and threat to the middle east, both then and now.

And this is exactly what GWB also knew as a risk but ignored it's significance due to his own ignorance of world affairs and general politics beyond Texas. His military education, experience and attitude demonstate a total disconnect from reality.

Psychoblues said:
And this is exactly what GWB also knew as a risk but ignored it's significance due to his own ignorance of world affairs and general politics beyond Texas. His military education, experience and attitude demonstate a total disconnect from reality.


How so?

If the present war in Iraq was purely a civil conflict, what do you think the regional (mid east in it's entirty) and global consquences would be if a theocratic regime toppled Saddam?

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