The value of polls....Hillary Clinton has a 98 percent chance of winning

Except that they were quite accurate in the US presidential race, Hillary won the popular vote by 2% and the Washington post had her at 3% and falling 2 days before the election.

Then they were (1) dishonest or (2) foolish. We dont elect presidents by popular vote. Nor does any civilized nation directly elect its head of state/executive.
But whatever...wasnt me shocked on election day. It was you. They used the polls as weapons and still do. Whatever the polls said this is the headline they ran. This is how they played it.

Clinton holds clear advantage in new battleground polls

View attachment 141689

Actually many countries elect there head of state by popular vote... Ireland & France just off the top my head....

The polls measured the popular vote not the Electoral College... If Americans were allowed to vote equally clinton would be President...

But the Polls were not wrong...
Did you see the comments after the article??!? It's over! Trump has NO chance! Pack it in Trump! Hillary is our next President!!

Yes I did. And they were guided to that point by statements like these in the article...

"None of that negates the obstacles for Trump. If he were to win all the toss-up states, plus hold on to Georgia, ...he would still be 20 electoral votes short of the 270 needed to win. Were he to eke out an additional victory in North Carolina, which has 15 electoral votes, that still would not be enough....The new findings underscore the degree to which he is falling short in those Midwestern battlegrounds. He trails Clinton in Michigan 45 percent to 37 percent, in Pennsylvania 46 percent to 40 percent and in Wisconsin 43 percent to 38 percent."

I cannot say it enough. Polls are *weapons*. They are not information. Polls are intended to repress the vote before an election and demoralize the winners afterwards. Every time a Republican wins an election we get this "yeah but the polls show Americans really hate him instead".
Our response should be "hell with your polls get back with me when you win an election"
Actually many countries elect there head of state by popular vote... Ireland & France just off the top my head....

The polls measured the popular vote not the Electoral College... If Americans were allowed to vote equally clinton would be President...

But the Polls were not wrong...

Ireland and France are not "many" first of all. Secondly America combines the executive power with head of state. Neither of those do.

Be that as it may the Prime Minister of France, who wields executive power, is selected by the President of France. Not elected. (Also the French Senate is selected by an electoral college.)
The Prime Minister of Ireland, who also wields executive power, is appointed by the President of Ireland (who is Head of State) AFTER being nominated by the Parliament.

I is very rare for a country to elect its executive directly. I think Iran does. Maybe Mexico. But its hard to think of many that do especially when you consider the Head of State function.

And whether the polls were right and misinterpreted, wrong or dead wrong is not my point. Whatever the polls were they used as a cudgel to beat the heads of Americans in and convince them Hillary was the next President. They were used by the media, the propaganda arm of the DNC, to create headlines like this:

New York Times: Why Hillary Wins

And this

CNN: Key model predicts big election win for Clinton

And this

MSNBC: Scientist Predicts 99% Chance of Clinton Win

And this

Moody's Analytics predicts big Clinton win
The Moody's Analytics presidential election model, which has correctly predicted every election since 1980, says Hillary Clinton will win the presidency. Moody's Chief Economist Mark Zandi joins Lawrence O'Donnell to break down the Moody's projection

And this

How Hillary Clinton Is Going to Win Today (Time)

And on and on and on. You get the idea (even if you dont want to get the idea). But I am mostly speaking to my friends on the right. Never let polls influence. Particularly when reported by the liberal media. And especially when used to undermine an election.
The polls measured the popular vote not the Electoral College... If Americans were allowed to vote equally clinton would be President...

That is one of the stupider things I have read on here. American Presidents are elected by the Electoral College. The media didn't know this? You are saying they took a popular vote sample and then claimed it represented a win even though we dont use the popular vote?

So the polls were lies AND irrelevant because they sampled the wrong voting population. Yet we still had to listen to them day after day in the last month of the election.

Which brings me to my next question. All these idiotic polls which claim to show Trump dropping in that the popular vote or electoral vote they measure? Or even registered voters? Who knows?
All in DC probably.

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