The value of polls....Hillary Clinton has a 98 percent chance of winning

the thread title should be

the value of an FBI director reopening an investigation one week before an election


investigations are going to bite Trump in his old, tired ass.

oh wait, they already have.

No bites yet no evidence yet, and no, they are just proving the liberal dimshtscum perpetuate lies, and don't care about the people of this country or its future.

so why did Trump ask if could pardon himself and his family ?
Yeah been pretty solid for almost 250 years now. What is wrong with it now?

In the Marxist mind this is what is wrong with it...

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government — lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."
— Patrick Henry

And this...

In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”
— Thomas Jefferson

And no, neither Washington nor Jefferson thought the Constitution had a shelf life. Just another lie. They worried about it being overthrown but intended that it would last. Madison said "for the ages". Here is what the men who wrote it themselves wrote into it as to how long it would last...

" Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Posterity (noun)
1) All of the offspring of a given progenitor.
2) All future generations.
Hillary Clinton.......10% Sasquatch 10% Senile 25% Doesn't Recall Anything that has happened in her life 55% Needs to retire
So what was the value of those 10,000 polls that all said that? Well the truth is that a pile of bullshit has more value than those polls, since bullshit when turned into the soil will grow some really nice tomatoes. And since the CNN and MSNBC polls were worthless, bullshit has more value as does a bushel of tomatoes.

So the polls that say Trump is at 38 percent, have no value except in your delusional mind.

And, she won.
Like I said, delusional
We know that Reuters selectively polled San Francisco, Chicago and NYC and pretended it was a representation of American values. You almost gotta lugh that Reuters and most of the alphabet news bureaus polled the same audience and pretended that Hillary was 20 points up on the election. Fool me once or fool me twice, how many times can the left wing depend on dishonest polling data?
Clinton was up, AKA, she won the popular vote. That is something the Orange Menace will never live down - Americans didn't want him.
Do Americans want you..................Elmo???????????????????????????
the thread title should be

the value of an FBI director reopening an investigation one week before an election


investigations are going to bite Trump in his old, tired ass.

oh wait, they already have.

No bites yet no evidence yet, and no, they are just proving the liberal dimshtscum perpetuate lies, and don't care about the people of this country or its future.

so why did Trump ask if could pardon himself and his family ?

He should, then expose Mike Obama's cock
the thread title should be
the value of an FBI director reopening an investigation one week before an election

Wasn't that the excuse before the Russian one was invented? Keep up.
So what was the value of those 10,000 polls that all said that? Well the truth is that a pile of bullshit has more value than those polls, since bullshit when turned into the soil will grow some really nice tomatoes. And since the CNN and MSNBC polls were worthless, bullshit has more value as does a bushel of tomatoes.

So the polls that say Trump is at 38 percent, have no value except in your delusional mind.

And, she won.

No she lost and the total popular vote too.
The lawful votes of living citizens she lost but the popular vote as counted she won.
So what was the value of those 10,000 polls that all said that? Well the truth is that a pile of bullshit has more value than those polls, since bullshit when turned into the soil will grow some really nice tomatoes. And since the CNN and MSNBC polls were worthless, bullshit has more value as does a bushel of tomatoes.

So the polls that say Trump is at 38 percent, have no value except in your delusional mind.

And, she won.

No she lost and the total popular vote too.
The lawful votes of living citizens she lost but the popular vote as counted she won.
Hillary Clinton proved that cigarette smoking and beer drinking rots peoples minds.

Hillary Clinton did not win anything.

But you go right on stomping

We love you like the goat that is slamming cars
So what was the value of those 10,000 polls that all said that? Well the truth is that a pile of bullshit has more value than those polls, since bullshit when turned into the soil will grow some really nice tomatoes. And since the CNN and MSNBC polls were worthless, bullshit has more value as does a bushel of tomatoes.

So the polls that say Trump is at 38 percent, have no value except in your delusional mind.

Zero polls predicted Hillary to win the Presidency. Polls only predict the popular vote, which she won.
Polls are not information. They are weapons. They are used to demoralize the opposition and to give legitimacy to the elites trying to undo elections..
And no they dont give a damn that the polls were inaccurate last year...or that the polls said Al Gore was winning...or that the polls said John Kerry was winning. They served their purpose as weapons in the fake news arsenal.
The media and Democrat elites dont believe them. No Republican believes them. The only ones who hang on every poll (excepting actual ballots of course...those they deride) are the rank and file Democrats parroting them.

The final polls had Bush winning in 2004.
So what was the value of those 10,000 polls that all said that? Well the truth is that a pile of bullshit has more value than those polls, since bullshit when turned into the soil will grow some really nice tomatoes. And since the CNN and MSNBC polls were worthless, bullshit has more value as does a bushel of tomatoes.

So the polls that say Trump is at 38 percent, have no value except in your delusional mind.

Zero polls predicted Hillary to win the Presidency. Polls only predict the popular vote, which she won.
Wrong they predicted an electoral college victory for Clinton. Are you stupid?

Oh yea you are screaming your idiocy.

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost
So what was the value of those 10,000 polls that all said that?

The polls never said that. You're retarded.

Ignore another indoctrinated liberal poster of misinformation, and repeat disproved propaganda.

If you can cite one national poll that stated in its results that Hillary Clinton had a 98% chance of winning,

do so.
The Princeton Election Consortium

The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday

Seriously are you people retarded or just mentally ill in some other way

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