The value of polls....Hillary Clinton has a 98 percent chance of winning

So what was the value of those 10,000 polls that all said that?

The polls never said that. You're retarded.
Dude the polls said that Hillary Clinton had a 98 to 99 PERCENT CHANCE OF WINNING. I am never wrong, and you are never right and retarded.

Wanna play more retard?

HuffPost on Twitter

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost

Nate Silver: Forecasts Showing Clinton With 99% Chance of Winning "Don't Pass Commonsense Test"

You lose, just like your witch hero

Next moron
1 You need to list 9997 more examples to prove your point.
2 Polls give the % of people voting for a particular candidate and those were pretty accurate.
3 ... and BTW he is sitting at 36% not 38% but even that seems high.

Actually I do not have to prove anything, my goal is to stimulate idiots, and I am doing quite well. As you demonstrate
2016 Wisconsin President: Trump vs. Clinton
Currently tracking 44 polls from 19 pollsters

Updated 7 months ago

Election on November 8, 2016

Customize this chart

This chart combines the latest opinion polls into trendlines using a poll-tracking model and is updated whenever a new poll is released.

HuffPost Model
Our model of the polls suggests Clinton was very likely leading. (In >99% of simulations, Clinton led Trump.)

Interesting. And this claim "our model of the polls suggests Clinton was very likely leading. (In >99% of simulations, Clinton led Trump.)"

The expectation of being able to push Hillary clinton over the finish line with shenanigans like this made it so much sweeter when Trump was sworn in.
Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 46.9 44.3 Clinton +2.6

4-Way RCP Average 45.1 42.2 Clinton +2.9

Favorability Ratings -13.1 -19.7 Clinton +6.6
Live Betting Odds 82.3 17.4
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 203 164 Clinton +39
No Toss Up States 301 237
Clinton Trump Spread
Florida 46.9 46.7 Clinton +0.2

Ohio 42.3 45.8 Trump +3.5

Pennsylvania 46.0 43.6 Clinton +2.4
New Hampshire 43.3 42.7 Clinton +0.6

North Carolina 45.4 46.8 Trump +1.4

Colorado 43.3 40.4 Clinton +2.9
Nevada 45.0 46.5 Trump +1.5

Electoral Map | No Toss Ups | Senate Map | Latest Poll

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

The possibility of a Trump victory continues to get more distant.

Well this guy was confident...mere hours before Trump kicked him in teeth.
And this hopeful, useful idiot...


RCP on PA (Find ONE poll that shows Trump leading in PA)

Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 10/27 - 11/1 -- -- 48.3 44.8 Clinton +3.5
Susquehanna* 10/31 - 11/1 681 LV 3.8 45 43 Clinton +2
Gravis 10/31 - 10/31 2606 RV 1.9 51 49 Clinton +2
Monmouth* 10/29 - 11/1 403 LV 4.9 48 44 Clinton +4
Remington Research (R)* 10/30 - 10/30 1249 LV 2.8 45 43 Clinton +2
Quinnipiac 10/27 - 11/1 612 LV 4.0 50 44 Clinton +6
CNN/ORC 10/27 - 11/1 799 LV 3.5 51 46 Clinton +5

OK found one.

Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania, wins U.S. presidency: NBC News
Why the polls are wrong about Trump. Again.

First, Trump is likely NOT at 40 percent approval with the American electorate. He is likely higher. Trump got 46.1 percent of the popular vote, several million votes less than Clinton did, but neither candidate got a majority. Six million voters opted for a libertarian candidate and most of those votes would never go to a liberal Democrat. And when all of the congressional votes were tallied, Republicans got 3 million more votes than the Democrats and won a majority of both the popular vote and of the seats in Congress.

The recent special election in Georgia came out about the same as the Trump/Hillary vote, with Republicans nosing out Democrats. As The Washington Post poll reported, a replay of the Trump/Hillary race would today come out more for Trump than Hillary.

So what is the disconnect between polls that show his job rating at 40 and the electoral results? The major network polls all now report “U.S adults” as the sampling frame, not people who voted in the last election or expect to vote in the next one. The non-voters include 11 million undocumented aliens and a lot of folks who liked neither candidate and stayed home, as well as younger people who have lower rates of participation. These polls should not be confused with the views of the American electorate.

Why the polls are wrong about Trump. Again.
Today polls are agenda driven, especially those supported by leftist interests. Leftists are always wrong anyway, so their polls are in accord.
Polls do not declare the odds of winning. Polls only collect data and publicize it.
We know that Reuters selectively polled San Francisco, Chicago and NYC and pretended it was a representation of American values. You almost gotta lugh that Reuters and most of the alphabet news bureaus polled the same audience and pretended that Hillary was 20 points up on the election. Fool me once or fool me twice, how many times can the left wing depend on dishonest polling data?
Clinton was up, AKA, she won the popular vote. That is something the Orange Menace will never live down - Americans didn't want him.
He won 30 states. And you need to retake a civics class on how a republic works.

Even more importantly, she should retake grade 2 basic math classes to understand that 30 is more than 20.
So what was the value of those 10,000 polls that all said that?

The polls never said that. You're retarded.
Dude the polls said that Hillary Clinton had a 98 to 99 PERCENT CHANCE OF WINNING. I am never wrong, and you are never right and retarded.

Wanna play more retard?

HuffPost on Twitter

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost

Nate Silver: Forecasts Showing Clinton With 99% Chance of Winning "Don't Pass Commonsense Test"

You lose, just like your witch hero

Next moron

They all used a premise that the winner of the popular vote would win the election...

Guess what, Hillary won the popular vote by 2%, that was well within the margins the polls were saying... Polls were accurate but the analysis was off...

Pollsters basically made one vital flaw, not all American voters are created equal...
We know that Reuters selectively polled San Francisco, Chicago and NYC and pretended it was a representation of American values. You almost gotta lugh that Reuters and most of the alphabet news bureaus polled the same audience and pretended that Hillary was 20 points up on the election. Fool me once or fool me twice, how many times can the left wing depend on dishonest polling data?
Clinton was up, AKA, she won the popular vote. That is something the Orange Menace will never live down - Americans didn't want him.
Yeah but Hillary didn't win more than 50% of the American popular vote and neither did Hussein or her husband or Reagan or Harry Truman. The point is that we have to accept the electoral vote results or NY and Ca. would be electing the president.

What is wrong with treating all Americans equally?
Polls are not information. They are weapons. They are used to demoralize the opposition and to give legitimacy to the elites trying to undo elections..
And no they dont give a damn that the polls were inaccurate last year...or that the polls said Al Gore was winning...or that the polls said John Kerry was winning. They served their purpose as weapons in the fake news arsenal.
The media and Democrat elites dont believe them. No Republican believes them. The only ones who hang on every poll (excepting actual ballots of course...those they deride) are the rank and file Democrats parroting them.

But they can greatly damage Congress' WILL to work with President Trump if his poll numbers are low & that hurts us as a country & could hurt Trump himself!!

Plus don't forget most of these polls wildly oversample Democrats! The latest poll at 36% was a D+12 poll! If it was an R+12 poll Trump's approval would be around 50%!

Link Please...

By the way at the moment Democrats are a good 8 points higher than the GOP...
Cell phones killed the polling industry. They're FAKE POLLS, actually VERY FAKE POLLS.

Pure propaganda.

A lot of people do not have landlines, and of those that do, how many answer them?

Not many......

Cell phones + Participation bias + non-response bias = VERY FAKE POLLS.

Bet the farm!!!

Except that they were quite accurate in the US presidential race, Hillary won the popular vote by 2% and the Washington post had her at 3% and falling 2 days before the election.
Cell phones killed the polling industry. They're FAKE POLLS, actually VERY FAKE POLLS.

Pure propaganda.

A lot of people do not have landlines, and of those that do, how many answer them?

Not many......

Cell phones + Participation bias + non-response bias = VERY FAKE POLLS.

Bet the farm!!!

Except that they were quite accurate in the US presidential race, Hillary won the popular vote by 2% and the Washington post had her at 3% and falling 2 days before the election.

But they were HORRIBLY off where it COUNTS, on the electoral college! Most everyone had Hillary getting over 300 electoral votes!

Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » Our Final 2016 picks
Except that they were quite accurate in the US presidential race, Hillary won the popular vote by 2% and the Washington post had her at 3% and falling 2 days before the election.

Then they were (1) dishonest or (2) foolish. We dont elect presidents by popular vote. Nor does any civilized nation directly elect its head of state/executive.
But whatever...wasnt me shocked on election day. It was you. They used the polls as weapons and still do. Whatever the polls said this is the headline they ran. This is how they played it.

Clinton holds clear advantage in new battleground polls

Last edited:
This problem will be much worse in 2018 when the voter fraud commission reports prior to the election.
Except that they were quite accurate in the US presidential race, Hillary won the popular vote by 2% and the Washington post had her at 3% and falling 2 days before the election.

Then they were (1) dishonest or (2) foolish. We dont elect presidents by popular vote. Nor does any civilized nation directly elect its head of state/executive.
But whatever...wasnt me shocked on election day. It was you. They used the polls as weapons and still do. Whatever the polls said this is the headline they ran. This is how they played it.

Clinton holds clear advantage in new battleground polls

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Did you see the comments after the article??!? It's over! Trump has NO chance! Pack it in Trump! Hillary is our next President!!

:bsflag: :disagree: :laugh2: :rofl:

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