The USMB Nostradamus predicts...


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
...on healthcare:

Very shortly after Obamacare is in full effect, the healthcare system in this country will be in major trouble. A vast influx of patients, overwhelming hosptials and doctors, insurance companies going out of business, and employers ending the health care bennies, will destroy the healthcare system.

Not to worry, it is all by design.

When things are rapidly crumbling, barack hussein obama will swoop down from above and "recscue" healthcare in this country by taking it over. Ten he will have his single-payer system, the government will control 16th of the economy, and obama will blame the fall on capitalism.

Don't doubt me.
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On a purely selfish note, I am in the medical profession (not a doctor) and my specialization is valuable to any healthcare system. if my prognostications are correct, and they are, I'll be a government employee with all the perks and salary. By that time I'll be about 10 years from retirement and I can say adios suckers.

Elections have consequences people and I'm a survivor. Fuck you Hussein and fuck you liberals. if this is what your utopia looks like then I'll take full advantage of it and point at you and laugh.

Stupid fuckers.
yeah, and you predicted a Romney/Ryan landslide too


ypur credibility has been in the toilet for ages. now it's been flushed.

Hey moron, point to where i predicted that.

I have been saying since November of 2008 that obama would get two terms. As usual, you don't have a clue what you are saying.

Well, at least we finally have a right winger admit that ObamaCare is not 'government run medicine'. Its a start.

If you really worked in medicine, you would know that profit driven hospitals can't go on forever with huge losses on their P&L. You would also know that those losses are directly caused by EMTALA. The more freeloaders on the system, the bigger the losses. You rw's want your free health care but you never stop to think about who is paying for it.
yeah, and you predicted a Romney/Ryan landslide too


ypur credibility has been in the toilet for ages. now it's been flushed.

Hey moron, point to where i predicted that.

I have been saying since November of 2008 that obama would get two terms. As usual, you don't have a clue what you are saying.


btw, having problems keeping to your word?

So, what's your post-election plan? Going to bail like a lot of the conservatives, or stay and take your licks?

Don't fret about it too much. We'll actually be fairly gentle with those who have the guts to stay and admit they lost fair and square. It's only the "YOU DEMOCRATS CHEATED!!!!" crowd that we're going to be mocking for months.

I'll bet that very few conservatives leave the board. I myself will probably take a break. If obama wins there won't be much point in political discussion any more.

I've always said that Obama would win a 2nd term. You can't fix stupid after all.

yet almost all your posts hedged "If Romney wins" "If Obama loses"
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