The Vagaries of Free Speech

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
We value and we have free speech in America. Lots of peoples and nations around the world seem to desire it too, but like democracy and self-government it gets very messy in practice.

The framers of the US Constitution had a little first hand experience with this dilemma people face when the free speech runs counter to everything you may believe in and hold dear...:eusa_whistle:

Main Entry: va·ga·ry

Pronunciation: \ˈvā-gə-rē; və-ˈger-ē, vā-; also ˈva-gə-rē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural va·ga·ries
Etymology: probably from Latin vagari to wander, from vagus wandering
Date: 1579

: an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion
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The framers of the US Constitution had a little first hand experience with this dilemma people face when the free speech runs counter to everything you may believe in and hold dear...:eusa_whistle:

A problem Dante will never have.
The framers of the US Constitution had a little first hand experience with this dilemma people face when the free speech runs counter to everything you may believe in and hold dear...:eusa_whistle:

A problem Dante will never have.

Poor Windy, still trolling with not much to say in the way of substance? Dante has defended most speech in the political arena. How many leftists have you called on to have silenced?
What did Thomas Jefferson pay dispicable slanderers to write about his ideological opponents? No wonder he supported free speech...his own. LOL.
This thread seems to be missing what we used to call "a point".


As a First Amendment purist, my eye was drawn to this thread by its title.

I'm looking forward to learning what the thread is about so that I might contribute to it.

This thread seems to be missing what we used to call "a point".


As a First Amendment purist, my eye was drawn to this thread by its title.

I'm looking forward to learning what the thread is about so that I might contribute to it.


Perhaps the problem is that a leftist is addressing a subject they actually know very little about, outside of the God-given, Constitutional right to publish porn.

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